Security Items

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Standard issue hardware for the discerning security officer.

Object Location Purpose Description
Security Belt
Equipment Room Holds security equipment. A standard-issue security belt. Can hold up to five security items, such as flashbangs, donuts, flashes, pepper spray, batons, handcuffs, seclites, masks, and zipties.
Assault Belt
Ordered from Cargo Holds weapons and ammunition. An assault belt that comes bundled with SWAT armor. While it can't hold security items like the security belt, it's capable of holding any small item, such as ammo, tools, and small firearms.
Security Projector
Equipment Room Cordons off areas. A security holo-projector often used by law enforcement and corporate security. Prevents people from passing through it unless they are walking.
Equipment Room Illuminates darkness. A standard-issue security torch that provides a high degree of illumination in dark areas. Can be mounted onto various weapons.
Equipment Room Shouts at fleeing suspects. Simply shouts the phrase "Halt! Security!". Available only from a hacked security vendor.
Internal Affairs Office
Firing Range
Detective's Office
Provides eye protection. A simple pair of sunglasses, capable of safely shielding its wearer from flashes and the blinding light (but not sound) of a flashbang.
HUD Sunglasses
Equipment Room Provides eye protection and a HUD. An advanced pair of sunglasses with a built-in security HUD, capable of safely shielding its wearer from flashes and the blinding light (but not sound) of a flashbang. The classic version doesn't feature flash protection.
Bowman Headset
Equipment Room Provides ear protection. A bowman headset designed to protect the ears and provide patrolling officers with high-fidelity radio communications.
Black Gloves
Equipment Room Preventing contamination of evidence. A standard-issue pair of one-size-fits-all gloves. Prevents the wearer from contaminating evidence with their fingerprints and offers slight fire protection.
Forensics Gloves
Detective's Office Preventing contamination of evidence. A special pair gloves for the Detective. Prevents the wearer from contaminating evidence with their fingerprints or fibres.
Krav Maga Gloves
Warden's Office Learning Krav Maga These gloves bestow the wearer martial knowledge in the arts of Krav Maga through use of advanced cybernetics and nanochips embedded inside them. Issued to the warden, they allow the wearer to trip, lung punch, and throat punch enemy combatants.
Firing Range Provides ear protection. Capable of blocking out any and all sound, earmuffs will protect against deafness and loud noises. Wearing them comes at the cost of not being able to hear anything.
Security Gas-Mask

Equipment Room Provides face protection and a hailer. Functionally equivalent to a regular gas-mask, but with the added ability of shouting a variety of phrases at fleeing suspects. Use the button in the top-left of your screen to change phrases. Emag it for a secret phrase!
Warden's Office Provides identification and authority. A multi-purpose holobadge that will accept the credentials from a valid ID. Can be shoved into people's faces.
Forensic Scanner
Detective's Office Analyses crime scenes. A multipurpose forensics device capable of detecting fibers, fingerprints, reagents, and DNA from blood spatter. Using it in hand allows the operator to search for DNA/fingerprint matches.
Detective's Office Discreetly holsters weapons. Capable of being attached to a jumpsuit, the holster provides a discrete place to holster your weapon until needed. In Hotkey Mode the holster can be quickly accessed with the H key.
Evidence Bag
Detective's Office
Preventing contamination of evidence. Evidence bags are used to safely store evidence so it can be handled without contaminating forensic evidence. Useful for picking up Cult equipment.
Space Law
Security Provides reference for Space Law. This is an on-station copy of Nanotrasen's Space Law.
Donut Box
Security Office Fuel for the hungry officer. A box of six donuts. The sprinkled ones provide minor healing to security officers.
Equipment Room
Restrains suspects. Handcuffs can be used to detain suspects, or attached to shoes to be used as ankle-cuffs to restrict movement.
Equipment Room Restrains suspects. Used to detain suspects, but unlike handcuffs, they're single use.
Equipment Room Subdues unwilling targets. A small 50u canister of capsaicin. Capsaicin is an irritant capable of blinding and stunning targets who aren't wearing protective eye-wear.
Equipment Room Blinds targets and borgs. A flash can be used to disorient all targets without proper eye protection in range. Useful for crowd control, detainee pacification, and stunning rogue cyborgs.
Energy Bola
Equipment Room Hinders suspect movement. Energy Bolas can be thrown at a fleeing or non-moving target in order to make their escape more difficult by hindering their movement.
Equipment Room
Blinds and deafens targets. A standard-issue flashbang capable of incapacitating a large number of targets in an area. Both ear and eye protection are required when using a flashbang.
Tear Gas Grenade
Armory Stuns and blinds targets. A grenade designed specifically for use as a riot countermeasure/crowd dispersal device. When it detonates it sends out a large plume of capsaicin into the area.
Gamma Armory Stuns and blinds targets. A clusterbang capable of incapacitating a large number of targets in an extremely large area. Due to the number of detonations in a clusterbang, misuse can lead to deafness.


