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hiiii welcome to my user page!

nothing on this page is canon on paradise station!


Basic Information

Karma Cost: Unavailable
Homeworld: HB-1381-II
Language: HB-1381-CDLN
System: HB-1381


Height: 210cm
Lifespan: 154 years
Breathes: Oxygen
Game Mechanics
  • Can consume tiny animals.
  • Emissive angler.
  • Claws (unarmed is sharp).
  • Tail can perform AoE attack.
  • -5% Brute Damage.
  • Lower heat threshold.
  • Lower cold threshold.

The Darnavu are a species of reptilian bipeds that hail from an artificial Construct encircling one of the HB-1381 system's many gas giant moons.

Darnavu and YOU

Greetings, esteemed crewmember!

In an effort to encourage inter-species cooperation and workplace efficiency, NanoTrasen has compiled a series of helpful guides on the various species that you may be working with!

(NOTE: If you are a member of the species this guide pertains to, please give it to the nearest crewmember of another species)

This particular guide refers to the species known as the Darnavu (singular and plural).

Darnavu Naming Schemes

Darnavu names are culturally significant. Due to the small number of Darnavu in existence and their complete dependency on their system government which oversees all births, there are no exceptions to this format.

Darnavu names have three components: the trusted name, the clan name, and the given name. An individual named Mnn'Er Lewe, for example, would allow close friends to identify them as Mnn, belongs to the clan Er, and is identified in a workplace setting as Lewe. It is highly recommended that the given name be referred to when unsure.

Darnavu Physiology

Members of this species generally have various monotone greyscale-hued scales covering the majority of their body, while all have white soft tissue and internal organs due to their creme-white blood, as well as shiny black teeth, aquatic frills, and moderately-long, lithe tails. Their most distinguishable feature is their glowing angler, which attaches to the cranium at the top of the forehead. They possess small, though naturally sharp, claws at the ends of each digit. This species is carnivorous, and their diet and dental structure reflects this. Darnavu possess three biological sexes, and each member of the species carries genetic information blueprinting all three. They can be crudely identified as a male-analogue, a female-analogue, the third fulfilling a 'crisis' role which serves to combine the best survival features of the other two while reducing actual reproductive capability to nil. Historically in nature, a transformation from one to another was possible only under specific environmental pressures, however scientific advancement allows this to be mnaually initiated.

The Darnavu Homeworld

All Darnavu hail from the HB-1381 system, and all reside on an artifical spaceborne structure cincturing the third largest moon of the fourth world, a gas giant. This structure, a topopolis, is referred to as the Construct by its resident species. While nominally open to visitors and dignitaries who hold citizenship within the Trans-Solar Federation or employment at NanoTrasen, they are subject to heavy restrictions and their movement monitored. Officially, this is due to fears that aliens may bring with them diseases that can jeopardize the many endangered species residing in the Construct's expansive artificial climate zones. The topopolis provides reliable electricity, and hosts inline central transportation and maintenance tram networks. Needs such as food, water, and medical attention are met through both public and private means, the former offered for all Darnavu by the Aedificium Administratorium, the governmental body of the Construct and the HB-1381 system.

The ancestral home of the Darnavu, the system's second innermost world, has an entirely molten surface; this is not natural, and the Darnavu have lost records of the original climate of the homeworld. It is known that the desiduous-tundra climate of the Construct is not ideal for their evolutionarily intended environment, which is speculated to be far more aquatic in nature. Orbital geological scans have shown that the world has been for most of its surface area scoured to the outer mantle, with a few rises and peaks of half-molten slag being generally acknolwedged as remnants of the world's crust. Trace evidence points to thorough orbital bombardment by thermal and kinetic weaponry. Geological scans have, furthermore, confirmed that the inner core of the world is missing entirely, replaced instead by a volatile bluespace anomaly whose constant natural exertion of outwards gravitational force keeps the world's superstructure more or less stable. However, HB-1381-II has no magnetic field due to this anomaly.

A Brief History

Darnavu history is well documented thanks to the core texts of the species' sole active religion, a fact lamented by this religion itself as the loss of the homeworld is described. In spite of this, a great majority of these texts are not publicly available either to those at NanoTrasen or the Darnavu public, accessible only to the highest members of the Aedificium Administratorium. Contact with the A.A. was first established by the Trans-Solar Federation roughly sixty years ago, during which time the Construct was under seige by an Unathi war band. A small naval engagement ensued between the TSF expeditionary force and the war band, which retreated.

Darnavu Culture

Darnavu can often be identified by their characteristically stiff and formal speech - refusing outright to use contractions, and devising terribly repetitive names for virtually all things save their children. This reflects on the wound-tight nature of Darnavu society as a whole, one in which individuals rarely share secrets even among close friends or family. The A.A. has clarified for TSF and NanoTrasen representatives that this is a well-documented component of Darnavu psychology.

Extremely sleek and minimalist in style, Darnavu design adheres to a strict principle of beauty in simplicity.

The Darnavu catalogue their history through written logs, traditionally recorded in dactyllic octameter, and great effort is taken to maintain this upon translation to other languages. Common Darnavu religion - unnamed in their local language and typically referred to as HB-1381-CDR in documentation requiring a faith be provided - boasts a core text recorded entirely in dactyllic octameter. One of the most commonly presented verses to curious aliens outlines an individual, whose role is roughly translated to 'demon', once born as a Darnavu, who used a 'great bloodless animal' to eat the heart of the homeworld while "The gold swirling glow of its power / Tumbled in brief inversion ..."

Darnavu technology is extremely unique among the species of the galaxy, with its areas of focus often being deemed quizzical at best. The Darnavu never researched supraluminal travel, instead focusing on the development of both broad and narrow artificial intelligence. Today, it is said only the latter survives in the form of mass-produced octagonal repair drones which easily outnumber the Darnavu population at ten to one, found in large quantities aboard every one of their vessels, especially the Construct. All Darnavu crafts are covered in a spiderweb of scaffolding that allow these drones safe access to any portion of the ship to perform their tasks. Some drones are two meters across, while the smallest is ten centimeters across. Darnavu weapons rely on projected magnetic fields that contain immensely pressurized 'pills' of metallic hydrogen, fired at targets with the aim of puncturing armor and rapidly expanding to cause internal damage.

Present Day

Documentation places the Darnavu population at little more than 67 million, and with its population entirely located on the Construct, there are those who view the species' days as numbered regardless of the course its steward government takes from here. For this reason, pressure was applied by SolGov, successfully, to establish exchange programs that aim to gauge the feasiibility of integrating hte HB-1381 system into a larger government as an autonomous region, in order to guarantee the continued survival of the Darnavu. Darnavu are an extremely rare sight on NanoTrasen stations due to their low population, but generally work aboard those already hosting other Darnavu.