Guide to Crafting

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As a crewmember running about the station, it won't take long to notice that many people are constantly talking about devices such as the "lathe" or needing "more glass." These aren't the delusions of a madman, but rather productive people (or lollygagging goons) trying to maintain and upgrade the sorry hunk of metal you're residing in.

Though there may be a lack of glass, by the time you're done reading this introduction, there will hopefully be some in the Ore Silo for you to play with.

Crafting Methods

In Hand

By holding a piece (or stack) of material in your hand, a menu will appear showing you a variety of things you can craft using that item. Optionally, if the item can be stacked, multiples will be shown as well.

There are few advantages to crafting by hand, but it's still important to know how, here's why:

  • Some items can only be crafted in hand and not by any other method
  • Fabricators are not always readily accessible and hand crafting can be done anywhere as long as you are standing.

Slap Crafting

Slap crafting refers to making new items by using one item on another item.

Examples include making a spear by combining an iron rod with cable restraints to make a wired rod and then attaching a glass shard to the wired rod to get a spear, as well as making bots by attaching items needed to make them to each other in a particular order.

Most items that can be made with slap crafting can also be found in the visual crafting menu, but slap crafting can sometimes be faster than searching for the needed recipe and many slap-crafted items serve as intermediate items for multiple crafting recipes (like the aforementioned wired rod that can also be used for crafting stunprods or teleprods).


Instead of crafting items in your hand like a heathen, you can opt to place that material into an Autolathe and interact with it to show a crafting interface.

Crafting using a fabricator has several advantages:

  • Wider variety of recipes available to craft
  • Can craft items using more than one material
  • Can craft multiples of any item even if they don't stack


The Autolathe is a frequently encountered machine capable of performing a large amount of crafting tasks, click on the link to read more.


The Protolathe is an extremely versatile crafting station. Each department is supplied with one, conveniently accessible for people with relevant access in a centralized location. Each department's Protolathe comes with a specific set of recipes that are unlocked by default, and unlike the Autolathe is linked to the Ore Silo


Ore Silo

The Ore Silo acts as a critical component of the ship's economy. At the beginning of the round, all Protolathes and Autolathes, among several other devices, are linked to the Ore Silo located inside the station's vault. Linked devices are able to draw from this resource pool, draining it and adding to it when resources are inserted via an appropriate machine.

The Ore Silo accepts a particular list of Materials
Bluespace Crystals

Only ores can be deposited into the ore silo directly, already processed materials like sheets or crystals must be inserted into an appropriate machine to be added back into the system.