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Syndicate Lavaland Base Personnel
Access: Syndicate
Additional Access: None
Difficulty: Medium to Hard
Supervisors: The Syndicate
Duties: Create chemical/bioweapon projects with your resources. Ensure that your base is not discovered by Miners. Use your communication devices to help Field Operators and spread misinformation. Don’t leave your team, or activate the Syndicate Bomb for no reason.
Guides: Guide to Atmospherics, Infections, Chemistry, Radio
Quote: “Okay boys, let’s get things don- Oh fuck they found us already.”

So, you woken up as a Syndicate Scientist on some sort of strange hellish place. Your base is surrounded by lava, and is a heavy armored base armed with turrets to keep things out. Not only that, but it’s basically like it’s very own mini-station on ground. There’s a bit of things you can do on it, but what now?

You and the Science Team

Syndicate Base on Lavaland is one of the few things that can load during world generation. It’s not certain it will be present every round. If it does load, however, you can spawn as one. As a ghost you can click the spawners button to join as an scientist. There’s about 4 cryo sleepers in total, one being a Comms Agent armed with only a Markov Pistol and energy sword, and the rest with Bioweapon Scientists, armed with a sniper rifle. Spots are limited, and there is no way for more slots to be added.

An Evil, Secret, Laboratory

Okay, first of all, let’s be honest, your base is not secret. Yes, there’s a low chance of finding it among the map generation, but overall, when the Shaft Miners get plasma cutters, it will be easy for them to find your lava moat base. It will be hard for them to get over lava pit, though, unless they make a walkway to enter your base. They might just ignore you, or just call security to have your base raided. Chances are they wont harm you anyway unless you plan on attacking every miner you see.

Your base however, is still very very cool. It has it’s own bar, science department, atmospherics, cargo bay, armory, virologist, an testing room, and communications office for the Comms Agent in your base, and maybe even a Supermatter Shard if your lucky. There’s also a room with a self destruct device that SHOULD NOT be played with at all, and turret control as well.

What Should You Do?

Well, with your lonely habitat, whatever projects you do wont be interrupted. Whereas on the station your bound to be rudely stopped by another alien/traitor/Revolution leader/abduction. But here? Nothing can stop you. You should use that to your advantage instead of going out to murderbone. With all of your cool rooms in your base, here’s some ideas.

  • Learn about atmospherics, and start the turbine.
  • Start a chemical project, and try to make the worst/best chemical ever then test it on monkeys.
  • Cargo Bay and the armory have a lots of neat goodies, as well as a vendor for Softdonk foam weapons.
  • Have your science buddies to come to the bar and enjoy a drink or a snack.
  • Virology is important for making a bioweapon. You can make a really good infection, or a really bad infection, and possibly even spread it to the station. See the guide for details.
  • If your an Comms Agent, then go ahead and go to your office to help out traitors and other syndicate operations. Fake PDA messages to spread misinformation, and use your chameleon ID to fake your name. Do remember that people cannot respond to your PDA messages. The cameras on the station are a great way to help out an traitor friend.

Being this role is also about helping other people do projects. It’s also a good roleplay subject to have a fun time. Just enjoy the role and don’t be a asshole.