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=What to do with a Dead Body=
So you're interested in the land of the dead, are you? Lucky for you, it's not just the Coroner who gets to deal with dead bodies!

First and foremost, if you find a dead body, report it to security and to medical. Try not to report it over the main radio if possible. If the person is cloned, they will suffer from [[Geneticist#Clone_Memory_Disorder | clone memory disorder]]. This will affect their ability to remember how they died, and they can suffer from shock if they are told that they have died. The last thing they need is to have everyone on the station telling them things that will make them go mad.
This guide will cover everything handled when it comes to dead bodies, from cloning to autopsies.

Security will often want to do an [[Guide_to_security#Collecting_Evidence | inspection]] of the area where the body was found. Medical personal should not move the body unless they get clearance from security first. <b>Do not drag the body on its own to Medbay.</b> Use a body bag or roller bed. Dead bodies tend to splatter blood everywhere, making for unhappy janitors. Using a roller bed is often times better if you have to go down the main halls. Most staff members will assume you are transporting an injured individual and this will lead to less questions.
==Standard Procedure==

<b>Remember that dead people are players too.</b> Try not to dawdle to much, and get them either cloned or borged as fast as possible.
First and foremost, '''remember that dead people are players too,''' try not to dawdle and get them cloned as soon as possible. Cloning should always be attempted first, never borg an unwilling or unwitting patient as this is akin to murder, and most players aren't going to be terribly happy that you've stripped away their ability to play how they choose by binding them to the AI. Follow the rules of triage in the [[Guide to Medical]], as soon as you have time any and all dead bodies should be immediately dealt with and either processed for cloning or brought to the morgue.

Body bags and morgue trays can be easily labeled with a pen. An organized morgue is a happy morgue is a morgue that security doesn't ask many questions about. After bodies have been categorized and cloned, you might want to talk to the [[chaplain]] about having the body cremated if the morgue is getting a little full.
'''IPCs cannot be cloned, but they don't die as long as their positronic brain is intact! Send any dead IPCs to Robotics.'''


There are several ways to resurrect a dead body. Again, remember that dead people are players too. Be nice to fellow players and try to get them back in the game as soon as you can.
As a medical doctor, cloning is inevitably going to be one of the main aspects of your job. Bringing people back from the dead is arguably one of the more important functions of the medbay, and it's important that one is well-versed in the particulars of cloning.
Scanning requires a dead or live humanoid body with its brain still in place - keep in mind that monkeys, decapitated corpses, skeletons or husked corpses are not able to be scanned under normal circumstances.
* [[File:Defrib.gif|32px]] First off, it may be worth it to try defibbing the patient first.
* [[File:Cryogenic2.png|32px]] Failing that, place the person in the cloning scanner.
* [[File:Cloning_console.gif|32px]] Use the scanning console, and click "Scan".
Upon scanning the cadaver you will receive one of the following messages.
'''Subject successfully scanned!''' - The body has been successfully scanned and is ready for cloning.
'''Subject already getting cloned.''' - The body is already being cloned. No further action is needed.
'''Subject already in database.''' - The body has already been scanned and may be cloned from the record in View Records.
'''<font color=red>Error: Subject's brain is not responding. Further attempts after a short delay may succeed.</font>''' - The body is unable to be cloned, either due to the state of the cadaver or because the player is not in their body. Try scanning them again a few times just to be sure.
'''<font color=red>Error: No brain detected in subject.</font>''' - The body lacks either a brain or it's head, headless or brainless bodies are unable to cloned.
'''<font color=red>Error: Xenomorphs are not scannable.</font>''' - The body is an xenomorph, xenomorphs are unable to be cloned.
'''<font color=red>Error: Subject species is not scannable.</font>''' - The body is a monkey, farwa, or other creature that is otherwise unable to be cloned.
'''<font color=red>Error: Vox/Slime People are not scannable.</font>''' - The body is a Vox or Slime Person, which are unable to be cloned and must be revived by other means.
'''<font color=red>Error: Subject has committed suicide and is not scannable.</font>''' - The body is a victim of suicide, suicides are unable to be cloned or revived.
'''<font color=red>Error: Subject is not dead.</font>''' - The body being scanned is alive, however bodies must be dead before scanning.
'''<font color=red>Error: Subject has incompatible genetic mutations.</font>''' - The body has been absorbed by a changeling and cannot be scanned unless the cloning machine is upgraded, a brain transplant is required for revival.
'''<font color=red>Error: Initialization Failure.</font>''' - The player who you are trying to clone is currently alive or has disconnected from the game.


