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Welcome to the guide to Natural Disaster, the new PvE mode for /tg/station.

  • Win by killing all of the megafauna
  • Lose by having too many crew members dead (Currently <=25% of starting players remaining)

Oh god we need to evacuate, what do?

Don't panic. Certain objectives should be met in the time before the first storm comes in. These responsibilities ultimately fall to the jobs that have the access.

You have about ten (10) minutes before the first wave of weather hits.

Things that should be done

  • Build the auxiliary base
  • Red Alert
  • Set up a low-effort SM
  • Bolt cargo open

I'm listing access based on a fully-staffed crew. If the station is running skeleton, then expect to have access if someone from your department does.

The Auxiliary Base

Responsible: Curator, Engineer, Atmos Tech, HoS, Hop, CE, QM, Cargo Tech, Roboticist, Scientist, RD, Geneticist

This is really easy and quick to do. Just use the console to activate the bot. A basic base:

  1. Place the plasma turrets in the four corners
  2. Place airlocks on each side, lined up with the central pillar
  3. Place grills and again for windows halfway between the airlocks and the turrets
  4. Place the tiny fans in front of (1 space inward) each airlock
  5. Place walls under the turrets and in all remaining gaps to finish the walls
  6. Your base is ready to deploy, selectable from the central pillar monitor. Deploying the base without coordinates (set by a beacon that mining has) will require additional access that some jobs don't have.
  7. If the beacon hasn't been set, harass mining (there is a mining headset in the locker on the aux base) to do it. Time is of the essence!
  8. Wait for the first wave of weather actually drop it, people will want to stage materials and themselves to evac with it. Unless someone has a galaxy brain plan to continue evac'ing from the public mining dock especially if Cargo no one opened cargo.


Open Cargo

Responsible: AI, Quartermaster, HoP?, anyone with good hacking skill.

Bolt Cargo open so people can get to the mining shuttle without needing access. Use door remotes, or be an AI, or do some hacking (bolt or depower). Get it done.

Mind the mail system

Responsible: Cargo Tech, Quartermaster

Get the stuff people dump down disposals into crates and get those crates to Lavaland.

The Techfab Boards

Access: Heads of Staff, Captain

There's a board in each Head's locker. If you leave the already built lathes alone they will still be connected to the ore silo and scavs will be able to use them for survival or requests. Either way building these machines on Lavaland will require components (that you could loot from machines or have built in the protolathe) and a buffered multitool (unless you want to have to move mats around by hand (you don't want to do that))

The CE's Hardsuit and jumpsuit

Access: Chief Engineer

Single-handedly the most important equipment in this mode, the hardsuit and jumpsuit found in the CE's office will provide immunity to Ash, Radiation, and Acid weather events. It won't protect your bag from acid, though! The CE should make sure this is brought down to Lavaland and given to the scavenger team.

Other Departmental Hardsuits

Access: Heads of staff, sometimes just chilling somewhere in the department

A lot of the staff/deparmental hardsuits feature acid or fire proofing. I'll have to look this up if I want to detail which ones.

A Multitool that has buffered the Ore Silo

Responsible: AI for vault unbolting and access, Captain (if his door remote works on it?), Anyone with a multitool.

The vault usually starts bolted and you'll probably have to ask the AI to let you in. Anyone with a multitool can do this.

  1. Enter the vault,
  2. find the ore silo
  3. use the multitool on it

Then when you're building the lathes and circuit printer on Lavaland

  1. Use the multitool on the machine
  2. The machine is now linked to the ore silo and therefore all mats.

Xenobio will also need their monkey grinder connected to their slime console in the same way. Be sure to use a different multitool!

Grey Slime Extract

Responsible: Scientist

When you hear the alarm, get ready to grind your slimes. If you're lucky you'll have at least 2 baby grey slimes available, if not, feed those adults and get them to split ASAP. The grey slime extract can regenerate into a grey baby slime when given plasma. This will be important for continuing xenobio on Lavaland as most animals left on board will perish.

The Bots

Responsibility: Roboticist, Captain, others

The bots WILL BE KILLED BY THE WEATHER. Better save them!!

Cap and Robo can call all bots to their location, other jobs can call applicable bots. This is done through the PDA. Once you've called a bot it will make its way to your coordinates at time of call. Be careful not to have them arrive to a shuttle that has already left!

Chasing bots down any other way is a hassle, don't try it.

