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Maximum Health

Low Health

Health, in general, measures how much damage you can take before dying. If the sum of your damage lowers your health to 0, you will fall in critical status. Further damage will lower health into negative numbers; you'll die if you reach the opposite of your max health.

Health is not precisely visible normally; all you have is a green pulse that gets redder and smaller when you get hurt. You will also have a Health Doll, which shows which limbs have been hurt. To heal from damage with sutures, meshes, bruise packs, or ointment, you'll have to target the hurt limbs first.

Health Analyzers can be used to obtain a detailed readout of the health of a humanoid, showing precisely how much of each type of damage has been taken, and where. It will also tell in broad terms if the target is suffering from special damage types. Advanced health analyzers, available from the CMO or printed after research, can show detailed info like cellular damage, stamina damage, or organ damage.

Health Scanner HUDs are a special type of glasses that will show a lifebar on top of all living beings. The bar will go from full to empty when going from alive to crit; when in crit, the bar will start flashing red, with the flashes becoming more frequent as the target approaches death.

By default, humans and humanoids have 100 health (and consequently up to -100 crit health).


Most humanoids have blood. The base amount is 560cc, which generally remains at that level. Blood can be drawn and injected with syringes and IV drips, can be lost from wounds and regenerated through chemicals. Blood regenerates slowly over time, and regenerates faster the better fed you are. Water, iron, and nutriment are easy ways to restore lost blood

There are also blood types, which follow the general real world rules. Lizardpeople have a special bloodtype, marked L, which can only receive from and donate to the L blood type. Ethereals have liquid electricity as their blood, and can only give and receive that type. Plasmamen have no blood. See the table below to see which blood types can receive which. Red is the donor.

A+ A- B+ B- AB+ AB- 0+ 0- L
Receiver A+ Y Y N N N N Y Y N
A- N Y N N N N N Y N
B+ N N Y Y N N Y Y N
B- N N N Y N N N Y N
0+ N N N N N N Y Y N
0- N N N N N N N Y N

Damage Types

To restore lost health the specific type of damage dealt must be fixed. If you take 40 total damage of any types you get slowed down.

Main Damage Types

There are five types of damage that affect your overall health (HP), and some other forms of damage which does not directly harm it. See the Guide to medicine for suggestions on how to heal different types of damage.


Brute damage is the most common: it's caused by being hit with physical weapons, pressure or lack thereof, explosions, acid, surgery, and so on.

A side effect of brute damage is Bleeding: once you take enough brute damage, you'll start bleeding out in proportion to the damage taken. Bleeding can be noticed by drops of blood falling off your character periodically. Dragging someone with too much brute in crit will rapidly drain their blood


The second most common damage, Burn damage is usually dealt by lasers, hot weapons like welding tools, electric shocks, explosions, and fire. Damage dealt by cold is also taken as burn damage.

Burn damage cannot cause bleeding, but corpses affected by enough burn damage become husks, becoming hard to identify.


The least common (normal) damage is Toxin damage. It's caused mainly by, obviously, toxins, and miscellaneous poisoning. Ethereal starvation, certain gasses, and infection can all cause toxin harm

Unlike burn or brute damage, toxin damage leaves no physical marks, making it invisible to bystanders examining you. It can still be detected by using a Health Analyzer. You can't directly detect the presence of toxins on yourself without one either, but you can usually tell by checking the health bar on the health scanner HUD, or from the fact that you are slowed down without being hurt in other ways.


Also known as suffocation, or oxyloss, oxygen damage is taken when not breathing, or by some special toxins.
Oxyloss, unlike other forms of damage, will heal quickly over time if you're breathing, making it generally not too threatening on its own. However, it still counts as normal damage when calculating crit and death, so continued lack of breathing will still end up being lethal. If you take 50 or more suffocation damage, you pass out.

Accumulating too much oxygen damage also causes you to occasionally pass out, making it harder to get to a safe spot or acquire internals.


Cellular damage was removed from /tg/station in December 2023.

Expand to view the removed content.

Special Damage Types


Stamina damage (also called holodamage) is basically "fake" damage: it will change your health icon as if it was real damage, but it's not calculated for crit or death. If you gain over 40 stamina damage you get slowed just like with normal damage. However, if the body takes 100+ stamina damage total you'll get inflicted with a special variety of paralyze for some time, a stamcrit which works separately from ordinary paralyze. This paralyze can not be reduced with "stun time reduction" chems or abilities, but stun immunities will still make you immune to it. The moment you enter stamcrit you take 30 extra stamina damage. Maximum stamina damage to chest is 120. Stamina does not stack with normal damage when calculating slowdown and stamcrit thresholds.
Additional info:

  • Limbs can take stamina damage too. If a limb takes over 50 stamina damage it will become disabled until it regenerates. Limbs only take 75% stamina damage.
  • Normally caused by disablers and similar weapons, damage from holograms made by the holodeck, some toxins, and hallucinations.
  • Stamina damage (including stamcrit) will be instantly purged 10 seconds after last time you took such damage. Your stamina-critical state (paralyze) will also end if you regenerate to under 100 stamina damage.
  • Stamcrit time can not be reduced with stun reduction drugs, unless they make you regenerate to under 100 stamina damage.


