TGMC:Guide to Vali

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If you want to learn how to use the mysterious Vali Module, then this is the guide for you.
The Vali Module is currently the most complex and poorly explained Jaeger module in the game, and using it will fundamentally alter the way you fight.
Knowing how to use it and what it does is your first step to Vali-hood.


The Vali Module is designed to use the unique Harvester weapons, a class of melee weapon that harvests the blood of Xenomorphs, and uses medicine to alter the weapon's effects.

These weapons can be specifically attached to the Vali system, preventing them from being knocked out of your hands in most circumstances, and making melee combat with xenomorphs slightly less suicidal. Terms and conditions may apply.

Striking xenomorphs with an connected Harvester weapon allows the module to collect green blood, an unusual reagent that can be used to duplicate basic healing chems and more importantly, afford you incredible regenerative healing in the heat of battle, albeit at considerable risk to your person.

Getting Started

You can find the Vali module in the following locations:

  • In the GHMME Automated Closet under "JAEGER ARMOR MODULES" with the name "Vali chemical enhancement set". Some closets do NOT have this as an option, if this happens to be yours then try the next option.
  • In the Surplus Armor Equipment Vendor under "Armor Modules" with the name "Vali chemical enhancement module". These are infinite so do not worry about taking them.

Once acquired, attach your Vali module to your armor. This will take up a slot as normal, meaning that you can't pair Vali with things like the Svalinn shield system or Tyr modules.

With your Vali module installed, you'll also need to pick up a Harvester weapon. Only this class of weapons is capable of connecting to the Vali system and collecting green blood.

Harvester Weapons

A Harvester is a class of special melee weapon that is required to actually harvest the green blood the Vali module needs. On top of this, they can exploit the power of chemicals (namely Bicaridine, Kelotane, Tramadol and Tricordrazine) for unique effects. Harvester weapons can hold up to a given chemical capacity of each substance they're able to use, so you can swap between them freely on the fly.

When a weapon is filled with at least 5u of any chem, you can press Unique_Action to fill the edge of the blade with your chosen chemical.

Filled strikes always deal an extra 60% of the weapon's damage as 'true' damage (meaning it is not reduced by armor or any other mitigation), and have other additional effects as follows::

  • Bicaridine: restores your stamina by 30 and gives you a small self-heal of 5 brute if hitting a xeno or a hostile target. If help intent is active, you can heal 10 brute damage plus 5 times your medical skill on a human target after a 2 second channel. If this channel is interrupted, you will only heal for 5 brute damage with no bonus, but will cause your target to gain 30 stamina.
  • Kelotane: the target is hit with 10 stacks of fire, which immediately does an extra 10 fire damage, but also causes fire-susceptible xenos to burn for extra damage each tick equal to the number of fire stacks they have, plus three. Can be used on allies to set them on fire, burning off any larval facehuggers attempting to impregnate them over the course of a few seconds.
  • Tramadol: the target is slowed down severely for 1 second. Can be used to devastating effects on most xenos who expect to disengage from combat swiftly, especially if you have allies around to capitalize on the slow.
  • Tricordrazine: the target takes 7.5 sunder, and suffers the Shatter status effect for 3 seconds, temporarily lowering their armor by 20%. Excellent versus highly-armored castes like the Crusher.

HP-S Harvester Blade
A Modified Machete with an included scabbard. Moderate damage and average speed.
Exact Stats:
Thrown Damage: 10
Attack Speed: 1.2s
Chemical Capacity: 30u
Harvest Amount: 21u

HP-S Harvester Claymore
A Large Wield-able Sword with high damage, but slow speed.
Exact Stats:
Un-wielded Damage:
Wielded Damage: 90
Thrown Damage: 65
Attack Speed: 2.4s
Chemical Capacity: 60u
Harvest Amount: 43u
HP-S Harvester Spear A large, wieldable spear capable of striking targets up to two tiles away. Can be used un-wielded for lesser damage, and has high damage when thrown. Bulky and difficult to store, unlike the blade or machete.
Exact Stats:
Un-wielded Damage:
Wielded Damage: 60
Thrown Damage: 60
Attack Speed: 1.1s
Chemical Capacity: 30u
Harvest Amount: 20u