A [[geneticist]] can easily clone a body. If no geneticist is available, contact either the [[Chief Medical Officer]] or the [[Research Director]] for assistance.
Once the person has been successfully scanned in, you can start the cloning process, a single clone costs 150 biomass. If the cloning tube has no biomass you can create some more by mixing blood with [[Guide to Chemistry#Cryoxadone|Cryoxadone]].

* Hit View Records on the cloning console, followed by the name of the person you're cloning.
* Hit "Clone", and the process will begin!
* Cloning takes approximately two minutes to complete.

A [[roboticist]] will deal with [[Guide_to_robotics#Cyborgs | cyborgification]], making the player of the cadaver a [[cyborg]]. This is normally a last resort issue if there is no way to clone a body. Either a [[Doctor | surgeon]] or [[roboticist]] can remove the brain and place it within a MMI. Contact the [[Research Director]] if no roboticist is available for the procedure.
===Notes About Cloning===

===Growing a New Body===
* All clones will have 60 genetic damage by default, this can be fixed by placing them in cryo.
* All clones will suffer from severe brain damage by default and will require [[Guide to Chemistry#Mannitol|Mannitol]].
* Some clones may suffer from genetic disabilities and will require [[Guide to Chemistry#Mutadone|Mutadone]].
* Some players when cloned will optionally choose to suffer from [[Clone Memory Disorder]].
* Clones can be ejected early by toggling APC power, or by using an ID on the cloning tube.
* You can only manually eject a clone using an ID when they're over 60% cloned or more.
* Ejected clones will require longer time in cryo.
* Vox, Slimepeople and IPCs cannot be cloned normally.

A [[botanist]] can [[Guide_to_Hydroponics#Invasion_of_the_Pod_People| grow a new body]] in hydroponics. The nifty thing about this is that it only requires a syringe filled with blood of the deceased.
Once a body has been cloned, or deemed unclonable it should be placed in a body bag and put in a morgue tray.

==Autopsy Procedures==
==Advanced & Race Specific Revival==

Luckily, within the morgue there is a handy dandy operating table for use in autopsies. Surgeons and sometimes Forensic Technicians will normally be the ones to use this table.
Some species are impossible to clone, and once the defibrillator limit of 5 minutes passes requires special means of revival via the use of Lazarus Reagent or the Advanced & Race Specific Cloning methods described below. Lazarus Reagent is a medicine that is usually in the chemical fridge or easily made if it isn't. Generally, it is recommended that this method be followed first as many players prefer it from an OOC and IC standpoint. This method, while effective, is dangerous for the patient if not done correctly. Though if done correctly is fairly simple provided you do the necessary preparations and should pose no issue. The main thing to note before attempting this is to ensure that '''Brute''', '''Burn''', and '''Genetic''' damage total under 150 '''COMBINED''' or you will gib the corpse you are attempting to revive. When Lazarus Reagent is administered, it will cause 50 genetic damage, a random amount of brute, burn, or toxin damage, as well as (usually) randomly afflicting limbs and organs with necrosis.

===Autopsy Surgery===
Be aware that while Lazarus Reagent does revive patients, all pre-existing conditions exist and will need to be treated.

# Make sure you're wearing a sterile mask so you don't turn the morgue into a vomitorium.
===Slime People [[File:SlimeMSmall.png]]===
# Place cadaver onto the operating table.
* '''<font color=red> Ensure that Brute, Burn, and Genetic damage is below 150 combined before attempting.</font>'''
# Scan the cadaver with a Health Analyer to find injured locations.
* Ensure that Chemistry has prepared mitocholide, or if none is available that you have a spare heart and lungs. Any will do, monkey or a set from medbay.
# Aim for the patient's affected area in the [[File:Damage_zone.png]] Damage Zone.  
* Preferably, stock the mitocholide or the spare organs in the OR you intend to use to conduct healing after revival.
# Cut the skin with your [[File:Scalpel.png]] scalpel (the chest may require two cuts).
* Ensure that all external damage is treated as much as possible.
# Use the [[File:Autopsy scanner.png]] autopsy scanner to scan the area.
* It is recommended if the corpse has been dead longer than 10 minutes to cut off external limbs prior to revival to help prevent massive toxin damage from necrosis, slime people are capable of regrowing their limbs.
# Repeat for all affected areas.
* Prior to feeding the patient a pill of Lazarus Reagent, it is recommended to inject them with ten units of epinephrine and saline. Along with feeding them a mannitol pill & salbutamol pill.
* Prior to revival you may also, though it is not required, fix any cases of internal bleeding that are present to make the revival process easier.
* Ensure the patients slime jelly level isn't drained before revival, and if it is too low give them slime jelly VIA IV prior to revival or they will die at a rapid pace.
* If the patient is suffering from severe toxin damage, feeding them pentetic acid or Charcoal before revival or defibbing them will aid in them simply dying post-revival.
* Feed them the pill and quickly toss them into a Body Scanner, printing the report to determine their post-revival status. If the resulting necrosis isn't too severe, place them in a cryotube to heal their damage.
* Once healed, all necrosis and underlying conditions requiring surgery should be treated immediately.
* If the patient dies at any point during treatment, revive them with a defibrillator occasionally keeping in mind the 5 minute timer. Doing so will allow you to continue to work on the body without risking more damage VIA Lazarus Reagent.

