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== The Toxins&Outs ==
{{Needsrevision|reason=The information on assembling a toxins bomb is outdated since the new MILLA atmospherics. <br> The images are aswell in the way of the information and may need to be made smaller and have the text wrap around them. <br> There is a new map aswell the 'NSS Diagoras' (EmeraldStation) that may or may not require documentation.}}
== The Toxins & Outs ==

Welcome. Welcome to Toxins.
Toxins are the division of Science devoted to creating and testing plasma-based bombs, also known as toxin bombs. Toxin bombs consist of two tanks (a hot plasma tank and a cold oxygen tank), a tank transfer valve, and a trigger device.
Do be warned things can go wrong unintentionally if you are not careful and this guide will, hopefully, help prevent you from blowing the station to smithereens, in your quest for research.

You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest mixing center. I thought so much of this mixing center that I elected to establish my guidance here, in the Guide to Toxins so thoughtfully provided by NanoTrasen. I have been proud to call this mixing center my workplace. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, welcome to Toxins. It's more productive here.
The goal of toxins is to hit a defined target to get levels for Research and Development, the closer you are to your target, the higher you will drive the toxin research levels, to a max of 7.

Toxins, also referred to Bomb making, is a branch of science that is quite more direct than others. Unlike slime breeding or tech researching, bomb making wields the direct result of an explosion. Learning the skill and trade can be quite deadly but quite rewarding.
To start you need to retrieve 3 canisters from the toxin storage room, 1 plasma and 2 oxygen.

== Burning The Mixtape ==
<tabs container="width:800px">
<tab name="Cyberiad">[[File:Toxins mixing room.png|center|800px]] </tab>
<tab name="Kerberos">[[File:Toxins mixing room Kerberos.png|center|800px]]</tab>
<tab name="Cerebron">[[File:Toxins mixing room Cerebron.png|center|800px]]</tab>
<tab name="Farragus">[[File:Toxins mixing room Farragus.png|center|800px]]</tab>

The Perfect Mix is something this guide wont teach you but will teach you how to make a good, robust, bomb.
In this guide, I will attempt to cover the steps required for performing toxins research without blowing yourself up.
Assuming you start as a scientist and will be working on Toxins, you will need to grab:
'''Three Oxygen Canisters and One Plasma Canister''' from Toxins storage.

Once you have completed this, place two oxygen canisters and one plasma canister to the three way mixer port, then wrench them into the port and open the valves so the little light on the side turns green.
1) The Burn Chamber: This space is for your plasma and oxygen mix. It has two buttons, the red switch ignites the mix in the chamber, and the green switch vents the mixing chamber to space. This allows you to heat the chamber and by extension a plasma tank linked to it.

Take your PDA(Atmos scanner needs to be on it, comes default if you started as a scientist), or analyzer, whack one of the canisters on the port and the readers should say 66% oxygen and 33% plasma. Wrench a canister on the three way mixer, then drag it over to the burn mixer input. Wrench the canister in and turn the High Capacity Transfer unit on and set the transfer value to 4500, 4500 being the highest it can go. Plasma should start to flood the little room and once all the tiles have plasma, hit the igniter switch and wait for the plasma to turn a blueish color. From there, switch the canister over to the output port and fill the heated plasma into it.
2) Heat/Cold Ports: These include heat and cold ports you likely wont use.
<p align="right">[[File:Mixers.png]] [[File:Burner.png]]

== This Instruction is The BOMB ==
3) Burn Chamber Feed: This is the input port for your plasma oxygen mix. Connecting the burn mix canister automatically starts filling the chamber.

Once you have gotten your filled canister with the heated mixture, grab a plasma tank and oxygen tank from the nearby Tank Storage Unit. [[File:Tank Storage Unit.png]]
4) Freezer: This is used for cooling an oxygen canister, it allows you to accurately control the temperature of the oxygen.

From here on out, you will be on a race of time when filling the plasma tank. Place the plasma tank into the canister with your heated mixture and start filling the tank. The tank will take a bit to fill but be warned, do not overfill it. A safe fill for a plasma tank is around '''1013 KPA''' but you may go around 50 units higher. The higher the pressure, the bigger the explosion but the more chance of your bomb leaking plasma. If your bomb leaks plasma and its in your inventory somewhere, you will leave tiles of plasma behind you. Once you have finished filling the plasma tank, grab your unused oxygen canister and place the oxygen tank into it. You do not have to worry about overfilling an oxygen tank, it will automatically stop at 1013 KPA.  
5) Precision mixer: You will use this for making your plasma oxygen mix.

