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Welcome to my page, Ex-writer for the lore team now retired. Ill usually post any WIP's here for later wiki submission. If you wanna contact me, please do it in the lore channel.
| assign=Octus}}
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{|style="width:100%; background-color:#{{ColorPalette‎‎|Command|Very Light}}; border-style:double; border-width:.2em; border-color:#{{ColorPalette‎‎|Command|Light}}; border-radius:.5em;"
|-style="background:#{{ColorPalette‎‎|Command|Primary Bold}}; color:#{{ColorPalette‎‎|Command|Header Text}}; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;"
| style="height:20px; font-size:150%; border-style:double;  border-width:.2em; border-color:#{{ColorPalette‎‎|Command|Primary Bold}}; border-radius:.2em;"|Nanotrasen
| style="width: 96px; text-align: center;" | [[File:NTLogo.png|246px]]
|-style="background:#{{ColorPalette‎‎|Command|Primary Bold}}; color:#{{ColorPalette‎‎|Command|Header Text}}; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;"
| style="height:15px; border-style:double;  border-width:.2em; border-color:#{{ColorPalette‎‎|Command|Primary Bold}}; border-radius:.2em;"|General
|'''Informal Names:''' NT, Nanotrasen, Nanocorp
|'''Headquarters:''' Mars
|'''Founding:''' February 7th, 2080
|-style="background:#{{ColorPalette‎‎|Command|Primary Bold}}; color:#{{ColorPalette‎‎|Command|Header Text}}; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;"
| style="height:15px; border-style:double;  border-width:.2em; border-color:#{{ColorPalette‎‎|Command|Primary Bold}}; border-radius:.2em;"|Demographic
|'''Citizenship:''' Corporate Membership with catagories based of affiliation.
|'''Languages:''' Galactic Common, Tradeband
|'''Employees:''' ~2.7 Billion
|-style="background:#{{ColorPalette‎‎|Command|Primary Bold}}; color:#{{ColorPalette‎‎|Command|Header Text}}; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;"
| style="height:15px; border-style:double;  border-width:.2em; border-color:#{{ColorPalette‎‎|Command|Primary Bold}}; border-radius:.2em;"|Policy
| '''Form of Government:''' Corporatocracy
| '''Head of State:''' Sylas N. Nexus
|'''Fleet:''' 53 corporate security Corvettes. + 32 registered civilian vessels.
|'''Currency:''' Credit

Previous/Contributed lore writings
Emerging from the corruption of the Trans-Solar Federation and its ambitious interests in the galactic markets, Nanotrasen stands as one of the most powerful human enterprises. Its roots trace back centuries before space colonization on Earth. Founded by Jonathan N. Nexus, the megacorporation is a focal point of galactic talk, especially among humans. Its role as a de facto governing body and rumors of TSF corruption are controversial. As a corptocracy controlled by an executive board, Nanotrasen offers careers and financial benefits, while promoting its commitment to enhancing lives through innovative technologies.
*'''Syndicate''' https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=The_Syndicate
*'''Nanotrasen''' https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Nanotrasen
== Summary ==
*'''Althland''' https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Althland_Mining_Company
*'''Lore Primer''' https://www.paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Lore#Introduction:_The_Shift
*'''Human Lore''' https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Human
*'''Sol System''' https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Sol_System
''"Growth isn't just about numbers; it's about narratives. We're not just expanding our influence; we're molding minds to be lifetime customers."''
*'''Misc Corporate Factions''' https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Corporate_Factions
''- Oscar Kanta, Corporate Director of Nanotrasen's public relations.''}}
[[File:NT Space spessmanart.png|500px|thumb|right]]
Nanotrasen, also known as NT, is a megacorporation within the Trans Solar Federation (TSF). It's among the galaxy's largest human companies. NT's operations span several offices in Sol, and its private holdings are in fringe sectors near the TSF's borders. NT's rise to power began with bribes for favorable policies, lobbying, political donations, and corporate espionage, aided by corrupt TSF agents. As humanity expanded across the stars, NT solidified its influence.
