TGMC:Guide to Jaeger

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Not Quite a Modsuit

The main type of armor used by the TGMC is the Jaeger XM-02 modular armor system. They keystone of this armor is modularity; a user can equip different armor plating, storage modules, and armor modules. One can even customize them with in a variety of colors.


To set up the armor, first you'll need to vend the Essential Jaeger Kit. If you already selected standard, don't worry - you can pick up any Jaeger-related components from the various Surplus Armor Modules around the ship. You'll find one in your prep room.

Start with the Jaeger XM-02 exoskeleton. This is the framework on which you'll be putting the rest of the armor components, and is the bare minimum for a functioning armor set. Note that you can wear the armor without all of the modules equipped, but a complete set of armor is recommended.

With the exoskeleton in hand, check the armor plating sections in your vendor. You should see four categories: Chest, Arms, Legs, and Helmet. In these categories will be three armor levels: Light, Medium, and Heavy. Additionally, each of these types has an alternate variant, for example Medium armor comes in Infantry and EVA varieties.

The only statistic that matters on these plating components is their armor level. All other stats are identical between variants. Note that, despite having the name EVA, the EVA armor will not provide any protection from space. Similarly, the heavy EOD armor will not provide any additional explosive protection over the standard heavy variant.

Choose the armor plates you want, one for each region of chest, arms, legs, and helmet. If you want, you can color these components using the facepaint vended by the Essential Jaeger Kit - just click on each armor plate using the paint. To color your helmets visor, right click it with the facepaint. If you're seeing a dropdown menu instead of a color menu, try toggling right-clicking at the top of your HUD.

To install the plates, click on the exoskeleton with each of them, excluding the helmet. This should attach the armor plates to the exoskeleton.

Next, vend your armor modules and storage modules. Each armor module provides either an additional utility or protection; for example, the Mimir module protects against acid, and the Tyr provides protection against slashing. The storage modules each allow you to store a category of items, being medical, engineering, or general. Armor and Storage modules are installed by the same method as armor plates.

The helmet has its own set of utility and armor modules, equipped using the same method - click the helmet with the relevant module.

Once all your modules and plates are equipped, use the hotkey E to equip it. Otherwise, click on the exosuit slot in the bottom left of your HUD.