Access:Old Station Additional Access: Depends on role Difficulty: Medium Supervisors: Central Command, probably Duties: Survive on your derelict station and restore it to what it once was. Guides: Right here, also consider reading the Guide to Engineering. Quote:"How the actual fuck did Alpha Station get vaporised?”
Starting Guide
Hello there! You’re finally awake and your station is fucked. In terms of repair, there’s a lot to do. First, turn on the Aux Power Generator, disable SMES output, and charge it up. While it’s filling, go repair solars with the crates in the southeast maint room. Also consider getting more uranium from the SME room in Beta Station for the SUPERPACMAN. While you’re there, cut off the SME output cable and connect it to the solars array with catwalks. The old RTGs will keep the emitter up and ready. Now, check on the Aux Power Generator, and if it’s off, set SMES output to 90, turn it on, then once power is restored set the solars to auto, and calibrate. Now to tackle the xenos. Take the tube to Delta, take the gun from the prototype room, and clear them out from the protolathe room. Recharge, preferably get a flamethrower and fuel, and begin the gruelling process of AI chamber cleanup. Once that’s done, great! Just do something to get ghosts to use the other sleepers, and from there, do what you want! There’s a basic xenobio lab in the east, so figure that out!
Of course, a century-old station has items. Most of them is just regular items, but with old sprites. This is a small list of them.
Engineering Voidsuit
Found in: Delta Station Used for: Staying in Space. Strategy: Protects you from harsh space conditions, just like EVA Suit.
A CentCom engineering dark red space suit. Age has degraded the suit making it difficult to move around in.
Ancient Medkit
Found in: Beta Station Used for: Carrying medicine for the most common injuries Strategy: Use the contents to heal patients
Useful for most cases (brute and burn damage) you will witness on the station. Even the most basic assistant can bring many people back from the brink of death with the help of this kit.
Prototype Energy Gun
Found in: Charlie Station Security room Used for: Subjugating criminals and/or eliminating threats. Strategy: Toggle the mode (stun and kill) you want and fire at the target.
NT-P:01 Prototype Energy Gun. Early stage development of a unique laser rifle that has multifaceted energy lens allowing the gun to alter the form of projectile it fires on command.
Damage = 10 brute on melee and 20 burn on shot if turned to the "kill" setting.
A strangely translucent and iridescent crystal that looks like it used to be part of a larger structure.
Worn Insulated Gloves
Found in: Charlie Engineers spawn with this instead of regular Insulated Gloves Used for: Illusion of protection Strategy: Worn insulated gloves will help you die with a cable in your hands.
Old and worn out insulated gloves, hopefully they still work.
Prototype MODsuit - An outdated MODsuit, has a kinesis module and lights. Pretty slow and nearly no armour though.
Rusty Blue Toolbox
Found in: Charlie Station solar room Used for: Contains tools which you'll need when fixing or breaking electrical equipment Strategy: The electrical toolbox is good to have for repairing the station.
Danger. Very robust.
Prototype Health Analyzer
Found in: Delta Station Used for: Determining the patient's damage Strategy: Use it on your patient and see readings
A prototype hand-held body scanner able to distinguish vital signs of the subject.
Ordinary left-click. It doesn't matter if Combat ModeEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm them if on, or Help them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not. Has two modes toggled by activating it in hand:
A health scan which is described above.
A wound scanner which checks for special wounds and tells you how to treat them.
Ordinary right-click. It doesn't matter if Combat ModeEnable with 4, disable with 1 or toggle with F by default. Left-clicking people with an empty hand will Harm them if on, or Help them if off. Prevents you from switching places or being pushed when colliding with people. is on or not. A chemical scan which shows current reagents in the patient and if they are overdosing or addicted.
Charlie Station ID card - A special ID card, worn by the old crew.