===Autopsy Reports===
===Vox [[File:VoxMSmall.png]]===
* '''<font color=red> Ensure that Brute, Burn, and Genetic damage is below 150 combined before attempting.</font>'''
* Ensure that Chemistry has prepared mitocholide, or if none is available that you have a spare heart and lungs. Any will do, monkey or a set from medbay.
* Preferably, stock the mitocholide or the spare organs in the OR you intend to use to conduct healing after revival.
* Ensure that all external damage is treated as much as possible.
* Prior to feeding the patient a pill of Lazarus Reagent, it is recommended to inject them with ten units of epinephrine and saline. Along with feeding them a mannitol pill  & salbutamol pill.
* Prior to revival you may also, though it is not required, fix any fractures or cases of internal bleeding that are present to make the revival process easier.
* Ensure the patients blood level isn't drained before revival, and if it is too low inject the appropriate blood type VIA IV Bag into them prior to revival or they will die at a rapid pace
* If the patient is suffering from severe toxin damage, feeding them pentetic acid or Charcoal before revival or defibbing them will aid in them simply dying post-revival.
* Feed them the pill and quickly toss them into a Body Scanner, printing the report to determine their post-revival status. If the resulting necrosis isn't too severe, place them in a cryotube to heal their damage.
* Once healed, all necrosis and underlying conditions requiring surgery should be treated immediately.
* If the patient dies at any point during treatment, revive them with a defibrillator occasionally keeping in mind the 5 minute timer. Doing so will allow you to continue to work on the body without risking more damage VIA Lazarus Reagent.
==Advanced & Race Specific Cloning==
Some species require special considerations when brought in for cloning. [[Plasmamen]] for instance will burst into flames before cloning is finished, and [[Vox]] and [[Slime People]] will simply be rejected by the cloning scanner.
===Plasmamen [[File:PlasmamanM.png|32px]]===
* Make sure you have their suit and plasmatank ready!
* Have a fire extinguisher, and a defibrillator handy.
* Once they start cloning they'll quickly burn to death, let them die.
* Eject them from the cloner, extinguish the body and then apply a defibrillator.
* You may need to apply synthflesh, or silver sulfidiazine prior to defibrillation.
* Stick them in a cryotube afterwards.
===Vox & Slime People [[File:VoxMSmall.png]] [[File:SlimeMSmall.png]]===
* Get a humanized monkey from genetics.
* Make sure to scan the dead body's UE in genetics and save it. (Optional)
* Have a surgeon transplant the dead body's brain into the human-monkey's body.
* Defib the newly transplanted body.
* Transfer the UE of the old body to the new one. (Optional)
===Advanced Cloning===
Some bodies will require special attention if they have been husked, or turned into a skeleton. If a body has been husked by a changeling or skeletonized, are unscannable, and the morgue lights show up as purple or green please abide by the following procedure.
* Get genetics to make a humanized monkey.
* Using a circular saw, target the head area with HELP intent.
* Saw of the humanized monkey's head, and the cadaver's head.
* Put the skeleton's or husked body's head on the humanized monkey.
* The body should now be able to be scanned in, follow basic cloning procedure.
===Morgue Lights and YOU!===
Once the body has been cloned - or simply couldn't be scanned in - take it to the morgue and pay attention to the lights.
The lights on the morgue trays will display different colours, depending on the state of the body.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: left;vertical-align: center;"
! Color !! Sprite !! Meaning
|- bgcolor=#aaaaaa
| width=30 bgcolor=gray | Gray
| width=30 bgcolor=gray | [[File:Morgue1.png]]
| There is nothing inside the tray.
|- bgcolor=#ffaaaa
| width=30 bgcolor=red | <font color=white>Red</font>
| width=30 bgcolor=red | [[File:Morgue2.png]]
| The body is permenantly unclonable. (i.e: Player left server, Player already cloned, Player rejoined as NPC .ect)
|- bgcolor=#aaffaa
| width=30 bgcolor=green | <font color=white>Green</font>
| width=30 bgcolor=green | [[File:Morgue3.png]]
| The body has a spirit inside of it, and is revivable.
|- bgcolor=#EABD76
| width=30 bgcolor=orange | Orange
| width=30 bgcolor=orange | [[File:Morgue4.png]]
| There is something inside the tray, but it's not a body.
|- bgcolor=#C9A6D9
| width=30 bgcolor=purple | <font color=white>Purple</font>
| width=30 bgcolor=purple | [[File:Morgue5.png]]
| Either the body has a spirit but it isn't in the body, or it's uncloneable due to being a skeleton, or husked.

