Player Panel
The Player Panel is simple administrative interface that includes pertinent information about a mob and the client possessing the mob. Furthermore, it includes various utility buttons such as Enforcement Tooling, the Antagonist Panel, and various fun transformations buttons. The Player Panel can be accessed by ctrl-left-clicking a mob while you are an observer or by right clicking the players and using the player panel verb.

Enforcement Tooling
One of the most common uses of the Player Panel is for Game Admins to track player warnings and bans, apply punishments, and otherwise regulate player behavior in-game. The panel header includes some important information about the client's BYOND account, mob data, and ckey. Additionaly there is an imporant quicklink to the Global Ban DB which contains information about the player's public bans on other servers.
Quick Action Buttons

- Heal - performs a full admin heal of the mob, restoring health and curing all negative traits or ails.
- LOGS - Opens up the Mob's Log Panel for the round.
- VV - opens the View Variables Panel which contains debug information and tools to edit mob data
- TP - Opens up the Traitor Panel which contains information about the mob's antagonist status during the round.
- PM - Opens a prompt to send the mob (if there is a client) a private message
- SM - Opens a prompt to send a "subtle message" which appears as a voice in the mobs head.
- HM - Opens a prompt to send a "headset message" which appears as a target radio transmission from Centcomm or the Syndicate
- FLW - Will cause the Game Admins ghost to orbit the player, if the Game Admin is currently possessing a mob, it will force them to aghost first
- SEND ALERT - Will send an admin alert to the player directly on their display in-game
Quick Enforcement Buttons
- Kick - Will force the client possessing the mob to disconnect from the server, does not prevent them from rejoining
- Ban - Will open prompts to apply a permanent or temporary server ban to the player
- Jobban - Will open prompts to apply a permanent or temporary role, job, or department specific ban to a player.
- Notes - Will open the player's Note Panel
- Add to Watchlist - Will open up prompts to add the player to the server Watchlist
- Prison - Will send the player to the Syndicate Contractor jail where they'll be de-equipped and forced unconscious
- Send Back to Lobby - Will remove the player from their current mob and send them back to the lobby, allows them to rejoin the round normally
- Erase Flavour Text - Will permanently erase the player character's flavour text
- Use Random Name - Will force player character to use a random name. CAUTION: this will update the player's character Database entry as well
- Mute Buttons - Will mute a player from communicating in certain in-game channels.

Quick Transportation Buttons
- Jump To - Will teleport the game admin's character to the player's location, whether they are in a living or observer mob
- Get - Will teleport the player's character to the Game Admin's current location as an observer or living mob
- Send To - Will teleport the player's character to a location of the Game Admin's choosing
IC Enforcement Buttons
- Traitor Panel - As described above
- Narrate To - Will send a message to the player in the chat window without any markup, admins can inject HTML markup into direct narration messages
- Subtle Message - As Described Above
- Bless - Opens up the Blessings Panel to apply a blessing to the player
- Smite - Opens up the Smite Panel to apply a smite to the player

Re-incarnate - Allows Game Admin to spawn a current player observer as a human mob in a role outfit of their choosing at their current location, button only appears when player is observing.
Monkeyize - Turns player in a monkey (only works on humans)
Corgize - Turns player into a corgi (only works on humans)
Make AI - will turn player into an AI and teleport them to an AI spawn landmark in the sat (only works on humans)
Make Alien - Will turn player into a Xenomorph (only works on humans)
Make Slime - Will turn player into a Slime (only works on humans)
Make Superhero - Will turn player into a superhero of Game Admin's choosing (only works on humans)
Animalize / Re-animalize - Allows Game admin to turn player into any simple mob subtype (works on any mob)
Make PAI - turns player into a PAI, Game Admin can choose PAI name or allows player to choose it (only works on humans)
DNA Blocks: The Game Admin can view the player's current DNA blocks in order to see which powers or debuffs they have activated. If the Block is red, it means the power is not active, if it is green, it means the power is active. Game admins can flip these powers on and off by clicking on the name of trait. You can see all Genetic traits here.
Rudimentary Transformations: Rudimentary transformations are much like the standard transformations previously covered but are implemented slightly differently. Instead of directly modifying the player mob, these transformations create a new mob entirely and copy over mob variables to the new mob. The game admin has the option to either keep the old mob or delete it during the transformation.
Observer - turn player into a ghost, spawns them in the arrivals shuttle
Turn player into a baby or adult slime
Turn player into a alien drone, sentinel, hunter, larva, or queen
Turn player into a cult construct (Juggernaut, Artificer, Shade, or Wraith)
Turn player into various simple mobs like cats, corgis, cyborgs, or crabs
Miscellaneous Actions
- Forcesay - forces player to say a phrase of game admin's choosing
- Admin Room - Sleeps player and teleports them to the Admin Room on Z1
- Thunderdome 1 & 2 - Completely de-equips player and teleports them to one of the thunderdome prep rooms
- Thunderdome Observer - Completely de-equips player and teleports them to the thunderdome observation deck
- Thunderdome Admin - Teleports player to the admin section of the thunderdome
- Syndicate Jail Buttons - These do not work, they are broken :(