NT's significant growth occurred during the Soviet-TSF war. They capitalized on the conflict, executing economic takeovers in local planetary economies destabilized by the conflict, primarily plasma mining companies. As one of the primary corporations post-war, NT rapidly acquired assets and mining claims at discounted rates, expanding its empire. They absorbed weaker corporations and lobbied for policies granting them autonomous exploration regions. These corporate territories, overseen lightly by the TSF, were governed by NT's executives and naval officers.
NT's autonomous zones stirred controversy. Their evident power and favoritism alarmed other corporations. Some viewed NT as a valuable ally for business, while most saw them as a threat, disrupting the balance of corporate influence within the TSF's corrupt politics. This tension ushered in an era of galactic corporate espionage and the emergence of anti-NT terrorist groups, with The Syndicate being a prime example.
Today, NT operates both within and beyond the TSF's purview. Their influence and market holdings of plasma yields billions in revenue each cycle, innovating and mass-producing products for customers, all managed from their Mars headquarters.
== Corporate History [[File:Ntflag.png|32px]] ==
Nanotrasen's origins and current dominance lie within the Sol system. They began as an Earth-based company developing power systems for their clientele almost two centuries ago before moving their main headquarters to Mars. The Sol system is the most populated region of the TSF, comprising several planets and government bodies within and around the system. Earth, the cradle of humanity, became a bustling world that grew to house billions of TSF citizens and became a hotspot for business ventures.
As Earth began to become overpopulated, expansion towards other celestial bodies like Luna and Mars led to increased migration. Colonists sought early land grants and benefits, facilitated by the development of early FTL engines. Mars, with its loose tax regulations and open ship policies for merchants and customers, quickly became a hub for commerce. This transformed Mars into the ideal corporate planet where opportunity was ever-present. Corporate culture, capitalist ideologies, and even brand tribalism developed on the planet, becoming integral to its identity.
=== The Start of Nanotrasen ===
In a bustling Earth city, Johnathon Neo Nexus was born December 2nd, 2044 during the pre-spacecraft era. As the Trans Solar Federation (TSF) emerged, Johnathon, an electrician, noticed the TSF's power grid inefficiencies. Leveraging his expertise, he saw a golden opportunity.
Spotting solar energy's potential, he founded Nanopanel Industries, focusing on solar advancements. Obsessed with creating cleaner, affordable energy, he often sidelined personal relationships. He worked relentlessly on prototypes, dismissing or firing those who offered critiques. This approach, combined with market competition, led to Nanopanel's bankruptcy.
At this low, Michael Trasen of Trasencorp approached Johnathon. Admiring Johnathon's innovations, Michael suggested a merger, with Johnathon having a smaller authority share. Johnathon agreed, leading to the birth of Nanotrasen Corporation.
Under Michael's mentorship, Johnathon managed technology and R&D, while Michael handled business and marketing. Their partnership was tense; John often criticized Michael's decisions, and Michael found John elusive. Yet, they produced a game-changer: a compact, efficient turbine generator using natural gas. This device became vital for the TSF's space missions, powering new colonies and space stations, especially on Luna and Mars.
Nanotrasen quickly became a top power company. John, always assertive, spearheaded projects without Michael's input, who was engrossed in interplanetary power contracts. Their turbine engine became essential in TSF infrastructure, leading to innovations like advanced solar satellites and Nanocorp's compact generators. However, success drew rivals, who initiated smear campaigns and produced imitations. Nanotrasen, using shrewd tactics, often absorbed these competitors, evolving from a power product manufacturer to a major TSF distributor, under government watch.