Right clicking on the Autopsy Scanner will let you print out an autopsy report. Go over it to make sure there isn't information missing. <b>Hint:</b> There will be information missing. It's a good idea to take out a pen and write down some additional details.
=Performing Autopsies=

* What the final vital stats were at time of death. (Suffocation, Toxins, Brute, and Burn.)
Every body that enters the morgue should be autopsied at one point or another, and it is the sole responsibility of either the [[Chief Medical Officer]] or Coroner to ensure all bodies have an autopsy performed.
* What cause of death is if not listed on autopsy report.
* Who brought in the cadaver.
* If the body was cloned or borged, and who the geneticist or roboticist was that did that.
* Who the person was that preformed the autopsy itself.
* Your signature.

==Autopsy Surgery==

Remember, this is a chance to be creative with what you write. Don't be afraid to go overboard with details and descriptions.
* [[File:Sterilemask.png]] Ensure you're wearing a sterile mask so you don't besmirch the morgue with vomit.
* [[File:OpTable.gif]] Place the cadaver onto the operating table.
* [[File:Health Analyzer.gif]] Scan the cadaver with a Health Analyzer to find the locations of any injuries.
* [[File:Damage_zone.png]] Aim for the affected areas in the Damage Zone.
* [[File:Autopsy scanner.png]] Use the autopsy scanner to scan all affected areas.

===Autopsy Reports===

<i><small>Urist McCadaver was brought in by Urist McEMT. They were cloned by Uristina McGeneticist upon arrival. As listed above, victim was hit several times with a toolbox and then stabbed with a screwdriver. Injuries from these weapons were not severe enough to cause death, and since suffocation damage was listed at 127, it is probably safe to assume that they were strangled. Blood count was at 83%, which supports the theory that they died before they could bleed out. The autopsy was preformed by Urist McSurgeon, and autopsy report handled by Urist McNurse.</small></i>
Right-clicking on the Autopsy Scanner will let you print out an autopsy report. Clicking on it with a pen will let you write and print a Coroner's report. one Review the report and optionally attach a picture of the body using your camera, if anything suspicious shows up on the report you should alert the detective or security.

Every autospy report that the autopsy scanner generates will include specific information about the cadaver.

<i><small>Urist McCadaver died within patient room two and was discovered by Urist McOrderly. Cloning could not be completed due to inactive brain activity. Autopsy is being preformed by myself, Dr. Urist McSurgeon. An oral examination of the cadaver shows that their tongue was bitten off, and examination of their stomach contents shows where that tongue ended up. Lungs were filled with the cadaver's blood. In short, they bit off their own tongue, swallowed it, and then proceeded to drown in their own blood. Suffocation damage will support this theory, so I'm just going to rule it as a suicide and call it a day.<br>
* The time of death.
* Any injuries sustained, as well as their cause.
Dr. Urist McSurgeon </small></i>
* A toxicology report, stating what reagents the cadaver had in it.

You are also free to write in some extra details on the autopsy report, such as...

After completing your notes, make a copy of the report, file one in the morgue's autopsy reports cabinet, and deliver the other to security. Preferably with the [[detective]].
* What cause of death is if not already listed.
* Who the person was that performed the autopsy.
* If the body was cloned or borged.
* Who brought in the cadaver.
* Your signature.
After completing your notes make a copy of the report using a photocopier, file one in the morgue's autopsy reports cabinet and deliver the other to security if there's anything suspicious on the report.

