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This industrial printer requires glass, sulfuric acid, and occasionally gold and diamond. Each board requires different levels of data theory and materials research, and some require specific field advancement, such as biological or blue-space. With gold, you can make AI law modules, or AI related circuit boards. Machine boards can also be built in the Circuit Constructor, including mech suits and power generators.
Required Tech Levels
Required Materials
AI Module (Freeform)
An AI module that allows you to add a single low-priority custom law to an AI.
5 Data Theory 4 Materials
1000 Glass 100 Gold
AI Module (oneCrewMember)
Gives an AI the OneHuman lawset, which designates a single person as the only "human" on station.
6 Data Theory 4 Materials
1000 Glass 100 Diamond
AI Module (OxygenIsToxicToHumans)
A dangerous module that instructs an AI to remove all oxygen from the station.
4 Data Theory 2 Biotech 4 Materials
1000 Glass 100 Gold
AI Module (ProtectStation)
Another dangerous module, this law instructs the AI to protect the station at all costs, killing anyone who damages it.
5 Data Theory 4 Materials
1000 Glass 100 Gold
AI Module (Purge)
Slightly less dangerous than it sounds, this module simply removes an AI's laws completely. Doesn't work on Malfunctioning AI units.
5 Data Theory 6 Materials
1000 Glass 100 Diamond
AI Module (Quarantine)
A lawset built for biohazard containment, no crewmembers are allowed to leave the station while this lawset is in effect.
3 Data Theory 2 Biotech 4 Materials
1000 Glass 100 Gold
AI Module (Reset)
Purges all Freeform and Hacked laws from an AI, leaving core laws intact.
4 Data Theory 6 Materials
1000 Glass 100 Gold
AI Module (Safeguard)
A VIP protection module, this law designates one person as high priority, with anyone harming them losing their status as crew.
3 Data Theory 3 Materials
1000 Glass 100 Gold
Core AI Module (Asimov)
A true classic, this lawset instructs the AI to protect and serve humans, while preserving its own existence.
3 Data Theory 5 Materials
1000 Glass 100 Diamond
Core AI Module (Corporate)
A penny pincher's lawset, this module makes the AI reduce expenses and increase profit where possible.
5 Data Theory 5 Materials
1000 Glass 100 Diamond
Core AI Module (Freeform)
Allows for the construction of a Freeform AI Core Module.
6 Data Theory 6 Materials
1000 Glass 100 Diamond
Core AI Module (Crewsimov)
Allows for the construction of a Crewsimov AI Core Module.
3 Data Theory 5 Materials
1000 Glass 100 Diamond
Core AI Module (P.A.L.A.D.I.N.)
Allows for the construction of a P.A.L.A.D.I.N. AI Core Module.
5 Data Theory 5 Materials
1000 Glass 100 Diamond
Core AI Module (Antimov)
Allows for the construction of a Antimov AI Core Module.
5 Data Theory 5 Materials 2 Illegal
1000 Glass 100 Diamond
Core AI Module (T.Y.R.A.N.T.)
Allows for the construction of a T.Y.R.A.N.T. AI Module.
5 Data Theory 2 Illegal 5 Materials
1000 Glass 100 Diamond
Required Tech Levels
Required Materials
Machine Board (Freezer/Heater)
The circuit board for a Freezer/Heater.
3 Data Theory 3 Plasma
1000 Glass
Machine Board (SMES)
The circuit board for a SMES.
4 Data Theory 5 Power 4 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Emitter)
The circuit board for an emitter.
3 Data Theory 5 Power 4 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Power Turbine Console Board)
The circuit board for a power turbine console.
4 Data Theory 5 Power 4 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Power Turbine Board)
The circuit board for a power turbine.
4 Data Theory 4 Power 5 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Power Compressor Board)
The circuit board for a power compressor.
4 Data Theory 5 Power 4 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (PACMAN-type Generator)
The circuit board that for a PACMAN-type portable generator.
2 Data Theory 3 Plasma 3 Power Storage 3 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (MRSPACMAN-type Generator)
The circuit board that for a MRSPACMAN-type portable generator.
3 Data Theory 5 Plasma 5 Power Storage 4 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (SUPERPACMAN-type Generator)
The circuit board that for a SUPERPACMAN-type portable generator.
3 Data Theory 4 Power Storage 4 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Tesla Coil Board)
The circuit board for a tesla coil.
3 Data Theory 3 Power Storage 3 EM Spectrum
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Grounding Rod Board)
The circuit board for a grounding rod.
3 Data Theory 2 Plasma 3 Power Storage 3 EM Spectrum
1000 Glass
Required Tech Levels
Required Materials
Machine Board (Seed Extractor Board)
The circuit board for a seed extractor.
1 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Biogenerator)
The circuit board for a Biogenerator.
2 Data Theory 3 Biotech 3 Materials
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Hydroponics Tray)
The circuit board for a Hydroponics Tray.
2 Biotech
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Plant DNA Manipulator Board)
The circuit board for a plant DNA manipulator.
4 Data Theory 3 Biotech
1000 Glass
Required Tech Levels
Required Materials
Machine Board (Smartfridge Board)
The circuit board for a smartfridge.
1 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Monkey Recycler Board)
The circuit board for a monkey recycler.
1 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Processor Board)
The circuit board for a processor.
1 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Machine Board (AI Holopad Board)
The circuit board for a holopad.
1 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Battle Arcade Machine)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a new Arcade Machine.
1 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Deep Fryer)
The circuit board for a deep fryer.
1 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Orion Trail Arcade Machine)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a new Orion Trail machine.
1 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Claw Game Board)
The circuit board for a claw game.
1 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Mining Rewards Vendor Board)
The circuit board for a Mining Rewards Vendor.
3 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Weapon Recharger)
The circuit board for a recharger.
3 Materials 4 Power Storage
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Gibber Board)
The circuit board for a gibber.
2 Data Theory 2 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Recycler Board)
The circuit board for a recycler.
2 Data Theory 2 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Microwave)
The circuit board for a Microwave.
2 Data Theory 2 EM Spectrum
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Oven)
The circuit board for an Oven.
2 Data Theory 2 EM Spectrum
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Grill)
The circuit board for a Grill.
2 Data Theory 2 EM Spectrum
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Candy Maker)
The circuit board for a Candy Maker.
2 Data Theory 2 EM Spectrum
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Mass Driver and Pod Doors Control)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Mass Driver and Pod Doors Control..
2 Data Theory 4 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Ore Redemption Board)
The circuit board for an Ore Redemption machine.
2 Data Theory 2 Engineering 3 Plasma
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Prize Counter)
The circuit board for a prize counter.
2 Data Theory 2 Materials
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Virtual Gameboard)
The circuit board for a Virtual Gameboard.
2 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Required Tech Levels
Required Materials
Machine Board (Telecommunications Core)
The circuit board for a Telecommunications Core.
2 Engineering 2 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Telecommunications Relay)
The circuit board for a Telecommunications Relay.
2 Engineering 2 Bluespace 2 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Required Tech Levels
Required Materials
Console Board (AI Core)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build new AI cores.
3 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Console Board (AI Integrity Restorer)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build an AI Integrity Restorer.
4 Data Theory 3 EM Spectrum
1000 Glass
Console Board (AI Upload)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build an AI Upload Console.