As years passed, a tragedy struck the company. Michael Trasen's sudden death at 52 left all assets and Nanotrasen's control to Johnathon. With this power, Johnathon expanded the company's reach, adopting a more aggressive stance without Michael. After John's leadership spanned decades, he died of natural causes at the age of 127, bequeathing the company to his chief operating officer, Sylas Chellvan. Who would go on to work closely with the TSF, as one of the key megacorporations during humanity's space colonization era in Sol.
=== Rise of Corporations ===
As the Trans-Solar Federation (TSF) expanded its control across Sol and neighboring systems, Nanotrasen (NT) emerged as a powerful corporation, leveraging its newfound leadership and robust corporate presence within the expanding market reaching out to space. marking NT's ambition to become more than just a power producer.
Their mining subsidiaries, strategically positioned on Mars, ensured a consistent supply of valuable ores, most notably the highly sought-after phoron- nicknamed plasma. With plasma becoming the next oil, a race to dominate the evolving tech landscape was the obvious next step for the company, NT aggressively invested in its research and development wings, focused on being the first to bring innovation to its consumers and the goverment. They poached top-tier engineers from Einstein Engines, aiming to carve out their share in the booming FTL engine market. Also investing in the creation of artificial intelligence, setting the fierce rivalry with corporate giants like Cybersun, pioneers in spacer technology and their own AI subsystems. And not to be outdone in the energy sector, NT would begin the development of a revolutionary power system. Codenamed, 'Zeusdrive', promised to render older, resource-intensive engines obsolete, and be powerful enough to sustain stations with minimal risk and maintenance.
The influence of corporate behemoths like Nanotrasen was common in everyday life within the Sol system. It became a rarity to encounter a personal digital assistant or a console that didn't bear the emblem of a major corporation. This corporate presence was an indication of the deep-rooted systems that corporations existed within the TSF, from the daily worker to the goverment itself. The TSF, knowing the importance these corporations played in the growth of its colonies and economy, viewed them with a mixed response. Their products and tools were beneficial to the state and its systems to function, but the TSF remained wary, given the whispers of the corporate world, especially when it came to Nanotrasen for their aggressive tactics. Aware of the TSF's increasing concerns, NT secured more contracts, furthering itself as a necessary corporation in the economy. Their control of several wealthy mines on Mars gave them a major share in the plasma market, plasma being essential for powering the engines of colonists and traders venturing across TSF space. This meant that any action that could disrupt NT's daily business risked destabilizing the overall market outside Sol and the TSF.
Decades would pass within the TSF, and Nanotrasen took its business across Sol and other systems to continue expanding its business, with the eventual creation of its primary headquarters on Mars, as it slowly devolved into a heavily corporate-influenced world. The Sol system had seamlessly woven themselves into the fabric of corporations for everyday life. Yet, it was the Cygni system, a distant colony, that would challenge the unity of the human species. For decades, its colonists and people harbored growing resentment towards the overarching state they served, perceiving it as tainted by unchecked corporatism and a glaring indifference to the colonies it professed to oversee. With the brewing tension reaching its boiling point, it would spark the [[Union of Soviet Socialist Planets#The Cygni Rebellion|largest human rebellion]] in the TSF's history and would be seen in NT's eyes as an opportunity for growth within the sector, to pave the road for the corporate juggernaut it would become.
=== Nanotrasen's Expanding Market ===
During the 2100s, the TSF entered a golden age characterized by cultural growth, colonization, and harmonious relations with the first-contact species, the Skrell. Recognizing the potential of this valuable new market, Nanotrasen, along with other corporations, swiftly dispatched diplomatic representatives to Jargon-4 to secure trade contracts and establish a strong presence for their products within Skrell society. With its ambitious and aggressive marketing strategies, Nanotrasen was among the first to seize this opportunity and cater to its new clientele. They rapidly expanded their operations into Skrellian territories, capitalizing on the burgeoning market growth.
