Chemistry/Undesired reagents

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To see the rest of the reagents available on /tg/station, go to Guide to chemistry

Impure / Inverse / Failed Chemicals

These chemicals can only be created from inoptimal reactions.

Name Description Chemical properties
Chemical Isomers

Impure reagent
pH: 3

Impure chemical isomers made from inoptimal reactions. Causes mild liver damage Rate: 0.1u/tick
Toxic monomers

Inverse reagent
pH: 2

This is the 'default' inverse reagent. Inverse reagents are created when a reagent's purity is below it's inverse threshold. The are created either during ingestion - which will then replace their associated reagent, or some can be created during the reaction process. This does 1 toxin damage per tick. Rate: 0.4u/tick
Viscous sludge

Impurity: Water
pH: 1.5

A off smelling sludge that's created when a reaction gets too impure. Rate: 0.4u/tick
Insolvent medicinal precipitate

Impure reagent
pH: 11

A viscous mess of various medicines. Will heal a damage type at random Rate: 1u/tick



Inverse reagent
pH: 14

This rare and forbidden concoction is thought to bring you closer to the grasp of the Norse goddess Hel. Sends Hel's hands after whomever has the hubris to consume it. Will often cause the crew to start screaming about Heretics due to their visual similarity to the Hands of the Mansus. The hands will deal 5 burn damage, reduced by armor. Additionally, it will also deal 0.25 toxin damage per tick. Rate: 1u/tick

Impure reagent
pH: 13.5

Temporarily interferes a patient's ability to process alcohol, making them more susceptible to its effects. Rate: 0.1u/tick

Weak medicine

Metabolic Inhibition Factor

Impure reagent
pH: 1

This enzyme catalyzes crashes the conversion of nutritious food into healing peptides. Overdosing causes it to metabolize at 1.6u/tick, instead. Rate: 0.025u/tick

OD: 10u
Weak medicine


Impure reagent
pH: 3

A highly addicitive muscle relaxant that is made when Lenturi reactions go wrong, this will cause the patient to move slowly. Rate: 0.1u/tick



Impure reagent
pH: 1.7

Prolonged exposure to this chemical can cause an overwhelming urge to itch oneself. Rate: 0.4u/tick

Weak medicine


Impure reagent
pH: 3.1

This reagent is known to interfere with the eyesight of a patient. Rate: 0.1u/tick

Weak medicine


Inverse reagent
pH: 0.8

This reagent causes a dramatic raise in a patient's body temperature. Specifically, chem temperature is raised by a number between 5 and 25, multiplied by the purity of the reagent. Body temperature is raised by this number, with an added 50%. Keep in mind that chemicals and the body return to a normal temperature over time, and this is accelerated the further from normal you are. Lastly, if applied through vapor, body temperature is raised by 1.5 times the volume that you are exposed to in that tick, and will add fire stacks following: exposed volume divided by 2, if you are on fire. Overdosing causes the liver to take roughly 2 damage per tick, and to heat both chemicals and the body even faster. Rate: 0.4u/tick

OD: 25u
Weak medicine

Super Melatonin

Inverse reagent
pH: 12.5

Every tick, this has a 50% chance to cause you to yawn. After 10 cycles, causes you to fall asleep. When the reagent is no longer present in a body, the affected person will let out a hearty snore, as a subtle tell the effect is ending. Uniquely, a 25% boost to all healing from medicines in the patient while they are asleep is applied. Rate: 0.4u/tick

Weak medicine
Works on the dead


Inverse reagent
pH: 3.82

This reagent is known to coat the inside of a patient's lungs, providing greater protection against hot or cold air. Specifically, the thresholds for the different levels of damage from both hot and cold air are multiplied by 1.5 times the purity of the reagent. Rate: 0.4u/tick

Weak medicine

Technetium 99

Inverse reagent
pH: 2

A radioactive tracer agent that can improve a scanner's ability to detect internal organ damage, giving numerical health values of each organ. Also upgrades any health to advanced while it is present. This will deal 1 toxin damage every 10 seconds. Rate: 0.3u/tick

Impure reagent
pH: 2

This reagent reduces the purity of all non medicines within the patient, reducing their effects by 20%. Rate: 0.4u/tick

Weak medicine
Works on the dead


Inverse reagent
pH: 0.5

A toxin treating reagent, that only is effective if it's the only reagent present in the patient. Heals 0 to 2 toxin/tick depending on its purity, however if there are any other reagents in the body other than monover it will deal 0.5 lung damage per tick instead. Rate: 0.4u/tick

Weak medicine


Inverse reagent
pH: 14

A reagent that is known to stimulate the heart in a dead patient, temporarily bringing back recently dead patients at great cost to their heart. When working on someone that's back from the dead, the metabolization rate is instead 0.2u/tick.

