TGMC:Orbital Cannon

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The Orbital cannon

Maintenance and use

How to load the Orbital cannon:

  • Head to the room housing the Orbital cannon and push the button to open Fuel cell/Ammo storage
  • Select a Shell type, Currently there are three available shells:
  • Incendiary, which coats a large area in fire
  • HE, Which causes a massive explosion at the point of impact
  • Cluster, which causes many medium size explosions in a large area
  • Get into the provided powerloader and put one of these shells into the Orbital cannon tray
  • Get out of the powerloader and use the Orbital Cannon Console to see how many fuel cells you need to load by Checking Fuel Requirements
  • Get into the powerloader and load the amount of fuel cells required for the ammo you put in. If you load too many cells you can click on the loading tray with the powerloader clamp to take a fuel cell out
  • Very important: Load the correct amount of fuel cells or the fired shot will go off course and at best, miss, at worst, Hit the assaulting marines and losing you the round.
  • After you have loaded the cannon, use the Console again and load the tray, then chamber the shot to irreversibly prepare the Cannon to fire.
  • Now, someone on the ground has to use a OB beacon or a red lazer designator to designate the location that the OB will be fired at.
  • Once the target is set, use an Overwatch console, select the target and push the Fire! button. The Cannon will then fire at the target and impact after a short amount of time.

Ideally you would use the OB to break a stalemate and when targeting, always ALWAYS make sure that there is no chance that it hits friendlies.

What should I do as xeno?

You see a red lazer? OB beacon? It does not instantly mean an OB has been fired but ideally you should be VERY careful as OBs hurt a LOT. You could also use this opportunity to attach the person lazing for the bombardment If you hear a loud BEEP BEEP BEEP That means that an OB has been fired and will impact shortly. If this happens, your only choice is to drop whatever you are doing and to RUN and to QUICKLY RUN FAR FAR AWAY.