Their eagerness to identify and exploit mutual benefits led to the establishment of Nanotrasen's first foreign Research and Development facility on Jargon-4. While this provided invaluable insights into Skrellian life, it also marked the beginning of Nanotrasen's efforts to edge out smaller Skrell businesses through cutthroat corporate tactics. Within a decade, Nanotrasen and several other corporations had largely supplanted the original Skrellian businesses in Jargon. This swift corporate expansion evoked mixed reactions among the Skrell. Many viewed the rise of corporatism with suspicion and concern, while others embraced the xenophilic tenets of Skrell culture, celebrating the shared responsibilities and diplomatic harmony between the two species. Business in both the Sol and Jargon-4 markets proved lucrative for Nanotrasen. However, as this era progressed, an unknown threat would cause ripples among both societies.
The First Kidan War in 2154 raised alarm bells for humanity, as they faced the threat of hostile xenos attacking colonies within their territories. Nanotrasen suffered significant losses, with several of their offices and industrial facilities in distant colonies outside of Sol being decimated. This devastation disrupted their operations, leading to the loss of key corporate operatives and crucial logistic lines. For the first time, the company found itself selling assets to recover from the millions of credits lost due to the war's destruction. Numerous NT mining subsidiaries were closed, and a significant portion of their mining facilities were sold to the TSF government, which required more plasma fuel and rare ores for their fleets. The war eventually concluded with a decisive counteroffensive by the TSF and the Skrellian Central Authority, culminating in the devastation of Aurum, the Kidan homeworld. In the war's aftermath, Nanotrasen pivoted its strategy, emphasizing the protection of its assets not just from pirates and corporate espionage but from any perceived enemies to the corporation.
=== The Kidan War and Aftermath ===
In the wake of the Kidan War, Nanotrasen's move towards private militarization became an essential aspect of its daily operations, ensuring the safety of cargo, personnel, and the corporation at large from significant threats. Nanotrasen's Asset Protection Division began recruiting ex-military veterans from the Kidan conflict, offering them contracts to safeguard corporate assets and staff. The post-war era saw the militarization of corporations become more commonplace, driven by the rise of piracy and the discovery of hostile xeno entities in space that jeopardized supply routes between colonies and corporate stations orbiting TSF planets.
This Asset Protection team was often dispatched to the outer sectors of TSF space, sometimes acting as a policing or militarizing force for Nanotrasen's mining and research holdings. Their approach was notably aggressive, especially towards locals and colonists not affiliated with the corporation. Concurrently, the aftermath of the Kidan War led to heightened taxation, as the costs of reconstruction and the influx of refugees increased the state's welfare expenditures.
In response, corporations like Nanotrasen began profit-shifting towards Skrell society, exploiting open ports and tax loopholes to evade TSF taxation. They also leveraged tax credits to navigate the overburdened bureaucratic system. This practice, though transparent, was met with widespread resentment due to the prevailing high tax environment. The Cygni system, in particular, would play a pivotal role in triggering a chain reaction that would shatter humanity in two, and allow Nanotrasen to regain its lost legacy, this time prepared.
=== The Cygni Rebellion ===
The onset of the Cygni rebellion sent shockwaves throughout TSF space. The Cygni system revolted against the hardships imposed by the heavy taxation of the TSF after the first Kidan war, and the corporate oligarchs controlling the system, all under a belief of socialist ideals. Many, blamed the TSF, accusing them of being mere puppets of corrupt corporations that oppressed the working class. Their goal was simple,  a common goal to break free from the tyrannical and corrupt TSF goverment and found a new governing body to replace it.
Still recovering from the Kidan war, NT sided with the TSF against the rebels. However, their mining facilities in Cygni were swiftly occupied by resistance groups. NT's Asset Protection Teams were decimated, leading to the loss of another valuable corporate asset. As properties continued to be seized, NT, along with other corporations, funded the war in hopes of regaining their territories and demonstrating loyalty to the TSF.
