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Grenades are canisters that contain specific unmixed compounds and contained reactions that when detonated mix or release its contents. They can be activated in-hand or by an assembly and will detonate after 3-5 seconds. Grenades can come in the form of standard single canisters, specialized grenades, or even mass cluster busters that set off multiple grenades at once.


Unless specifically modified, grenades are all activatable the same way: using the grenade in hand. This will begin the detonation process for the grenade causing it to tick and flash, additionally, upon activation of the grenade the users throw mode will be automatically activated so one can just click to throw it. The detonation timer for grenades can be switched between 3 and 5 seconds by using a screwdriver on a completed grenade.


Grenades exist in a few different forms, the most visible being the difference in grenade casing (regular casing, specialized R&D casing, clusterbuster, etc) but also whether or not the grenade is custom or premade.

Single Casing

See also Guide to Chemical Research#Grenades

Each of these grenade casings can store up to a max 600u of chemicals since one can add up to two bluespace beakers (300u each). Additionally, All grenades (except cryo grenades) will heat the mixture by a minor amount upon detonation.

Grenade Description
Generic Grenade
General grenade, can hold two beakers. Upon detonation it will mix both mixtures and heat both by 10K.
Cryo Grenade
A cryogenic grenade. It rapidly cools its contents upon detonation.
Pyro Grenade
A pyrogenic grenade. It rapidly heats its contents upon detonation.
Large Grenade
A large grenade. It disperses its contents over a larger area than the generic grenade type.
Advanced Release Grenade
An Advanced Release Grenade. It can detonated multiple times, only consuming a small amount of its contents each time.


Clusterbusters are not available through normal means and cannot be crafted in-game. Instead they must be found in ruins, Lavaland, or acquired from Traders. Clusterbusters are notably different from single casings because clusterbusters contain clusters of grenades connected together. Upon detonation of a clusterbuster, it will spread out a mixture of 'clusterbang segments' and single casing grenades; After another 3-5 seconds, the clusterbang segments will detonate and disperse even more single casing grenades. The amount of final single casing grenades it largely random, however, it is not uncommon for up to 10 single casing grenades to be dispersed by a single clusterbuster.

Grenade Description
Cluster Buster
Many grenades haphazardly strapped together, designed to disperse individual grenades and clusterbang segments upon detonation to cause multiple individual detonations to go off in quick succession over a large area.
Clusterbang segment
A smaller segment of a clusterbang. Better run.

Premade Grenades

All grenades that currently exist in-game that aren't custom made by players during rounds.

Regular Grenades

Grenade Description
Station Grenades
A standard-issue flashbang capable of incapacitating a large number of targets in an area. Both ear and eye protection are required when using a flashbang. Can be found in Security.
Tear Gas Grenade
A grenade designed specifically for use as a riot countermeasure/crowd dispersal device. When it detonates it sends out a large plume of capsaicin into the area. Can be found in Security.
Barrier Grenade
A grenade designed to spawn a security barrier where it detonates. Can be found in Security.
Dropwall Shield Generator
A grenade that upon throwing, after it's armed, will instantly create a energy wall capable of blocking projectiles temporarily, it doesn't block movement. Can be found in Protolathe.
A grenade that upon detonation, will create a pile of acid peels. Available in the Clown's locker, maintenance, and traitor uplink.
Metalfoam Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will spread out metal foam used to seal emergency breaches. Available in Atmospherics.
Fire Fighting Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will spread out fire fighting foam to put out fires. Available in Atmospherics.
Oxygen Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will create a cloud of Oxygen. Available in Atmospherics.
Weed Killer Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will create a cloud of weed/pest killer, will kill people who inhale the gas especially Kidan. Available to Janitor ERT, in Supply Crates, and in random ruins.
Cleaner Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will create a pool of space cleaner foam that will remove cleanable messes. Available to the Janitor and found in Supply Crates.
Syndicate Specific Grenades
Gluon Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, cover the floor in ice patches and irradiate nearby people and objects. Only available to Nuclear Agent
Acid Smoke Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will create a cloud of florine acide Only available in Nuclear Agent grenade belts.
Sarin Gas Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will create a cloud of sarin gas. Only available in Nuclear Agent grenade belts, or Chemistry, if you don't blow yourself up trying to make Sarin.
Plasma Fire Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will create a cloud of burning plasma. Only available in Syndicate Depot and Nuclear Agent grenade belts.
Syndicate minibomb
A grenade that upon detonation, will create a small explosion. Only available in traitor uplink.
Knockout Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will create a cloud of N2O. Included only as part of the syndicate knockout gas clusterbuster.
Frag Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will create a sizeable explosion that's effective against organics. Avaliable in traitor uplinks, and to Sol Marines.
Manhack Delivery Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will deploy many manhacks. Available in the traitor uplink.
Feral Cat Delivery Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will deploy many feral cats. Available in the traitor uplink.
Carp Delivery Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will deploy many space carp.Admin Spawn Only.
Other Single Casing Grenades
Incendiary Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will create a cloud of burning phosphorus, plasma and sulphuric acid. Included only as part of the Inferno Cluster buster and the Tactical Grenades Box (Admin Spawn).
Dirt Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will cover the floor in one of many messes. Included only as part of the Tactical Grenades Box (Admin Spawn).
Meat Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will spawn a pile of meat. Included only as part of Tactical Grenades Box (Admin Spawn).
Holy Water Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse holywater. Included only as part of Tactical Grenades Box (Admin Spawn).
Hell Water Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse hellwater and annhilate nearby organics. Admin Spawn Only.
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse space drugs. Included in the space drugs ruin and as part of the Tactical Grenades Box (Admin Spawn).
Ethanol Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse ethanol. Included only as part of the Tactical Grenades Box (Admin Spawn).
Lubricant Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will spread space lube all over the floor. Included only as part of the Newton's First Law Clusterbuster.
Conventional Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will create a sizable explosion. Included only as part of the Earth Shattering Kaboom Clusterbuster.
Chem Explosive Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will create a small explosion. Admin Spawn Only.
Party Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will create a small confetti explosion. Available in Supply Crates.
Smoke bomb
A grenade that upon detonation, will create a smoke, unlike other grenades this one has a detonation timer of 2 seconds. Available in Supply Crates and can be found in Maintenance.
EMP Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will create a small EMP pulse. Admin Spawn Only.
Classic EMP grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will create a small EMP pulse. Available through traitor uplink, various ruins, and Traders.
Gold Slime Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will create a group of hostile gold core mobs. Included only as part of the Monster Megabomb clusterbuster.
Silver Slime Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will create a large pile of random food items. Included only as part of the Bork Bork Bonanza clusterbuster.