6) Bomb-making equipment: This space should contain everything you need to construct your bomb once you have your hot plasma and cold oxygen mix. The toolbox had a full set of basic tools in, you should immediately retrieve the wrench and screwdriver, as they are essential to your work. It also has tank transfer valves, remote signaling devices and miscellaneous other trigger items which you should ignore. This equipment may be in another room as in the case for Cerebron.

Once you have these two filled tanks, you need to connect them to a tank transfer valve. Grab a timer and place the timer onto the bomb.(If you can't place the timer onto the bomb, use a screwdriver on the timer.) Congratulations, you have a time bomb. If you wish to make a bomb with a detonator, repeat the same steps instead with a signaler. To use a signaler, you need to set the bomb signaler to a frequency the same as yours and then send a signal to detonate the bomb.
7) Heat Chamber To Port connector: The port you will use to collect hot plasma.

Now onto working the bomb interface. Double click on the bomb, once you have placed a timer on it, to access the interface. Set the timer to thirty seconds but do not start the timer just yet.
== The Burn and Hot-Mixes ==

One of the first essential things you will need to construct your toxins bomb is hot plasma.
You need to use the burn chamber and a burn-mix to heat your pure plasma, to a sufficiently high temperature for a potent reaction.
To do this, you will use a wrench to attach one oxygen canister and one plasma canister to the precision mixer, while standing on the mixing pipe, as that is the only way to access it while the tanks are connected.
[[File:Precision_gas_mixer.png|center|Mixing gases with Cyberiad layout.|frame]]

No really, clicking that will detonate the bomb.
As seen in the image, you want to set Node 1, the connector at the bottom|with a plasma canister attached, to 33%.
Set Node 2, the connector on the right|with an oxygen canister attached, to 67%.
This is generally speaking the best ratio for a plasma mix.
Once you have set the percentages, using the arrows on the mixer, set the output pressure to Max and turn on the mixer.

The mixing process will take a few seconds, during which time you will notice a change in the lights on the related canisters, as their internal gas levels alter.
Once the oxygen canister is registering red(i.e. close to empty), turn off the mixer, use the wrench to disconnect the plasma canister and the yellow canister that now contains your burn mix.

== Bomb Slugging ==
Move the plasma canister (that holds your remaining pure plasma) to the Burn Chamber to Port connector and connect it.
[[File:Heating_port.png|center|Inserting gas mixture with Cyberiad layout.|frame]]

Hey there slugger! Why don't you go test that time bomb out at the range now.
''Notice: This canister '''MUST''' contain only plasma.''

Head over to the range, start your timer, and place the bomb into the mass driver. Its now a live bomb ready to explode. Mass drive that into the actual bomb range and head over to the observation camera. If any cameras manage to survive the bomb blast, they will show the carnage but more importantly the tachyon-doppler array will coldly tell you your results of how much carnage the bomb could of done to the station, isn't that nice?
Now that you have your pure plasma connected to the heat port, go back to the precision mixer and grab the yellow canister containing your burn mix.
Take the burn mix canister to the Burn Chamber feed connector and attach it with your wrench.
The burn chamber will now be filling with the heat mix.
You now wait until your burn mix canister is empty (red indicator) and then hit the ignition button (the one on the right) to start the heating process.
''Notice: That is a plasma fire, it is safe and contained in the burn chamber only.''

As the plasma fire starts burning, turn the pump on for the burn chamber to port, maxing the pump to 4500 kPa is recommended.

Just be warned, Shitcurity may bust down your door as soon as they notice you holding a bomb or when they hear the explosion. Its no real reason to arrest you, but its still annoying when they run in. If they happen to stop your launch of a time bomb, haul ass before you become giblets.
Congratulations, you have your hot plasma. You now ignore the burn chamber for a while and allow it to consume the rest of its burn mix. Disconnecting the canister after the burn allows you to better measure its temperature. The maximum temperature should be around 12000 degrees or higher.

== The Anarchist Cookbook ==
== The Cold Mix ==

Now, the section most of you have been waiting for. The assumption anyone makes, and rightfully so, when they hear bomb manufacturing are only to do with illegal and malicious activities against the corporate state. Bombs are a powerful tool for killing and can be used for such but must be detonated with caution.
Making the cold mix is by far the most simple aspect of toxins, but is also exceedingly important.
Take your unused oxygen tank and connect it to the freezer's connector port.
Now head into the next room on your right and use the tachyon-doppler array to find your target radius for your explosion.

Before bombing a person or area, you need to have a very good reason and ready to justify every person caught in the bomb blast. Just saying your an antag wont cut it, you need a good reason.
For example, let's say the target radius is 11.