NT's contribution to the war effort was significant, providing their 'SBER' SMG, rivaling other weapon manufacturers like Scarborough Arms and Shellguard Munitions. This supply of funding and backing from the corporations led to the TSF creating the quickly assembled 5th Fleet, which many corporations saw as their salvation. This optimism was short-lived
The 5th Fleet's attempts to quell the rebellion resulted in widespread devastation. Major industrial sectors and mining facilities were obliterated by heavy bombardment, causing significant losses for NT and other corporations. This aggressive action by the TSF felt like a betrayal.
NT's executives soon realized that the war was unlikely to end in their favor. Their focus shifted to corporations that had invested heavily in Cygni and were now facing bankruptcy due to disrupted supply chains. NT began acquiring these companies at discounted prices, either integrating them as subsidiaries or merging them into existing divisions. This strategy allowed NT to regain its dominant position in the plasma market. meanwhile, NT's Asset Protection teams began conducting anonymous corporate espionage to intimidate and undermine struggling rival corporations. Acts of piracy, sabotage, and reaction shortages in systems surged. The TSF forces, preoccupied with the space conflict above Cygni, could do little to intervene. NT maintained a facade of innocence, distancing themselves from the covert corporate warfare.
As public sentiment shifted, NT pivoted from a pro-war stance to an anti-war position, further straining its relationship with the TSF but appeasing the general populace.
The war eventually concluded in a white peace, with the TSF failing to reclaim Cygni and the USSP emerging as a new space power. Post-conflict, NT had not only regained its dominant position in the plasma market but had also absorbed several struggling businesses. However, this resurgence was not without controversy. NT faced accusations and calls for investigations into their wartime activities. Yet, no substantial evidence was found, and any investigations were swiftly dismissed by TSF courts. The strained relationship between the TSF and NT led to the military selling surplus 'SABR' SMGs and shifting their focus to newer weaponry, like the Scarborough Arms Bulldog F-2 shotguns, this loss of firearms contract was one of many contracts terminated by both parties, as their public reception became more public in the following months.
==Culture and Society==
[[File:NTart by Eleonore Rose.jpeg|500px|thumb|right]]
Anchored in Human traditions from the Sol system, Nanotrasen has grown to become a dominant force in the galaxy. Its origins, deeply intertwined with human society, have shaped its primary demographic focus. Nanotrasen's influence isn't limited to its foundational base in the TSF. The corporation has expanded its reach to various systems, establishing holdings on planets such as Jargon, Ahdomai & Iluk, and the Nian Homeworld. In doing so, it has introduced its unique ethos to these diverse cultures. The culture of Nanotrasen blends traditional human business practices with a distinct emphasis on visual symbols of wealth and status. Mars, in the Sol system, is the birthplace of Nanotrasen's distinct fashion sense, being the most heavily corporate influence planet in the sector. Tailored suits, exquisite jewelry, and an emphasis on immaculate grooming have become synonymous with the corporate elite. Logos and symbols of the corporation are prominently displayed on clothing and accessories, signifying an individual's allegiance and loyalty to their corporation. This aesthetic has permeated societies with Nanotrasen's influence, leading to a blend of corporate and traditional styles even among species not of human descent. As individuals climb the corporate ladder, it's almost an unspoken rule to sport attire that could rival the value of a small starship.
Nanotrasen's urban centers and space stations present a polished facade, catering to tourists and the wealthy. However, this gleaming exterior often hides a darker reality. Many Nanotrasen-dominated sectors suffer from environmental degradation and rampant corruption in their less-visible regions. Given that most planets with a corporate presence have rival corps stationed planetside, Nanotrasen and its authority tend to limit to wherever their jurisdiction reaches, occasionally causing disputes and disruptions against other corps to aggressively persuade them off the planet. Their control of the resources within their jurisdiction is completely owned by the corporation, with small income going to the leading planet governance and remaining to infrastructure and expanding operations.
While the primary language within a Nanotrasen holding often reflects the local planet's tongue, Tradeband has emerged as a vital secondary language. This space-centric language, blending elements of old Earth dialects with Skrell pronunciations, was developed to facilitate interstellar business communication. Its versatility and ease of learning have made it a staple in corporate dialogues, traders, and merchants in the galaxy.
