Goonchat Troubleshooting: Difference between revisions

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# Check to ensure BYOND dream seeker is updated to newest recommended version
# Check to ensure BYOND dream seeker is updated to newest recommended version
# Check to ensure that Internet Explorer is updated to newest recommended version
# Check to ensure that Internet Explorer is updated to newest recommended version
# Restart BYOND

==Connection Closed Error Solutions==
==Connection Closed Error Solutions==

Revision as of 15:18, 9 August 2021

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Identifying the Error

Occasionally, the clusterfuck that is Goonchat will break and you will be left without a working chatbox. This article serves as a guide for fixing this.

My Chat Looks Like This
Select the image that most looks like the issue you're having

Loading Error

I've waited for 30 seconds and it's still not working

Connection Closed Error

I've waited for it to reconnect but it hasn't

White UI Boxes

It's not even showing errors, all the UI boxes are just white

Loading Error Solutions

  1. Check to ensure BYOND dream seeker is updated to newest recommended version
  2. Check to ensure that Internet Explorer is updated to newest recommended version
  3. Restart BYOND

Connection Closed Error Solutions

  1. Leave the Server
  2. Rejoin the Server

If it didn't fix or you can no longer connect

  1. Check your internet connection
  2. If you are connected to internet, Dreamseeker>Settings>Exit
  3. Open Dreamseeker and attempt to reconnect to server

White UI Boxes Solutions

  1. Update Windows Explorer to newest version (IE 11 if possible)
  2. Restart BYOND

Warning about Clearing BYOND Cache

It may take a few(atleast 3-5) rejoins of the server before your game will redownload paradises resources, so the same issue may persist until you do that.