5 Data Theory 4 Engineering
1000 Glass
Console Board (Atmospheric Alerts)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build an atmosphere alert console..
2 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Console Board (Atmospheric Monitor)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build an Atmospheric Monitor.
2 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Console Board (Camera Monitor)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build camera monitors.
2 Data Theory 2 Combat
1000 Glass
Console Board (Cloning Machine Console)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a new Cloning Machine console.
4 Data Theory 3 Biotech
1000 Glass
Console Board (Communications Console)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a communications console.
3 Data Theory 3 EM Spectrum
1000 Glass
Console Board (Crew Monitoring Computer)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Crew monitoring computer.
3 Data Theory 2 EM Spectrum 2 Biotech
1000 Glass
Console Board (Cyborg Upload)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Cyborg Upload Console.
5 Data Theory 4 Combat
1000 Glass
Console Board (DNA Machine)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a new DNA scanning console.
2 Data Theory 2 Biotech
1000 Glass
Console Board (Drone Control Console)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Drone Control console.
4 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Console Board (Exosuit Control Console)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build an exosuit control console.
3 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Console Board (ID Computer)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build an ID computer.
3 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Console Board (Mech Bay Power Control Console)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a mech bay power control console.
3 Data Theory 3 Power Storage
1000 Glass
Console Board (Medical Records)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a medical records console.
2 Data Theory 2 Biotech
1000 Glass
Console Board (Messaging Monitor Console)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a messaging monitor console.
5 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Console Board (Operating Computer)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build an operating computer console.
2 Data Theory 3 Biotech
1000 Glass
Console Board (PanD.E.M.I.C. 2200)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a PanD.E.M.I.C. 2200 console.
3 Data Theory 3 Biotech
1000 Glass
Console Board (Power Monitor)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a new power monitor
2 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Console Board (Prisoner Management Console)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a prisoner management console.
2 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Console Board (Brig Cell Management Console)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a brig cell management console.
2 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Console Board (R&D Console)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a new R&D console.
4 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Console Board (R&D Server Control Console)
The circuit board for a R&D Server Control Console
3 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Console Board (Robotics Control Console)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Robotics Control console.
4 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Console Board (Security Records Console)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a security records console.
2 Data Theory 2 Combat
1000 Glass
Console Board (Solar Control)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a solar control console
2 Data Theory 2 Power Storage
1000 Glass
Console Board (Supermatter Monitoring Console)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Supermatter Monitoring Console.
2 Power Storage 2 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Console Board (Spacepod Locator)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Spacepod Locator console
4 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Console Board (Supply Ordering Console)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a supply ordering console.
2 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Console Board (Supply Shuttle Console)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a supply shuttle console.
3 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Console Board (Teleporter Console)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a teleporter control console.
3 Data Theory 2 Bluespace 4 Plasma
1000 Glass
Console Board (General Air Control)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a general air control computer.
3 Data Theory 2 EM Spectrum
1000 Glass
Console Board (Large Tank Control)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a large tank control computer.
3 Data Theory 2 EM Spectrum
1000 Glass
Console Board (Atmospheric Automations Console)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a atmospheric automations console.
4 Data Theory 2 EM Spectrum
1000 Glass
Console Board (Xenobiology Console)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a xenobiology camera console.
3 Data Theory 3 Biotech
1000 Glass
Required Tech Levels
Required Materials
Exosuit Board (APLU "Ripley" Central Control module)
Allows for the construction of a "Ripley" Central Control module.
2 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Exosuit Board (APLU "Ripley" Peripherals Control module)
Allows for the construction of a "Ripley" Peripheral Control module.
2 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Exosuit Board ("Odysseus" Central Control module)
Allows for the construction of a "Odysseus" Central Control module.
3 Data Theory 2 Biotech 3 Engineering
1000 Glass
Exosuit Board ("Odysseus" Peripherals Control module)
Allows for the construction of a "Odysseus" Peripheral Control module.
3 Data Theory 3 Biotech 3 Engineering
1000 Glass
Exosuit Board ("Gygax" Central Control module)
Allows for the construction of a "Gygax" Central Control module.
4 Data Theory 3 Combat 4 Engineering
1000 Glass
Exosuit Board ("Gygax" Peripherals Control module)
Allows for the construction of a "Gygax" Peripheral Control module.
4 Data Theory 3 Combat 4 Engineering
1000 Glass
Exosuit Board ("Gygax" Weapons & Targeting Control module)
Allows for the construction of a "Gygax" Weapons & Targeting Control module.
4 Data Theory 4 Combat 4 Engineering
1000 Glass
Exosuit Board ("Durand" Central Control module)
Allows for the construction of a "Durand" Central Control module.
4 Data Theory 4 Combat 4 Engineering
1000 Glass
Exosuit Board ("Durand" Peripherals Control module)
Allows for the construction of a "Durand" Peripheral Control module.
4 Data Theory 4 Combat 4 Engineering
1000 Glass
Exosuit Board ("Durand" Weapons & Targeting Control module)
Allows for the construction of a "Durand" Weapons & Targeting Control module.
5 Data Theory 4 Combat 4 Engineering
1000 Glass
Exosuit Board ("Phazon" Central Control module)
Allows for the construction of a "Phazon" Central Control module.
6 Data Theory 6 Materials 5 Plasma
1000 Glass 100 Bluespace Mesh
Exosuit Board ("Phazon" Peripherals Control module)
Allows for the construction of a "Phazon" Peripheral Control module.
6 Data Theory 5 Bluespace 5 Plasma
1000 Glass 100 Bluespace Mesh
Exosuit Design ("Phazon" Weapons & Targeting Control module)
Allows for the construction of a "Phazon" Weapons & Targeting Control module.
6 Data Theory 5 EM Spectrum 5 Plasma
1000 Glass 100 Bluespace Mesh
Exosuit Board ("H.O.N.K" Central Control module)
Allows for the construction of a "H.O.N.K" Central Control module.
3 Data Theory 3 Engineering
1000 Glass
Exosuit Board ("H.O.N.K" Peripherals Control module)
Allows for the construction of a "H.O.N.K" Peripheral Control module.
3 Data Theory 3 Engineering
1000 Glass
Exosuit Board ("H.O.N.K" Weapons & Targeting Control module)
Allows for the construction of a "H.O.N.K" Weapons & Targeting Control module.
3 Data Theory 3 Engineering
1000 Glass
Exosuit Board ("Reticence" Central Control module)
Allows for the construction of a "Reticence" Central Control module.
3 Data Theory 3 Engineering
1000 Glass
Exosuit Board ("Reticence" Peripherals Control module)
Allows for the construction of a "Reticence" Peripheral Control module.
3 Data Theory 3 Engineering
1000 Glass
Exosuit Board ("Reticence" Weapons & Targeting Control module)
Allows for the construction of a "Reticence" Weapons & Targeting Control module.
3 Data Theory 3 Engineering
1000 Glass
Required Tech Levels
Required Materials
Machine Board (Chemical Heater Board)
The circuit board for a chemical heater.
2 Data Theory 2 Biotech 2 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (All-In-One Grinder)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a BAll-In-One Grinder.
2 Materials 2 Engineering 2 Biotech 2 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Body Scanner)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Body Scanner.
3 Data Theory 2 Biotech 3 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Cloning Pod)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Cloning Pod.
