Standard Operating Procedure (Security)

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Head of Security

Code Green

1. The Head of Security is permitted to carry out arrests under the same conditions as their Security Officers;

2. The Head of Security is permitted to carry a taser, a flash, a flashbang, a stunbaton and a can of pepperspray. While permitted to carry their unique Energy Gun, they are discouraged from doing so for safety concerns, and should keep it on Stun/Disable;

3. The Head of Security is not obligated to provide a trial, but is encouraged to allow legal representation should the suspect request it. This only applies to Capital Crimes;

4. The Head of Security may not, under any circumstance, overrule a Magistrate, unless their decisions are blatantly breaking Standard Operating Procedure and/or Space Law, in which case Central Command is to be contacted as well;

5. The Head of Security must follow the same guidelines as the Warden for Armory equipment, portable flashers and deployable barriers;

6. The Head of Security is not permitted to collect equipment from the Armory to carry on their person;

7. The Head of Security is permitted to either use their regular coat, or armored trenchcoat;

8. The Head of Security is permitted to wear their unique gas mask;

9. The Head of Security may not overrule established sentences, unless further evidence is brought to light or the prisoner in question attempts to escape

Code Blue

1. All Guidelines carry over from Code Green. In regards to Guideline 2, the Head of Security is now encouraged to carry their unique Energy Gun

Code Red

1. Guidelines 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9 are carried over from Code Green;

2. The Head of Security is permitted to take whatever equipment they require from the Armory, provided they leave enough equipment for the rest of the Security force;

3. The Head of Security is required to produce a Station Announcement regarding the nature of the confirmed threat that caused Code Red;

4. Lethal Force is permitted if the target is confirmed to be guilty of Capital Crimes and actively, and aggressively, resists arrest

Security Officer

Code Green

1. Security Officers are required to state the reasons behind an arrest before any further action is taken. Exception is made if the suspect refuses to stop;

2. Security Officers must attempt to bring all suspects or witnesses to the Brig without handcuffing or incapacitating them. Should the suspect not cooperate, the officer may proceed as usual;

3. No weapons are to be unholstered until the suspect attempts to run away or becomes actively hostile;

4. Security Officers are permitted to carry a taser, a flash, a flashbang, a stunbaton and a can of pepperspray;

5. Security Officers may not demand access to the interior of other Departments during regular patrols. However, asking for access from the Head of Personnel is still acceptable;

6. Security officers are not permitted to have weapons drawn during regular patrols;

7. Security officers are permitted to conduct searches, provided there is reasonable evidence/suspicion that the person in question has committed a crime. Any further searches require a warrant from the Head of Security, Captain or Magistrate;

8. Lethal Force is not authorized unless there is a clear and immediate threat to the station’s integrity or the Officer’s life

Code Blue

1. Guidelines 1, 2, 4 and 8 are carried over from Code Green;

2. Security Officers are permitted to carry around any weapons or equipment available in the Armory, at the Warden's discretion, but never more than one at a time. Exception is made for severe emergencies, such as Blob Organisms or Nuclear Operatives;

3. Security Officers are permitted to carry weapons in hand during regular patrols, although this is not advised;

4. Security Officers are permitted to present weapons during arrests;

5. Security Officers may demand entry to specific Departments during regular patrols;

6. Security Officers may randomly search crewmembers, but are not allowed to apply any degree of force unless said crewmember acts overtly hostile. Crew who refuse to be searched may be stunned and cuffed for the search;

7. Security Officers are permitted to leave prisoners bucklecuffed should they act hostile

Code Red

1. Guidelines 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are carried over from Code Blue;

2. Security Officers may arrest crewmembers with no stated reason if there is evidence they are involved in criminal activities;

3. Security Officers may forcefully relocate crewmembers to their respective Departments if necessary;

4. Lethal Force is permitted if the target is confirmed to be guilty of Capital Crimes and actively, and aggressively, resists arrest


