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Trying to remake the lore from "haha funny space commie nation" into something more fit of an MRP server... or at least that's the end goal. The history and government sections are yet to be expanded upon here.

E-MonaRhg on the Discord and ManOfNoAddress on the wiki and the forums because I thought I could change it later, turns out you can't, welp.
[[File:USSPemb.png|thumb|right|The State Flag of the Union of Soviet Socialist Planets]] The '''Union of Soviet Socialist Planets''' (also known as the USSP or the Union), is a large socialist state comprised of several member planets and the second largest government in the galaxy after the Trans-Solar Federation (SolGov).
Originally formed during the Cygni Rebellion, the USSP was decisively crushed by SolGov’s powerful naval forces, and was scattered to the cosmos in shards.
Several of these shards eventually coalesced into the modern-day USSP, comprised of many of the same politicians that took up the mantle on Cygni Prime.
//Cygni Rebellion should be expanded upon here//
Today, the USSP exists beyond the range of SolGov’s considerable reach, residing on several dozen of planets, colonies and rarely space stations in the fringes of the known galaxy.
The earliest of these colonies and planets were quickly yet shoddily industrialised, with cut corners and substandard construction materials often resulting in high-upkeep costs or their subsequent destruction.
Despite their early setbacks, the USSP has since become a major industrial and military power in the region.
== Government and Economy ==
//Improve this part//
The primary governmental structure of the USSP is loosely based upon the blueprint laid down by the old Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
The Union of Soviet Socialist Planets Project is as a soviet democracy with a planned economy. The Constitution of the Union sets the framework for the government of the nation. The primary governmental agency within the USSP is the Supreme Soviet, comprised of the Soviet of the Union, elected on the basis of population with one delegate for every 300,000 people in the USSP, and the Soviet of Nationalities, which has 32 delegates per installation, planet, or colony.
The effective ruler of the USSP is known as the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSP.
The current Chairman is the great-grandson of the ex-Vice Governor of Cygni Prime Stukov Vedenin, '''Fyodor Nikolai Vedenin'''.
The Union possesses one of the, or the largest industrial base in the galaxy due to their heavy focus on industrialisation and as such often accept contracts from a myriad of corporations to produce their merchandise... due to they are also the galaxy's top supplier of armaments, producing weaponry for several organisations including but not limited to Warp-Tac Inc, Einstein Engines Inc, Scarborough Arms and sometimes even the Syndicate itself... through as said by the Minister of Industry Alexander Sidorov before, these are just rumors of course.
== Foreign Relations ==
After achieving independence from the Trans-Solar Federation, the Union’s foreign policy was designed with a view to establishing relations and integrating independent colonies into the union.
The USSP’s greatest move was establishing diplomatic relations with as many governmental entities and corporations as early as they could,
resulting in many of them starting the relations with the then still young nation on positive terms.
Otherwise the Union is considered by and large to be a politically neutral entity by most planetary governments and corporations despite their current state of cold war with the Trans-Solar Federation, and their ongoing ongoing military actions against what they term "space fascists", the [[Elysium Republic]],
training their Naval Infantry on these raids.
'''[[Trans-Solar Federation]]''', the greatest enemy to the Union. They view them with utmost hatred because of their brutal suppresion of the Cygni Rebellion, an unforgivable crime in the eyes of most citizens of the Union.
'''[[Nanotrasen]]''', maintains cordial relations with the Union, commonly accepting contracted workers from the USSP to work on their facilities in exchange for funding of the USSP Navy.
'''[[the Syndicate]]''', neither a friend or foe to the Union, they maintain neutral relations, the Union allows the Syndicate to dock the ships of their affiliated corporations in the Union's space, while the USSP maintains a non-agression pact with them. There are however rumors of the Syndicate contracting the USSP for illegal weapon and equipment and likewise from the USSP...the rumors are however „Completely unfounded in reality” as said by the Minister of Industry Alexander Sidorov.
'''[[Elysium Republic]]''', the ideological rival to the Union, they condemn the severe xenophobia and isolation, advocating for wiping the ‘fascist state’ off the map.
The Union sponsored several uprisings in the territories of the Republic, and shoots every Elysian ship on sight.
'''[[tajaran|The Alchemist's Council]]''', perhaps the greatest friend to the Union, certainly the earliest nation to establish diplomatic relations with them. Due to similar history of both nations, they keep friendly relations and
several trade pacts. All citizens of both nations are allowed to visit the planets of each other visa-free and as such the Tajara are the biggest minority species in the USSP and likewise for the Humans on Ahdomai.
The '''[[vulpkanin|Vulpkanin Assembly]]''' was viewed in a similar light to the tajara; a state-less species, no place they could call their own home. The refugees of the Vulp displacement were accepted with open arms in the
Union. The Assembly however, a weak federation, maintains minimal relations with the Union, mostly focusing on their own matters.
The relations of the Union with the '''[[Skrell|Skrellian Central Authority]]''' are very minimal, yet also very tense, the Human-Skrellian alliance only refers to the relations between the SCA and the TSF. While their relations are not great, many Skrell live on the planets of the Union.
