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It is I, the pope, resident grammar fanatic and Sol Gov enthusiast.
It is I, the pope, resident grammar fanatic and Sol Gov enthusiast.

<div style="display: grid; float: right;">{{JobLore}}{{FactionStats
Contact Info:
| colour      = FFCC33
| faction      = Trans-Solar Federation
| image        = SGemb.png
| general      = <b>Informal Names:</b> TSF, SolGov<br> <b>Capitol:</b> Earth<br> <b>Founding:</b> July 14th, 2080
| demographics = <b>Residents:</b> 87 billion est.<br> <b>Languages:</b> G. Common, Sol Common, Tradeband
| policies    = <b>Government:</b> Stratocratic Federal Democracy <br> <b>Current Grand Marshal:</b> Samantha R. Daud <br> <b>Currency:</b> Credit<br>
| assets      = <b>Market Focus:</b> Mining, Plasma<br> <b>Fleet:</b> Corvettes (53), Civilian (32)<br>}}</div>

Discord: popedavethe3th

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding lore, SS13 generally, or my mediocre wiki contributions.
The Trans-Solar Federation is the galaxy’s leading superpower and is easily the largest interstellar nation in terms of both size and population, counting hundreds of systems and thousands of worlds under its command. Under its decentralized and federalist system, the Federation may be slow to fully awaken, but once ready, only the gods can hope to stand against its military and industrial might.
== Summary ==
The Trans-Solar Federation, also known as the TSF or simply SolGov, is the primary human-majority nation today, and the de-facto superpower of the known galaxy. Primarily located in the Orion arm of the galactic South, the TSF is a network of dozens of local system governments, each swearing loyalty and taxes to the federal government based in Sol.
Coming into being in the late twenty-second century, the entity that would become the TSF was created out of a union between several old Earth governments following the end of the Eastern Seas War. With Earth running low on critical resources, the newly-formed Solar Federation expanded quickly, colonizing the Solar system, and, once FTL travel was developed, beyond.
Today, the Federation stands as powerful as ever, its armies and fleets crossing the void alongside their Skrellian allies to bring order and light to stars known and unknown. While it may face challenges as any nation does, the men and women of the Trans-Solar Federation can march forward with pride, knowing that so long as Sol burns, the Federation will endure.
== Abridged History [[File:Solgovflag.png|32px]] ==
== Government & Politics ==
The Trans-Solar Federation practices a form of hybrid democracy known as Federal Stratocracy. Under this model, only those who have completed a requisite five or more years in either the nation’s civil or military service are permitted to vote or hold public office. Those who have completed their service become true Citizens, while those who have not are known as Civilians. While civilians retain similar legal and property rights to citizens, they are excluded from several government programs, and are ineligible for political participation. Due to the difficult and low-paying nature of federal service, civilians make up the majority of the Federation’s population, though this varies between member worlds.
The Federal government is made up of four separate branches: The Joint Chiefs, the Citizens’ Councils, the Civilian Assembly, and the Supreme Court.
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====The Joint Chiefs====
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The Joint Chiefs make up the executive of the Federation, consisting of both voting and observing members.
Voting members include:
- The Grand Marshal of the Federation
- The Navy Chief of Staff
- The Commandant of the Marine Corps
- The Army Chief of Staff
- The Director of the Logistics Corps
- The Secretary of Civil Affairs
Observers include:
- The Director of the FAID
- The Commodore of the Merchant Marine
- Sector Authority Commanders
- Various lesser functionaries
Members of the Joint Chiefs, with the exception of the Grand Marshal, do not have set terms, but are expected to retire when no longer fit for office. The Grand Marshal is selected by the Joint Chiefs from the Federal Military at large, excepting the Joint Chiefs themselves, who are not eligible for the office. The upcoming Grand Marshal must then be confirmed by both Councils before assuming office. The Grand Marshal serves for a single term of ten years.
The Joint Chiefs collectively determine the foreign policy goals and general direction of the Federation, with the Grand Marshal serving as a speaker and the Commander in Chief of the entire Federal military. The Joint Chiefs also possess the ability to veto legislation passed by both Citizen Councils and the Civilian Assembly, though either Citizen Council can overturn this veto with a 2/3s majority vote. Notably, the Grand Marshal is permitted to issue Emergency Orders in extreme situations where normal bureaucracy must be bypassed. The use of an Emergency Order is always reviewed once said crisis has concluded, however, and improper use of such an order may lead to a vote of no confidence.