HP-S Harvester Knife
A Small one-handed knife. Low damage, but high attack speed. Used primarily for Chem effects.
Exact Stats:
Thrown Damage: 15
Attack Speed: 0.8s
Chemical Capacity: 5u
Harvest Amount: 14u

Vali Module Features

Once installed, you'll gain access to the following abilities:

Configure Vali Chemical Enhancement
Pressing this button will open a Radial menu with several more buttons related to the Vali.

Switch Boost
This button is located inside the Radial menu of the Configure Button. Pressing it swaps between Enhancement Level 1 and 2. Enhancement level 2 doubles the healing from the module while it is active, but also increases the amount of green blood it needs by more than double.

This button is located inside of the Radial menu of the Configure Button. Pressing it will fill any held container with 5u of Virilyth while consuming 5u of Greenblood. When Virilyth reacts with Bicaridine, Kelotane, Dylovene, or Tramadol; It will consume the Virilyth and effectively "Duplicate" the other chem.

Load Up
This button is located inside of the Radial menu of the Configure Button. Pressing it will fill your Vali Module using the held container. This is not the same storage as your Greenblood storage.

This button is located inside of the Radial menu of the Configure Button. Pressing it will display a large list of the Bonus effects reagents have when put in the Vali Module.

Connect Weapon
Pressing this button will Connect your Harvester weapon to your suit. This allows it to harvest Greenblood on hit and prevents you from dropping it.

Power Vali Chemical Enhancement
Pressing this button will enable (and then disabled) the Vali's Chemical Enhancement. The Enhancement itself will be covered later.

User Medical Scan
Pressing this button will open up a Medical Scan UI of your person. It is identical in every way to the Health Analyzer.

Using the module

Before going any further, set up a keybind for activating the Vali system in your Game Preferences. You will be activating and deactivating this module very frequently in the heat of hectic combat and you really, really do not want to be clicking that button when seconds can decide whether you get to remain in the round or not.

When you activate the Vali Chemical Enhancement System it will consume 4u (10u if level 2 enhancement) green blood from it's storage per tick, inject 30u of your Vali's internal chemical storage, and start healing 6 brute and burn damage per tick (12 if level 2 enhancement).

This will continue until you die, deactivate it, or the Vali Module runs out of green blood. The module can't stay active forever - after 20 seconds, your limbs will necrotize as soon as you turn off the enhancement. You receive warnings at the 10 and 15 second mark, with the latter also accompanied by an ominous purple screen vignette, so you'll know when you're about to get into serious trouble. Necrotized limbs require surgery to fix and will likely kill you in short order if you don't get them healed.

It is important to repeat that your limbs will only necrotize as once you turn off the module. If you're absolutely boned or are about to wipe, you can leave the module on without penalty for as long as you can supply it with green blood, possibly allowing you to turn the tides on the xenomorph menace and save the die. Or more likely, survive for 10-15 seconds longer before you're mobbed by two ravagers and three runners.

Module chemical storage

The chemicals you manually store inside your Vali module can also give you extra boosts while it is active and draining green blood. Some of these boosts are very significant, and well-worth considering. Note: you must have a minimum number of the given chemical listed below in your mix to benefit from its effect.

Increases the Brute regeneration by 10%

Increases the Burn regeneration by 10%

Increases Stamina regeneration by 20%
Increases speed by 0.1

Increases the Brute regeneration by 20%

Increases the Burn regeneration by 20%

Adds .5 Toxin regeneration every tick.

Adds 1 Toxin regeneration every tick
Increases Stamina regeneration by 10%
Will react poorly with Dylovene

Increases Brute regeneration by 100%
Increases Burn regeneration by 100%
Adds 3 Toxin damage every tick
Increases speed by .3