Fish. Fish are used as a alternate form of creating food for the chef
To grow fish you need a aquarium made of normal glass. There are 3 types of aquariums. Fish bowls, Small, and wall. small aquariums hold 200 water and large aqariums hold 500 and fishbowls hold 50. the small tanks can only hold 4 fish while the large tanks can hold 10 fish
fish cannot reproduce asexually but can interbreed (no new breeds of fish can be made this way) so you need atleast 2 of any kind of fish to get new eggs. (no new breeds of fish can be made this way) matter the small tanks can only hold 4 fish while the large tanks can hold 10 fish
when fish dont get food for to long they die
fish eggs to dont hatch on their own. instead they need to be removed and put back in the tank. more fish increase speed of dirtying
carp cannot grow to full sized carp