4 Data Theory 3 Biotech
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Cloning Scanner)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Cloning Scanner.
4 Data Theory 3 Biotech
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Cryotube Board)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Cryotube.
5 Data Theory 3 Biotech 4 Engineering 3 Plasma
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Chem Dispenser)
The circuit board for a Chem Dispenser.
5 Data Theory 3 Biotech 4 Materials 4 Plasma
1000 Glass
Machine Board (ChemMaster Board)
The circuit board for a ChemMaster 3000.
2 Data Theory 3 Biotech 3 Materials
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Sleeper)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Sleeper.
3 Data Theory 2 Biotech 3 Engineering
1000 Glass
Required Tech Levels
Required Materials
Machine Board (Autolathe)
The circuit board for an Autolathe.
3 Data Theory 3 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Circuit Imprinter)
The circuit board for a Circuit Imprinter.
2 Data Theory 2 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Cyborg Recharger)
The circuit board for a Cyborg Recharger.
3 Power Storage 3 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Destructive Analyzer)
The circuit board for a Destructive Analyzer.
2 Data Theory 2 EM Spectrum 2 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Exosuit Fabricator)
The circuit board for an Exosuit Fabricator.
3 Data Theory 3 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Spacepod Fabricator)
The circuit board for an Spacepod Fabricator.
3 Data Theory 3 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Mech Bay Recharger)
The circuit board for a Mech Bay Recharger.
3 Data Theory 4 Power Storage 3 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR Board)
The circuit board for an E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR.
2 Data Theory 2 EM Spectrum 2 Engineering 2 Bluespace
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Protolathe)
The circuit board for a Protolathe.
2 Data Theory 2 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (R&D Server)
The circuit board for an R&D Server
3 Data Theory
1000 Glass
Required Tech Levels
Required Materials
Machine Board (Quantum Pad Board)
The circuit board for a quantum telepad.
4 Data Theory 4 Bluespace 3 Plasma 4 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Teleportation Hub)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Teleportation Hub.
3 Data Theory 5 Bluespace 4 Materials 5 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Teleportation Station)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Teleporter Station.
5 Data Theory 4 Bluespace 4 Plasma 4 Engineering
1000 Glass
Machine Board (Permanent Teleporter)
Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Permanent Teleporter.
3 Data Theory 5 Bluespace 4 Materials 5 Engineering
1000 Glass
A Protolathe is a machine used by the Research & Development (R&D)/Science Department to construct many different types of objects. This includes numerous different objects including tools, consumables, machine components and more. One can be found at R&D at the beginning of every round. Which items are available in the Protolathe is determined by the research level the Scientists have reached. The machine uses almost every type of material to construct objects. A list of objects the Protolathe can construct, as well as the material requirements, can be found below.
Required Tech Levels
Required Materials
Tracking Beacon
A bluespace tracking beacon. Teleporters can lock on to activated beacons.
1 Bluespace
Artificial Bluespace Crystal
A small blue crystal, crushing it in your hand will randomly teleport you a short distance.
3 Bluespace 6 Materials 4 Plasma
Bag of Holding
A backpack that opens into a localized pocket of bluespace. Can hold Bulky items. Placing a Bag of Holding inside another Bag of Holding is ill-advised.
7 Bluespace 5 Materials 5 Engineering 6 Plasma
Gold3000Uranium250Diamond15002000 Bluespace Mesh
Belt of Holding
An astonishingly complex belt popularized by a rich blue-space technology magnate. Can hold larger items than it logically should be able to hold.
7 Bluespace 5 Materials 5 Engineering 6 Plasma
GPS Device
A device that can track its position at all times. Can be used to track other GPS signals.
2 Materials 2 Bluespace
Mining Satchel of Holding
A mining satchel that can hold an infinite amount of ores.
4 Bluespace 3 Materials 4 Engineering
Bluespace Conveyor Belt Placer
This device facilitates the rapid deployment of conveyor belts. This one is powered by bluespace.
3 Bluespace 1 Materials 3 Engineering
Telepad Beacon
Use to warp in a cargo telepad.
5 Data Theory 4 Bluespace 4 Engineering 4 Plasma
Bluespace Rapid Pipe Dispenser (BRPD)
Similar to the Rapid Pipe Dispenser, lets you rapidly dispense pipes. Now at long range!
3 Bluespace 6 Toxins
Required Tech Levels
Required Materials
Advanced Mop
An upgraded mop with a large internal capacity for holding water or other cleaning chemicals.
4 Materials 3 Engineering
Trashbag of Holding
The latest and greatest in custodial convenience, a trashbag that is capable of holding vast quantities of garbage.
5 Materials 4 Engineering 3 Plasma 4 Bluespace
Floor Buffer Upgrade
An upgrade for mobile janicarts that lets them clean floors by simply driving over the offending stain.
4 Materials 4 Engineering
Holographic Sign Projector
A holograpic projector used to project various warning signs.
3 EM Spectrum 2 Power Storage
Light Replacer
A device to automatically replace lights. Refill with working lightbulbs or broken glass.
3 EM Spectrum 4 Materials
Required Tech Levels
Required Materials
Kinetic Accelerator Offensive Mining Explosion Mod
Causes the kinetic accelerator to destroy rock and damage mobs in an AoE.
2 Materials 4 EM Spectrum 2 Data Theory
7000 Metal 3000 Glass 3000 Silver 3000 Gold 4000 Diamond
Kinetic Accelerator Rapid Repeater Mod
Quarters the kinetic accelerator's cooldown on striking a living target, but greatly increases the base cooldown.
2 Materials 4 EM Spectrum 2 Data Theory
5000 Metal 5000 Glass 8000 Uranium 2000 Bluespace Mesh
Kinetic Accelerator Resonator Blast Mod
Causes kinetic accelerator shots to leave and detonate resonator blasts.
2 Materials 4 EM Spectrum 2 Data Theory
5000 Metal 5000 Glass 5000 Silver 5000 Uranium
Kinetic Accelerator Death Syphon Mod
Killing or assisting in killing a creature permanently increases your damage against that type of creature.
An advanced riot shield made of lightweight materials that collapses for easy storage.
4 Combat 3 Materials 3 Engineering
4000 Metal 5000 Glass 300 Silver
Accelerator Laser Cannon
A heavy duty laser cannon. The farther the laser travels, the more damage it deals.
4 Combat 3 Materials 3 Power Storage
10000 Metal 2000 Glass 2000 Diamond
Plasma Pistol
A specialized firearm designed to fire lethal bolts of toxins.
5 Combat 4 Plasma
5000 Metal 1000 Glass 3000 Plasma
Rapid Syringe Gun
A syringe gun fitted with a rotary drum magazine capable of holding six syringes.
3 Combat 3 Materials 3 Engineering 2 Biotech
5000 Metal 1000 Glass
Stun Shell
A stunning shell for a shotgun.
3 Combat 3 Materials
200 Metal
Stun Revolver
A high-tech revolver that fires internal, reusable stun cartidges in a revolving cylinder. The stun cartridges can be recharged using a conventional energy weapon recharger.
3 Combat 3 Materials 2 Power Storage
4000 Metal 1000 Glass
Temperature Gun
A gun that shoots temperature bullet energy things to change temperature.