The Animals

Responsible: Heads of Staff (for their pets), Anyone with time and a heart

What is this, Super Metroid? If you have it in your heart, see to it that the animals get evacuated as well. Don't forget the Cow and Chickens that may be in the dorm garden!

Tech Storage

Responsible: RD, CE, Engineer, Roboticist

This is an incredibly important thing to secure, and thankfully multiple jobs have access to this.

AT BARE MINIMUM, BE SURE THAT THE RD CONSOLE AND CIRCUIT PRINTER BOARDS ARE BROUGHT TO LAVALAND. These two boards in combination with the techfab boards found in head lockers will allow you to print anything. Any needed machines can be researched and board built with the circuit printer.

Basic Components

Responsible: Scientist

At least bring enough to set up the techfabs and circuit printer. If mining works quickly, you can get an RPED going and fill that with quite a lot of components and that should set you up pretty easy. I'll be back with specific numbers later. I know on Meta that the ore lying around cargo is enough to build an RPED if immediately turned in, need to see if other stations can do that.

Protective Gear

Responsible: Security, Chemist, Engineer

Rad Suits, Fire suits, Winter coats, and other gear will be necessary for attempting to brave any of the weather on the station.

  • Engineering and Security have Radiation Suits in their departments, be sure those get evacuated!
  • The chemistry jumpsuit has really good acid resistance
  • Fire suits are everywhere
  • Winter coats are everywhere but also in departmental drobes.

RCD's and RPD's

Responsibility: Engineer

Every last one.

  • Get all the RCD's from the engivend
  • Don't forget to check EVA and the Aux Base for more
  • We'll need em.

Set up the SM

Responsibility: Engineering

While not exactly crucial to set up before the weather hits, it will likely need to be set up at some point. Don't even bother with extra emitters or piping, just set all the pumps and filters correctly, don't forget the air alarms, wrench the coolant down and start the emitters up. It'll be fine and you won't have to worry about a scav having to do it.

Okay but how do I get all of my stuff and me off the station?

Believe it or not, but the disposals system is an effective way to evacuate your materials if you need more than you can carry.

  • Wrapping paper is everywhere, use it on boxes and other things.
    • Be sure to label your package with a pen so you can identify it later
    • Do NOT use the package labeler as that could result in your package being sent to whatever department you labelled it for.
  • An attentive cargo tech can take everything incoming thing and put it in a crate that can be evac'ed
    • Do not activate the conveyor belt. Otherwise you'll have to run into maint and get stuff from the recycler
  • You can also send yourself down the disposals unit, easier if you get someone to do it for you.

Paper bags can be made from 5 sheets of paper through the misc. section of the crafting menu

  • Crafting menu is the little T icon to the right of your hand slots.
  • Paper bags hold as much as boxes do

But what about my actual self? The mining shuttle looks small

  • You can lay down to fit multiple people on the shuttle
  • The Auxiliary base is bigger than the shuttle and should wait until the first telegraph of an actual weather event to drop.
  • Once the aux base has dropped, the room it was in becomes the public mining shuttle dock. With the shutters open any crew can come and go freely, which is good if cargo hasn't bolted all of their doors open or deconstructed the walls separating their department from common access.
  • You can escape to Lavaland in an escape pod if the heads red-alerted, which they should have.
  • You have 10 minutes from round start to evacuate and the inital weather announcement happens a minute or two in, there should be time for several trips to and from Lavaland before the weather hits.

Setting up the new base

The Mining Gulag

Located directly northwest of the mining station and separated by a small river of lava, the Mining Gulag is the safest space on the map. The moat of lava used to be for keeping prisoners in, now it's for keeping fauna out. Create a bridge with an RCD as soon as possible. Having access to the gulag will give crew members a place to mine safely, allowing them to build up the mining points to buy more equipment from the (unlimited) mining vendors. Try and wall of the bridge in such a way that it can only be accessed by going through the mining station (you're going to need to build a back door). Once space starts to clear in the mining gulag area you will have a very safe area to build in. It even has its own shuttle!

  • Access needs to be cleared for mining station unless you wanna hand out access to every member of the crew or set emergency access. Clear access by rebuilding airlocks and using the airlock circuit in-hand before re-inserting it.
  • The mining station runs on a P.A.C.M.A.N. Could there be other ways to power it? In the meantime, you'll need plasma to keep things powered.
  • If anyone took the time to package their stuff and label it with a pen, be sure to get those packages to those who need them.

