User:MigratingCoconut/rad rework
Contamination now mostly happens by touching radioactive material, the contamination works similarly to contracting diseases by touch, using the clothes' permeability, but the clothes themselves also get contaminated.
Radiation no longer contaminates most things, but this doesn't mean areas that don't look green are safe.
Wave Spread
Waves now spread in a square, with each step the amount of rads each tile receives is the average of the adjacent tiles from the previous steps, multiplied by the ratio between the amount of tiles in the current step and the one in the previous step(1/8 on the first step, 8/16 on the second, 16/24 on the third and so on). This decay is linear and maintains the amount of energy in the wave aside from what is blocked/used by things irradiated by it.
Radiation types
Radiation now comes in 3 different types:
- Alpha - Easily blocked by most things, emitted mostly by uranium
- Beta - Easily blocked by airlocks and walls, emitted mostly by the nuke core and plasma windows charged with Gamma radiation
- Gamma - Emitted by the SM and Singularity, isn't blocked well by most things other than plasma windows and reinforced walls.
Power Production
The Supermatter and Singularity output Gamma radiation, which the collectors don't absorb much of. Instead, plasma containing windows are used to convert Gamma radiation to Beta radiation which the collectors Absorb almost entirely.
In addition reinforced walls absorb both Gamma and Beta radiation very well, so replacing them with plasma windows that would instead convert the Gamma radiation and allow the Beta to pass through is recommended.
Windows multiply the radiation they convert, and different windows have different multipliers and absorb a different portion of the radiation, with fulltile windows absorbing more than directional windows.
When using directional windows it is recommended to use more than one, and to build them all on the same tile as a radiation collector, so it absorbs the wave at the source.
Reinforced plasma glass is worst, normal plasma glass is better while plastitanium glass is best:
Material | Directional Window Rad Multiplier | Directional Window Gamma Absorption | Full Window Rad Multiplier | Full Window Gamma Absorption |
Reinforced plasma glass |
1.5 | 60% | 2.2 | 70% |
Plasma glass |
2 | 60% | 3 | 70% |
Plastitanium glass |
2.5 | 60% | 3.7 | 70% |
Window Layouts
Rad collectors now have a higher threshold for the energy they produce from radiation. This means you want to have your windows as close to the collector as possible, and also as close to the Supermatter or singularity as possible, so that both the window and the collector can absorb the radiation closer to the source at a higher intensity.
For directional windows this means the same tile as the collector and for fulltile windows it means an adjacent tile.
When producing high amounts of radiation fulltile windows start having a stronger effect due to the threshold making up a much smaller portion of the radiation that reaches each collector from each window, but when EER and/or gas coefficient are relatively low directional windows will work better due to being right on top of the collector.