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Are you a Roboticist? This guide will explain the creation and maintenance of Cyborgs, bots, MODsuits, and stocky exosuits.

Robotics and Mech Bay

Exosuit Fabricators

These are the main machines used in Robotics, with them you can create various exosuit and cyborg parts and their upgrade modules. Remember to sync these with the R&D servers frequently for new equipment designs and increased production speeds.

Your mini mech is now ready for Ian to take a joyride in!

Ripley APLU

Requires for construction Exosuit general information
Raw materials:
Metal100.000 (Metal sheets)
Glass7.500 (Glass)

Parts, materials, circuits:

Production notes

Tools: Wrench, Screwdriver, Wirecutters, Welding Tool (need 2 units of welding fuel from fuel tank ), .

Integrity 200 Techtree node EXOSUIT: Ripley (Available at round-start)
Equipment slots 6 Movement speed Fast (in normal pressure (>50 kPa) — 0,2 sec. delay per move, overwise — 0,15 sec.)
Upgradable parts
Scanning Module Responsible for power consumption (In watts).
None* Scanning Module Advanced Scanning Module Phasic Scanning Module Triphasic Scanning Module
Walking 500 15 10 5 0
Melee attack 15
Capacitor Responsible for EMP (energy) damage resistance.
None* Capacitor Advanced Capacitor Super Capacitor Quadratic Capacitor
20% 25% 30% 35% 40%
Power cell Responsible for power capacity (in kW).
Standard Power Cell (1 kW) High-Capacity Power Cell (10 kW) Super-Capacity Power Cell (20 kW) Hyper-Capacity Power Cell (30 kW) Bluespace Power Cell (40 kW)
1 10 20 30 40

* Movement and other actions may not be possible without this stock parts.

Special abilities
  • Moves and drills even faster in low pressure environments (like Lavaland, space, etc.).
  • Armor can be upgraded with Goliath plates (melee +10% ballistic +5% laser +5%).
Description The Ripley APLU (Autonomous Power Loading Unit) is a low-tech exosuit with high moving speed and no atmospheric protection. Don't expect the wire screen to do much against ranged weapons. Useful for carrying boxes and as a lightweight platform for various exosuit tools. While it lacks the Firefigher's lavaproofing and improved armor, the Ripley APLU can still go toe to toe with Lavaland mobs thanks to its good melee protection.

Note about temperature: The exosuit itself can withstand decently high temperatures without taking damage. However, it does not offer protection to the pilot from fire or temperature hazards.

Armor information
Melee Ballistic Laser Energy Bomb Biological Fire Acid Wounds Max temperature
40% 20% 10% 20% 40% None Fully proofed Fully proofed None 20.000°K
Construction steps
1) Build all of the Ripley parts using the Exosuit Fabricator: , , , , ;
2) Attach all of the parts to the Ripley chassis: ;
3) Exosuit chassis construction: 3.1) Use Wrench, use Screwdriver, add Cable Coil (1 piece of Cable Coil), use Wirecutters;
4) Circuit boards: 4.1) Add Ripley Central Control Module (Ripley Central Control Module), use Screwdriver; 4.2) AddRipley Peripherals Control Module (Ripley Peripherals Control Module), use Screwdriver;
5) Stock parts: 5.1) Add Advanced Scanning Module(Scanning Module), use Screwdriver; 5.2) Add Advanced Capacitor(Capacitor), use Screwdriver; 5.3) AddPower Cell(Power cell), use Screwdriver;
6) Materials: 6.1) Add Metal (5 pieces of Metal sheets), use Wrench, use Welding Tool (on); 6.2) Add Plasteel (5 pieces of Metal rods), use Welding Tool (on).


Click here for the MODsuits page


These can be tremendously helpful or tremendously annoying depending on who uses it. They take more work to make than robots and require special circuits, which are obtained through the Quartermaster or the Research and Development console.

With all Exosuits, MMIs can be installed as drivers. But remember, MMIs are not bound to the AI or its laws, so don't put any deranged maniacs inside them. Remember to grant MMI controlled mechs access keys, because they don't have a keycard on them!

List of Exosuits

Ripley APLU

Equipment slots: 6

Movement speed: Fast.

Special abilities: Even faster movespeed in low pressure environments (Lavaland, space, etc.). Armor can be upgraded with Goliath plates.

Armor: 40 melee, 20 bullet, 10 laser, 20 energy, 40 bomb. 20.000°K max temperature*.

Integrity: 200

Description: The Ripley APLU (Autonomous Power Loading Unit) is a fast moving exosuit with no atmospheric protection. Don't expect the wire screen to do much against ranged weapons. Useful for carrying boxes and as a lightweight platform for various exosuit tools.

While it lacks the Firefigher's lavaproofing and improved armor, the Ripley APLU can still go toe to toe with Lavaland mobs thanks to its good melee protection.

*The exosuit itself can withstand decently high temperatures without taking damage. It does not, however, offer protection to the pilot from fire or temperature hazards.

Click expand for construction steps.


Equipment slots: 6

Movement speed: Slow.

Special abilities: Fast movespeed in low pressure environments (Lavaland, space, etc.). Armor can be upgraded with Goliath plates.

Armor: 40 melee, 30 bullet, 30 laser, 30 energy, 60 bomb, 70 rad, 100 fire, 100 acid. 30.000°K max temperature.

Integrity: 250

Description: The Ripley APLU (Autonomous Power Loading Unit) Mark II is a slow moving, decently protected exosuit that's often used for construction, break&entry or fighting Blobs.

The MK-II has a pressurized cabin for space operations, but the added weight has slowed it down. Whether the trade is fair or not depends solely on your purpose for the exosuit.

Minerals: 10.000Metal 10.000Plasma

1 x Ripley APLU MK-I Ripley MK-I

MK-I to MK-II Conversion Kit The Ripley MK-II is created by using a conversion kit on a Ripley MK-I exosuit. This kit is available from the Exosuit Fabricator. The conversion process requires the MK-I to have an empty cargo bay, no pilot sitting inside, and the Maintenance Procedures function permitted.
Once converted to the MK-II design, the exosuit cannot be restored to MK-I.