Surgery: Difference between revisions

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Adamkad1 (talk | contribs)
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* [[File:LGloves.png]] latex gloves
* [[File:LGloves.png]] latex gloves
* Incision Management System (replaces scalpel, hemostat and retractors)
* Incision Management System (replaces scalpel, hemostat and retractors)
* Advanced Laser Scalpel (can replace saw and cautery)
* Advanced Laser Scalpel (can replace scalpel and cautery)

Revision as of 17:20, 21 January 2017

=A Guide to Surgery In General=

All surgery requires the set of medical tools in the Operating Theatre, along with an operating table. Once a surgery has been initiated, the nearby operating computer will give you a hint towards the next step.

Ghetto Surgery

If you can't find an operating table, have no fear, there are other ways to fix people up. Any table will work! Click twice on a player to put them in an aggressive grab, and click on a table. However, you have a 1/3 chance per step to make a mistake and injure the patient rather than advancing the procedure. While tables are more available anywhere metal is on hand, deploying the patient on a roller bed is preferable with only a 1/4 chance to fail. Failure perfoms a normal attack and some people think it means it doesnt work, but it does. keep going untill you succeed

Surgical Tools

Surgical tools are very hard to get and it is best to keep them in the operating theatre. However, if the worst happens and some tools disappear, you can order more in a surgery crate from cargo, and most can be made with an autolathe.

The following are the standard surgical tools most doctors will need:

  • File:Mmi empty.png MMI
  • surgical drill
  • scalpel
  • circular saw
  • hemostat
  • cautery
  • retractors
  • bone setter
  • bone gel
  • FixOVein
  • autopsy scanner
  • anesthetic tank
  • sterile mask
  • latex gloves
  • Incision Management System (replaces scalpel, hemostat and retractors)
  • Advanced Laser Scalpel (can replace scalpel and cautery)


Place on gloves and wash your hands before every surgery. Failure to do so will result in giving your patient an infection, which left untreated can be deadly. Apply ointment to the afflicted areas quickly if you fail to wash your hands before starting surgery.

Spaceacilin can be used to treat external infections and is required for treating infected organs. Usually a single syringe of it will be enough.

Prepping for Surgery

Please ensure that your patients are properly diagnosed and scanned before starting the operation, and that all medications and personal needed for the procedure have been prepared.

  1. Find a suitable operating table, unless you're willing to risk Ghetto Surgery.
  2. Make sure you're wearing latex gloves and a sterile mask.
  3. Use a sink to wash your hands. Unclean hands can result in infections.
  4. Click+drag the person to the operating table to lay them down on it.
  5. Check if the person is a Vox, Plasmaman, or Slime Person. If they aren't one of those, follow the next steps. If they are, you'll need to inject them with ether (Which will put the patient to sleep after a moment and requires a lot to work), morphine (Which is addictive), or hydrocodone (Which must be obtained from chemistry). The former two can be obtained from a NanoMed Plus, and comes in a bottle.
  6. Pick up a medical mask and anesthetic tank.
  7. Click+drag their body onto yours to view their inventory. Click on the link beside "Mask" to remove their mask, if they have one. Do the same for the link beside "Back" to remove their backpack.
  8. With the medical mask in your right hand, click on the "Nothing" link at the top beside "Head (Mask)". In a few seconds, you will equip them with the medical mask.
  9. Place the sleeping agent in your right hand, then click the "Nothing" link in their inventory window beside "Back" to equip it on their back.
  10. A new link will appear beside the sleeping agent called "Set internals". Click on it to turn on the gas. It will force them asleep in about 5 seconds. You are now ready to proceed with surgery.
  11. Make sure you're set on the Help intent.

NOTE: If anyone is pulling on the patient, the surgery will not work properly! Make sure no one is pulling the patient!

NOTE 2: Make sure the patient is not a Vox nor a Plasmaman before you administer anesthetics!

NOTE 3: Make sure the patient has been healed prior to bone repair surgery, or it won't work!

NOTE 4: IPCs do not require anesthetics, as they do not feel pain and don't breathe anyway. Make sure you have a mechanical toolbox fully kitted out on hand. Or take them to robotics

Basic Surgery List

There are numerous types of surgeries that you can perform. Here are some of the most common that every surgeon should familiarize themselves with. A list of surgery can be accessed via using a sharp object on the patient.

