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Revision as of 23:53, 14 October 2015 by imported>Anonus (todo: more notes)
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General Locations

Locations on the wiki reflect the rooms on the BoxStation-map, but the same jobs, and therefore also the same rooms mostly exist on other station maps as well. Here's a list of the rooms/locations:

<tabs style='clear: both;'> <tab name="Station">

Locations on the Station
General Service Medical Supply Research Engineering Security Command Upkeep

</tab> <tab name="EVA">

Notable Offstation Locations
Mining Space

</tab> </tabs>

Map Rotation

The server currently uses a unique map rotation feature that will swap between maps based on player map preferences, these being located in your character setup page. The game is weighed to use Boxstation as the default station but will, depending on player preferences and how long the current round has lasted, have a higher chance to use another map.

The current, and next selected, map information are located in the 'Status' tab.

In Rotation Maps

These maps are currently in rotation, and can be selected and played on.


Map Image Information Additional Points
BoxStation is widely regarded as the "official" map of SS13. It may be confusing at first, but it is actually neatly organized, so that every department gets their own wing. The Command Sector is in a centralized location, holding the Bridge, the Gravity Generator and the AI Upload. Other departments extend out into various wings around the command sector. Notes
  • The map has ran consistently on /tg/station since 2010.
  • The station is heavily central on the right wing -- all the action happens there.
  • There are several small crevices to perform distasteful acts.
  • Maintenance is designed to provide an outer shell to most of the station.


Map Image Information Additional Points
MetaStation is a fully-functioning map available on the /tg/ codebase as an alternative to the default map, BoxStation. It is currently running on Basil, /tg/'s second server, and has run several times on Sybil. It was the default map on Badger, an older /tg/ server, an older version of the map was running on NoxStation for a while, and two forked variants of the map are playable on /vg/ and Paradise Station. The has been tested extensively and has been generally well received. It is largely maintained and updated by Metacide, though it uses the work of many others, and has been worked on by various other people who have updated and maintained the map over its history. Notes
  • The only change is the layout - functionality is the same.
  • It feels much more open, attacks in public are harder to get away with.
  • It has a much larger maintenance system, useful for stealthier tactics.
  • There are in-game maps on the walls of the station to help you find your way.
  • The escape shuttle is larger, with a cargo hold to bring valuable gear with you.
  • Feedback is welcomed in this thread on the tgstation forums.


Map Image Information Additional Points
MiniStation is a map designed for low population servers, with simplified jobs, maps, duties and command structure. Notes
  • The map plays best with 5-20 players.
  • Many significant jobs have been merged or altogether removed.
  • The general layout allows for evenly spread out departments, meaning all parts of the station are active.
  • Some vital equipment may be found only in maintenance.
  • The asteroid field in on the same z-level as the station.
  • There is no atmospherics department on the map.
  • The map uses the TEG engine, and a guide to its use is included in the map.
  • Feedback is welcomed in this thread on the tgstation forums.


Map Image Information Additional Points
Dreamstation is based around very long corridors, of which you can accidentally be shot at by a unknown assailant! (Usually the Clown) Notes
  • The map plays best with 40+ players
  • The only change is the layout - functionality is the same.
  • Feedback is welcomed in this thread on the tgstation forums.

Out of Rotation Maps

These maps are currently, due to a range of reasons, currently not on rotation.


Map Image Information Additional Points
AsteroidStation is a Nanotrasen facility embedded into a gigantic asteroid. It has been generally well received. (The station is currently out of rotation due to mapping errors and similar problems) Notes
  • The map plays best with 30+ players.
  • The layout of the map is designed to accommodate to the central engine.
  • Consequently, the map is much, much larger with long, sprawling hallways.
  • Maintenance is very large and open, with several secret rooms to find.
  • All jobs have local maintenance access to their nearest public hallway.
  • Atmospherics and power have local "checkpoints" to prevent sabotage.
  • Feedback is welcomed in this thread on the tgstation forums.


Map Image Information Additional Points
Discstation is based around providing a more blank slate for the crew to work with, as well as wider corridors and each department being centralized. (This station is currently out of rotation due to runtime errors, the station should be back on rotation soon(tm)) Notes

Efficiency Station

Map Image Information Additional Points
Efficiency Station focuses on efficiency between its departments. (The station is out of rotation indefinitely due to it no longer being actively maintained) Notes
  • The map is oriented at making the mining > chemistry > RnD > robotics process simpler.
  • Most rooms on the map are designed to allow the most creativity with the least room.
  • Maintenance is designed to wrap around the station and intrude upon and add access to it in key areas.
  • Atmospherics pipes as well as wires run almost exclusively through maintenance.
  • The holodeck is now in a very public - and very dangerous - area of the station.
  • Many important areas, like the vault and EVA, are now much less secure.
  • Feedback is welcomed in this thread on the tgstation forums.