Various equipment useful for performing a variety of tasks within the security occupation.

Object Location Purpose Description
Labor Camp
Performs automated arrests. A baton-equipped robot that scans nearby users to check their arrest status. Upon finding a valid arrest status, Securitrons will stun and ziptie the suspect before notifying security.
Equipment Room Dispenses security items. A standard-issue security vending machine. It is capable of dispensing items such as handcuffs, zipties, flashbangs, flashes, donuts, evidence bag boxes, seclites, and energy bolas. Hack it for additional goodies!
Armory Provides added mobility. An all-purpose Secway. The secway can't pass people and is slower than running speed, which makes it less useful in crowds and during chases. It can, however, move through slick surfaces without slipping, making it very useful against clowns.
Portable Flasher
Armory Provides constant area-of-denial flashes. A portable flasher that can be wrenched in location to secure an area. Anyone passing by the portable flasher who lacks suitable eye-protection will be flashed and stunned. There is an interval of 10 seconds between flashes. Walk slowly to avoid triggering it.
Deployable Barrier
Armory Secures/barricades an area. A deployable barrier that can be used to block doors and hallways.
Equipment Room
Firing Range
Recharges energy weapons. A conventional desk or wall-mounted charging station capable of recharging energy based devices such as stun batons and laser guns. They can be unsecured and moved via the use of a wrench.
Training Bomb
Firing Range Bomb defusal practice. An inert training bomb used for defusal practice by security officers. It keeps track of the user's score and awards points for every successful defusal.
Security Blinding detainees. A simple blindfold made out of thick velvet. The wearer will be blinded and unable to see their surroundings. Prevents a vampire from glaring.
Security Preventing self-inflicted harm. A standard issue straight-jacket capable of effectively binding detainees suffering from psychotic breaks. The wearer is unable to use their arms so long as the jacket is on them.
Lethal Injection
Security Facilitates executions. A lethal-injection syringe filled with a mix of toxin, cyanide, pancuronium, fluorine, and fluorosulfuric acid. A single injection is enough to guarantee the expiration of a sentenced inmate.
Electric Chair
Security Facilitates executions. A high-voltage electropack rigged to a chair. While rudimentary in nature, the chair can be remotely or manually activated to send a fatal shock to its occupant.
Tracking Implant
Armory Tracks the location of prisoners. A standard-issue tracking implant which allows security officers to keep tabs on dangerous prisoners. Tracking implants show up on security HUDs, and also function as a teleport beacon for the Teleporter.
Chemical Implant
Armory Subdues implanted prisoners. A chemical implant that can be loaded with a variety of debilitating substances. It can be remotely activated, which makes it a valuable tool in recapturing escapees.
Mindshield Implant
Head of Security's Office
Protects the mind from hostile subversion. An implant specifically designed to harden the mind against attempts at hostile subversion. Has no effect against mind-swapping or if implanted after someone has already been brainwashed.


The tools of the trade, from melee weapons to rifles.

Object Damage Type Damage Location Description
Stun Baton
Stun/Brute 12-14 sec/10 Brute Equipment Room A standard-issue stunbaton capable of readily subduing targets within melee range.
Telescopic Baton
Stun/Brute 4-6 Secs/10 Brute Head of Security
A baton issued to detectives and Command. It needs to be extended before it can be utilized.
Combat Knife
Brute 20 Ordered from Cargo
Gamma Armory
A razor sharp steel combat knife that comes packaged with the SWAT crate. It can be used either as a melee instrument, or as a throwing weapon.
Stamina 30 Stamina Equipment Room A disabler capable of shooting long-ranged disabler bolts that deal stamina damage.
Energy Gun
Stamina/Burn 30 Stamina/20 Burn Secure Armory An energy gun capable of toggling between lethal and disabler fire.
Laser Gun
Burn 20 Secure Armory An energy gun with the only firing setting you need in an emergency - kill.
Practice Laser Gun
N/A N/A Firing Range A practice variant of the traditional laser gun. Fires harmless beams of light.
Ion Rifle
EMP 20 Component Secure Armory A specialized rifle that fires ion bolts which are capable of disrupting and interfering with electronic devices. Damage is applied across all parts/components.
Riot Shotgun
Brute Variable Secure Armory A pump-action riot-grade shotgun capable of chambering seven rounds. Can be loaded with various types of ammunition, but is loaded with rubbershot by default. Sawing it off reduces the ammo capacity by four and allows it to fit into bags.
Combat Shotgun
Brute Variable Ordered from Cargo A combat-grade shotgun capable of chambering seven rounds. Can be loaded with various types of ammunition but is loaded with beanbag shells by default. Unlike the Riot Shotgun, it does not require manual pumping between shots.
WT-550 Auto Rifle
Brute Variable Ordered from Cargo An outdated personal defence weapon which feeds from 20-round 4.6x20mm toploader magazines. Can only fire in semi-automatic and has a relatively poor rate of fire for a rifle. Comes loaded with standard 4.6x20mm rounds by default.
Advanced Energy Gun
Stamina/Burn 30 Stamina/20 Burn Gamma Armory
A self-recharging laser weapon powered by a miniaturized uranium reactor. The firing mode can be toggled between disablers and lethals.
.38 Revolver
Brute 25 Detective's Office A .38 revolver issued to the detective that comes loaded with .38 lethal rounds. Can be modified with a screwdriver to accept .357 rounds, with a small chance of exploding violently when firing said rounds.