While this reagent is within a patient it will keep them alive and damage their heart, but make them temporarily unable to die and enter crit. As they take more damage they move slower and attack slower, and if they get over 500 damage before the reagent is through them their heart will explode at the end. Overdosing blows up the heart of those affected if the reagent was used to bring them back from the dead. Requires a functional heart to work.

Rate: 0.05u/tick

OD: 20u
Strong medicine
Works on the dead


Inverse reagent
pH: 14

Freezes the live or dead patient in a cryostasis ice block, putting them in stasis for a short period of time, and making them unable to be affected by damage except explosions that would gib them. Does 1 toxin damage every tick. Rate: 1u/tick

Works on the dead


Impure reagent
pH: 3.3

This reagent is known to swap the handedness of a patient, causing items held by the patient to swap between their left and right hands. Additionally deals 0.4 liver damage per tick. Rate: 0.1u/tick

Impure reagent
pH: 7

An extremely gross substance that induces vomiting. It is produced when Lipolicide reactions are impure. Rate: 0.05u/tick

Impure reagent
pH: 7

A light, colourless liquid with a distinct smell. Ingestion can lead to blindness. It is a byproduct of organisms processing impure Formaldehyde. Rate: 0.05u/tick

Impure reagent
pH: 7

An oily, colorless and slightly toxic liquid. It is produced when impure choral hydrate is broken down inside an organism. Rate: 0.05u/tick

Impure reagent
pH: 7

A strange, blue liquid that is produced during impure mindbreaker toxin reactions. Ingesting it will cause the user to do poetry.

Can also be found in plums.

Rate: 0.1u/tick

Impure reagent
pH: 12.4

Gives the patient a temporary speech impediment which lasts until the reagent is removed from the patient. Rate: 0.1u/tick

Weak medicine


Inverse reagent
pH: 13.4

Induces a temporary brain trauma in the patient by redirecting neuron activity. The trauma lasts as long as they have their reagent in their system. Rate: 0.025u/tick



Inverse reagent
pH: 13.5

Interferes with the body's natural pacemaker, forcing the patient to manually beat their heart. Every failure to beat the heart will remove 100 blood from them. 5 consecutive failures will result in immediate death. Rate: 1u/tick

Weak medicine
Works on the dead


Inverse reagent
pH: 2

Promotes alcoholic substances within the patients body, making alcohols in a body more potent. Making it an effective reagent to spike someone's drink with! The longer it's in their system, the stronger the alcohol will become. This chemical does not show up on any form of reagent analysis when inside of a body, such as the reagent scan of a health analyzer. Rate: 0.05u/tick

Weak medicine


Inverse reagent
pH: 13

Temporarily blinds the patient while it's in their system. The odds of the blindness starting is 1 - creation purity every tick this is inside of someone. Blindness lasts until the chem has finished metabolizing. Because of how the odds work, lower purities of this chemical are better if you intend to blind someone, and this chemical will have no effect at 100% purity. Rate: 0.2u/tick

Weak medicine


Impure reagent
pH: 1

Makes the patient's hearing temporarily funky, making things they hear sound funny. Rate: 0.04u/tick


Benzoic Acid

Inverse reagent
pH: 3.4

Robust fertilizer that moderately improves a plant's health, production speed, potency and yield. Rate: 0.4u/tick

Inverse reagent
pH: 12.2

This reagent is an anabolic steroid that promotes the growth of muscle during and after exercise. Overdosing users experience proximal muscle weakness, causing the body to jitter, overheat, and lose stamina over time. Rarely causes blood vomiting during an overdose. Rate: 0.4u/tick

OD: 25u


Inverse reagent
pH: 4.5

Vasodilates the patient's blood vessels, making them very susceptible to receiving slashing and piercing wounds. Rate: 0.08u/tick

Inverse reagent
pH: 3.7

A deadly reagent that purges basic toxin medications and worsens radiation poisoning if present. Purges Seiver, Potassium Iodide and Multiver at 5u per tick. While irradiated, patients will jitter frequently, build disgust, and occasionally get confused. Rate: 0.25u/tick

Inverse reagent
pH: 13.6

Promotes heart and stomach healing within a patient, and heals minor toxin damage in the process. Reverses heart and stomach damage at -1 per tick, and heals 0.5 toxin damage if the patient has less then or equal to 25 toxin damage.

Overdosing causes systemic organ damage, dealing 2 damage to a random organ while purging itself at 1u per tick.

Rate: 0.2u/tick

OD: 40u

Ammoniated Sludge

Inverse reagent
pH: 10.2

A ghastly looking mess of mercury by-product. Causes bursts of manic hysteria within patients. Rate: 0.4u/tick

Inverse reagent
pH: 13.9

A sinister hallucinogenic poison that causes a temporary phobia of space carps and carp related objects. Rate: 0.05u/tick