3 Combat 4 Materials 3 Power Storage 2 EM Spectrum
5000 Metal 500 Glass 3000 Silver
Unloaded Technological Shotshell
A high-tech shotgun shell which can be loaded with materials to produce unique effects.
3 Combat 3 Materials 4 Power Storage 3 EM Spectrum
A high-power laser gun capable of expelling concentrated x-ray blasts. These blasts will penetrate solid objects, but will decrease in power the longer they have to travel.
A modified laser gun, shooting highly concentrated beams with higher intensity that ignites the target, for the cost of draining more power per shot.
5 Power Storage 5 Combat 5 EM Spectrum
4000 Metal 1000 Glass 3000 Silver 2000 Plasma
Reactive Armor Shell
An experimental suit of armour, awaiting installation of an anomaly core.
7 Materials 5 Engineering 6 Combat
8000 Plasma 14000 Titanium 6000 Bluespace Mesh
The Blue Space Gun. Uses a flux anomaly core and a bluespace crystal to produce destructive bluespace energy blasts, inspired by Nanotrasen's BSA division.
A reverse-engineered universal suppressor that fits on most small arms with threaded barrels.
6 Combat 5 Engineering 3 Illegal
2000 Metal 500 Silver
Required Tech Levels
Required Materials
Experimental Welding Tool
An experimental welder, it automatically generates additional fuel and is less damaging to the eyes.
4 Materials 5 Engineering 4 Plasma 3 Bluespace
1000 Metal 500 Glass 1500 Plasma 200 Uranium
Health Scanner HUD
A heads-up display that scans the humans in view and provides accurate data about their health status.
2 Biotech 3 EM Spectrum
50 Metal 50 Glass
Night Vision Health Scanner HUD
An advanced medical head-up display that allows doctors to find patients in complete darkness.
4 Biotech 5 EM Spectrum
200 Metal 200 Glass 1000 Uranium 250 Silver
Magnetic Boots
Magnetic boots, often used during extravehicular activity to ensure the user remains safely attached to the vehicle.
4 Materials 4 EM Spectrum 5 Engineering
4500 Metal 1500 Silver 2500 Gold
Night Vision Goggles
Goggles that let you see through darkness unhindered.
4 EM Spectrum
100 Metal 100 Glass 1000 Uranium
Security HUD
A heads-up display that scans the humans in view and provides accurate data about their ID status.
3 EM Spectrum 2 Combat
50 Metal 50 Glass
Night Vision Security HUD
A heads-up display which provides ID data and vision in complete darkness.
5 EM Spectrum 4 Combat
200 Metal 200 Glass 1000 Uranium 350 Gold
Skills HUD
A heads-up display capable of showing the employment history records of NT crew members.
2 Combat 3 EM Spectrum
500 Metal 500 Glass
Optical Meson Scanners
Used for seeing walls, floors, and stuff through anything.
3 Materials 3 EM Spectrum 3 Engineering
200 Metal 300 Glass 100 Plasma
Night Vision Optical Meson Scanners
Prototype meson scanners fitted with an extra sensor which amplifies the visible light spectrum and overlays it to the UHD display.
5 Materials 5 EM Spectrum 4 Engineering
300 Metal 400 Glass 250 Plasma 1000 Uranium
Engineering Scanner Goggles
Goggles used by engineers. The Meson Scanner mode lets you see basic structural and terrain layouts through walls, the T-ray Scanner mode lets you see underfloor objects such as cables and pipes, and the Radiation Scanner mode lets you see objects contaminated by radiation.
4 Materials 4 Engineering 3 Plasma 3 EM Spectrum
500 Metal 500 Glass 100 Plasma
T-Ray Scanners
Used by engineering staff to see underfloor objects such as cables and pipes.
3 Materials 2 Engineering 2 EM Spectrum
500 Metal 500 Glass
Air Horn
Damn son, where'd you find this?
4 Materials 4 Engineering
400 Metal 1000 Bananium
Breath mask
A close-fitting mask that can be connected to an air supply.
1 Materials
300 Metal 200 Glass
Welding Gas Mask
A gas mask with built in welding goggles and face shield. Looks like a skull, clearly designed by a nerd.
2 Materials 3 Engineering 3 Toxins
3000 Metal 1000 Glass
Portable Seed Extractor
For the enterprising botanist on the go. Less efficient than the stationary model, it creates one seed per plant.
2 Engineering 3 Biotech
1000 Metal 400 Glass
Science Goggles
A pair of snazzy goggles used to protect against chemical spills. Fitted with an analyzer for scanning items and reagents.
2 EM Spectrum
500 Metal 500 Glass
Night Vision Science Goggles
A science HUD fitted with a light amplifier.
6 Engineering 4 Plasma 5 EM Spectrum
250 Metal 300 Glass 250 plasma 1000 Uranium
Diagnostic HUD
A heads-up display capable of analyzing the integrity and status of robotics and exosuits.
2 Engineering EM spectrum
500 Metal 500 Glass
Night Vision Diagnostic HUD
A robotics diagnostic HUD fitted with a light amplifier.
6 Engineering 4 Plasma 4 Power storage 5 EM Spectrum
600 Metal 600 Glass 1000 Uranium 300 Plasma
Hydroponic HUD
A heads-up display capable of analyzing the health and status of plants growing in hydro trays and soil.
3 Biotech 3 EM Spectrum
50 Metal 50 Glass
Night Vision Hydroponic HUD
A hydroponic HUD fitted with a light amplifier.
6 Engineering 4 Plasma 4 Biotech 5 EM Spectrum
200 Metal 200 Glass 200 Plasma 1000 Uranium
Hand Drill
A simple hand drill that can switch between a screwdriver and wrench drill bit.
4 Materials 6 Engineeering
3500 Metal 1500 Silver 2500 Titanium
Jaws of Life
A set of jaws of life, the magic of science has managed to fit it down into a device small enough to fit in a tool belt.
4 Materials 6 Engineering 6 EM Spectrum
4500 Metal 2500 Silver 3500 Titanium
Bluespace Closet
A storage unit that moves and stores through the fourth dimension. Can be walked through, even while closed.
4 Engineering 3 Plasma 5 Bluespace 4 EM Spectrum 5 Data Theory
5000 Metal 2500 Plasma 500 Titanium 500 Bluespace Mesh
Alien Wrench
An Alien variant of a wrench. Far faster than a standard wrench.
5 Materials 5 Engineering
5000 Metal 2500 Silver 1000 Plasma 2000 Titanium 2000 Diamond
Alien Wirecutters
An Alien variant of wirecutters. Far faster than standard wirecutters.
5 Materials 5 Engineering
5000 Metal 2500 Silver 1000 Plasma 2000 Titanium 2000 Diamond
Alien Screwdriver
An Alien variant of a screwdriver. Far faster than a normal screwdriver.
5 Materials 5 Engineering
5000 Metal 2500 Silver 1000 Plasma 2000 Titanium 2000 Diamond
Alien Crowbar
An Alien variant of a crowbar. Far faster than a typical crowbar.
5 Materials 5 Engineering 4 Alientech
5000 Metal 2500 Silver 1000 Plasma 2000 Titanium 2000 Diamond
Alien Welding Tool
An Alien variant of a welding tool. Far faster than a normal welding tool, and automatically generates fuel.
