Planetary Classifications

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Revision as of 22:53, 9 January 2024 by PopeDaveThe3th (talk | contribs)
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Uninhabitable Worlds

Uninhabitable planets are, as the name suggests, inhospitable to most organic life. Whether this is because of atmospheric conditions, lack of water, extreme temperature variation, or any number of other factors, these planets can not be lived upon without specialized equipment.

Uninhabitable planets make up the vast majority of worlds in the Orion Arm.

Habitable Worlds

Far rarer than uninhabitable planets, Habitable worlds can reliably sustain a biosphere and complex organic life. This does not mean life is sustained easily, however, but the logistical ease of settling a world where the air can be breathed nearly always outweighs any potential risks.

Arid Worlds

Arid Worlds are planets of vast, untamed savannah and shrubland. Unlike Desert Worlds, Arid Worlds can reliably sustain plant life, usually near the poles, around uncommon oases, and after seasonal rains.

Arid worlds are

Desert Worlds

Tundra Worlds

Frozen Worlds