===Causes of Death===
==Causes of Death==

Oftentimes cause of death is not clear from the autopsy report. These require a little more digging and investigation to find out the truth, and experience as a [[Medical Doctor]] will help out greatly.
Oftentimes the cause of death is not clear from the autopsy report. These require a little more digging and investigation to find out the truth, and experience as a [[Medical Doctor]] will help out greatly.

Line 75: Line 203:
* Health scans reveal damages on the cadaver do not add up to 200 or over.
* Health scans reveal damages on the cadaver do not add up to 200 or over.
* There is no head.
* There is no head.
* Autopsy Scanner reveals that you cannot scan that spot.

Line 82: Line 211:

====Burst Appendix====
====Burst Appendix====
The appendix has burst within the body, causes sepsis and eventually death. Often by chocking on one's own vomit.
The appendix has burst within the body, causes sepsis and eventually death. Often by choking on one's own vomit.
* Toxin damage with no toxins showing up in system.
* Toxin damage with no toxins showing up in system.
* Minor brute damage to the groin region.
* Minor brute damage to the groin region.
Line 97: Line 226:
* Body appears pale.
* Body appears pale.
* A Health Analyzer scan shows that their blood has fallen to dangerously low levels.
* A Health Analyzer scan shows that their blood has fallen to dangerously low levels.
* A Health Analyzer scan reveals that their blood percentage is low.
* Suffocation damage.
* Suffocation damage.
* Placing the body within the Body Scanner will show locations of internal bleeders.
* Placing the body within the Body Scanner will show locations of internal bleeders.

Anything resulting in death caused by a doctor attempting to treat the patient is considered to be malpractice. Some of these are not great enough to cause death on it's own, but can play in as contributing factors.
Anything resulting in death caused by a doctor attempting to treat the patient is considered to be malpractice. Some of these are not great enough to cause death on it's own, but can play in as contributing factors.

=====Surgery Mishaps=====
===Surgery Mishaps===
Mistakes caused by a surgeon. Any tool mishaps will show up on the autopsy report, however preforming surgery in an non-sterile environment will cause the surgery location to become infected with sepsis.
Mistakes caused by a surgeon. Any tool mishaps will show up on the autopsy report, however, performing surgery in a non-sterile environment will cause the surgery location to become infected with sepsis.
* Visible inflamed wounds.
* Infection shows up on a Health Analyzer Scan.
* Infection shows up on a Health Analyzer Scan.
* Cadaver had undergone surgery before death.
* Cadaver had undergone surgery before death.

=====Blood Rejection=====
===Blood Rejection===
Individual was given an incompatible blood type that their body proceeded to reject.
Individual was given an incompatible blood type that their body proceeded to reject.
* Toxin damage with no clear source.
* Toxin damage with no clear source.
Line 115: Line 244:
* Cadaver had received a blood transfusion before death.
* Cadaver had received a blood transfusion before death.

=====Improper Transport=====
===Improper Transport===
Individual was not transported properly during medical treatment, which resulted in further injury.
Individual was not transported properly during medical treatment, which resulted in further injury.
* Does not show up on any scans.
* Does not show up on any scans.
* Low percentage of blood.
* Best indicator is large trails of blood where the cadaver had previously been.
* Best indicator is large trails of blood where the cadaver had previously been.

=====Medication Overdose=====
===Medication Overdose===
Someone had given the patient to much of a healing medication, which resulted in overdose.
Someone had given the patient to much of a healing medication, which resulted in overdose.
* Heavy toxin damage.
* Heavy toxin damage.
* Toxin report shows no harmful chemicals in the system.
* Toxin report shows no harmful chemicals in the system.
* Using an Advanced Mass Spectrometer will show amounts of chemicals in the blood stream.
* Using an upgraded health scanner will show amounts of chemicals in the bloodstream.
=Being Dead=
Sometimes, you have no choice but to stay dead and fly around as a [[ghost]]. Using the ghost verb will allow you to ghost out of your dead body and have a look around the station, but there are a few things to be wary of:

* Not being in your body can prevent you from being resurrected.
* Ghosting out of a brain or decapitated head might prevent you from re-entering your body.
* Opting to become a [[pAI]] or [[Mouse]] will remove any chance of you being able to be resurrected.
* <b>Never</b> use knowledge gained during your time in death in life. Clones suffer from [[Geneticist#Clone_Memory_Disorder | clone memory disorder]].

Latest revision as of 08:01, 9 April 2024

Medical Department

So you're interested in the land of the dead, are you? Lucky for you, it's not just the Coroner who gets to deal with dead bodies!

This guide will cover everything handled when it comes to dead bodies, from cloning to autopsies.