Life after Evac

Once evacuation is complete the crew is going to have to adapt to the situation at hand. This is going to change how the crew functions and organizes themselves.


Ideally headed by the Quartermaster, the scavengers are tasked with returning to the station and braving the weather in order to obtain equipment and materials left on the station. The cargo console and ship will continue to function in this mode (provided that the station stays powered, the engine should also be unaffected by weather), so the supply department can still function within their normal capacity while also subverting their sticky-fingered tendencies for the benefit of the crew. With the necessity of containers for storage of weather protection and loot, believe me, there will still be crate pushing. Nobody should hog any of the equipment, those who are going on dangerous runs should get the CE hardsuit and jumpsuit for their run. Remember to share resources. Scavs may want to consider augs, borging, and possibly even showers as ways to protect themselves from the weather. Remember that all shuttles are weather-proofed.

These guys might benefit from AA and can even set it up for themselves back on the station if you give them an AA ID to start with.

Anyone can scav provided they have the equipment to survive.


Oh these noble powergamers. They have responded to the call for someone, anyone, to wipe out those megafauna. Every miner is going to spawn with their own Kinetic Accelerator, and they likely pick the job because they already want to do this. KA's spawn in mining lockers, some of which are on the station, some of which are on the mining station behind some mining doors. This equipment falls under the domain of the Quartermaster and Head of Personnel, and it is their authoritative right to see them handled by those who have been granted their approval. They're going to go fast, so be quick about securing them and watch out for break-ins or fights over them.

There are many ways to mine without using a KA, and it's unwise for anyone to expect roundstart miners to mine anything past the early stages.

Actual Miners

The crew is going to need mats and scavving doesn't provide rare minerals. If you are an assistant or don't want to do your job (or want to do your job but need mats and no one is doing it for you), actual mining could be for you! Good for low-income jobs, mining points are gained from ore redemption and can be used on the mining vending machines. Actual compensation for actual work.

If you're lucky you can get a Firefighter mech with a plasma cutter, clamp, and advanced mining scanner. Mine quickly and without fear of lava!


The first thing that builders should do is open up access to the rest of the mining station by deconstructing and clearing the access on the airlock circuit boards. Prioritize the airlocks that connect mining east and west together.

Once clearance has been reset, you'll need to start helping all of the people whining about not having space to do their jobs. Xenobio can easily be set up with the dorms (be sure to add some access requirements to the dorm airlocks so slimes don't get out!) and they will be crucial in assisting with the crews material and power needs. Note that you need to rename the area to "Xenobiology Lab" for advanced camera consoles to work.

In addition to re-purposing the existing mining station, you'll also need to expand. You can use RCD's to make plating on top of lava, allowing for some under-tile atmos. Don't be afraid to (de)construct stuff by hand, the RCD can be expensive to use and you can put together most things pretty quickly by hand.

As you expand the mining station you'll need to maintain the atmosphere, too. Canisters can be scavved, and all the atmos systems on the station are in the same condition they were left in. Even if your strategy is opening oxygen canisters in a room, that's still better than nothing (barely).

Any new rooms will need to be given a roof by using the create new area button to the right of your inventory slots. You can choose to add the area to an existing area or create a new one. If you don't do this, the room will be open to ash storms. Areas require a powered APC for machines to work. KEEP IN MIND THAT NEW ROOMS CANNOT SHARE WALLS WITH THE AUXILIARY BASE!! This role doesn't have to be exclusive to engineers, but it helps.


Either your job hasn't been completely redefined by this catastrophe or you just want to keep doing your job this shift. You are an average member of the crew, and that's totally fine. Keep doing your job, but also consider how the fruits of your labors may be used to advance the crew's goals. Maybe give some superpowers to adventurers? Set them up with nanites? We're all in this together, and the sooner you make the other roles god-like and impervious the sooner this shift is over.

Your job is just as needed on Lavaland as it was on the station.

The Weather is Bad, Don't Let it Touch You

The game pulls five different kinds of weather events constantly. Each of these events have an immunity that you can take advantage of to survive on the station.


  • You have to get on a table to be safe
    • Glass tables won't hold your weight
  • If you're paying attention you could probably build a table in time if you have the materials and know-how.
  • Xenobio can lava-proof your clothes with an expensive 2-use potion. Use it on your hardsuit and hardsuit helmet.