NOTE 1: Not all sharp objects can be used as scalpels!

NOTE 2: To stop a surgery at any point in time, hold the scalpel tool in your active hand and a cautery in your off-hand, or try swapping intents if it's before the first cut!

NOTE 3: Cybernetic Implant Surgery falls under Organ Manipulation Surgery

Bone Repair Surgery

The mending of broken bones and fractures

  1. (Optional) Complete Prepping for Surgery.
  2. Ensure the patient has been healed first, or the bones will break as soon as you fix them.
  3. Aim for the afflicted limb in the Damage Zone.
  4. Use the scalpel to select the "Bone Repair" Surgery.
  5. Use the scalpel again to begin the incision
  6. Use the hemostat to stop any potential bleeding.
  7. Use your retractors to lift up the skin.
  8. Apply bone gel to the broken bone.
  9. Use the bone setter to put the bone in place.
  10. Apply more bone gel.
  11. Use the cautery to seal the incision.

Internal Bleeding Surgery

Repairing damaged arteries and veins within the body to stop internal bleeding.

  1. (Optional) Complete Prepping for Surgery.
  2. Aim for the afflicted limb in the Damage Zone.
  3. Use the scalpel to select the "Internal Bleeding" Surgery.
  4. Use the scalpel again to begin the incision
  5. Use the hemostat to stop any potential bleeding.
  6. Use your retractors to lift up the skin.
  7. Use the FixOVein to repair the damaged blood vessels.
  8. Use the cautery to seal the incision.

Limb Attachment Surgery

Re-attaching severed organic and IPC limbs and heads

  1. Aim for the patient's affected (missing) limb using the Damage Zone.
  2. Use the scalpel to select the "Limb Attachment" Surgery.
  3. Attach the appropriate missing limb (theirs or someone elses).
  4. Use the hemostat to reconnect the nerves and muscles and finish. This step isn't needed for IPC limbs.

You can use the severed limbs of most humanoid mobs for this, EXPERIMENT!.

Internal Organ Manipulation (Non-Synthetics)

Mending, inserting, and removing internal organs and cybernetic implants. Also fixes bones

  1. (Optional) Complete Prepping for Surgery.
  2. Aim for the correct Damage Zone.
  3. Use the scalpel to select the "Organ Manipulation" Surgery.
  4. Use the scalpel again to begin the incision
  5. Use the hemostat to stop any potential bleeding.
  6. Use the retractors to lift up the skin.
  7. Use the saw to open the the ribcage/skull [CHEST/HEAD ONLY].
  8. Use the retractor to pull their ribcage/skull open [CHEST/HEAD ONLY].
  9. Here, you can manipulate the organs, by either using the hemostat to remove them, Trauma Kit or Nanopaste to heal them, or simply transferring new organs inside.
  10. When finished:Use the retractor to close the ribcage/skull/skin.
  11. Apply bone gel to help mend the ribcage/skull [CHEST/HEAD ONLY].
  12. Use the Bone setter to finish mending the ribcage/skull [CHEST/HEAD ONLY].
  13. Apply bone gel to help mend the ribcage/skull [CHEST/HEAD ONLY].
  14. Use the cautery to seal the incision.

Facial Reconstruction Surgery

The fixing of facial deformities.

  1. (Optional) Complete Prepping for Surgery.
  2. Aim for the patient's head in the Damage Zone.
  3. If you have a Incision Management System, use it for all steps except 9. Otherwise carry on as normal
  4. Use the scalpel to select the "Face Repair" Surgery.
  5. Use the scalpel again to begin the incision.
  6. Use your retractor to lift up the skin.
  7. Use your hemostat to reshape the face and vocal chords.
  8. Use your retractor to pull skin back into place.
  9. Use the cautery to seal the incision.

NOTE: You MUST end this surgery with only a cautery. The surgery won't work if you end it with a scalpel and cautery.

Infection Treatment

Removing Infections. Pretty simple really.

  1. Complete Prepping for Surgery.
  2. Aim for the affected body part location on the Damage Zone.
  3. Use the scalpel to select the "External Infection Treatment/Autopsy" Surgery.
  4. Use the scalpel again to begin the incision
  5. Use the cautery to seal the incision.