Standard Procedure

First and foremost, remember that dead people are players too, try not to dawdle and get them cloned as soon as possible. Cloning should always be attempted first, never borg an unwilling or unwitting patient as this is akin to murder, and most players aren't going to be terribly happy that you've stripped away their ability to play how they choose by binding them to the AI. Follow the rules of triage in the Guide to Medical, as soon as you have time any and all dead bodies should be immediately dealt with and either processed for cloning or brought to the morgue.

IPCs cannot be cloned, but they don't die as long as their positronic brain is intact! Send any dead IPCs to Robotics.


As a medical doctor, cloning is inevitably going to be one of the main aspects of your job. Bringing people back from the dead is arguably one of the more important functions of the medbay, and it's important that one is well-versed in the particulars of cloning.

Scanning requires a dead or live humanoid body with its brain still in place - keep in mind that monkeys, decapitated corpses, skeletons or husked corpses are not able to be scanned under normal circumstances.

  • First off, it may be worth it to try defibbing the patient first.
  • Failing that, place the person in the cloning scanner.
  • Use the scanning console, and click "Scan".

Upon scanning the cadaver you will receive one of the following messages.

Subject successfully scanned! - The body has been successfully scanned and is ready for cloning.

Subject already getting cloned. - The body is already being cloned. No further action is needed.

Subject already in database. - The body has already been scanned and may be cloned from the record in View Records.

Error: Subject's brain is not responding. Further attempts after a short delay may succeed. - The body is unable to be cloned, either due to the state of the cadaver or because the player is not in their body. Try scanning them again a few times just to be sure.

Error: No brain detected in subject. - The body lacks either a brain or it's head, headless or brainless bodies are unable to cloned.

Error: Xenomorphs are not scannable. - The body is an xenomorph, xenomorphs are unable to be cloned.

Error: Subject species is not scannable. - The body is a monkey, farwa, or other creature that is otherwise unable to be cloned.

Error: Vox/Slime People are not scannable. - The body is a Vox or Slime Person, which are unable to be cloned and must be revived by other means.

Error: Subject has committed suicide and is not scannable. - The body is a victim of suicide, suicides are unable to be cloned or revived.

Error: Subject is not dead. - The body being scanned is alive, however bodies must be dead before scanning.

Error: Subject has incompatible genetic mutations. - The body has been absorbed by a changeling and cannot be scanned unless the cloning machine is upgraded, a brain transplant is required for revival.

Error: Initialization Failure. - The player who you are trying to clone is currently alive or has disconnected from the game.


Once the person has been successfully scanned in, you can start the cloning process, a single clone costs 150 biomass. If the cloning tube has no biomass you can create some more by mixing blood with Cryoxadone.

  • Hit View Records on the cloning console, followed by the name of the person you're cloning.
  • Hit "Clone", and the process will begin!
  • Cloning takes approximately two minutes to complete.

Notes About Cloning

  • All clones will have 60 genetic damage by default, this can be fixed by placing them in cryo.
  • All clones will suffer from severe brain damage by default and will require Mannitol.
  • Some clones may suffer from genetic disabilities and will require Mutadone.
  • Some players when cloned will optionally choose to suffer from Clone Memory Disorder.
  • Clones can be ejected early by toggling APC power, or by using an ID on the cloning tube.
  • You can only manually eject a clone using an ID when they're over 60% cloned or more.
  • Ejected clones will require longer time in cryo.
  • Vox, Slimepeople and IPCs cannot be cloned normally.

Once a body has been cloned, or deemed unclonable it should be placed in a body bag and put in a morgue tray.

Advanced & Race Specific Revival

Some species are impossible to clone, and once the defibrillator limit of 5 minutes passes requires special means of revival via the use of Lazarus Reagent or the Advanced & Race Specific Cloning methods described below. Lazarus Reagent is a medicine that is usually in the chemical fridge or easily made if it isn't. Generally, it is recommended that this method be followed first as many players prefer it from an OOC and IC standpoint. This method, while effective, is dangerous for the patient if not done correctly. Though if done correctly is fairly simple provided you do the necessary preparations and should pose no issue. The main thing to note before attempting this is to ensure that Brute, Burn, and Genetic damage total under 150 COMBINED or you will gib the corpse you are attempting to revive. When Lazarus Reagent is administered, it will cause 50 genetic damage, a random amount of brute, burn, or toxin damage, as well as (usually) randomly afflicting limbs and organs with necrosis.

Be aware that while Lazarus Reagent does revive patients, all pre-existing conditions exist and will need to be treated.

