RnD breakdown list

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  • Items found in R&D - R&D
  • Items made with the Protolathe - Proto
  • Items made with the Circuit Imprinter - Circuit
  • Items made with the Exosuit Fabricator - Exo
  • Items produced by Xenobiology - Xeno
  • Items grown by Botany - Botany
  • Items mined/ bought by Mining - Mining
  • Items bought by Cargo - Cargo
  • Items in the ownership of the Captain - Cap

Basic Research

Basic research can be performed at round start. All items required can be found or made in R&D without any additional materials or items.
To start, take the Welder out of one of the Toolbox and insert the Metal and Glass found in R&D into the Protolathe and Circuit Imprinter.

You will need to acquire and deconstruct these items in the following order:

  1. Welding Tool - R&D (Plasma: 1)
  2. Toolbox - R&D (Combat: 1, Engineering: 1)
  3. Basic Capacitor - Proto (Power: 1)
  4. Micro Manipulator - Proto (Materials: 1, Data: 1)
  5. Basic Micro-Laser - Proto (Magnets: 1)
  6. Tracking Beacon - Proto (Bluespace: 1)
  7. High-Capacity Power Cell - Proto (Power: 2)
  8. Reagent Scanner - Proto (Biotech: 1, Magnets: 2, Plasma: 2)
  9. Health Scanner HUD - Proto (Biotech: 2, Magnets: 3)
  10. Security HUD - Proto (Combat: 2)
  11. Global Positioning System (GPS) - Proto (Bluespace: 2, Materials: 2)
  12. Machine Design (Gibber Board) - Circuit (Data: 2, Engineering: 2)
  13. Advanced Capacitor - Proto (Power: 3)
  14. Advanced Matter Bin - Proto (Materials: 3)
  15. Advanced Reagent Scanner - Proto (Biotech: 3, Magnets: 4, Plasma: 3)
  16. Large Grenade - Proto (Combat: 3, Engineering: 3)
  17. Cybernetic Heart - Proto (Biotech: 5)
  18. SUPERPACMAN-type Generator - Circuit (Engineering: 4, Power: 4, Data: 3)
  19. Teleporter Console - Circuit (Bluespace: 3)
  20. "Gygax" Weapons & Targeting Control Module - Circuit (Combat: 4, Data: 4)
  21. Quantum Pad Board - Circuit (Bluespace: 4)
  22. M.R.S.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type Generator - Circuit (Plasma: 4)
  23. Teleportation Hub - Circuit (Materials: 4)

Upgrading: Round 1

Print these items at the Protolathe for Upgrading:

  • 1 Rapid Part Exchange Device (RPED)
  • 10 Pico Manipulators
  • 10 Super Matter Bins
  • 2 High-Power Micro-Lasers

Now fill up the RPED with the items you just printed.

Priority Upgrades:

  1. R&D AutolatheProtolatheDestructive Analyzer
  2. Cargo Ore Redemption Machine
  3. Xenobiology Monkey RecyclerSlime ProcessorAll-In-One GrinderSlime Extract Storage   Freezer/Heater

You should also deliver Technology disks to Cargo, but first, deconstruct a second Cybernetic heart to give them more credits to spend.
If you have the opportunity, upgrade all critical equipment, particularly in Medbay.

Advanced Research

For Advanced Research the items don't need to be deconstructed in any particular order, but it is more preferable to first deconstruct items with Research Level 5 followed by those with Research Level 6, so waiting may be worth the time.
Keep in mind that certain departments may be more inclient to help R&D out, if you help them first, e.g. through upgrades or bribing providing them with technology disks.

  • Reviver Implant - Proto (Materials: 5)
  • Uranium - Mining (Materials: 5)
  • Ambrosia Gaia Branch - Botany (Materials: 5)
  • Diamond Mining Drill - Proto (Materials: 6)
  • Diamond - Mining (Materials: 6)

  • Advanced Ion Jetpack - Mining (Engineering: 5)
  • Machine Prototype - Cargo (Engineering: 6)

  • Phazon Torse - Exo (Plasma: 5)
  • Charged Slime Core - Xeno (Plasma: 5)
  • Glowshroom - Botany (Plasma: 6)

  • Charged Slime Core - Xeno (Power: 5)
  • Glowcap - Botany (Power: 6)

  • Bluespace Crystal - Mining (Bluespace: 5/Bluespace: 6))

  • Cybernetic Heart - Proto (Biotech: 5)
  • Ambrosia Gaia Branch - Botany (Biotech: 6)
  • Sentience Potion - Xeno (Biotech: 6)
  • Consciousness Transfer Potion - Xeno (Biotech: 6)

  • Chain of Command - Cap (Combat: 5)
  • Deathnettle - Botany (Combat: 5)
  • Banana Mortar - Exo (Combat: 5)
  • P-X Tesla Cannon - Exo (Combat: 6)
  • Gatfruit - Xeno (Combat: 6)

  • Xray Laser Gun Parts Kit - Proto (Illegal: 1)

  • Ghost Chili - Botany (Magnets: 5)
  • Lazarus Injector - Mining (Magnets: 6)
  • P-X Tesla Cannon - Exo (Magnets: 6)

  • Purge AI module - Circuit (Data: 5)
  • Minebot AI Upgrade - Mining (Data: 6)

Upgrading: Round 2

Print these items at the Protolathe for upgrading:

  • 1 Rapid Bluespace Part Exchange Device (Bluespace RPED)
  • 30 - 50 Femto Manipulators
  • 30 - 50 Bluespace Matter Bins
  • 10 - 20 Triphasic Scanning Modules
  • 20 - 30 Quad Ultra Micro Laser
  • 20 - 40 Quadratic Capacitors (If not available use Super Capacitors)
  • 20 - 30 Bluespace Power Cells (If not available use Hyper Capacity Power Cells)

For the latter two, you will need assistance from Botany or Xenobiology to make them.

Priority Upgrades:

  • R&D AutolatheProtolatheDestructive Analyzer
  • Robotics AutolatheProtolatheCyborg RechargerMech Bay Power Port
  • Xenobiology Monkey RecyclerSlime ProcessorAll-In-One GrinderSlime Extract Storage   Freezer/Heater
  • Science Chemistry Chem-DispenserChem-MasterAll-In-One Grinder
  • Cargo Ore Redemption MachineAutolathe
  • Cyborg Recharger (Robotics, Engineering, Dorms)
  • Medbay Chemistry Chem-DispenserChem-Master
  • Medbay Sleepers  
  • Medbay Cryogenics   Cryo cell
  • Medbay Cloning   DNA Modifier

Cloning ConsoleCloning Pod

  • Genetics DNA Modifier DNA Modifier Access Console
  • Botany Hydroponics TraySeed Extractor Biogenerator Disk Compartmentalizer DNA Extractor
  • Bar Booze Dispenser Condimaster 3000 Soda Fountain All-In-One Grinder
  • Kitchen All-In-One GrinderCandy MachineFood Processor Smart Fridge
  • Recharger (especially in Security)
  • Perma Garden
  • Arrivals Garden
  • Arcade Claw Machine

If you feel nice you can deliver cargo a second time with a Technology disk.