NOTE: If an organ is infected you will have to administer some spaceacilin. Surgery won't be necessary in that case, as long as the other body parts are not infected, the substance might also remove other infections.

Advanced Surgery List

There's also a bevy of other surgeries that whilst uncommon, can be extremely useful under certain circumstances.

Cavity Surgery

Putting things inside and removing things from peoples' body cavities.

Maxiumum size of item that fits inside:

  • Head - tiny (i.e. pen, paper)
  • Abdomen - pocket-size (i.e. most surgical tools)
  • Chest - small (i.e. bone saw, revolver)
  1. Aim for the chest, abdomen or head in the Damage Zone.
  2. Use the scalpel to select the "Cavity Implant/Removal" Surgery.
  3. Use the scalpel again to begin the incision
  4. Use the hemostat to stop any potential bleeding.
  5. Use your retractors to lift up the skin.
  6. [CHEST ONLY] Use the saw to open the ribcage.
  7. [CHEST ONLY] Use the retractor to pull their ribcage open.
  8. Use the surgical drill to prepare the cavity.
  9. While holding an Item:Insert the item inside. If it caused internal bleeding, use FixOVein internal bleeding surgery to fix it.
  10. With an open hand: Click the patient to check for items inside the cavity.
  11. When done use cautery twice to mend cavity wall.
  12. [CHEST ONLY] Use the retractor to close their ribcage.
  13. [CHEST ONLY] Apply bone gel to mend the cut ribcage.
  14. [CHEST ONLY] Use the Bone setter to mend the ribcage.
  15. [CHEST ONLY] Apply bone gel to mend the cut ribcage.
  16. Use the cautery to seal the incision.

Dental Implant Surgery

Putting pills in your teeth.

  1. (Optional) Complete Prepping for Surgery.
  2. Aim for the mouth Damage Zone.
  3. Use the scalpel (or other surgery starter) to select the "Dental Implant" Surgery.
  4. Use the surgical drill to prepare the tooth.
  5. Insert the desired pill in the tooth.

Embedded Object Removal (Non-Synthetics)

Removing embedded objects, typically bullets, from the body.

  1. (Optional) Complete Prepping for Surgery.
  2. Aim for the embeded object location on the Damage Zone.
  3. Use the scalpel to select the "Removal of Embedded Objects" Surgery.
  4. Use the scalpel again to begin the incision
  5. Use your hemostat to stop any potential bleeding.
  6. Use your retractors to lift up the skin.
  7. Use the saw to open the ribcage/skull. [CHEST/HEAD ONLY]
  8. Use the retractor to pull their ribcage/skull open. [CHEST/HEAD ONLY]
  9. Use the hemostat to extract the embeded objects.
  10. Use the retractor to close their ribcage/skull. [CHEST/HEAD ONLY]
  11. Apply bone gel to mend the cut ribcage/skull. [CHEST/HEAD ONLY]
  12. Use the Bone setter to finish mending the ribcage/skull. [CHEST/HEAD ONLY]
  13. Apply bone gel to mend the cut ribcage/skull. [CHEST/HEAD ONLY]
  14. Use the cautery to seal the incision.

Implant Removal (Non-Synthetics)

Removing Implants such as mindshield, death alarm, mindslave, and other implanter implanted implants from the body.

  1. (Optional) Complete Prepping for Surgery.
  2. Aim for the chest on the Damage Zone.
  3. Use the scalpel to select the "Implant Removal" Surgery.
  4. Use the scalpel again to begin the incision
  5. Use your hemostat to stop any potential bleeding.
  6. Use your retractors to lift up the skin.
  7. Use the saw to open the ribcage.
  8. Use the retractor to force their ribcage open.
  9. Use your hemostat to extract the implant.
  10. Use the retractor to close their ribcage.
  11. Apply bone gel to mend the cut ribcage.
  12. Use the Bone setter to finish mending the ribcage.
  13. Apply bone gel to mend the cut ribcage.
  14. Use the cautery to seal the incision.