Slime People

  • Ensure that Brute, Burn, and Genetic damage is below 150 combined before attempting.
  • Ensure that Chemistry has prepared mitocholide, or if none is available that you have a spare heart and lungs. Any will do, monkey or a set from medbay.
  • Preferably, stock the mitocholide or the spare organs in the OR you intend to use to conduct healing after revival.
  • Ensure that all external damage is treated as much as possible.
  • It is recommended if the corpse has been dead longer than 10 minutes to cut off external limbs prior to revival to help prevent massive toxin damage from necrosis, slime people are capable of regrowing their limbs.
  • Prior to feeding the patient a pill of Lazarus Reagent, it is recommended to inject them with ten units of epinephrine and saline. Along with feeding them a mannitol pill & salbutamol pill.
  • Prior to revival you may also, though it is not required, fix any cases of internal bleeding that are present to make the revival process easier.
  • Ensure the patients slime jelly level isn't drained before revival, and if it is too low give them slime jelly VIA IV prior to revival or they will die at a rapid pace.
  • If the patient is suffering from severe toxin damage, feeding them pentetic acid or Charcoal before revival or defibbing them will aid in them simply dying post-revival.
  • Feed them the pill and quickly toss them into a Body Scanner, printing the report to determine their post-revival status. If the resulting necrosis isn't too severe, place them in a cryotube to heal their damage.
  • Once healed, all necrosis and underlying conditions requiring surgery should be treated immediately.
  • If the patient dies at any point during treatment, revive them with a defibrillator occasionally keeping in mind the 5 minute timer. Doing so will allow you to continue to work on the body without risking more damage VIA Lazarus Reagent.


  • Ensure that Brute, Burn, and Genetic damage is below 150 combined before attempting.
  • Ensure that Chemistry has prepared mitocholide, or if none is available that you have a spare heart and lungs. Any will do, monkey or a set from medbay.
  • Preferably, stock the mitocholide or the spare organs in the OR you intend to use to conduct healing after revival.
  • Ensure that all external damage is treated as much as possible.
  • Prior to feeding the patient a pill of Lazarus Reagent, it is recommended to inject them with ten units of epinephrine and saline. Along with feeding them a mannitol pill & salbutamol pill.
  • Prior to revival you may also, though it is not required, fix any fractures or cases of internal bleeding that are present to make the revival process easier.
  • Ensure the patients blood level isn't drained before revival, and if it is too low inject the appropriate blood type VIA IV Bag into them prior to revival or they will die at a rapid pace
  • If the patient is suffering from severe toxin damage, feeding them pentetic acid or Charcoal before revival or defibbing them will aid in them simply dying post-revival.
  • Feed them the pill and quickly toss them into a Body Scanner, printing the report to determine their post-revival status. If the resulting necrosis isn't too severe, place them in a cryotube to heal their damage.
  • Once healed, all necrosis and underlying conditions requiring surgery should be treated immediately.
  • If the patient dies at any point during treatment, revive them with a defibrillator occasionally keeping in mind the 5 minute timer. Doing so will allow you to continue to work on the body without risking more damage VIA Lazarus Reagent.

Advanced & Race Specific Cloning

Some species require special considerations when brought in for cloning. Plasmamen for instance will burst into flames before cloning is finished, and Vox and Slime People will simply be rejected by the cloning scanner.


  • Make sure you have their suit and plasmatank ready!
  • Have a fire extinguisher, and a defibrillator handy.
  • Once they start cloning they'll quickly burn to death, let them die.
  • Eject them from the cloner, extinguish the body and then apply a defibrillator.
  • You may need to apply synthflesh, or silver sulfidiazine prior to defibrillation.
  • Stick them in a cryotube afterwards.

Vox & Slime People

  • Get a humanized monkey from genetics.
  • Make sure to scan the dead body's UE in genetics and save it. (Optional)
  • Have a surgeon transplant the dead body's brain into the human-monkey's body.
  • Defib the newly transplanted body.
  • Transfer the UE of the old body to the new one. (Optional)

Advanced Cloning

Some bodies will require special attention if they have been husked, or turned into a skeleton. If a body has been husked by a changeling or skeletonized, are unscannable, and the morgue lights show up as purple or green please abide by the following procedure.

  • Get genetics to make a humanized monkey.
  • Using a circular saw, target the head area with HELP intent.
  • Saw of the humanized monkey's head, and the cadaver's head.
  • Put the skeleton's or husked body's head on the humanized monkey.
  • The body should now be able to be scanned in, follow basic cloning procedure.

