
From Paradise Station Wiki
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Writing is an integral part to paperwork and writing books! If you want to write an official department memo, or a good looking book, you're gonna have to know how to write it.

See the Example Paperwork page for standard forms and examples.

To properly understand this, you need a basic grasp of BBCode or HTML. But don't worry, even if you don't know either, just try copy pasting the examples and replacing the text with your own! Once you're comfortable with that, try experimenting with what works together and how.


Writing is performed on paper using any standard writing utensil.

  • Pens come in a few different colours, black or blue by default, and some departments are provided with red pens. Pens have a variety of functions!
  • Crayons work much like pens, except that they are always bold, and lack the list, horizontal rule, and small tags.

Formatting Paper


To sign your name, use the [sign] tag. Remember that if you use the [sign] tag, your signature is unique and cannot be forged in most cases.

Your signature: [sign]


To insert a field from which you can start writing (instead of just using the bottom of the paper), use the [field] tag.

Reason for Request: [field]

New Lines

New lines can be created by using the [br] tag. Without this, anything you write will continue on the same line until it reaches the end of the page.

text above
text below


To make text bold, enclose it within the [b] and [/b] tags.

[b]This text is going to be bold.[/b] This text is not.


To italicize text, enclose it within the [i] and [/i] tags.

[i]This text is italicized.[/i] This text is not.


To underline text, enclose it within the [u] and [/u] tags.

[u]This text is underlined.[/u] This text is not.


To center text, enclose it with the [center] and [/center] tags.

[center]Type the center tags onto the paper like this![/center]


Create a list by using the [list] and [/list] tags. For every entry in your list, add a [*] in front of your entry. For example;

[list][*]Bullet one.[*]Bullet two.[/list]

Large Text

Make text larger, enclose it within the [large] and [/large] tags. Large text like this can be used for emphasis or for titles.

[large]This text is much larger[/large] than this text.

Small Text

To shrink text, enclose it with the [small] and [/small] tags. Shrunken text can be used to fit more information onto your paper.

[small]This text is very small![/small] This text is normal-sized.

Horizontal rules

To add a horizontal rule, use the [hr] tag.

text above
text below

Sample Forms

These are some samples of possible paperwork that might be used around the station. You can use these, or make your own, as well. It's not required to use any of these, or anything like it, but many players will.

Cargo General Request Form

This is a form for use in cargo in the case that anyone needs to order something that cannot be requested through the requests console, such as an item from the autolathe.

[center][large]General Request Form[/large][/center]
[*]Name: [small][field][/small][br]
[*]Rank: [small][field][/small][br]
[*]Request: [small][field][/small][br]
[*]Reason for request: [small][field][/small][br]
[i][b] NanoTrasen Commerce Station Cyberiad [/i][/b][/center][br]
[u]Sign Below and include any relevant stamps.[/u][br]


Head of Personnel: Additional Access

This is a form for a Head of Personnel to give to a crewmember who is requesting additional access.

[center][b][i]Additional Access Application Form[/b][/i][br]
Name: [field][br]
Rank: [field][br]
[i][b] NanoTrasen Commerce Station Cyberiad [/i][/b][/center][br]
Requested Access: [field][br]
Reason(s): [field][br][br]
Signature: [field][br][br]
Name: [field][br]
Rank: [field][br][br][/center]
If authorized, please sign here, [field], and stamp the document with the Department Stamp.[br][br]
Guidelines that must be followed. If they are not followed, this form is void and illegal.[br]
[list][*]The department in which the requester is requesting access must first be contacted, and the chief (acting or otherwise) must have been talked to and have authorized this request.[*]If any criminal activity is done with the help of this extra access, this form will be immediately void and unlawful.[*]If the chief of the affected department wishes this form void, this form is immediately void and unlawful.[/list]


Head of Personnel: Job Transfer

This is for a Head of Personnel to give to a crewmember who is requesting that their job be changed.

[center][b][i]Transfer Request Form[/b][/i][br]
Name: [field][br]
Rank: [field][br]
[i][b]NanoTrasen Commerce Station Cyberiad[/b][/i][/center]
From department: [field][br]
To department: [field][br][br]
Requested Position: [field][br][br]
Reason(s): [field][br][br]
Signature: [field][br][br]
Transferring department head: [field][br]
Receiving department head: [field][br]
Head of Personnel: [field][br][br][/center]
If authorized, please sign above and stamp the document with the Department Stamp.[br][br]
Guidelines that must be followed. If they are not followed, this form is void and illegal.[br]
[list][*]All department heads must agree to the transfer before transfer can take place.
[*]If the transfered has been transfered for an invalid or illegal reason, this form is immediately void and unlawful.
[*]In the event a relevant head of staff retracts his or her approval for this transer, this form is immediately void and unlawful.[/list]

Head of Personnel: Demotion Record

This if for a Head of Personnel to give to a crewmember who has been summarily demoted by a head of staff.