If you wish to gib a body but not cause to much damage to the station, give your bomb very little gas to it.
Once you have your target radius, head back into the other room, back to the freezer.
You want to set the temperature of the freezer to a setting that reflects your target, so in this example, the freezer will be set to a temperature of -110 degrees or 163 Kelvin, using the arrows on the freezer interface.

Got a slaved peasant? Give him a small bomb and have him suicide right next to your target for assured assassination.
Once you have set the target temperature, turn the freezer on, which will cool the oxygen in the tank to the desired level, after some time.

Bombing the Medbay to cause a 'distraction' and killing three newborn children will not flow well with administration. Bombing a non essential area for a distraction is more acceptable, usually the outskirts of the station where space is the main thing being bombed. If you ever want to bomb an area and you think it may be to much, ask an admin to make sure.
== Making the Bomb ==

'''Just because you can doesn't mean you MAY.'''
Go back to the bomb mixing equipment, grab one tank transfer valve and a remote signaling device.
Use the remote signaling device, turn the receiver on and setting the frequency and/or code to another setting, so as not to have your bomb randomly activated by other people on the station.
Now use your screwdriver on the remote signaling device and then attach it to the tank transfer valve.
You now need to grab an oxygen tank from the tank storage on the right-hand side of toxins.
Put the oxygen tank into the portable air pump, set the portable air pump to the max, and switch it on.
This will pull all of the oxygen out of the tank, when this is done, turn the portable air pump off and eject the tank.
Check the freezer, to see if the oxygen canister is at the level you desired, in this example -110 degrees.
If the oxygen is at the right temperature, put the oxygen tank into the oxygen canister, set the oxygen canister pressure to around 800kPa, and open the canister to fill the tank.
When it is full to the desired level, close the canister, eject the tank and then connect it to your tank transfer valve.
Now, go back to the tank storage and grab a plasma tank.
Due to the high temperatures involved with the plasma, you '''DO NOT''' want to empty the tank, so just place it into the hot plasma canister.
Set the plasma canister's internals to the max and then hit open to fill the tank.
When the tank is full, close the internals, eject the tank and attach it to the tank transfer valve.
Congratulations you have your completed bomb.
'''Warning: If you use the tank transfer valves GUI, do NOT click open for the Release Valve Status. Doing this will instantly detonate the bomb, killing you and dealing massive damage to the station.'''
== Testing the Explosive ==
Now that your bomb is ready, it's time to head back into the room containing the tachyon-doppler array. There is a mass driver chute in there. Place your bomb on it.+
Once the bomb is on the mass drive, hit the launch button on the wall above you and the bomb will then be launched to the testing chamber.
Before detonating a bomb, ''alert the station crew to a bomb test''. This way, people don't freak out when they hear the bomb explode.
Now either: use your PDA signaler ace, or another remote signalling device, set to the settings you chose, to activate your bomb.
The results of your bomb and its relation to your target will be printed into the chat.
The information will also be available on the tachyon-doppler array.
If the bomb meets your requirements, you will need to head to Research and Development, and grab a technology disk, which you must then bring back to and use on the Tachyon-doppler array, to store those research levels.
Take the technology disk withe the toxins research back to RnD and upload it to the console there.
If the bomb did not meet your requirements, then you will need to make a new bomb, following all the steps of Making a bomb again, only with changes to the temperature of your oxygen canister.
If you were '''under''' your target, you need to '''decrease''' the oxygen temperature.
If you were '''over''' your target, you need to '''increase''' the oxygen temperature.
As a general rule of thumb, 5 degrees is equal to 1 size difference in radius (this, however, is not always the case, sometimes requiring 2-3 degree changes instead).
Experiment with the oxygen temperature, repeating the steps as needed, until you hit your target.
Congratulations! You now know how to make your toxin bombs.
''Notice: If you ever feel you need to use a bomb on anything on the station itself (outside of the Toxins Testing Chamber) as a non-antag, such as a blob, xenomorph infestation, etc., then adminhelp first. You MUST get approval from an admin.''
== The Anarchist Cookbook [[File:Swordred.gif]]==
So you've wound up running toxins, and then you get that lovely jingle that lets you know you are one of the bad guys.
Well, you are in luck! Toxins mixing and toxins test is one of, if not the best place to undertake nefarious activities.
Not only do you have unfettered access to high explosives for '''Hijack Objectives''', but it's also a convenient place to store bodies, with easy space access.
Do note that, if you're running around as one of those [[Cultist|blood fanatics]], toxin test may seem like a tempting place to hunker down, just bear in mind, setting up an actual atmosphere in there will take a significant amount of work, and more than the few tanks you can get your hands on in toxin storage.
It cannot be emphasized enough, that you '''NEED TO''' have a '''Hijack Objective''', if you are going for those large station rocking impacts, which includes intentionally causing a plasma fire.