===Nanotrasen Brand Technology===
Nanotrasen's reach and influence within the TSF and other alien societies have granted it access to a plethora of valuable blueprints and product placements. Originally a power production company specializing in solar panel technology, Nanotrasen has evolved into a formidable power empire. Their most common products include solar panels, turbine generators, and PAC portable generators, catering to everyday consumers and small space installations. In recent years, Nanotrasen began experimenting with more potent energy sources. The Tesla generator, marketed as a safe and efficient self-running electricity-producing engine, became a staple in TSF bastions, both in space and on planets. Planetside Tesla engines are constructed deep within the planet's crust to minimize potential damage in case of containment failures, while space stations utilize heavy containment setups and the vacuum of space to control the engine. However, Nanotrasen's prized innovation, the Supermatter crystal, remains shrouded in secrecy. Rumored to be created using particle accelerators and nuclear reactions, its reverse engineering poses significant challenges due to its lethal capabilities and the crystal's short half-life. With a record span of 394 days before radiation levels ceased, the crystal eventually disintegrates into ash. Only a few of these engines exist, with most housed in high-clearance NT facilities or TSF power plants. A single crystal can power full-scale cities on a planet. However, its limitations include complex and hazardous containment, a staggering market price in the billions, and a constant need for replacement, as crystals typically last only about a year.
== Foreign Relations ==
Nanotrasen's extensive ties to governments both within and outside the TSF, strategically position's itself as neutral. NT's PR team aims to sidestep potential controversies or public relations pitfalls in systems where its brand operates. Usually investing or adapting their products and services depending on system cultures. Its vast resources and economic presence make NT a formidable adversary to rival megacorporations and a critical ally to system economies.
NT frequently faces corporate sabotage from Syndicate cells, Pirates, and various smaller terror groups scattered across the galaxy. Most governmental bodies, including the TSF, recognize these entities as threats.
While these acts of sabotage and terrorism often paint NT as a victim in the public's eyes, reactions are mixed. Most revel in seeing a megacorporation falter, others express sympathy, publicly condemning the attacks on NT.
NT's relationship with the TSF is tenuous. Following the FIAD purge, NT swiftly sought to influence and control planetary governance bodies. While their influence was limited on planets like Earth, Eris, and Luna due to strong anti-corruption sentiments, they found it easier to sway governors in outer sectors. This influence in the TSF senate, combined with economic challenges arising from Skrellian systems taking TSF jobs, led to the passage of a bill allowing for greater corporate powers and the establishment of corporate systems. Although the TSF views its corporations with suspicion, it acknowledges the mutual benefits of their contributions to economic stability.
Relations with other governing entities, such as the Skrellian Central Authority, are more favorable. Despite the majority of their industry being overtaken by TSF businesses, they receive special privileges to concentrate their industry on Jargon-4. This arrangement makes it an attractive location for many corporations, including NT, to outsource manufacturing and benefit from cost-effective imports.
=== Demographics ===
Spanning the stars, Nanotrasen's inclusive employment policy has cultivated a diverse workforce. Humans constitute approximately 74.2% of the personnel across all facilities. The remaining 25.8% is distributed among non-human species: Skrell (7.5%), IPC (7.3%), Unathi (6.7%), Other (4.3%). While the Sol system and its proximate regions are predominantly human-led, areas further afield, like Epsilon Eridani, see a more equitable distribution of species in leadership roles, including prominent positions held by Unathi, IPC, and occasionally, Vox.