[center][b][i]Termination of Assignment Record[/b][/i][br]
Name: [field][br]
Position: [field][br]
[i][b] NanoTrasen Commerce Station Cyberiad [/i][/b][/center]
Terminated Employee: [field][br]
Terminated from the assignment of: [field][br]
Reason for Termination: [field][br][br]
Name: [field][br]
Rank: [field][br][br][/center]
If authorized, please sign here, [field], and stamp the document with the Department Stamp.[br][br]
Guidelines that must be followed. If they are not followed, this form is void and illegal.[br]
[list][*]The department in which the terminated has been terminated must first be contacted, and the chief (acting or otherwise) of the department must have been consulted and have authorized a termination.
[*]If the terminated has been removed from his or her position for an invalid or illegal reason, this form is immediately void and unlawful.
[*]In the event a relevant head of staff retracts his or her approval for this assignment termination, this form is immediately void and unlawful.[/list]

Customs: Station Access Form

This is for access past the custom officer checkpoint onto the station.

[center][b][i]Station Access Form[/b][/i][br]
Name: [field][br]
Rank: [field][br]
[i][b] NanoTrasen Commerce Station Cyberiad [/i][/b][/center][br]
Signature: [field][br][br]
Name: [field][br]
Rank: [field][br][br][/center]
If authorized, please sign here, [field], and stamp the document with the Granted Stamp.[br][br]

Robotics: Cyborgification

This is for a cyborgification or AI assimilation procedure on a living crewmember.

[center][b]Cyborgification Contract[/b][br]
Name: [field][br]
Rank: [field][br]
[b][i] NanoTrasen Commerce Station Cyberiad [/b][/i][/center][hr]
I, undersigned, hereby agree to willingly undergo a Regulation Lobotimization with intention of cyborgification or AI assimilation, and I am aware of all the consequences of such act. I also understand that this operation may be irreversible, and that my employment contract will be terminated.[hr]
Signature of Subject: [field][br][br]
Signature of Captain or Commanding Officer: [field][br][br]
Stamp below with the Captains or Commanding Officers stamp:

Medical: Prescription

A form for prescribing patients medicines that they can then pick up later.

[center][large][b]NCS Cyberiad Medical Department[/b][/large][/center]
[large][u]Prescription[/u]:[/large][br] [field]
[u]For[/u]: [field] [br]
[u]Assignment[/u]: [field] [br]
[u]Prescribing Doctor[/u]: [field] [br]
[u]Date[/u]: [field] [br]
[u]Pharmacist[/u]: [field] [br][br]
[small]This prescription will not be refilled except under written authorisation.[/small]

Research: Equipment Loan

This is a form for the loaning of prototypes from R&D to other departments, usually equipment or experimental weapons.

[b]Equipment Loan[/b][br]
The following item(s) are considered experimental. NanoTrasen can not be held responsible for injury sustained during the use of the item(s). The receiver must use the following item(s) only for their intended purpose. The receiver must not share these items with any other person(s) without direct approval of NanoTrasen command staff. [br]
Item(s) loaned:[br]
Name of receiver: [field][br]
Name of crew member loaning the item(s): [field][br]
Note: Please make sure this form is stamped bellow the line by related head of staff before the end of one standard work week. [br]

Security: Incident Report

This is for security to use after making an arrest or fining a crew member for a crime, usually given to the warden after being filed out.

[center][b][u]Security Incident Report[/b][/u][/center][br]
[small][i]To be filled out by Officer on duty responding to the Incident. Report must be signed and submitted until the end of the shift![/i][/small][br]
[b]Offense/Incident Type: [/b][field][br]
[b]Location: [/b][field][br]
[b]Reporting Officer: [/b][field][br]
[b]Assisting Officer(s): [/b][br]
[b]Personnel involved in Incident: [/b][br]
[small][i](V-Victim, S-Suspect, W-Witness, M-Missing, A-Arrested, RP-Reporting Person, D-Deceased)[/i][/small][br]
[b]Description of Items/Property: [/b][br]
[small][i](D-Damaged, E-Evidence, L-Lost, R-Recovered, S-Stolen)[/i][/small][br]
[b][u]Narrative: [/u][/b][br]
[b]Reporting Officer's Signature: [/b][field][br]

Internal Affairs: Agent Report

Internal Affairs Agent report.

[center][b][i]Internal Affairs Report[/b][/i][br]
Agent: [field][br]
Subject in Question: [field][br]
[i][b] NanoTrasen Cyberiad [/i][/b][/center][br]
[b]Incident: [/b][field][br]
[b]Location(s): [/b][field][br]
[b]Personnel involved in Incident: [/b][field][br]
[b]Narrative: [/b][br]
[b]Agent Signature: [/b][field][br]
[b]Notes: [/b][field][br]

Stamp below with the Captains stamp:

Nanotrasen Rep: Report Form

For your station inspection reports to Central Command.

[large][center][b]Status Update[/b][/center][/large]
[center] [b]NSS Cyberiad[/b] [/center]
[center][b]Department Status[/b] [/center]
[list][*][b] Cargo Bay:[/b][field] 
[*][b] Medical Bay:[/b][field] 
[*][b] Engineering:[/b][field]
[*][b] Kitchen and Hydroponics:[/b][field]
[*][b] Research and Development:[/b][field]
[*] [b] Security:[/b][field]
[*][b] Crew Report:[/b][field]
[br] [b]Notes:[/b][field]

[center] [sign] [/center]