Cryptographic Sequencer: Difference between revisions

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m Cyborgs and robots: ED units have always been emaggable, why wasn't this here.
Line 343: Line 343:
<ul>E-N – will shoot laser beams out of their eyes for a minute or less then explode.</ul>
<ul>E-N – will shoot laser beams out of their eyes for a minute or less then explode.</ul>
<ul>Beepsky – will arrest anyone in sight for an invalid infraction and say his iconic phrase.</ul>
<ul>Beepsky – will arrest anyone in sight for an invalid infraction and say his iconic phrase.</ul>
<ul>ED-209 - fires lasers at anyone unfortunate enough to get in its way. If in melee range, stuns and cuffs your target.</ul>
<ul>ED-209 fires lasers at anyone unfortunate enough to get in its way. If in melee range, stuns and cuffs your target.</ul>


Revision as of 06:02, 6 February 2017

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This page is a more comprehensive list of all objects that can be interacted with in some way with the syndicate E-mag (cryptographic sequencer) and the result of using it on them.

Machines and computers


Found in: Everywhere.
Strategy: Gain unauthorised access to areas.

Scrambles the lock on the airlock, opening the door but leaving it unable to close until repaired. Sparks will fly out of the lock when the emag is used so it'll be obvious to anyone watching.

Air alarm

Air alarm
Found in: Every room.
Strategy: Mess with the room's atmospherics, alter pressure, temperature and atmospheric composition.

Disables the lock and safeties, then touch your ID on it to open the interface. Additionally unlocks the ‘flood’ setting under ‘modes’ which shuts off scrubbers and increases vent output.


Found in: Everywhere.
Strategy: Gain unauthorised access to locked containers

Scrambles the lock on the locker, opening the container but leaving it unable to lock until repaired. Sparks will fly out of the lock when the emag is used so it'll be obvious to anyone watching and the light color is a dead black rather than green or red.

Mass Driver

Mass Driver
File:Massdriver.png Found in: Church and disposals.
Strategy: Launch bodies quicker than before!

Launches much quicker.

Arcade machines

Arcade machines
Found in: Captain's office, the bar, anywhere one is constructed.
Strategy: Potentially injure anyone using the machine.

Enables realism mode, causing certain events that happen in the arcade game to manifest themselves outside of it in some way. For example an explosive decompression within the game will cause all tiles adjacent to the arcade machine to lose their air and the player to take damage.

Bar sign

Bar sign
Found in: Outside the bar.
Strategy: Serves only to show that someone has an emag.

Changes the bar sign outside the bar to a syndicate one.

Camera monitor

Camera monitor
Found in: Many places. Consoles with access to all cameras can be found on the bridge, in security and at the security checkpoint near arrivals.
Strategy: Use the cameras to scout area, search for an item or target.

Allows you to access the CCTV cameras available at that camera monitor.

Deployable barrier

Deployable barrier
File:Deployable barrier.png Found in: Security, outside the armoury.
Strategy: Prevent security from turning off and moving their own barriers, unless they can figure out what has happened and have a wrench.

Stops any ID cards, authorised or not, from being able to toggle the barrier off (and therefore move it). Must be repaired before it can be switched off and moved again. Can be repaired by a single tap from a wrench. .

Emergency shuttle control console

Emergency shuttle control console
Found in: The emergency cockpit.
Strategy: Prevent more people from getting on the shuttle, making it easier to hijack.

Causes the shuttle to launch 10 seconds after being emagged.


Found in: Engineering (secure storage and containment).
Strategy: Turn on/off locked emitters without need for a valid ID.

Disables any ID lock on an emitter, allowing anyone to switch it on or off.

Fire alarm

Fire alarm
Found in: Every room.
Strategy: Stop your fires from being noticed as quickly.

Disables the fire alarm's thermal sensors, stopping it from reacting to a fire. When emagged it will activate the alarm, simply open the interface normally and disable it again.

Holodeck control computer

Holodeck control computer
File:Holocomputer.png Found in: The holodeck.
Strategy: Cause death and destruction by unleashing the holocarp.

Unlocks a simulation that when activated spawns a school of dangerous space carp. For all intents and purposes they’re just as dangerous and aggressive as the real thing and are capable of leaving the holodeck. Be careful not to have your way to safety blocked by them when you use the console.

Labour claim console

Labour claim console
Found in: The labour camp shuttle.
Strategy: Use to escape the labour camp - if you can still get your hands on an emag.

Hacks the console allowing the user to proceed straight back to the station on the labour camp shuttle.

Message monitoring console

Message monitoring console
File:Messagemonitoringconsole.png Found in: PDA server room and R&D server room.
Strategy: Monitor messages.

Prints the user the encryption key but it will be very obvious to anyone who uses the machine that is has been hacked and it will take a while for the machine to come online again.


Found in: Cargo
Strategy: Take control of the mulebot and any contents it may carry, squash some people whilst you're at it to make security suspicious of the cargo techs and quartermaster.

Unlocks and gives the ability to remove safeties. Without safeties, the MULEbot will simply run people over that get in its way, injuring them and making a gruesome mess.

PACMAN portable generator

PACMAN portable generator
File:Pacman32.png Found in: Engineering, many other places.
Strategy: You will most likely kill yourself unless you can somehow convince someone to use your emag on it.

If emagged whilst running it can cause the generator to explode.