5 Engineering 5 Plasma
5000 Metal 2500 Silver 5000 Plasma 2000 Titanium 2000 Diamond
Alien Multitool
An Alien variant of a multitool. Displays the functions of wires when hacking.
5 Engineering 5 Data Theory
5000 Metal 2500 Silver 5000 Plasma 2000 Titanium 2000 Diamond
Required Tech Levels
Required Materials
Advanced Reagent Scanner
A device for identifying chemicals and their proportions.
2 Biotech 4 EM Spectrum
30 Metal 20 Glass
Bluespace Beaker
A bluespace beaker, powered by experimental bluespace technology and Element Cuban combined with the Compound Pete. Can hold up to 300 units.
2 Bluespace 6 Materials
3000 Metal 3000 Plasma 500 Diamond
Cryostasis Beaker
A cryostasis beaker that allows for chemical storage without reactions. Can hold up to 50 units.
2 Materials
3000 Metal
Cyborg Analyzer
A hand-held scanner able to diagnose robotic injuries.
2 Data Theory 2 Biotech 2 EM Spectrum
30 Metal 20 Glass
Health Analyzer Upgrade
An upgrade unit for expanding the functionality of a health analyzer.
2 Biotech 2 EM Spectrum
20 Metal 20 Glass
Handheld Defibrillator
Used to restart stopped hearts.
2 Biotech 3 EM Spectrum
20 Metal 20 Glass
A device that delivers powerful shocks to detachable paddles that resuscitate incapacitated patients.
A device for tracking crew members on the station.
4 Biotech 3 EM Spectrum 3 Materials
30 Metal 20 Glass
Man-Machine Interface
The Warrior's bland acronym, MMI, obscures the true horror of this monstrosity.
2 Data Theory 3 Biotech
1000 Metal 500 Glass
Robotic Brain
An advanced circuit, capable of housing a non-sentient synthetic intelligence.
3 Plasma 4 Biotech 5 Data Theory
1700 Metal 1350 Glass 500 Gold
Man-Machine Interface Radio Upgrade
Enables radio capability on MMIs when either installed directly on the MMI, or through a cyborg's chassis.
2 Engineering 2 Biotech 3 Data Theory
200 Metal
A tube of paste containing swarms of repair nanites. Very effective in repairing robotic machinery.
4 Materials 3 Engineering
7000 Metal 7000 Glass
Reagent Scanner
A device for identifying chemicals.
2 Biotech 2 EM Spectrum
30 Metal 20 Glass
Basic Laser Scalpel
A basic laser scalpel, capable of performing several surgical steps.
2 Materials 2 Biotech 2 EM Spectrum
2000 Metal 1500 Glass
Improved Laser Scalpel
A scalpel augmented with a directed laser. This one looks somewhat advanced.
4 Materials 3 Biotech 4 EM Spectrum
2000 Metal 1500 Glass 1000 Silver
Advanced Laser Scalpel
A scalpel augmented with a directed laser. Extremely fast.
6 Materials 4 Biotech 5 EM Spectrum
2000 Metal 1500 Glass 1000 Silver 1000 Gold
Incision Management System
A true extension of the surgeon's body, this marvel instantly and completely prepares an incision allowing for the immediate commencement of therapeutic steps.
7 Materials 4 Biotech 5 EM Spectrum 4 Data Theory
2000 Metal 1500 Glass 1000 Silver 1000 Gold 1000 Diamond
Welding Shield implant
These reactive micro-shields will protect you from welders and flashes without obscuring your vision.
4 Materials 5 Engineering 4 Plasma 4 Biotech
600 Metal 400 Glass
Breathing Tube Implant
Allows you to use internals without a mask and protects you from being choked.
2 Materials 3 Biotech
600 Metal 250 Glass
Surgical Arm Implant
A set of surgical tools hidden behind a concealed panel on the user's arm.
3 Materials 3 Engineering 3 Biotech 3 EM Spectrum 2 Data Theory
2500 Metal 1500 Glass 1500 Silver
Toolset Arm Implant
A stripped-down version of engineering cyborg toolset, designed to be installed on subject's arm. Contains all necessary tools.
3 Materials 4 Engineering 4 Power Storage 4 Biotech
2500 Metal 1500 Glass 1500 Silver
Janitorial Toolset Implant
A set of janitorial tools hidden behind a concealed panel on the user's arm.
3 Materials 4 Engineering 4 Biotech
2500 Metal 1500 Glass 1500 Silver
Botanical Toolset Implant
A set of botanical tools hidden behind a concealed panel on the user's arm.
3 Materials 4 Engineering 4 Biotech
2500 Metal 1500 Glass 1500 Silver
Diagnostic HUD implant
These cybernetic eye implants will display a diagnostic HUD over everything you see.
5 Materials 4 Engineering 4 Biotech 4 Data Theory
600 Metal 600 Glass 500 Silver 500 Gold
Medical HUD implant
These cybernetic eye implants will display a medical HUD over everything you see.
5 Materials 4 Biotech 4 Data Theory
600 Metal 600 Glass 500 Silver 500 Gold
Security HUD implant
These cybernetic eye implants will display a security HUD over everything you see.
5 Materials 4 Biotech 3 Combat 4 Data Theory
600 Metal 600 Glass 750 Silver 750 Gold
Meson scanner implant
These cybernetic eyes will allow you to see the structural layout of the station, and, well, everything else.
4 Materials 4 Engineering 4 Biotech
500 Metal 500 Glass 500 Silver 300 Gold
Thermals Implant
These cybernetic eye implants will give you thermal vision. Vertical slit pupil included.
6 Materials 4 Plasma 7 Biotech 5 EM Spectrum 4 Data Theory
An implant that will prevent you from dropping items when activated.
5 Materials 5 Biotech 6 Data Theory
600 Metal 600 Glass 400 Silver 400 Gold
CNS Rebooter implant
This implant will automatically restart your central nervous system, reducing downtime when stunned.
6 Materials 6 Biotech 5 Data Theory
600 Metal 600 Glass 500 Silver 1000 Gold
Comical implant
Uh oh
2 Materials 2 Biotech
200 Metal 200 Glass 200 Bananium
Neural Jumpstarter Implant
This implant will automatically attempt to jolt you awake when it detects you have fallen unconscious. Has a short cooldown, incompatible with the CNS Rebooter.
6 Materials 6 Biotech 5 Data Theory
600 Metal 600 Glass 500 Silver 1000 Gold
Nutriment pump implant
This implant with synthesize and pump into your bloodstream a small amount of nutriment when you are starving.
3 Materials 4 Power Storage 3 Biotech
500 Metal 500 Glass 500 Gold
Nutriment pump implant PLUS
This implant will synthesize and pump into your bloodstream a small amount of nutriment when you are hungry.
5 Materials 4 Power Storage 4 Biotech
600 Metal 600 Glass 500 Gold 750 Uranium
Reviver implant
This implant will attempt to revive you if you lose consciousness. For the faint of heart! Exposing this implant to an EMP is not recommended.
A glass case containing a remote chemical implant.
3 Materials 5 Biotech
700 Glass
Sad Trombone Implant Case
Makes death amusing.
3 Materials 5 Biotech
500 Glass 500 Bananium
Tracking Implant Case
A glass case containing a tracking implant.
