This page needs to be reviewed/updated: REASON: Map inaccurate/missing 2 other maps.
All Maintenance Locations on Station
EVA/Arrivals Maintenance
Bar/Chapel Maintenance
Medical/Science Maintenance
Cargo Maintenance
Lockers Maintenance
Security Maintenance
Engineering Maintenance
Engineering Pod Maintenance
Maintenance Layout
Power Layout
Layout of power lines, SMES units and APCs.
Atmospherics Pipe Layout
Layout of Atmospherics Pipes (distribution, scrubbers, canisters etc).
Disposals Layout
Layout of disposal pipes and outlets.
Loot Table
Locations of loot typically found in maintenance, including static items like oil and water tanks.
Maintenance Loot
Some items that can be found in Maintenance are not up to chance, this table doesn't reference them. They are ordered from common to rare left to right, top to bottom.