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====The Citizens' Councils====
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Comprising two separate assemblies, Upper and Lower, the Citizens’ Councils provide political representation to the citizens of the Federation. The Upper Council provides equal representation to all member worlds, with two elected representatives per world. The Lower Council provides proportional representation, with each planet electing a number of representatives proportional to their population. Representatives in both councils serve for terms of five years, with a limit of two terms per representative.
The Councils are the primary legislative body of the Federation, with both Upper and Lower being able to put forth bills. Said bills must then be confirmed by both Councils, and the Civilian Assembly.
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====The Civilian Assembly====
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The Civilian Assembly: Providing representation to the civilian populace of the Federation, the Assembly operates similarly to the Upper Council, with each member world’s civilian populace electing a single representative to speak on their behalf. Civilian representatives serve for four years, with a limit of two terms.
Unlike the Councils, the Civilian Assembly is not permitted to propose legislation, instead only being able to vote for or against existing legislation moving through the Councils.
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====The Supreme Court====
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The highest court of the Federation, consisting of 15 appointed justices, selected by the Grand Marshal and confirmed by the Upper Council. Justices serve for life, with some exceptions, and are usually selected from members of the Federal military court system who have exhibited exceptionally honorable and apolitical conduct.
====Political Divisions====
Within the Federal system, power is divided between two entities, the central government based in Sol, and the various planets throughout the Federation’s vast territories. This division is mostly a matter of practicality, as the sheer size of the Federation’s territory and the massive distance between them makes any unitary state impossible. Planetary administrations may then internally divide power further into states or counties, which is encouraged by the Federal government as a planet grows in population. Generally, planetary governments mirror the organization of the Federal government, though some leeway is permitted within the bounds of the Federal Constitution.
Following the events of the Cygni Crisis and the subsequent constitutional convention, secession was officially disallowed under the Federal Constitution, and is considered high treason within the Federal court system.
====Legal Status of AI====
Artificial intelligence and cyborgs remain contentious topics within Federal space. While cyborg units made from the brains of organic citizens retain their legal rights and Citizenship, IPCs and positronic brains occupy a gray area. Even so, outright abuse or discrimination against AI is uncommon within Federation territory, as many view them as fellow citizens in spirit.
==Sector Authority Commands (SACs)==
Sector Authority Commands represent the largest administrative division within the Federation, encompassing dozens of systems. Each SAC is in and of itself a state in miniature, and most are at least somewhat self-sufficient. Each SAC
== Military ==
====Trans-Solar Marine Corps (TSMC)====
====Trans-Solar Federation Navy (TSFN)====
''"What stopped the Syndie plot? (Guns!) What was it the Reds forgot? (Guns!) What have we that they have not? (Big, big, guns!)."''
''- Drinking song of the Federation Navy.''}}
====Federation Strategic Command (FEDSTRATCOM)====
''"STRATCOM denies the request. Continue bombardment."''
''- Federation RTO, Siege of Beta Archon III.''}}
For all the myriad ways humanity has devised to kill one another, none have created a greater psychological impact than so-called “weapons of mass destruction”. Whether they be nuclear, biological, chemical, conventional, or any number of more esoteric devices, these are weapons with the power to sunder entire worlds, and bring species to extinction. Despite their unsavory nature, the leaders of the Trans-Solar Federation know that destroying them would be the height of naivety. As such, the keys to Armageddon must be retained, and it is Federation Strategic Command who hold the gun pointed at the head of the galaxy.
These weapons are used sparingly, with only a handful of recorded cases within the last century, usually in combatting a biohazard threat which has gone completely out of control.
====Federation Combat Synthetics====
Cyborgs and robots are a common sight within the Federal military, with both acting as specialized support for organic servicemembers. Of particular note is the distinction between “cyborg” and “robot”. The former is controlled by an organic brain, retains rank and rights, and does not have laws forced upon it, while robots are entirely synthetic and are lawed to ensure proper function.
==The Federal Analytics and Intelligence Directorate (FAID)==