  • Fire protection will get you through this
  • Multiple head hardsuits are fireproof
  • Firefighter suit with hard hat is classic
  • Xenobio can make fireproof potions


  • This won't directly kill you
  • Maintenance isn't safe, don't even try
  • Sec and Engineering have radiation suits, loot these before the weather starts.
  • The CE hardsuit worn with the CE Jumpsuit provide 100% Radiation resist and as such both should be given to the Head Scav


  • Does burn damage and slows you down
  • This is kind of bugged right now.
    • It will mess you up if you're wearing a hardsuit
    • Un-equip outerwear to survive
      • This still produces some fun stuff, like trying to deal with breaches or radiation and being stuck without outerwear


  • Does not destroy anything on the station
  • Gets on your clothing and in-hand items.
    • Melts your clothing, acid resistance mitigates it
  • Scavs should carry a crate or locker to put their bag in when they know acid is coming.
  • Many hardsuits are acid-proof

What About the Actual Megafauna?


Please Break It Down For Me Job-By-Job


  • Order people around, they need a leader!
  • Use your PDA to call the bots to a shuttle. Save them!
  • Give your hardsuit and other clothes to the Scav Team
    • Unless you plan on scaving or adventuring yourself

Head of Personnel

  • Secure Ian!
    • Get a lazarus injector from the mining vendor if Ian died!
  • Make sure that the crew got the ORM down, keep them from dumping ore into the defunct smelter!
  • Act as scavenger liaison, have crew fill out forms to request what should be brought down, relay it to the Head Scav and their team


  • Be the head scavenger you've always been anyway!
  • Get the Chief Engineer's Hardsuit and any Engineering Jumpsuit for full Rad, Fire, and (mostly full) Acid protection!
  • Use the cargo console to order something other than guns for once in your life
    • Think about it, you could order more radsuits to expand the scavenger team, other protective equipment, too.
    • There's a lot you could order that isn't guns, seriously think about it.

Shaft Miners

  • Now's your time to shine on, you crazy diamond.
  • If you choose to claim your birthright and become an adventurer:
    • DEMAND a sec jumpsuit
    • DEMAND full augs from robotics (consider becoming a mining borg)
    • DEMAND nanites from scientists. This will take a while though, so also be patient.
    • DEMAND fun goodies from Xenobio (putting a haste potion on a mining hardsuit makes you move at normal speeds. All xenobio needs is red slime for that!)
    • Your job is incredibly important right now and the crew should (within reason) cater to your every possible tactical advantage. Don't hesitate to wait for your augs or other upgrades, defend the station in the meantime and clear out normal fauna.
  • If you get any extra mining points, do the crew a favor and buy some extra PKA's and other mining equipment so the struggle can continue after you die.

Cargo Technicians

  • You're a scav now, do basically the same things you've always done.
    • Push crates and steal from the station
  • You'll need Fire gear, Acid gear, and Radiation gear.
    • That's too much for your inventory alone, you'll need a crate or locker to haul around with you.
    • The container you're dragging can also hold loot.
    • A lot of the departmental hardsuits will provide good acid and fire damage, some rad, too. The owners should recognize that you need their equipment for the sake of the station.
  • You'll also need some metal and rods to make a table in case lava happens. (Unless xenobio starts making lavaproof potions)
  • Consider getting a weatherproof mech with a clamp, getting fully auged, or getting borged as other ways of protection from weather
  • Remember that any shuttle will protect you from weather. Always know where the nearest shuttle is. Escape shuttles are included in this.


  • People still need to eat, set up shop and get cooking.
  • Some of your food might be able to warm people up or provide other benefits. Look into it.


  • People still need drinks.
    • Coffee will help scavs fight off snowstorms


  • Bring grass to lavaland
    • Coordinate pod cloning with medical. They should be able to tell you if an adventurer is dead or not.
  • If you're lucky you might meet the lifebringers, wouldn't that be nice?


  • There might be some bananium out there
  • Don't try to use PKA's, you'll just shoot yourself
  • Now more than ever people need entertainment and a good laugh


  • Entertain the crew, adventure, do what you do, Mime.