Code Green

1. The Warden may not perform arrests if there are Security Officers active;

2. The Warden must conduct a thorough search of every prisoner’s belongings, including pockets, PDA slots, any coat pockets and suit storage slots;

3. The Warden is not obligated to provide a trial, but is encouraged to allow legal representation should the suspect request it. This only applies to Capital Crimes;

4. The Warden may not hand out any weapons or armour from the Armory, except for extra tasers. Hardsuits may be issued if emergency E.V.A action is required. Exception is made if there is an immediate threat that requires attention, such as Nuclear Operatives, or rioters;

5. The Warden is permitted to carry a taser, a flash, a stunbaton, a flashbang and a can of pepperspray;

6. The Warden may not place the portable flashers within the Brig;

7. The Warden may not place the deployable barriers within the Brig;

8. The Warden must read to every prisoner the crimes they are sentenced to;

9. The Warden is not permitted to leave prisoners bucklecuffed to their beds. An exception is made if the prisoners acts overtly hostile or attempts to breach the cell in order to escape

Code Blue

1. Guidelines 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8 are carried over from Code Green;

2. The Warden is permitted to hand out all equipment from the Armory. Energy and Laser guns are only to be handed out with Head of Security or Captain's approval, as they present a lethal risk, or if there is an immediate threat, such as Blob Organisms or Nuclear Operatives;

3. The Warden is permitted to place the portable flashers inside the Brig;

4. The Warden is permitted to place the deployable barriers inside the Brig

Code Red

1. Guidelines 2, 3, 5 and 8 are carried over from Code Green;

2. Guidelines 3 and 4 are carried over from Code Blue. In addition, the Warden may also carry any weapon from the Armory, but never more than one at a time;

3. The Warden is permitted to distribute any weapon or piece of equipment in the Armory. This includes whatever Research has provided;

4. The Warden is permitted to carry out arrests freely;

5. Lethal Force is permitted if the target is confirmed to be guilty of Capital Crimes and actively, and aggressively, resists arrest


Code Green

1. The Detective may not perform arrests or searches unless given specific permission by the Head of Security or Warden. Exception is made if there are no active Officers or Warden;

2. The Detective may not intentionally go around Security officers to perform arrests. If Officers are available, arrests may only be performed if there is an immediate violent threat to the Detective or anyone around them;

3. The Detective may not unholster their revolver unless a clear and present danger to their life is present;

4. The Detective may carry their revolver, along with spare ammunition;

5. The Detective may carry their telescopic baton;

6. Should the Detective be assaulted by a crewmember, they must use the issued Telescopic Baton to apprehend them. Using the revolver is permitted only if the crewmember attempts to escape and there are no Officers available for backup;

7. The Detective may not search anyone in the Brig without permission from the Warden or Head of Security;

8. The Detective is not permitted to modify their revolver to chamber lethal rounds, under any circumstance;

9. The Detective must compile all evidence gathered into organized dossiers, and have at least one copy available at all times

Code Blue

1. Guidelines 4, 5, and 9 are carried over from Code Green;

2. If sufficient forensic evidence is collected, and there are no Security Officers available at the time, the Detective is permitted to carry out arrests if a prior warning is given via Security Comms;

3. The Detective is obligated to inform the suspect of the crimes they are accused;

4. The Detective may search any suspect in the Brig;

5. The Detective may pull aside any suspect for an interrogation, provided they receive authorization from the Head of Security or the Warden;

6. The Detective may unholster their revolver whenever they deem it necessary, though it is recommended they do so sparsely;

7. Lethal Force is not permitted, unless there is a clear and immediate danger to the Detective's life

Code Red

1. Guidelines 4, 5 and 9 carry over from Code Green;

2. Guidelines 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 carry over from Code Blue;

3. The Detective may freely discharge his revolver when handling confirmed threats;

4. Lethal Force is permitted if the target is confirmed to be guilty of Capital Crimes and actively, and aggressively, resists arrest