Morgue Lights and YOU!

Once the body has been cloned - or simply couldn't be scanned in - take it to the morgue and pay attention to the lights.

The lights on the morgue trays will display different colours, depending on the state of the body.

Color Sprite Meaning
Gray There is nothing inside the tray.
Red The body is permenantly unclonable. (i.e: Player left server, Player already cloned, Player rejoined as NPC .ect)
Green The body has a spirit inside of it, and is revivable.
Orange There is something inside the tray, but it's not a body.
Purple Either the body has a spirit but it isn't in the body, or it's uncloneable due to being a skeleton, or husked.

Performing Autopsies

Every body that enters the morgue should be autopsied at one point or another, and it is the sole responsibility of either the Chief Medical Officer or Coroner to ensure all bodies have an autopsy performed.

Autopsy Surgery

  • Ensure you're wearing a sterile mask so you don't besmirch the morgue with vomit.
  • Place the cadaver onto the operating table.
  • Scan the cadaver with a Health Analyzer to find the locations of any injuries.
  • Aim for the affected areas in the Damage Zone.
  • Use the autopsy scanner to scan all affected areas.

Autopsy Reports

Right-clicking on the Autopsy Scanner will let you print out an autopsy report. Clicking on it with a pen will let you write and print a Coroner's report. one Review the report and optionally attach a picture of the body using your camera, if anything suspicious shows up on the report you should alert the detective or security.

Every autospy report that the autopsy scanner generates will include specific information about the cadaver.

  • The time of death.
  • Any injuries sustained, as well as their cause.
  • A toxicology report, stating what reagents the cadaver had in it.

You are also free to write in some extra details on the autopsy report, such as...

  • What cause of death is if not already listed.
  • Who the person was that performed the autopsy.
  • If the body was cloned or borged.
  • Who brought in the cadaver.
  • Your signature.

After completing your notes make a copy of the report using a photocopier, file one in the morgue's autopsy reports cabinet and deliver the other to security if there's anything suspicious on the report.

Causes of Death

Oftentimes the cause of death is not clear from the autopsy report. These require a little more digging and investigation to find out the truth, and experience as a Medical Doctor will help out greatly.


The cadaver has had its head removed before other injuries could cause death.

  • Health scans reveal damages on the cadaver do not add up to 200 or over.
  • There is no head.
  • Autopsy Scanner reveals that you cannot scan that spot.


The cadaver has had its brain removed while they were still alive.

  • Visual examination states that they have no brain.
  • Skull has already been cut into during an autopsy attempt.

Burst Appendix

The appendix has burst within the body, causes sepsis and eventually death. Often by choking on one's own vomit.

  • Toxin damage with no toxins showing up in system.
  • Minor brute damage to the groin region.
  • Heavy suffocation damage.
  • Body was located buried in vomit.


The cadaver had bitten off their own tongue, overflow of blood would have entered their lungs, causing drowning in their own fluids.

  • Visual examination states that the individual has killed themselves.
  • Severe suffocation damage.

Bleeding Out

The cadaver had gone into shock and passed away due to heavy blood loss from either internal or external wounds.

  • Body appears pale.
  • A Health Analyzer scan shows that their blood has fallen to dangerously low levels.
  • A Health Analyzer scan reveals that their blood percentage is low.
  • Suffocation damage.
  • Placing the body within the Body Scanner will show locations of internal bleeders.


Anything resulting in death caused by a doctor attempting to treat the patient is considered to be malpractice. Some of these are not great enough to cause death on it's own, but can play in as contributing factors.

Surgery Mishaps

Mistakes caused by a surgeon. Any tool mishaps will show up on the autopsy report, however, performing surgery in a non-sterile environment will cause the surgery location to become infected with sepsis.

  • Infection shows up on a Health Analyzer Scan.
  • Cadaver had undergone surgery before death.

Blood Rejection

Individual was given an incompatible blood type that their body proceeded to reject.

  • Toxin damage with no clear source.
  • Suffocation with no clear source.
  • Cadaver had received a blood transfusion before death.

Improper Transport

Individual was not transported properly during medical treatment, which resulted in further injury.

  • Does not show up on any scans.
  • Low percentage of blood.
  • Best indicator is large trails of blood where the cadaver had previously been.

Medication Overdose

Someone had given the patient to much of a healing medication, which resulted in overdose.

  • Heavy toxin damage.
  • Toxin report shows no harmful chemicals in the system.
  • Using an upgraded health scanner will show amounts of chemicals in the bloodstream.