Clusterbuster Grenades

Grenade Description
Electromagnetic Storm
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse multiple classic EMP grenades. Admin Spawn Only.
Ninja Vanish
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse multiple smoke grenades. Available from Traders.
Instant Concrete
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse multiple metalfoam grenades. Available from Traders.
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse multiple incendiary grenades. Available from Necropolis Chests in Lavaland.
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse multiple weed killer grenades. Admin Spawn Only.
Mr. Proper
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse multiple space cleaner grenade. Available to Gamma Janitor ERT.
Oignon Teargas
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse multiple tear gas grenades. Available from Traders.
Aciding Rain
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse multiple florin acid grenades, will result in immediate critical condition for anyone nearby. Admin Spawn Only.
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse multiple syndicate mini bombs. Admin Spawn Only.
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse multiple viscerator deliver grenades. Admin Spawn Only. WARNING: Never use this grenade on a live server.
Invasion of the Space Carps
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse multiple carp deployment grenades. Admin Spawn Only. WARNING: Never use this grenade on a live server.
Monster Megabomb
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse multiple gold core spawner grenades. Admin Spawn Only. Currently broken
Nerve Gas Clusterbomb
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse multiple nerve gas grenades. Admin Spawn Only.
Megamaid's Revenge Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse multiple dirt grenades. Admin Spawn Only.
Megamaid's Job Security Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse multiple piles of messes. Admin Spawn Only.
Earth Shattering Kaboom
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse conventional explosive grenades. Admin Spawn Only.
Newton's First Law
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse lube grenades. Admin Spawn Only.
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse miracle grenades. Admin Spawn Only.
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse holy water grenades. Available to Gamma Paranormal ERT.
Righteous Fury
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse hell water grenades. Admin Spawn Only.
Mega Honk Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse many regular banana peels. Available in Bluespace Tap and Traders.
Evil Mega Honk Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse bananades. Admin Spawn Only.
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse random custom bar drinks. Admin Spawn Only.
Christmas Miracle
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse many wrapped presents. Only dropped by Christmas time Santa Megafauna/boss.
Fun Bomb
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse many toy singularities.Admin Spawn Only.
Apocalypse Bomb
A grenade that upon detonation, will explode and deploy a singularity.Admin Spawn Only.
Engineering Deployment Platfom
A grenade that upon detonation, will disperse many basic tools and materials.Admin Spawn Only.
Toy Delivery System
A grenade that upon detonation, will deploy many toys.Admin Spawn Only.
Bork Bork Bonanza
A grenade that upon detonation, will deploy silver slime release grenades.Admin Spawn Only.
A grenade that upon detonation, will deploy many parrots.Admin Spawn Only.
Barrel of Monkeys
A grenade that upon detonation, will deploy many monkeys.Admin Spawn Only.
Fluffy Love Bomb
A grenade that upon detonation, will deploy many corgi puppies.Admin Spawn Only.
Troublemaking Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will deploy many foxes.Admin Spawn Only.
Crab Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will deploy many crabs.Admin Spawn Only.
Fluffy Love Bomb
A grenade that upon detonation, will deploy many corgi puppies.Admin Spawn Only.
Plasma Cluster Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will deploy many plasma fire grenades. Available in the traitor uplink through the Plasma Fire Grenades item, or as a random drop from a Lavaland chest, renamed as "Inferno".
N2O Cluster Grenade
A grenade that upon detonation, will deploy many N2O knockout grenades. Available in the traitor uplink through the Atmos N2O Grenades item or sabotage traitor kit.