{| class="wikitable" valign="top" width="10%"
! Species
! Percentage
! Human
| 74.2 %
! Skrell
| 7.5 %
| 7.3 %
! Unathi
| 6.7 %
! Other
| 4.3 %
==Epsilon Eridani Holdings==
===NSS Farragus===
In the year 25XX, a mining company, Althland Expeditions, began initiating mining operations in the Epsilon Eridani sector. Despite its modest workforce, it was substantially backed by the Trans Solar Federation through generous credit grants. These incentives aimed to stimulate companies to venture into uncharted space and foster economic growth. Althland Expedition's primary focus was the asteroid belts surrounding Lavaland, culminating in the construction of the Farragus Mining and Refining Facility, a station dedicated to mining and exporting rare ores back to TSF space.
As the company expanded, so did its ambitions. Consequently, a small outpost was established on Lavaland to facilitate the exploitation of the planet's resources. However, this venture would later prove to be an investment failure, as numerous other workgroups and facilities were decimated by aggressive local wildlife.
Simultaneously, the asteroid belts started to deplete, and Althland Expeditions faced numerous lawsuits regarding worker safety and health violations filed by the Trans Solar Federation. Ultimately, these challenges led to Althland Expeditions filing for bankruptcy and being acquired by Nanotrasen Corp at a significantly reduced cost.
Nanotrasen, recognizing the precarious investment Althland Expeditions had previously made in Lavaland, having different intentions for the facility. They aimed to utilize the innovative Super Matter shard power technology. The mining station was consequently transformed into a Super Matter testing facility, operating for decades to study and experiment with the potential of these shards.
Considering the severe and potentially catastrophic outcomes associated with Super Matter shards, additional infrastructure had to be invested in the facility. This included the construction of medbays, cafeterias, and an R&D sector. As Super Matter shards became more commonplace in Nanotrasen stations and amongst publicly traded commodities sold by NT, Farragus became obsolete. It was subsequently renovated into a research station for the company.
Eventually, mining operations were reinstated when it was discovered that the sector, and Lavaland in particular, were rich in bluespace minerals. Farragus evolved from a mining station owned by a small, absorbed company, into a thriving Nanotrasen research station.
===NSS Kerberos===
Within just a few short years, Nanotrasen had achieved majority control over the Epsilon Eridani sector, a feat accomplished through a series of strategic corporate acquisitions. However, their policy of rapid expansion gave rise to unexpected challenges. The vastness of the newly colonized space resulted in difficulties in communication and the enforcement of corporate policies.
In response to these challenges, Nanotrasen made a strategic decision to construct a state-of-the-art communications relay and military star station in the vicinity of Lavaland, a planet they had recently acquired. This move not only asserted their dominance over the Epsilon Eridani sector, but also provided a robust solution to the logistical challenges at hand.
The station was originally nicknamed the NAS Kerberos, a tribute to the executive responsible for the governance of the sector in its early years. As one of the inaugural stations constructed by Nanotrasen, Kerberos was designed to serve multiple purposes: it functioned as a communication relay, served as a repository for Nanotrasen-branded military-grade equipment, and provided accommodation for officials ranging from command officers to military-trained soldiers, who stood ready to defend the corporation's authority.
Despite the crucial role Kerberos played, it was eventually decommissioned following the creation of the [[#Trurl|NAS Turl]], a more advanced station equipped with some of Nanotrasen's cutting-edge technologies and weapons. However, as mining on Lavaland became more lucrative and bluespace and plasma emerged as hot commodities in the market, NSS Kerberos was given a new lease on life.
It was repurposed into a research station in the sector, with a renewed focus on technology development and mining operations alongside many other stations in the sector.
===NSS Cyberiad===
As Nanotrasen occupied and annexed the Epsilon Eridani sector, they focused on expanding their research into Plasma technology, which was in its infancy at the time. The wealth of resources from Farragus and other mining outposts spurred the creation of a Research and Development station, the NSS Cyberiad.
This station capitalized on the raw materials from the newly annexed mining operations, negating the need for costly exports back to Nanotrasen-controlled space.
Quickly, the NSS Cyberiad emerged as Nanotrasen's crown jewel in plasma development, thanks to its cutting-edge onboard equipment and strategic location. It became the primary hub for scientific studies in the sector, helping to propel Nanotrasen's products and brand across the cosmos.
