Guide to Combat
Also known as Robust/Robusting, jargon for engaging in the combat system. It's an ironic description. The combat system is pretty quirky and limiting.
You intent specifies what you want to do when you click on another player/mob. You can switch between these by click on the on your HUD or by using CTRL+Q or CTRL+E.
Help - The help intent is the default intent. You'll shake people or yourself awake if you have no items, or perform CPR on them if they're suffocating and both have no helmets or masks on. You'll still hit people with most items if you're holding one though. You also pass through other people when moving through them.
- File:Disarm.png Disarm - A defensive intent. You'll attempt to disarm someone of their weapon or push them over for a very short while. This has a chance of failing, so repeated clicking may be necessary. People cannot run past you with this intent.
Grab - You'll grab someone passively at first. Moving will be slowed if you try to drag them around, so for transport, pulling is much faster. Clicking on them again will grab them aggressively (which has a chance of failing) and allow you to put them on a table to make them lie down. Click again will grab them by the neck. You can then click on the File:Strangle.png strangle icon on your HUD once to temporarily choke them to disarm them, or double click it to start strangling them. People whilst being strangled are fairly defenceless, so without outside intervention there's not much they can do. People cannot run past you with this intent.
Harm - This intent does NOT make you do more damage with melee weapons. If you have a stun baton however, you'll beat your target instead of stunning them, which knocks them down, but only stuns for a very short amount of time. This is generally a bad thing. With an empty hand you'll punch people for around 5 brute damage, and have a small chance to weaken people, which will stun them for quite a while. People cannot run past you with this intent.
Heavy vs Light
- Heavy items do much more damage, but are slower and have a chance to miss. Conversely, light weapons to less damage, but always hit and swing faster.
- Aim for the head. Knock outs when aiming for the head last longer.
- If they have a helmet, aim for the chest. If they have body armor too, aim for the legs.
- Click repeatedly.
- Any object is usually better than your fists. Fire extinguishers especially.
- Screwdrivers and forks have a special blinding attack when aiming for the eyes, but it doesn't work if their face is covered.
- Harm intent is probably your best bet, however making an opening move with disarm to get you a few seconds of free attacks will make the difference in an even matchup, and potentially end the combat early if you brought a strong weapon.
- Run away.
- If they're too close, disarm, then run away.
- If you can't run, aim for the head to get a knock out and then run away.
- If they give chase, throw objects at them. Some objects, such as metal rods or floor tiles do extra damage when thrown.
- Stun them, or otherwise attempt to disable them.
- While running, click doors that you can open to try to trick them, making them think you ran a different way.
- Hiding in lockers sometimes works. If they fell for the point above, just find a locker in a corner and most people miss it.
Combat Tips
- If you have a legitimate reason too, use narcotics beforehand. It increases your movement speed considerably.
Expect to be the one to die.