For reference, see MediaWikiWiki:Help:Magic_words#Statistics.
Variable | Value | Description |
Number of Wiki pages{{NUMBEROFPAGES}}
7,263 | This shows the number of pages currently being served at the wiki. |
Number of Articles{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}
385 | This shows the number of articles in the content namespaces, e.g. Main:, and Help: |
Number of Files{{NUMBEROFFILES}}
5,094 | This shows the number of files that currently resides on the wiki. |
Total Page Edits{{NUMBEROFEDITS}}
46,805 | This shows the current, and still increasing number of total edits committed to the wiki. |
Number of Users{{NUMBEROFUSERS}}
3,194 | This shows the number of users registered on the wiki. Note, since the wiki uses an extension to connect the forum's account system to the wiki's own, this includes the large number of non-contributing forum users as well. |
Number of Administrators{{NUMBEROFADMINS}}
12 | This shows the number of administrators tasked with administrating and generally maintaining the wiki. |