The establishment of this station proved highly profitable. Over the decades, it was continually remodeled and expanded to maximize productivity and profit. This led to the NSS Cyberiad earning the record for the largest restructured station in the Epsilon Eridani's history, a testament to the sector's—and the station's—value to Nanotrasen's financial portfolio. As plasma became a commonplace commodity, Nanotrasen shifted its focus to the emerging and lucrative field of bluespace technology. Despite this shift, the NSS Cyberiad remains a symbol of Nanotrasen's commitment to research and innovation.
It continues to operate and attract the attention of investors and competitors, despite showing signs of age after decades of continuous operation. The station still focuses on pioneering research for the corporation, standing as a proud beacon of Nanotrasen's past achievements and ongoing scientific ambitions.
===NSS Cerebron===
The full annexation of the Epsilon Eridani sector provided Nanotrasen with complete control over the sector's resources and celestial bodies. This extensive expansion led to the construction of more facilities, all of which were backed by the robust infrastructural network of the pre-existing stations.
In time, Nanotrasen evolved into a cosmic brand, recognized widely for its vast production capabilities and corporate might. This reputation stoked their ambitions, prompting the reinvestment of their considerable profits and abundant resources into innovative new projects.
One of these projects was the NSS Cerebron. Aimed to eclipse the NSS Cyberiad in structure and productivity. The intention was to attract investors by creating a station that was presented as a alleged improvement over the existing Cyberiad. One that showcased innovative building techniques and better facility equipment.
This strategy, however, did not yield the expected results. The Cerebron's design, perceived as merely an imitation of the Cyberiad's, lacked originality and interesting features. Investors rapidly discerned that the station's productivity and profit margins were inferior to those of the Cyberiad. This led to a shortfall in investment, resulting in the Cerebron being deemed a financial disappointment.
Despite its flaws, the NSS Cerebron was not abandoned. It continued to receive financial support, albeit less than the Cyberiad. Though it did not meet its original marketing goals, the station identified a new role within Nanotrasen's operations.
Today, it serves as one of the numerous research and mining facilities contributing to Nanotrasen's overall revenue, exemplifying the corporation's adaptability in overcoming adversity.
===NAS Trurl===
Following the successful creation and staffing of the Cyberiad, with mining operations in full progress, Nanotrasen shifted focus to a new generation command center. Intended to replace the outdated and technologically inferior Kerberos, and constructed with distance away from Lavaland to avoid its bluespace anomalies. The Trurl would be conceived as the newest and most powerful star bastion in the sector.
Equipped with upgraded telecommunications hubs, advanced defense cannons, and cutting-edge starbase alloys for reinforcement, the Trurl quickly rendered the [[#Kerberos|Kerberos]] obsolete in design and armament. Its positioning in the sector made bluespace interference less of an issue then the previously closer Kerebos. This obsolescence allowed for a different approach to the latter's purpose.
The corporation heavily invested in the Trurl, connecting it to all the stations within the Epsilon Eridani sector. Serving as a transit hub, it controls and surveils the daily workflow, ensuring easy management of venting and secure trade routes thanks to its orbital cannons and significant fleet of corporate ships and PMCs.
The Trurl also hosts Nanotrasen's privatized military contractors, ready to respond to any emergency within the sector. Critical [[Nanotrasen Central Command|central command]] officers manage corporate interests, from military responses to production oversight, wielding significant influence to enforce corporate authority and law.
The Trurl currently stands active as the primary star bastion and command center in the entire Epsilon Eridani sector, acting as a military reserve and vital communication hub throughout the region.

Latest revision as of 00:53, 4 October 2024

Welcome to my page, Ex-writer for the lore team now retired. Ill usually post any WIP's here for later wiki submission. If you wanna contact me, please do it in the lore channel.

Previous/Contributed lore writings -