Latest revision as of 07:51, 22 September 2024

NR Flavor.gif
NR Flavor.gif
This page needs to be reviewed/updated:
The information on assembling a toxins bomb is outdated since the new MILLA atmospherics.
The images are aswell in the way of the information and may need to be made smaller and have the text wrap around them.
There is a new map aswell the 'NSS Diagoras' (EmeraldStation) that may or may not require documentation.

Science Department

The Toxins & Outs

Toxins are the division of Science devoted to creating and testing plasma-based bombs, also known as toxin bombs. Toxin bombs consist of two tanks (a hot plasma tank and a cold oxygen tank), a tank transfer valve, and a trigger device. Do be warned things can go wrong unintentionally if you are not careful and this guide will, hopefully, help prevent you from blowing the station to smithereens, in your quest for research.

The goal of toxins is to hit a defined target to get levels for Research and Development, the closer you are to your target, the higher you will drive the toxin research levels, to a max of 7.

To start you need to retrieve 3 canisters from the toxin storage room, 1 plasma and 2 oxygen.

Toxins mixing room.png
Toxins mixing room Kerberos.png
Toxins mixing room Cerebron.png
Toxins mixing room Farragus.png

In this guide, I will attempt to cover the steps required for performing toxins research without blowing yourself up.

1) The Burn Chamber: This space is for your plasma and oxygen mix. It has two buttons, the red switch ignites the mix in the chamber, and the green switch vents the mixing chamber to space. This allows you to heat the chamber and by extension a plasma tank linked to it.

2) Heat/Cold Ports: These include heat and cold ports you likely wont use.

3) Burn Chamber Feed: This is the input port for your plasma oxygen mix. Connecting the burn mix canister automatically starts filling the chamber.

4) Freezer: This is used for cooling an oxygen canister, it allows you to accurately control the temperature of the oxygen.

5) Precision mixer: You will use this for making your plasma oxygen mix.

6) Bomb-making equipment: This space should contain everything you need to construct your bomb once you have your hot plasma and cold oxygen mix. The toolbox had a full set of basic tools in, you should immediately retrieve the wrench and screwdriver, as they are essential to your work. It also has tank transfer valves, remote signaling devices and miscellaneous other trigger items which you should ignore. This equipment may be in another room as in the case for Cerebron.

7) Heat Chamber To Port connector: The port you will use to collect hot plasma.

The Burn and Hot-Mixes

One of the first essential things you will need to construct your toxins bomb is hot plasma. You need to use the burn chamber and a burn-mix to heat your pure plasma, to a sufficiently high temperature for a potent reaction. To do this, you will use a wrench to attach one oxygen canister and one plasma canister to the precision mixer, while standing on the mixing pipe, as that is the only way to access it while the tanks are connected.

Mixing gases with Cyberiad layout.

As seen in the image, you want to set Node 1, the connector at the bottom|with a plasma canister attached, to 33%. Set Node 2, the connector on the right|with an oxygen canister attached, to 67%. This is generally speaking the best ratio for a plasma mix. Once you have set the percentages, using the arrows on the mixer, set the output pressure to Max and turn on the mixer.

The mixing process will take a few seconds, during which time you will notice a change in the lights on the related canisters, as their internal gas levels alter. Once the oxygen canister is registering red(i.e. close to empty), turn off the mixer, use the wrench to disconnect the plasma canister and the yellow canister that now contains your burn mix.

Move the plasma canister (that holds your remaining pure plasma) to the Burn Chamber to Port connector and connect it.

Inserting gas mixture with Cyberiad layout.

Notice: This canister MUST contain only plasma.

Now that you have your pure plasma connected to the heat port, go back to the precision mixer and grab the yellow canister containing your burn mix. Take the burn mix canister to the Burn Chamber feed connector and attach it with your wrench.

Burn chamber feed.png

The burn chamber will now be filling with the heat mix. You now wait until your burn mix canister is empty (red indicator) and then hit the ignition button (the one on the right) to start the heating process. Notice: That is a plasma fire, it is safe and contained in the burn chamber only.

As the plasma fire starts burning, turn the pump on for the burn chamber to port, maxing the pump to 4500 kPa is recommended.

Congratulations, you have your hot plasma. You now ignore the burn chamber for a while and allow it to consume the rest of its burn mix. Disconnecting the canister after the burn allows you to better measure its temperature. The maximum temperature should be around 12000 degrees or higher.

