Supermatter Engine

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Setting up an engine is a daunting process so work with your engineering team to make sure the powering up process goes smoothly. If you don't feel comfortable setting up this engine and there is nobody to help you, consider setting up Solars first so that the station has power and you can take the learning process at your own pace.

Atmospherics seems like magic to most people but just taking a peruse through the Guide to Atmospherics will help a lot.


Safety Equipment

In order to avoid getting irradiated by the glowing rock we call a SM crystal, you will need to don a radiation suit and hood as well as a pair of Meson Goggles.

If you fail to do this, you will get irradiated. You will recieve toxin damage as well as see hallucinations. These get more powerful as you get closer to the SM and the SM grows in power.

Gas Loop

  1. Set each pump outlined in green to 4500kPa output
  2. After that you will want to turn the gas pumps circled in red off(forgetting this is how you speedrun blowing up the engine)

Radiation Collector

Take plasma tanks and place them in the radiation collectors directly outside the SM chamber and then turn them on so you can produce power.

Starting the Engine

  1. Now go over to the air alarm inside the SM Airlock
  2. Click vent controls and set each vent to maximum output
  3. Go over to scrubber controls and set each scrubber to Siphon and set Range to Extended
  4. At this point you can connect more emitters to the emitter area if you wish.
  5. Turn on the emitters in the room below and watch the magic happen


Set the SMES input to max and the output to just below that.


Check the pressure rating on the gas meters. Pipes do not clog, volume pumps and filters do. If an area is too high pressure you will need to alleviate that pressure by either reducing the amount of gas coming into that network or by installing additional pumps.

If the space loop isn't doing enough to cool the gases, hook freezer up to the cold loop and set them to their minimum temperature.


Oh shit oh fuck it's on fire

If the Shard reaches 100% delamination in normal conditions it will explode and cause hallucinations station wide as well as irradiating everything nearby.

Heres a few things you can do to prevent the shard from delaminating:

  • Reducing Clogs in the pipes
  • Hooking the cooling loop into the freezers in the eastern area of the SM room
  • Disabling the emitters
  • Wrenching supercooled N2O or nitrogen into the inflow loop.


If you over pressurize the shard (>1800 moles) then the shard will turn into a singularity.


If the KEV rating is >5000 then the shard will turn into an energy ball




If you're not a hijacker antag then you should definitely ahelp before messing with the engine.