  • Remember that you can heal with your bible
  • One of your null rods might be good for Lavaland


  • You have access to the Aux Base. Open it up for the public and set it up if you know how.
  • You've got a whole Indiana Jones outfit for this, basically
  • Unless you wanted to do Highlander
  • You're pretty well set to become an adventurer if you so choose
  • Or books I guess? Up to you.


  • The mining station starts incredibly dirty.
  • It's only going to get dirtier and bloodier.


  • Just try and help out, be a miner or something
  • Do something with your life

Head of Security

  • People are going to hoard equipment, stop them
  • Make sure that scavs are getting the equipment they need and adventurers are getting what they need
    • This does include giving the scavs your hardsuit and extra outfits. You have great armor.
  • See to it that the station is defended while the adventurers are out.
  • Lasers don't work on most Lavaland mobs


  • Seeing as there is no brig on Lavaland, you might want to coordinate with builders to make new places to stick bad people
  • If you wanted to oversee the storage and distribution of important equipment your armory guarding skills would be useful.
  • If you want to keep an eye on the cameras, get builders to install more. There are a bunch of cameras ready to mount in the Aux Base


  • You've got some decent armor and a gun.
  • You're most useful defending the base, but if you want to go out I'm not stopping you.
  • Consider donating some of your extra equipment to the scav team.
  • Also investigate crime like you like. Sniff out those hoarders.

Security Officer

  • Keep idiots from killing each other
  • Watch out for people stealing from one another
  • Defend the station from outside forces
    • Remember that lasers are bad on Lavaland
    • More PKA's can be purchased from the mining vendor

Chief Medical Officer

  • Keep an eye on suit sensors
    • Send a rescue team of 2+ (don't go out alone) to rescue adventurers
    • Or tell hydroponics to make a podperson with the adventurer's blood
  • Encourage adventurers to actually carry labelled GPS so they can be rescued
  • Oversee medical and work with builders to get spaces made for your department


  • Make the heals
  • Consider that some grenades may assist in fighting fauna
  • Make heal grenades for when people fall into crit


  • There's that no oxygen symptom, that'll be good on Lavaland
  • So will any other healing thing
  • Give it some thought

Medical Doctor

  • Be a high-stakes EMT and rescue corpses from Lavaland
    • For the love of god don't do this alone or you'll just be adding to the corpse pile
  • Keeping the crew alive keeps the crew from losing. You don't want to be a loser, do you?

Research Director

  • R&D still has to get done, miners still want those upgrades
  • Make sure your roboticists are auging adventurers, making borgs, and making mechs
  • Prioritize acquiring space for your roboticists and xenobio


  • Xenobio is incredibly powerful in this mode. I recommend securing the dorms for xenobio use.
    • Xenobio is incredibly powerful in this mode, I cannot stress this enough.
  • Nanites will be cool, but those will take a while. Adventurers will be happy to have em.


  • Aug Adventurers and scavs
  • Borg adventurers and scavs if they ask
    • Make more borgs, too
  • Make firefighter mechs, they are immune to lava. A mining mech with plasma cutter, mining scanner, and clamp will be able to bring in a lot of points and mats for the crew.

Chief Engineer

  • Coordinate with other heads to oversee the expansion and repurposing of the mining base.
  • Give your hardsuit to the Head Scavenger they'll need an engineering jumpsuit, too. Help them out.
    • If you really want to keep your hardsuit, actually be the head scav and get up there. Don't just hog it, jerk.


  • RCD over the lava to connect the station to the gulag
    • RCD over all nearby lava, really. Otherwise people will catch on fire.
  • Make new rooms and expand old ones
  • Remember that you can't share Aux Base walls with rooms, they won't be airtight.

Atmospheric Technician

  • Set up atmos, you'll need scrubbers and vents.
  • Put up the hologram fire doors to keep idiots from venting all your gas into Lavaland
  • Get scavs to bring gas tanks down


  • You won't have a lot to do directly until a boris module can be made. Take a page from your pAI sibling and assist crew coordination through the mighty power of social interaction.
    • If the crew doesn't listen, you always have your borgs to command.


  • You're immune to all the weather (I think)
    • This makes you good for scav'ing and for rescuing dead scavs
  • Engiborgs will always have something to do
  • Mining borgs also have a use.


  • Get a PKA and go adventure
    • If you can't get one, find a pickaxe and mine some ore until you have enough credits to buy one.
  • Get some protective equipment and join the scavs
  • Stay out of the way
  • Don't ruin things for other crewmembers.