The Cold Mix

Making the cold mix is by far the most simple aspect of toxins, but is also exceedingly important. Take your unused oxygen tank and connect it to the freezer's connector port. Now head into the next room on your right and use the tachyon-doppler array to find your target radius for your explosion.

Tachyon-doppler array.png

For example, let's say the target radius is 11.

Once you have your target radius, head back into the other room, back to the freezer. You want to set the temperature of the freezer to a setting that reflects your target, so in this example, the freezer will be set to a temperature of -110 degrees or 163 Kelvin, using the arrows on the freezer interface.

Freezer off.png

Once you have set the target temperature, turn the freezer on, which will cool the oxygen in the tank to the desired level, after some time.

Making the Bomb

Go back to the bomb mixing equipment, grab one tank transfer valve and a remote signaling device. Use the remote signaling device, turn the receiver on and setting the frequency and/or code to another setting, so as not to have your bomb randomly activated by other people on the station.


Now use your screwdriver on the remote signaling device and then attach it to the tank transfer valve.

You now need to grab an oxygen tank from the tank storage on the right-hand side of toxins. Put the oxygen tank into the portable air pump, set the portable air pump to the max, and switch it on. This will pull all of the oxygen out of the tank, when this is done, turn the portable air pump off and eject the tank.

Check the freezer, to see if the oxygen canister is at the level you desired, in this example -110 degrees. If the oxygen is at the right temperature, put the oxygen tank into the oxygen canister, set the oxygen canister pressure to around 800kPa, and open the canister to fill the tank. When it is full to the desired level, close the canister, eject the tank and then connect it to your tank transfer valve.

Now, go back to the tank storage and grab a plasma tank. Due to the high temperatures involved with the plasma, you DO NOT want to empty the tank, so just place it into the hot plasma canister. Set the plasma canister's internals to the max and then hit open to fill the tank. When the tank is full, close the internals, eject the tank and attach it to the tank transfer valve.

Congratulations you have your completed bomb.

Warning: If you use the tank transfer valves GUI, do NOT click open for the Release Valve Status. Doing this will instantly detonate the bomb, killing you and dealing massive damage to the station.

Testing the Explosive

Now that your bomb is ready, it's time to head back into the room containing the tachyon-doppler array. There is a mass driver chute in there. Place your bomb on it.+ Once the bomb is on the mass drive, hit the launch button on the wall above you and the bomb will then be launched to the testing chamber.

Before detonating a bomb, alert the station crew to a bomb test. This way, people don't freak out when they hear the bomb explode.

Now either: use your PDA signaler ace, or another remote signalling device, set to the settings you chose, to activate your bomb. The results of your bomb and its relation to your target will be printed into the chat.


The information will also be available on the tachyon-doppler array.

Tachyon-doppler array target 11.png

If the bomb meets your requirements, you will need to head to Research and Development, and grab a technology disk, which you must then bring back to and use on the Tachyon-doppler array, to store those research levels. Take the technology disk withe the toxins research back to RnD and upload it to the console there.

If the bomb did not meet your requirements, then you will need to make a new bomb, following all the steps of Making a bomb again, only with changes to the temperature of your oxygen canister. If you were under your target, you need to decrease the oxygen temperature. If you were over your target, you need to increase the oxygen temperature. As a general rule of thumb, 5 degrees is equal to 1 size difference in radius (this, however, is not always the case, sometimes requiring 2-3 degree changes instead). Experiment with the oxygen temperature, repeating the steps as needed, until you hit your target.

Congratulations! You now know how to make your toxin bombs.

Notice: If you ever feel you need to use a bomb on anything on the station itself (outside of the Toxins Testing Chamber) as a non-antag, such as a blob, xenomorph infestation, etc., then adminhelp first. You MUST get approval from an admin.

The Anarchist Cookbook Swordred.gif

So you've wound up running toxins, and then you get that lovely jingle that lets you know you are one of the bad guys. Well, you are in luck! Toxins mixing and toxins test is one of, if not the best place to undertake nefarious activities. Not only do you have unfettered access to high explosives for Hijack Objectives, but it's also a convenient place to store bodies, with easy space access.

Do note that, if you're running around as one of those blood fanatics, toxin test may seem like a tempting place to hunker down, just bear in mind, setting up an actual atmosphere in there will take a significant amount of work, and more than the few tanks you can get your hands on in toxin storage.

It cannot be emphasized enough, that you NEED TO have a Hijack Objective, if you are going for those large station rocking impacts, which includes intentionally causing a plasma fire.