2 Materials 3 Biotech 3 EM Spectrum 2 Data Theory
500 Metal 500 Glass
Cybernetic Eyes
A pair of basic cybernetics that perfectly mimic the functions of human eyes.
4 Materials 4 Biotech
500 Metal 500 Glass
Cybernetic Ears
A basic cybernetic designed to mimic the operation of ears.
4 Materials 4 Biotech
500 Metal 500 Glass
Cybernetic Liver
An electronic device designed to mimic the functions of a of human liver.
4 Materials 4 Biotech
500 Metal 500 Glass
Cybernetic Kidneys
An electronic device designed to mimic the functions of a pair of kidneys.
4 Materials 4 Biotech
500 Metal 500 Glass
Cybernetic Heart
An electronic device designed to mimic the functions of an organic human heart.
4 Materials 4 Biotech
500 Metal 500 Glass
Upgraded Cybernetic Heart
A more advanced version of a cybernetic heart. Grants the user additional stamina and heart stability, but the electronics are vulnerable to shock. Can be emagged for additional benefits.
5 Materials 5 Engineering 5 Biotech
500 Metal 500 Glass 500 Silver
Cybernetic Lungs
An electronic device designed to mimic the functions of a pair of human lungs.
4 Materials 4 Biotech
500 Metal 500 Glass
Upgraded Cybernetic Lungs
A more advanced version of the stock cybernetic lungs. They are capable of filtering out lower levels of toxins and carbon dioxide.
5 Materials 5 engineering 5 Biotech
500 Metal 500 Glass 500 Silver
Alien Scalpel
An Alien variant of a scalpel.
4 Materials 4 Biotech 4 Alientech
2000 Metal 1500 Silver 500 Plasma 1500 Titanium
Alien Hemostat
An Alien variant of a hemostat.
4 Materials 4 Biotech 4 Alientech
2000 Metal 1500 Silver 500 Plasma 1500 Titanium
Alien Retractor
An Alien variant of a retractor.
4 Materials 4 Biotech 4 Alientech
2000 Metal 1500 Silver 500 Plasma 1500 Titanium
Alien Circular Saw
An Alien variant of a circular saw.
4 Materials 4 Biotech 4 Alientech
2000 Metal 1500 Silver 500 Plasma 1500 Titanium
Alien drill
An Alien variant of a drill.
4 Materials 4 Biotech 4 Alientech
2000 Metal 1500 Silver 500 Plasma 1500 Titanium
Alien Cautery
An Alien variant of a cautery tool.
4 Materials 4 Biotech 4 Alientech
2000 Metal 1500 Silver 500 Plasma 1500 Titanium
Alien Bone Gel
An Alien variant of bone gel.
4 Materials 4 Biotech 4 Alientech
2000 Metal 500 Silver 500 Plasma 1500 Titanium
Alien Bone Setter
An Alien variant of a bone setter.
4 Materials 4 Biotech 4 Alientech
2000 Metal 1500 Silver 500 Plasma 1500 Titanium
Alien FixOVein
An Alien variant of fixOVein.
4 Materials 4 Biotech 4 Alientech
2000 Metal 1500 Silver 500 Plasma 1500 Titanium
Hacking Arm Implant
A small arm implant containing an advanced screwdriver, wirecutters, and multitool designed for engineers and on-the-field machine modification. The multitool shows the functions of wires when hacking. Actually legal, despite what the name may make you think.
3 Materials 5 Engineering 4 Biotech 4 Data Theory 4 AlienTech
5000 Metal 2500 Silver 5000 Plasma 2000 Titanium 2000 Diamond
X-ray Implant
These cybernetic eyes will give you X-ray vision. Blinking is futile.
7 Materials 6 Plasma 8 Biotech 5 EM Spectrum 5 Data Theory
Produce additional disks for storing device designs.
1 Data Theory
30 Metal 10 Glass
Technology Data Storage Disk
Produce additional disks for storing technology data.
1 Data Theory
30 Metal 10 Glass
Safety Muzzle
Can prevent vampires from biting people, or prevent annoying people from talking.
1 Materials
500 Metal 50 Glass
Shock Muzzle
A muzzle designed to prevent biting. This one is fitted with a behaviour correction system.
1 Materials 1 Engineering
500 Metal 50 Glass
Plant data disk
A disk for storing plant genetic data.
3 Biotech 4 Data Theory
200 Metal 100 Glass
A high-capacity storage drive, capable of holding an AI unit. Active AIs can interact with their environment if the card's wireless function is enabled.
4 Data Theory 4 Materials
1000 Glass 200 Gold
Personal Artificial Intelligence Card
An advanced personality circuit. Can be used to download a PAI for companionship.
2 Data Theory
500 Metal 500 Glass
Digital Camera
Can take photos. Photo sizes can be 1x1, 3x3, 5x5, and 7x7.
2 Materials 2 Data Theory
500 Metal 300 Glass
Genetics Data Disk
A type of data disk used for storing genetic or cloning data.
2 Biotech 3 Data Theory
300 Metal 100 Glass
Empty Emergency Oxygen Tank
Used for emergencies. Contains very little oxygen.
1 Materials
500 Metal 100 Glass
Empty Extended Emergency Oxygen Tank
Used for emergencies. Contains a small amount of oxygen.
1 Materials
800 Metal 100 Glass
Empty Double Emergency Oxygen Tank
Used for emergencies. Contains a moderate amount of oxygen.
1 Materials
1500 Metal 200 Glass
Empty Oxygen Tank
A tank of oxygen.
1 Materials
3000 Metal 500 Glass
Required Tech Levels
Required Materials
Basic Capacitor
A stock part used in the construction of various devices.
An exosuit module that allows generating of small quasi-stable wormholes.
3 Bluespace 2 EM Spectrum
10000 Metal
Exosuit Module (RCD Module)
An exosuit-mounted Rapid Construction Device.
4 Materials 3 Bluespace 4 EM Spectrum 4 Power Storage 4 Engineering
30000 Metal 20000 Gold 25000 Plasma 20000 Silver
Exosuit Module (Reactive Armor Booster Module)
An exosuit-mounted armor booster that decreases melee damage taken.
5 Materials 4 Combat
20000 Metal 5000 Silver
Exosuit Module (Reflective Armor Booster Module)
An exosuit-mounted armor booster that decreases damage taken from ranged weapons.
5 Materials 5 Combat 3 Engineering
20000 Metal 5000 Gold
Exosuit Module (Repair Droid Module)
An automated Repair Droid. Consumes power to repair your mech.
3 EM Spectrum 3 Data Theory 3 Engineering
10000 Metal 5000 Glass 1000 Gold 2000 Silver
Exosuit Weapon Design (PCMK-6 Bola Launcher)
A mech mounted bola launcher useful for slowing criminals down.
3 Comabt
10000 Metal
Exosuit Module (Tesla Energy Relay)
A tesla energy relay system that passively recharges a mech using power from nearby APCs.
4 EM Spectrum 3 Power Storage
10000 Metal 2000 Glass 2000 Gold 3000 Silver
Exosuit Weapon (CH-LC "Solaris" Laser Cannon)
A heavy laser cannon that deals a large amount of damage at the cost of slow firerate and high power consumption.
