Standard Operating Procedure (Service)

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Code Green

  1. The entire station is to be cleaned.
  2. Crime scenes are not to be cleaned until clearance granted from Head of Security or Detective.
  3. Unrotted gibs are to be taken to Medical.
  4. Wet floor signs are to be used.
  5. If the mess is biologically threatening i.e. infected blood, acid, etc. the biosuit is to be worn.

Code Blue

  1. All guidelines carry over from Code Green.
  2. If messes involve corpses, they are to be taken straight to the morgue and items on their person are not to be touched, unless moving them would interfere with Code Green Guideline Two.
  3. Mops are not to be used, only space cleaner.

Code Red

  1. All guidelines carry over from codes Green and Blue.


Code Green

  1. Food is to be produced regularly.
  2. Food may not be spiked with additional chemicals unless the crew member consuming the food is notified of every additional chemical within it.
  3. Knives are not to be sharpened.

Code Blue

  1. All guidelines carry from Code Green.
  2. Food may now be spiked with a maximum of 10u of healing chemicals.

Code Red

  1. All guidenies carry from Codes Green and Blue.
  2. Knives may now be sharpened for self defense.