Shadowling Dethrall

Removes the evil influence of shadowlings from a thrall. Converts a thrall back to a regular crewmember

  1. (Optional) Complete Prepping for Surgery.
  2. Aim for the head in the Damage Zone.
  3. Use the scalpel to select the "Cleanse Contaminations" Surgery.
  4. Use the scalpel again to begin the incision
  5. Use the hemostat to stop any potential bleeding. (Hemostat will pinch the patient if the bleeders have already been clamped, in that case skip this step)
  6. Use your retractors to lift up the skin.
  7. Use the saw to cut through the skull.
  8. Use the retractor to pry the skull open.
  9. Use a flashlight or nearby handheld light-source to remove the shadowling tumor.
  10. Use the retractor to close their skull.
  11. Apply bone gel to mend the cut skull.
  12. Use the Bone setter to mend the skull.
  13. Apply bone gel to mend the cut skull.
  14. Use the cautery to seal the incision.


Examination of cadavers to find cause of death. See autopsy prodedures for more information.

  1. Place cadaver onto the operating table.
  2. Scan the cadaver with a Health Analyer to find injured locations.
  3. Aim for the patient's affected area in the Damage Zone.
  4. Use the scalpel to select the "External Infection Treatment/Autopsy" Surgery.
  5. Use the scalpel again to begin the incision
  6. Use the autopsy scanner to scan the area.
  7. Repeat scalpel and scan procedure for all affected areas.
  8. Right click the autopsy scanner to print out autopsy data.

Organ Removal (Decapitated Head)

Removing the eyes and brain of a decapitated head for transplant to a full body or man-machine interface.

  1. With the head in your hand, use the scalpel to make an incision.
  2. Use your retractors to peel the skin open.
  3. Use the bone setter to crack the head open.
  4. Use the hemostat and select the organ you want to remove.

Synthetic Surgery List

There are are also a number of procedures that can be performed on IPCs. IPCs don't feel pain and can't get infections, so don't worry about administering anesthetics or washing your hands.

Internal Cybernetic Manipulation

Mending, removal, and insertion of posibrains, microbatteries, optical sensors, and implants.

  1. Aim for the patient's correct Damage Zone.
  2. Use the screwdriver to select the "Internal Cybernetic Manipulation" Surgery.
  3. Use a screwdriver to unlock the hatch on the limb;
  4. Use a crowbar to open the hatch on the limb;
  5. [REMOVAL Option] Use a multitool to Remove the organ.
  6. [REMOVAL] Dispose of the organ. For Borgification simply place the File:Posibrain.png Posibrain in an empty cyborg exoskeleton, or give the posibrain to a Roboticist.
  7. [TRANSPLANTATION Option] Use the organ you intend to transplant on the patient.
  8. [HEALING Option] Repair the affected organ with Nanopaste.
  9. Use a crowbar to close the hatch on the limb

Shadowling Dethrall (Synthethics)

Turning a thralled IPC back into a normal crewmember

  1. Aim for the upper body in the Damage Zone.
  2. Use the screwdriver to select the "Cleanse Contaminants" Surgery.
  3. Use a screwdriver to unlock the hatch on the limb;
  4. Use a crowbar to open the hatch on the upper body;
  5. Use a flashlight or nearby handheld light-source to remove the shadowling tumor.
  6. Use a crowbar to close the hatch on the upper body

Implant Removal (Synthethics)

Removing implants from the body. Also removal of things from body cavities.

  1. Aim for the implant location on the Damage Zone.
  2. Use the screwdriver to select the "Implant Removal" Surgery.
  3. Use a screwdriver to unlock the hatch on the limb;
  4. Use a crowbar to open the hatch on the limb;
  5. Use your hemostat to extract the implant. This may take several goes.
  6. Use a crowbar to close the hatch on the limb

Robotic Limb Repair

Fixing mechanical arms, legs, hands and feet. Also performs facial reconstruction if aiming for head.

  1. Use the screwdriver to select the "Cybernetic Repair" Surgery.
  2. Use a screwdriver to unlock the hatch on the limb;
  3. Use a crowbar to open the hatch on the limb;
  4. Use a welding tool to repair Brute damage then cable coil to repair burn damage;
  5. Use a crowbar to close the hatch on the limb

Robotic Limb Amputation

"173. IPC interns are not to be punished for incompetence by having their "limb privileges" revoked." - Things Comms Officer Jenkins is Not Allowed To Do in CentCom

  1. Use the screwdriver to select the "Robotic Limb Amputation" Surgery.
  2. Use a multitool to remove the targeted limb.