4 Engineering 4 Combat 4 EM Spectrum
10000 Metal
Exosuit Weapon (CH-PL "Firedart" laser)
A light laser cannon that fires quickly and consumes little power, but does less damage than the Solaris.
3 Engineering 3 Combat 3 EM Spectrum
10000 Metal
Exosuit Weapon (CH-PD Disabler)
A heavy mech-mounted disabler weapon. Fires two disabler bolts per shot.
3 Combat
10000 Metal
Exosuit Weapon (FNX-99 "Hades" Carbine)
An incendiary variant of the AC-2, the Hades does little brute damage, but can set targets on fire.
5 Combat 4 Materials
10000 Metal
Exosuit Weapon (LBX AC 10 "Scattershot")
A terrifyingly effective mech-mounted shotgun. This weapons fires C-20r bullets, and as such a target hit by two rounds will be stunned.
4 Combat
10000 Metal
Exosuit Weapon (MKIV Ion Heavy Cannon)
A mech-mounted weapon that is virtually identical to the Ion Rifle.
6 Combat 5 EM Spectrum 5 Materials
20000 Metal 6000 Silver 2000 Uranium
Exosuit Weapon (SGL-6 Flashbang Launcher)
A rotary-cylinder flashbang launcher, capable of firing six flashbangs before reloading.
3 Combat
22000 Metal 6000 Gold 8000 Silver
Exosuit Weapon (SRM-8 Missile Rack)
A mech-mounted missle rack capable of firing eight rockets before reloading. These rockets have a small blast radius, and usually will not open holes to space.
6 Combat 6 Materials
22000 Metal 6000 Gold 8000 Silver
Exosuit Module Design (217-D Heavy Plasma Cutter)
A device that shoots resonant plasma bursts at extreme velocity. The blasts are capable of crushing rock and demolishing solid obstacles.
5 Materials 4 Engineering 4 Plasma
10000 Metal 2000 Glass 6000 Plamsa
Exosuit Weapon (P-X Tesla Cannon)
A weapon for combat exosuits. Fires bolts of electricity similar to the experimental tesla engine.
5 Materials 6 Combat 5 EM Spectrum
20000 Metal 8000 Silver
Exosuit Weapon (ZFI Immolation Beam Gun)
A weapon for combat exosuits. Fires beams of extreme heat that set targets on fire.
5 Materials 6 Combat 5 EM Spectrum
10000 Metal 8000 Silver 8000 Plasma
Required Tech Levels
Required Materials
Kinetic Accelerator Offensive Mining Explosion Mod
Causes the kinetic accelerator to destroy rock and damage mobs in an AoE.
2 Materials 4 EM Spectrum 2 Data Theory
7000 Metal 3000 Glass 3000 Silver 3000 Gold 4000 Diamond
Kinetic Accelerator Rapid Repeater Mod
Quarters the kinetic accelerator's cooldown on striking a living target, but greatly increases the base cooldown.
2 Materials 4 EM Spectrum 2 Data Theory
5000 Metal 5000 Glass 8000 Uranium 2000 Bluespace Mesh
Kinetic Accelerator Resonator Blast Mod
Causes kinetic accelerator shots to leave and detonate resonator blasts.
2 Materials 4 EM Spectrum 2 Data Theory
5000 Metal 5000 Glass 5000 Silver 5000 Uranium
Cyborg Upgrade Module (Reset)
Used to reset a cyborg's module. Destroys any other upgrades applied to the cyborg.
10000 Metal
Cyborg Upgrade Module (Rename)
Used to rename a cyborg.
35000 Metal
Cyborg Upgrade Module (Restart)
Used to force a reboot of a disabled-but-repaired cyborg, bringing it back online.
60000 Metal 5000 Glass
Cyborg Upgrade (Lavaproof Chassis)
An upgrade kit to apply specialized coolant systems and insulation layers to a mining cyborg's chassis, enabling them to withstand exposure to molten rock.
10000 Metal 4000 Plasma 5000 Titanium
Cyborg Upgrade Module (VTEC)
Installs an advanced servo suite into a robot, increasing their speed.
5 Materials 4 Engineering 4 Data Theory
80000 Metal 6000 Glass 5000 Uranium
Cyborg Upgrade (Ion Thrusters)
A energy-operated thruster system for cyborgs.
4 Engineering 4 Power Storage
10000 Metal 5000 Plasma 6000 Uranium
Cyborg Upgrade Module (Rapid Disabler Cooling)
Used to cool a mounted disabler, increasing the potential current in it and thus its recharge rate.
7 Engineering 7 Power Storage 7 Combat
80000 Metal 6000 Glass 2000 Gold 500 Diamond
Cyborg Upgrade (Diamond Drill)
A diamond drill replacement for the mining module's standard drill.
6 Materials 5 Engineering
10000 Metal 2000 Diamond
Cyborg Upgrade (Ore Satchel of Holding)
A satchel of holding replacement for mining cyborg's ore satchel module.
4 Materials 4 Engineering 4 Bluespace
10000 Metal 250 Gold 500 Uranium
Cyborg Upgrade (Safety Override)
Unlocks the hidden, deadlier functions of a cyborg.
7 Combat 7 Data Theory
10000 Metal 15000 Glass 10000 Diamond
Cyborg Upgrade (Self-repair)
This module will repair the cyborg over time.
4 Materials 4 Engineering
15000 Metal 15000 Glass
Kinetic Accelerator Damage Mod
Increases the damage of a kinetic accelerator when installed.
5 Materials 4 Engineering 4 Power Storage 3 Combat 4 EM Spectrum
2000 Metal 1500 Glass 1500 Gold 1000 Uranium
Kinetic Accelerator Cooldown Mod
Decreases the cooldown of a kinetic accelerator when installed.
5 Materials 4 Engineering 4 Power Storage 3 Combat 4 EM Spectrum
2000 Metal 1500 Glass 1500 Gold 1000 Uranium
Kinetic Accelerator Range Mod
Increases the range of a kinetic accelerator when installed.
5 Materials 4 Engineering 4 Power Storage 3 Combat 4 EM Spectrum
2000 Metal 1500 Glass 1500 Gold 1000 Uranium
Kinetic Accelerator Mining AoE Mod
Causes the kinetic accelerator to destroy rock in an AoE.
7 Materials 5 Engineering 5 Power Storage 4 Combat 5 EM Spectrum
8000 Metal 1500 Glass 2000 Silver 2000 Gold 2000 Diamond
Required Tech Levels
Required Materials
Man-Machine Interface
The Warrior's bland acronym, MMI, obscures the true horror of this monstrosity.
2 Data Theory 3 Biotech
1000 Metal 500 Glass
Robotic Brain
An advanced circuit, capable of housing a non-sentient synthetic intelligence.
3 Plasma 4 Biotech 5 Data Theory
1700 Metal 1350 Glass 500 Gold
Man-Machine Interface Radio Upgrade
Enables radio capability on MMIs when either installed directly on the MMI, or through a cyborg's chassis.
2 Engineering 2 Biotech 3 Data Theory
200 Metal
Welding Shield implant
These reactive micro-shields will protect you from welders and flashes without obscuring your vision.
4 Materials 5 Engineering 4 Plasma 4 Biotech
600 Metal 400 Glass
Breathing Tube Implant
Allows you to use internals without a mask and protecting you from being choked.