The primary intelligence arm of the Federation, the center of its intelligence community, and an organization with seemingly limitless reach, FAID is a common boogeyman in the Orion Arm, and a source of paranoia and dread for any would threaten the Federation. Formed in the aftermath of the Cygni Crisis and Nanotrasen’s subsequent maneuvering, FAID is officially responsible for coordinating the Federation’s many smaller intelligence organs, as well as being the primary force behind operations and intel gathering beyond the Federation’s borders. Unofficially, FAID has a similar amount of influence within Federal space, and is believed responsible for countless instances of political interference, corporate sabotage, and even assassinations against those deemed dangerous by the Federation. Today, FAID is at the forefront of the TSF’s shadow war with Nanotrasen, working around the clock to keep NT’s infiltrators out, and any scraps of evidence as to NT’s crimes, in.
== Economy ==
The TSF possesses the largest economy of all known civilizations within the Orion Arm. While the total GDP of the Federation is difficult to calculate thanks to its size and interstellar distance, current estimates range between 200 - 350 trillion credits. The nation’s currency, the Solar Credit, is the most commonly used in the Sector, and is backed by the Federal Reserve and the TSF’s mighty armies.
The exact nature of the Federation’s economy depends on the planet in question. Highly developed habitable worlds such as Earth and Nova Byzantium are dominated by white-collar work and light industry, while barren worlds such as Mercury and Europa lean far more into heavy industry, fuel production, and other pollution-intensive work.
== Demographics ==
== Culture & Society ==
== Foreign Relations ==
While the Federation retains excellent relations with the Skrell, its overall foreign policy is a far different story. Often decried as “overly militaristic”, “overbearing”, and “downright imperialist”, the Federation has historically maintained an expansion-heavy foreign policy, encouraging smaller states to join via political and economic pressure. While outright force is rare, this approach has borne fruit, and many smaller states within the frontier and beyond have been absorbed after seeing the benefits of cooperation or the futility of resistance. States which chose, or have been chosen, to join the Federation are integrated in stages, as previous offices and governmental systems are replaced with Federal equivalents.
Even so, most larger nations within the Orion Arm retain cordial relations with the Federation, as its vast market and production capabilities prove a boon to any willing to do business.
====The Skrellian Central Authority====
As a founding member of the Solar-Central Compact, humanity’s first interstellar contact, and the Federation’s largest trade partner, the TSF and SCA enjoy excellent relations, and have permitted free trade and migration between the two powers. SCA citizens are also automatically granted Civilian rights within Federal space, and a great number have performed their service and are now proud Citizens of the Federation.
====The Union of Soviet Socialist Planets====
The wounds of the Cygni Rebellion may have healed, but the scars and memories will remain forever. Ever since the rebellion, a state of cold war has existed between the Federation and the Union, as the Union’s entrenched position makes a hot war impractical given the Federal fleet’s myriad responsibilities. Proxy and intelligence warfare between both powers are common, alongside occasional border skirmishes and brushfire conflicts.
Peace has never been, and will never be, an option. One day, open conflict will resume, and the rightful ruler of humanity will rise from the fires of war.
====The Independents====
The relationship between the Federation and Nanotrasen can be described as “complex”, if one wishes to grossly understate it. On one hand, Nanotrasen is a pillar of the Federation’s economy, employing hundreds of millions across the Sector, and is a constant innovator in numerous fields. On the other, it is a predatory megacorporation which consumed innumerable smaller businesses, has an organic rights record considered spotty at best, and is directly responsible for the economic crash following the Cygni Crisis.
At this stage, the Federation cannot allow Nanotrasen to exist, but it also cannot afford to destroy it, as Nanotrasen is, paradoxically, too powerful both to let go and to remove. As such, the Federation has begun a war of espionage with Nanotrasen, seeking to uncover the evidence needed to peacefully dismantle the corporation without undue effects on the Federation at large. The FAID remains at the forefront of this operation, and is rumored to have penetrated deep into Nanotrasen’s operations, just as Nanotrasen is rumored to have done the same to the Federation.

Latest revision as of 17:19, 26 June 2024

It is I, the pope, resident grammar fanatic and Sol Gov enthusiast.

Contact Info:

Discord: popedavethe3th

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding lore, SS13 generally, or my mediocre wiki contributions.