Brain damage can be caused by hits to the head, some chemicals and toxins, the chaplain with his bible, and some diseases.

By itself it does nothing, but taking brain damage has a chance of inflicting Brain Traumas. This chance scales both with the amount of damage taken by the hit and the brain damage you already have.

Brain Traumas can be Mild, Severe or Special. See the Guide to Traumas for info about how to cure different traumas.

If brain damage reaches extremely high levels (200 hp) you'll die of brain death. You can still fix this by splashing some Mannitol on the brain. It will heal its damage instantly.


Bleeding is generally caused by brute damage or wounds, and rarely by embedded objects or heparin. When bleeding, your blood volume decreases over time. When it starts getting low, you'll start seeing messages like "You start to feel tired...". If it gets even lower, you'll start rapidly taking oxygen damage, proportionally to the amount of blood lost. Injecting epi pens, applying gauze to wounds, grabbing wounds by targeting them with an empty hand and ctrl clicking, lying down, and taking chems like iron or saline glucose can all help fight bloodloss.

If your blood volume gets too low, you'll die even if you managed to stave off the oxygen damage.


Radiation can be accumulated through genetics testing, radiation storms, staying too close to the supermatter, fusion and its nuclear particles as well as hot tritium (probably due to atmos techs), or by certain weapons and traitor devices. Once you have radiation, you slowly take toxin damage and occasionally take spikes of burn damage along with a burn wound. Staying under a shower prevents these spikes, but doesn't treat the problem! While items can turn green, this does not pose any risk and is purely cosmetic.


While these are better covered here, Wounds are a special kind of harm received when you take too strong of damage from a single source. There are four types, being piercing, slashing, blunt, and burn. Each of them have their own problems and methods of treatment, and in higher stages they can be extremely lethal through extra damage or blood loss.

Organ Damage

Fully covered in this page, but organ damage is the most varied of the damage types you can take. Each organ has its own penalties for damage, but every organ but the eyes, ears, and stomach will quickly cause damage until death upon failure.
The main way to get organ damage is through decay while dead, but some have special ways like flashbangs for the ears and alcohol for the liver. Most organs have special surgeries or chems to heal them, but others simply need replacement or removal.

Critical Status

Critical Health

Also referred to as Crit, critical status happens when you fall below 0 health. This essentially means that you are barely alive, and are on the verge of death. Reaching this means you you will most likely require assistance from another crewmember to have a chance of living. Ask to be injected with an Epinephrine pen to keep your health from decaying!

There are two kinds of critical status, which are nicknamed Softcrit and Hardcrit. After losing around 100 hp (changes depending on mood) you enter softcrit. You are severely hurt and are close to passing out; all you can do in this state is slowly crawl and whisper, which can help you hide or get away to saftey.

After reaching -50 HP, you will enter Hardcrit. You are still technically alive, but you are effectively helpless: you'll be deaf, mute, blind and unable to move or act. You'll also start slowly suffocating, meaning that eventually you will die if nobody saves you. Whispering (#) while in hardcrit will allow you to whisper a short message in your last breath to those who are close to you; however, doing so will kill you instantly.

Deathgasp (*deathgasp) can also be used while in crit (or at anytime). It's an emote that mimics your death message, which may fool bystanders (or your killer) into thinking you died, buying you some time.



The final stage. This occurs once you've reached -100 health. You are completely unable to do anything in this stage and will have to wait to be revived, usually by defibrillators.

Otherwise, enjoy spectating the round as a Ghost, or take one of the Ghost Roles. There are also special opportunities and events where ghosts can enter a round again as another role or antagonist. All of these are separate lives, and you cannot use knowledge gained in a previous life while playing them.

Simple Animals

Simple animals handle health in a simpler way: They have a health value, which is displayed to the player as a percentage in the Status tab on the right. Any damage taken will lower the health value, which in most cases can be healed by sutures, bruise packs, or in rare cases self-healing. Simple animals cannot ingest or be injected with chems, will not breathe in toxic air (though are still harmed by heat/cold and pressure!), are immune to radiation, cannot receive wounds, do not separate brute and burn damage, and are otherwise immune to most things that affect humans like disease
Monkeys are not simplemobs and have human-like health