2 Materials 3 Biotech
600 Metal 250 Glass
Surgical Arm Implant
A set of surgical tools hidden behind a concealed panel on the user's arm.
3 Materials 3 Engineering 3 Biotech 3 EM Spectrum 2 Data Theory
2500 Metal 1500 Glass 1500 Silver
Toolset Arm Implant
A stripped-down version of engineering cyborg toolset, designed to be installed on subject's arm. Contains all neccessary tools.
3 Materials 4 Engineering 4 Power Storage 4 Biotech
2500 Metal 1500 Glass 1500 Silver
Janitorial Toolset Implant
A set of janitorial tools hidden behind a concealed panel on the user's arm.
3 Materials 4 Engineering 4 Biotech
2500 Metal 1500 Glass 1500 Silver
Botanical Toolset Implant
A set of botanical tools hidden behind a concealed panel on the user's arm.
3 Materials 4 Engineering 4 Biotech
2500 Metal 1500 Glass 1500 Silver
Diagnostic HUD implant
These cybernetic eye implants will display a diagnostic HUD over everything you see.
5 Materials 4 Engineering 4 Biotech 4 Data Theory
600 Metal 600 Glass 500 Silver 500 Gold
Medical HUD implant
These cybernetic eye implants will display a medical HUD over everything you see.
5 Materials 4 Biotech 4 Data Theory
600 Metal 600 Glass 500 Silver 500 Gold
Security HUD implant
These cybernetic eye implants will display a security HUD over everything you see.
5 Materials 4 Biotech 3 Combat 4 Data Theory
600 Metal 600 Glass 750 Silver 750 Gold
Meson scanner implant
These cybernetic eyes will allow you to see the structural layout of the station, and, well, everything else.
4 Materials 4 Engineering 4 Biotech
500 Metal 500 Glass 500 Silver 300 Gold
Thermals Implant
These cybernetic eye implants will give you thermal vision. Vertical slit pupil included.
6 Materials 4 Plasma 7 Biotech 5 EM Spectrum 4 Data Theory
An implant that will prevent you from dropping items.
5 Materials 5 Biotech 6 Data Theory
600 Metal 600 Glass 400 Silver 400 Gold
CNS Rebooter implant
This implant will automatically give you back control over your central nervous system, reducing downtime when stunned.
6 Materials 6 Biotech 5 Data Theory
600 Metal 600 Glass 500 Silver 1000 Gold
Neural Jumpstarter Implant
This implant will automatically attempt to jolt you awake when it detects you have fallen unconscious. Has a short cooldown, incompatible with the CNS Rebooter.
6 Materials 6 Biotech 5 Data Theory
600 Metal 600 Glass 500 Silver 1000 Gold
Comical implant
Uh oh
2 Materials 2 Biotech
200 Metal 200 Glass 200 Bananium
Nutriment pump implant
This implant with synthesize and pump into your bloodstream a small amount of nutriment when you are starving.
3 Materials 4 Power Storage 3 Biotech
500 Metal 500 Glass 500 Gold
Nutriment pump implant PLUS
This implant will synthesize and pump into your bloodstream a small amount of nutriment when you are hungry.
5 Materials 4 Power Storage 4 Biotech
600 Metal 600 Glass 500 Gold 750 Uranium
Reviver implant
This implant will attempt to revive you if you lose consciousness. For the faint of heart!
5 Materials 5 Biotech 4 Data Theory
800 Metal 800 Glass 300 Gold 500 Uranium
Cybernetic Eyes
An electronic device designed to mimic the functions of a pair of human eyes.
4 Materials 4 Biotech
500 Metal 500 Glass
Cybernetic Ears
A basic cybernetic designed to mimic the operation of ears.
4 Materials 4 Biotech
500 Metal 500 Glass
Cybernetic Liver
An electronic device designed to mimic the functions of a of human liver.
4 Materials 4 Biotech
500 Metal 500 Glass
Cybernetic Kidneys
An electronic device designed to mimic the functions of a pair of kidneys.
4 Materials 4 Biotech
500 Metal 500 Glass
Cybernetic Heart
An electronic device designed to mimic the functions of an organic human heart.
4 Materials 4 Biotech
500 Metal 500 Glass
Upgraded Cybernetic Heart
A more advanced version of a cybernetic heart. Grants the user additional stamina and heart stability, but the electronics are vulnerable to shock.
5 Materials 5 Engineering 5 Biotech
500 Metal 500 Glass 500 Silver
Cybernetic Lungs
An electronic device designed to mimic the functions of a pair of human lungs.
4 Materials 4 Biotech
500 Metal 500 Glass
Upgraded Cybernetic Lungs
A more advanced version of the stock cybernetic lungs. They are capable of filtering out lower levels of toxins and carbon dioxide.
5 Materials 5 engineering 5 Biotech
500 Metal 500 Glass 500 Silver
Required Tech Levels
Required Materials
Exosuit Tracking Beacon
Device used to transmit exosuit data. A mech with a beacon attached can be remotely EMP'd from the Research Director's office.
500 Metal
IPC Head
A simple, functional robotic head, capable of holding a positronic brain.
15000 Metal 5000 Glass
Intergrated Robotic Chassis
The chassis of an IPC that houses most of its components.
40000 Metal 7000 Titanium
IPC Microbattery
A small, powerful cell for use in fully prosthetic bodies.
2000 Metal 750 Glass
IPC Charger
An implant commonly installed inside IPCs in order to allow them to easily collect energy from their environment
2000 Metal 1000 Glass
IPC Optical Sensor
The eyes of an IPC.
1000 Metal 2500 Glass
IPC Microphone
Allows an IPC to hear.
1000 Metal 2500 Glass
Voice Modkit : Standard
This modification kit updates a mech's onboard voice to Standard, a basic robotic voice.
500 Metal
Voice Modkit : Nanotrasen
This modification kit updates a mech's onboard voice to Nanotrasen, a professional female voice.
500 Metal
Voice Modkit : Silent
This modification kit silences a mech's onboard voice.
500 Metal
Voice Modkit : Honk
This modification kit updates a mech's onboard voice to Honk. Why?
400 Metal 100 Bananium
Voice Modkit : Syndicate
A modification kit that updates a mech's onboard voice to Syndicate, a deep voice that is pleasant on the ears.
2 Illegal
400 Metal 100 Titanium
AI Control Beacon
A device used to transmit exosuit data. Also allows active AI units to take control of said exosuit.
2 Engineering 2 EM Spectrum 3 Data Theory
1000 Metal 500 Glass 200 Silver
Synthetic Flash
A synthetic flash used mostly in borg construction.
3 EM Spectrum 2 Combat
750 Metal 750 Glass
Basic Power Cell
A basic power cell that holds 1000 units of energy
1 Power Storage
700 Metal 50 Glass
High-Capacity Power Cell
A power cell that holds 10000 units of energy
2 Power Storage
700 Metal 60 Glass
Hyper-Capacity Power Cell
A power cell that holds 30000 units of energy
5 Power Storage 4 Materials
400 Metal 150 Gold 150 Silver 70 Glass
Super-Capacity Power Cell
A power cell that holds 20000 units of energy
3 Power Storage 2 Materials
700 Metal 70 Glass
Bluespace Power cell
A powercell that holds 40000 units of energy
5 Materials 5 Engineering 6 Power storage 5 Bluespace