
REASON: Duplicate. Exists in game modes page. Should be "Guide to Revolution" if anything.
Revolution (aka "Rev") is a game mode removed from paradise's normal round rotation. In it, certain members of the crew (Head Revolutionaries) start out with the goal of recruiting other crew members (using Flashes) and killing the station Heads of Staff.
Viva La Revolution!
During a Revolution round, it's the job of the Head Revolutionaries to run around recruiting their fellow team members to the cause and finding inventive ways to kill the Captain, Head of Security, Head of Personnel, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer, and Research Director. If the Revolutionaries manage to kill or exile all of the Heads of Staff, they win. If everyone else manages to kill or exile the Head Revolutionaries, the station wins. Pretty simple.
The emergency shuttle can be called but will never arrive during this game mode. The round will not end until either side has won.
Heads are considered dead if they leave the z-level of the station or enter a locker. They will be listed as having abandoned the station.
Tips and Tricks
Heads of Staff
Your lives are on the line, here. This does not mean "Hide in a closet and hope like hell they don't find me", and it definitely doesn't mean "Let the AI sort it out" or "Just space everyone; we'll find them eventually". Finding revs isn't that hard, and should be fairly simple, assuming the Rev Heads don't have 20 or so followers by this point.
Implanting revolutionaries will cause them to deconvert immediately. ((unless they are leaders of the revolution)) This causes a message such as "Robert Robust looks as if they've remembered their true allegiance" or something to that effect. Naturally, this does not mean "Hey, let's just implant every single person we see in the event that they're a Rev". If you suspect them of being one, however, you are free to watch them and if they start displaying signs of being pro-revolution, go ahead and implant them. If you implant them, and nothing happens, you were wrong and just implanted somebody who had nothing to do with the revolutionaries. However, if you get a message like "Urist McNotARevISwear resists the implant!", then they are a rev head, and should be executed or sent off-station. The cargo bay is probably the most significant area both parties will fight to control, as they can provide you with extra loyalty implants (or provide revs with weapons).
Remember that turtling (boxing up in an area and making yourself an almost impossible target) is in fairly poor form, though it can be acceptable in some instances.
Station Staff
As a member of the general staff, Revolutionary rounds should be treated like any other Traitor round; if you see someone trying to robust a Head to death, try to stop them or call Security. Security and the Heads of Staff, however, will be under a lot of stress. If you are not loyalty implanted, it would be in your best interest to keep your distance and not startle them, else they may consider you to be a revolutionary and attack. Otherwise, just try to be as normal as possible. That is, unless you get flashed...
Head Revolutionaries File:Hudrevhead.png
You have a hard job ahead of you that can be rather frustrating.
Your first course of action should be to start flashing people. Be a bit covert about it, but you still want results. If you see some asshole walking around with sunglasses or a welding mask on, you won't be able to turn them; the same applies to members of Security, those with loyalty implants, and the Heads of Staff themselves. You are equipped with a chameleon security HUD that can disguise itself as a number of different types of glasses; wear it to see who is and is not implanted. If you get spotted, run like hell!
As a rev head, your primary turning targets are Roboticists, Geneticists, Scientists, and the Cargo Technicians; Robotics has delicious replacement flashes, Genetics can give you super powers and pretty much lock down the cloner, Research Division makes explosives, and Cargo Bay serves as a great base of operations (not to mention that they can order you more flashes and weapons if you have an ID with the right access). Genetics is especially useful if you've already killed a station head. They can save the heads UI's and inject you with them, making you look exactly like that guy you just killed. Have fun with that!
Your number one concern, at least until things get moving, is to STAY LOW. Let the converted revolutionaries do the fighting for you. Keep your identity a secret if possible, and only associate with non-revs if need be (or to flash them).
Converted Revolutionaries File:Hudrev.png
So you spawned, and some jerk next to you just randomly flashed you. What's that al-VIVA LA REVOLUTION! Your new job is to find a way to kill those jerk-ass heads of staff without getting caught, and making sure the head revolutionaries don't die. Remember that, as a converted rev, if you can manage to kill even one head, you've done your job. Also remember that your game isn't necessarily over if you get caught; most security members (that don't suck at their job, mind you) will try to convert you or just simply brig you.