Keyboard Shortcuts

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Revision as of 18:28, 15 October 2013 by imported>Giacom (Added alt clicking)
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Keyboard shortcuts so you spend less time fiddling with our god-awful GUI.

  • Shift+Clicking anything to Examine it.
  • Alt+Clicking anything to open a new tab with a list of all the items, that are on the clicked tile.
  • Control+Up/Down in your text bar will shift through the history of everything you've entered here.
  • Control+Clicking makes you pull an object or person you're standing next to.
  • End or Ctrl+W to toggle Throw mode.
  • Page Down or Ctrl+A to use the object in your active hand
  • Middle Mouse Button, Page Up , Ctrl+S or Numpad 9 to switch your active hand
  • Home , Ctrl+D or Numpad 7 to drop the item in your active hand
  • Insert or Numpad 0 to cycle through Intents
  • Delete to stop pulling
  • F12 to toggle minimal HUD
  • Spacebar while entering commands auto-completes them.
  • Tab to toggle between movement and command mode. While in movement mode, WASD will move your character.

Shortcuts for AIs

AI players get a different set of shortcuts to use.

  • Shift+Clicking controls a door's open/closed state.
  • Control+Clicking a door controls it's bolts.
  • Control+Clicking an APC controls it's on/off state.
  • Alt+Clicking controls a door's electrify state.
  • Double Clicking Turf makes you instantly jump there.
  • Double Clicking People makes you start instantly tracking them.


Hotkey-mode can be toggled on by pressing the Tab-key.

  • W, A, S, D = Move your character
  • Q = Drop
  • E = Equip
  • R = Throw
  • T = Say (opens a new input window)
  • F = Cycle intents left
  • G = Cycle intents right
  • Z = Activate held object
  • X = Swap hands
  • 1 = Help intent
  • 2 = Disarm intent
  • 3 = Grab intent
  • 4 = Harm intent

These also work with the normal mode if you press down Ctrl.

E.g. Ctrl+1 = Help intent, even without the hotkey-mode toggled on.