Security Pod Pilot

Code Green

1. The Security Pod Pilot is permitted to carry out arrests under the same conditions as a Security Officer;

2. The Security Pod Pilot is permitted to carry a taser, a flash, a stunbaton, a flashbang and a can of pepperspray;

3. The Security Pod Pilot is not permitted to bring the Security Pod inside the station, except for designated Pod Bays;

4. The Security Pod Pilot is not permitted to swap the Security Pod’s weapon systems to the Laser Module unless a lethal threat, such as Space Carp or Attack Drones, is present;

5. The Security Pod Pilot is not permitted to use the Laser Module during arrests, and must switch to the Disabler Module;

6. The Security Pod Pilot must carry around a spare set of tools and energy cell, for their own sake;

7. The Security Pod Pilot may immediately, and without warning, conduct arrests on individuals attempting to perform E.V.A actions near the AI Satellite. Exception is made if the AI Unit is malfunctioning;

8. The Security Pod Pilot is not permitted to explore the area surrounding the station, and must therefore be confined to the immediate orbital area of the NSS Cyberiad, the NXS Klapaucius (the Telecomms Satellite) and the Mining/Research Asteroid. Exception is made if the Head of Security permits otherwise

Code Blue

1. Guidelines 1, 2, 7 and 8 are carried over from Code Green. In regards to Guideline 2, Pod Pilots are now also permitted to carry around Bulletproof Armour or Riot Gear;

2. Pod Pilots are permitted to carry weapons in hand during regular patrols;

3. Pod Pilots are permitted to present weapons during arrests;

4. Pod Pilots may demand entry to specific Departments during regular patrols;

5. Pod Pilots may randomly search crewmembers, but are not allowed to apply any degree of force unless said crewmember acts overtly hostile;

6. Pod Pilots are permitted to leave prisoners bucklecuffed should they act hostile

Code Red

1. Guidelines 1, 2, 7 and 8 carry over from Code Green;

2. All Guidelines carry over from Code Blue;

3. The Security Pod Pilot is permitted to carry any weapon from the Armory, but never more than one at a time. Exception is made for severe emergencies, such as Blob Organisms or Nuclear Operatives;

4. The Security Pod Pilot is permitted to bring the Security Pod inside the station in extreme emergencies;

5. The Security Pod Pilot is permitted to permanently install the Laser Module onto the Security Pod;

6. Lethal Force is permitted if the target is confirmed to be guilty of Capital Crimes and actively, and aggressively, resists arrest

Brig Physician

Code Green

1. The Brig Physician may not, under any circumstance, arrest anyone;

2. The Brig Physician may not, under any circumstance, interfere with Security’s duties;

3. The Brig Physician may not, under any circumstance, directly alter a sentence, or attempt to contest one with Security personnel. Contacting a Magistrate/IAA/NT Representative is still acceptable;

4. The Brig Physician must wait until someone is brigged and their timer starts before bringing them to the Brig Medbay. Exception is made if the Head of Security or Warden allows it, or there is a problem that requires immediate medical aid to prevent death;

5. The Brig Physician may not stop a timer if a prisoner is brought into the Brig Medbay for treatment. The timer is to continue while they are treated. If the timer runs out during medical treatment, the prisoner is to be released;

6. The Brig Physician may not restrain a prisoner unless they are actively hostile;

7. The Brig Physician is permitted to carry a flash and a can of pepperspray;

8. The Brig Physician must maintain the Brig Medbay, himself and all treated prisoners in a hygienic condition. Should the need arise, this extends to the rest of the Brig as well;

9. The Brig Physician must escort all prisoners requiring surgery to Medbay personally, and make sure that they are returned to the Brig before being released. The Brig Physician may also choose to construct a smaller surgery room inside the Brig Medbay

Code Blue

1. All Guidelines carry over from Code Green;

2. Additional equipment may be provided by the Warden for self-defense;

Code Red

1. All guidelines carry over from Code Green;

2. All guidelines carry over from Code Blue