Found in: Many places. Medbay, the library, etc.
Strategy: Trick someone into injuring themselves. Or forcibly use it on them.

Overloads the photocopier's laser printing mechanism, causing it to significantly damage (burn) anyone who dares to print their posterior on it.

Pool controller

Pool controller
Found in: Dorms, adjacent to the holodeck.
Strategy: Not very realistic unless the victim is somehow unable to leave the pool.

Disables the temperature safeguards, allowing for temperature settings ‘frigid’ and ‘scalding’ to become available.

Supply console

Supply console
Found in: Cargo, Quartermaster's office and the bridge.
Strategy: As long as you have access to the supply console, get some serious hardware and save yourself tons of telecrystals.

Unlocks additional, ‘special’, supplies. Notably the “ERROR_NULL_ENTRY” and “Special Ops Supplies” crates. The former contains an emag of its own, a hacked AI module circuit board and a toy AI for you to play with. The latter contains 5 EMP grenades, 3 smoke grenades, 1 incendiary grenade and a sleepy pen.

Vending machines

Vending machines
Found in: All over the place.
Strategy: Vend items you wouldn't normally have access to because of your job.

Removes any job-type requirement to access the vendor. E.g. the seed vendor in hydroponics is ordinarily only usable by botanists.

Secure safe

Secure safe
File:Secure safe32.png Found in: Several areas. Captain's office, virology, bartender's back room.
Strategy: Gain access to items stored in wall-safes, if anyone even uses them.

Shorts out and unlocks the lock on the safe. Like an airlock, will leave unlocked and be obvious that it has been emagged.

Items and objects


File:Tracking beacon32.png Found in: Wherever the teleporter can ordinarily teleport to.
Strategy: Put the emagged beacon wherever only you want to be able to teleport to and use an emagged teleporter.

Alters the beacon so that only emagged teleporters can lock onto it.

Lazarus Injector

Lazarus Injector
Found in: Mining reward
Strategy: Use it to combat other people.

The Mob will be hostile to everyone else except you.

Security Gas Mask

Security Gas Mask
Found in: Security storage areas.
Strategy: Annoy the hell out of people.

Changes the robotic phrase to the iconic Beepsky eat shit phrase.

Light replacer

Light replacer
Found in: Janitor's closet.
Strategy: Spread confusion and mayhem, possibly injure some people. Look for bulbs that are close to the light switch or build your own.

Rigs light bulbs fitted with the device to explode when the light switch is turned on. Renames the device and changes it's appearance so that it will be obvious that it has been emagged.


Found in: All the head of department offices.
Strategy: Potentially have security suspicious of the one who used the megaphone - but probably not.

Forces the user to say one of several humorous phrases, regardless what they type when using it. Will only work a few times. E.g "FOR THE SYNDICATE!".

Rapid Crate Sender (RCS)

Rapid Crate Sender (RCS)
Found in: Cargo
Strategy: To quickly hide or remove items within crates/closets from the station. Put a GPS device inside so you can find it again later if you need to.

Allows the user to toggle between calibrated and uncalibrated modes. The standard calibrated mode can send crates/closets/lockers to one of three cargo telepads. The uncalibrated mode teleports the same sorts of items to a random location - most likely space.

Robot parts

Robot parts
Found in: Robotics
Strategy: Unknown

Shorts out the safeties.


File:Recycler.png Found in: Disposal's Maint
Strategy: Instantly killing people by throwing them into this machine. You can even wrench it and drag death right behind you!

Overrides the safety and allows for the machine to recycle crew members; it instakills anyone unfortunate enough to slide in.


Found in: Chef's freezer
Strategy: Gibbing alive personnel.

It's a myth, you can't e-mag these things. They already slaughter people wholesale, how much more can you ask for?

Temperature gun

Temperature gun
Found in: Printed at the protolathe in R&D.
Strategy: Cause death and destruction. Can only be fired a few times on the highest setting before needing recharging.

Overrides the temperature cap, causing its beam to set people alight if the temperature is set high enough. Description changes to notify the examiner that it has been hacked.

Cyborgs and robots

Cyborgs and robots

Cyborgs and robots
File:Cyborg32.png Found in: Robotics, all over the station.
Strategy: Create an army of cyborgs to do your bidding or robots to greytide the station on your behalf.
Allows the user to enslave a cyborg by emagging open its cover lock. You then need to screwdriver it open and emag it again to override its laws, making you its master. Cyborgs and robots will also gain additional items and functions when emagged, depending on their type.


    Standard – an energy sword.
    Medical – 250 units of a fluorosulphuric acid (polyacid) spray.
    Engineering – a stun.
    Security – an energy laser gun.
    Janitorial – 250 units of space lube spray.
    Service – can dispense ‘Mickey Finn's Special Brew’.
    Mining – a stun.


    Maintenance drone – a diamond drill.
    Cleaning bot – will wet floors randomly and spawn cleaning foam, slipping people over.
    Floorbot – will tear up floors, causing breaches to space.
    Medbot – will inject people with harmful or annoying chemicals.
    E-N – will shoot laser beams out of their eyes for a minute or less then explode.
    Beepsky – will arrest anyone in sight for an invalid infraction and say his iconic phrase.
    ED-209 – fires lasers at anyone unfortunate enough to get in its way. If in melee range, stuns and cuffs your target.