Ammunition that is either readily available, or can be produced for use in security weapons.

Object Damage Type Damage Location Description
Shotgun - Beanbag
Stamina/Brute 80 Stamina/5 Brute Secure Armory
A shotgun shell fitted with a beanbag. Ideal for non-lethally subduing targets.
Shotgun - Rubbershot

Brute/Stamina 3/25 x6 Secure Armory
A shotgun shell packed with rubbershot. Ideal for disarming and non-lethally subduing targets. This ammunition is loaded into the Riot Shotgun by default.
Shotgun - Tranquilizer
Chemical N/A Secure Armory A shotgun shell loaded with a haloperidol dart. Though slow-acting, it's ideal for non-lethally subduing targets who use stimulants.
Shotgun - Incendiary Slug
Brute + Fire 5 + Fire Autolathe A highly penetrating shotgun slug packed with white phosphorous. Ideal for greater accuracy and taking down single, highly-armoured targets.
Shotgun - Tech Dart
Chemical N/A Protolathe An empty shotgun shell with a small ampoule capable of storing up to 15u of any reagent. The reagent will be injected into the target on impact.
Shotgun - Pulse Slug
Burn 40 Protolathe A non-penetrating shotgun slug that discharges plasma on impact. Ideal for targets wearing bullet-resistant armour. Pulse Slugs are also capable of destroying walls on impact.
Shotgun - Ion Slug
EMP 20 Component Crafting A non-penetrating shotgun slug that creates ionic interference on impact. Useful for synthetic targets or to disrupt electrical equipment. Damage is applied across all parts/components.
WT-550 - Standard Magazine
Brute 20 Ordered from Cargo
The standard 4.6x20mm 20-round magazine for the WT-550 Auto Rifle.
WT-550 - Armor Piercing

Brute 15 + 40 armor piercing Protolathe A non-standard 4.6x30mm 20-round magazine for the WT-550 Auto Rifle. While it has less stopping power, it penetrates both bone and armour more readily.
WT-550 - Toxin Tipped
Toxins 15 Protolathe A non-standard 4.6x30mm 20-round magazine for the WT-550 Auto Rifle. Ideal for highly armoured targets who may not be susceptible to conventional gunfire.
WT-550 - Incendiary
Brute + Fire 10 + Fire Protolathe A non-standard 4.6x30mm 20-round magazine for the WT-550 Auto Rifle. The rounds are packed with white-phosphorous and will ignite a target upon impact.
.38 Revolver - Rubber Shot
Brute 25 Brute Autolathe A six round speedloader for the .38 Revolver. The rounds highly lethal, and the speedloader is recyclable.
.38 Revolver - .357 Rounds
Brute 60 Autolathe A seven round speedloader containing .357 rounds. While capable of being fired out of the .38 revolver, the difference in cartridge size can cause backfiring.


Protective equipment for security personnel. Note that "limbs" does not include the hands or feet.