The '''[[Vox|The Shoal]]''' got explicit permission for their vessels to travel within the territories of the Union with one condition, any and all hostile [[Vox Raider|raider]] action against any vessel flying the USSP banner will be
instantly shot down and the Vox survivors of the ship detained and/or executed for treason... under these conditions however the Shoal rarely sends ships through the USSP space, and if they do they are usually accompanied with a USSP Navy
escort vessels.
The Union does not keep any major diplomatic relations with any other government or corporation.
== Military ==
{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin-left:10px;"
|style="text-align:center;"|<font size="2">A typical USSP soldier</font>
The Union maintains its own military forces under the overwatch of the Ministry of Internal Security (MIS).
The MIS is also responsible for counterespionage, and border security in Union’s territory.
Accusations of abuse by MIS Officers are common place and usually not unfounded in reality and tensions are at an all-time high due to the current cold war with the Trans-Solar Federation.
Radio frequencies are monitored, inter-system lanes are guarded by the Navy,
and civilian or third party ships that fly too close to Union’s military installations are either instantly shot down or their pilots detained and questioned... sometimes never released.
The Union’s Defense Forces is comprised of the USSP Navy and the USSP Army.
The army usually handles security and garrisons on planets and moons, while the Fleet,
along with its Naval Infantry, holds responsibility for operations in space, boarding actions, space station security, etc.
The USSP Navy is by far the largest military branch yet also the most outdated, comprised of repurposed yet effective vessels such asteroid miners, starliners,
freighters, or other such civilian ships with some actual purpose built military-grade vessels here and there. Yet recently the USSP has come into possesion of several decomissioned and damaged
Nanotrasen Navy battlecruisers allowing them to supplement their forces after some maintenance work and focus on building their own ships.
The USSP Naval Infantry is the sub-force of the USSP Navy and usually the main fighting force of the USSP, specialising in ship harrasment, boarding actions and sometimes even planetary assaults.
The Naval Infantry is equipped to rival the Trans-Solar Federation Marine forces, having fought with them several times before with moderate success.
Their hit-and-run, asymmetrical style of warfare and rigid training makes the veterans of the Naval Infantry desirable by numerous organizations.
The USSP Army is smaller, mainly garrison force, and due to the everpresent threat of TSF attacks, maintains their troop numbers rather high.
It is required of all citizens aged between 18 and 25, or the equivalent age of their species, to be drafted for three years of service in their local Army Garrison.
The Army is a force comprised of military personnel from across the union planets serving alongside the main Union forces.
Occasionally, certain units are tasked to assist member planets in managing crime or unrest.
The Union has a large and entirely native arms industry, producing the entirety of the equipment needed to equip its military, very rarely purchasing specialised equipment from third parties.
They are also the galaxy's top supplier of armaments, producing weaponry for several organisations including but not limited to Warp-Tac Inc, Einstein Engines Inc,
Scarborough Arms and sometimes even the Syndicate itself... through as said by the Minister of Industry Alexander Sidorov before, these are just rumors of course.
== Demographics ==
The official languages of the Union are Neo-Russkiya, Sol Common and Galactic Common, with the last two being less commonly accepted.
According to the 2552 census, 58.3% of the human population speaks Neo-Russkiya, 32,7% speak Galactic Common and only 9% speak Sol Common as their first language in daily use.
With Siik'tajr being the largest minority language, followed by Canilunzt. Percentages of their usage were not accounted by the 2552 census. 
The population species census is as follows:
{| class="wikitable" valign="top" width="10%"
! Species
! Percentage
! Human
| 77.3 %
! Tajaran
| 13.5 %
! Vulpkanin
| 5.1 %
! Unathi
| 2.3 %
| 0.9 %
! Skrell
| 0.6 %
! Other
| 0.3 %
== Notable Planets/Stations ==
'''New Cygni''', ''Capital Planet'' - New Cygni a large tundra planet and the main hub of all the affairs of the state, several large mega cities can be found here housing over 20 billion citizens. While factories are present on New Cygni, it is not the Union's main industrial planet.
'''Stukov Prime''', ''Industry World'' - a dry, desert planet with the largest industrial base of the Union, a large departure from New Cygni when it comes to enviroment. The planet was shoddily and heavily industrialised right after it was colonised. Modern day's Stukov Prime is however a shining beacon of industry, with most of its old factories demolished and replaced with factories that fit the modern standard. Sadly it is also one of the most polluted planets in the Union's territory due to the heavy industrialisation. Most of the Union's Tajara population live and work on this planet.
'''Kommunisticheskaya Stantsiya 1''', ''Space Station'' - also known as the KC1 is the largest out of the 15... 14 space stations owned and operated by the Union. While it started as Naval Infantry outpost it was converted into a trading station and it is currently the hub of all trade in the territories of the USSP. It is however still highly militarized as it still functions as a naval station.
'''Herars''', ''Union Planet'', - a small planet and an interesting case, colonised by the Vulpkanin during their Exodus, incorporated into the Union with a high degree of autonomy. The planet is the entertainment capital of the Union, with many casinos, zoos, and many other present on the planet.

Latest revision as of 23:44, 25 September 2021