Object Coverage Brute Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Location Description
Security Hats
Head 35 30 30 10 25 0 0 Equipment Room Various headwear worn by security personnel.
Head 35 30 30 10 25 0 0 Equipment Room A standard issue security helmet designed to mitigate the forces of brute impacts against the wearer's head.
Riot Helmet
Head 50 10 10 10 0 0 0 Secure Armory A reinforced riot helmet with improved padding to lessen the effects of blows. Unlike the standard helmet, the riot helmet protects against facehuggers.
Bulletproof Helmet
Head 15 60 10 10 40 0 0 Secure Armory A reinforced helmet fitted with ceramic plating. Provides ample protection against kinetic weaponry, but unlike the Riot Helmet it does not protect against facehuggers.
SWAT Helmet
Head 40 30 30 30 50 90 20 Ordered from Cargo A specialized helmet that comes paired with the SWAT gear. Together with the armour, it allows the user to perform EVA for extended periods of time.
Security Uniforms
Body + Limbs 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Security Various uniforms worn by security personnel. Security uniforms are interwoven with nanofibres, providing minor protection against blunt-force trauma.
Body Armor
Upper Body 30 30 30 10 25 0 0 Equipment Room A standard issue suit of body armor. It is designed expressly to provide minimalist, yet valuable, protection to security officers.
Security Jackets
Body + Arms 15 10 15 5 15 0 0 Loadout Menu A stylish security jacket. While lacking the formidable protection of its body armour counterpart, it provides greater coverage in exchange of protection against explosions.
Detective's Armor
Upper Body 30 30 30 10 25 0 0 Detective's Office A standard issue suit of body armor issued to the detective. It's on par with regular security body armor and simply has a different appearance.
Detective's Coat
Body + Arms 25 10 25 10 0 0 0 Detective's Office An appropriately noir coat for the discerning detective. While lacking the formidable protection of its body armour counterpart, it provides greater coverage.
Riot Suit
Body + Limbs 50 10 10 10 0 0 0 Secure Armory A heavily reinforced suit of riot grade armour designed to offer maximum protection against melee combatants. The bulk of this suit will slow the wearer down.
Ablative Armor
Upper Body 10 10 60 50 0 0 0 Secure Armory A specialized suit of experimental armour designed to lessen the impact of, and in certain cases reflect, energy based projectiles.
Bulletproof Vest
Upper Body 15 80 10 10 40 0 0 Secure Armory A suit of reinforced bulletproof armour designed to protect coverage to vital organs. While not as robust against brute attacks, it provides ample protection against kinetic projectiles.
SWAT Armor
Body + Limbs 40 30 30 30 50 90 20 Ordered from Cargo A set of advanced tactical armour. Heavily reinforced, it provides full protection for the body and is capable of extended periods of EVA.
Warden's Jacket
Body + Limbs 25 15 25 10 25 0 0 Warden's Office A specialized jacket provided to the warden. Provides decent all-around protection, but lacks the heavy reinforcement of the HoS' trenchcoat.
HoS's Armored Trenchcoat
Body + Limbs 30 30 30 5 25 0 0 Head of Security's Office A specialized trenchcoat with extra padding, reinforced seams, and body armour sewn into the fabric. It has the highest armour values out of any standard set of armor on-station.
Security Hardsuit
Full Body 35 15 30 10 10 100 50 Secure Armory A specialized security hardsuit that provides ample resistance against the void of space and other pressure-related environmental hazards.
Shielded Security Hardsuit
Full Body 35 15 30 10 10 100 50 Gamma Armory A more advanced version of the normal security hardsuit. Comes with built in energy shielding. The shielding blocks up to three attacks, and slowly recharges over time. Available in the Gamma armory.
Security Biosuit
Full Body 25 15 25 10 25 100 20 Armory A specialized security biosuit that provides protection against biological environmental hazards.
Security Bomb Suit
Full Body 20 0 20 10 100 0 0 Armory A heavily reinforced bomb-suit designed to withstand large explosions. Prevents the wearer from being gibbed by explosions.
Riot Shield
Block (50%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Secure Armory A standard-issue riot shield capable of deflecting melee attacks and the occasional xenomorph. Wielding it grants a chance to deflect projectiles as well.
Telescopic Riot Shield
Block (50%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Head of Security's Office
A compact and easily transported riot shield capable of deflecting melee attacks and the occasional xenomorph. Wielding it grants a chance to deflect projectiles as well.

Security Computers

Consoles used by security.

Object Location Purpose Description
Area Air Control
Prison Wing Controls stationary scrubbers in the area. The Area Air Control is used to control the stationary air scrubbers located in the Prison Wing.
Cell Management Computer
Head of Security's Office
Warden's Office
Brig Foyer
Manage Prison Cells. The Cell Management Computer keeps information on the current resident in all the cells at the Brig.
Labor Camp Points Manager
Warden's Office
Prison Wing
Labor Camp
Labor Camp Shuttle Dock
Managing labor for prisoners and control their implants. The Labor Camp Points Manager is used to give prisoners, that are assigned to the Labor Camp, a goal to reach by gaining points and you can see how many points they have accumulated. The second use of this console is to see and control the prisoners Implants.
Labor Shuttle Console
Labor Camp
Labor Camp Shuttle Dock
Controls the Labor Shuttle. The Labor Shuttle Console can be used to call for the labor shuttle or send it away.
Security Camera Console
Head of Security's Office
Warden's Office
Brig Foyer
Labor Camp
Prison Wing
Monitor the station. The Security Camera Console can see through any working camera assigned to the stations default camera network.
Security Records
Head of Security's Office
Warden's Office
Labor Camp
Labor Camp Shuttle Dock
View and edit personnel's security records. The Security Records Console lists a record on all crew members assigned to the station. You can see and edit the general data, security data and comments on every individual. Can also print out cell logs.
Security Management Console
Head of Security's Office Change access on IDs. The Security Management is used by the HoS to manage the demotion and permissions of security personnels IDs.