Commence Project Construction.
This guide is not intended to cover advanced construction. For a list of advanced machinery and their parts, see the Guide to Advanced Construction .
Introduction to Construction
In order to fill many roles (such as Station Engineer ), or to just snazz up your sweet maintenance bar, you're going to need to know how to build things!
This guide will cover all the basic tools and their uses (as well as special things they can do) along with a list of basic structures and how to build/deconstruct them.
First and foremost it's important to become familiar with all the tools involved in construction! Please consult the list below.
There are alot of abandoned rooms in maintenance that make good "practice areas" for you to practice construction.
Practice by fixing damaged floors, replacing lights, building doors & windows, etc.
Construction Tools - A quick rundown of basic tools and their more advanced counterparts.
Basic Tool
Advanced Tool
Jaws of Life
Prying things in/out of place
Can pry open unpowered airlocks/lift floor tiles
Jaws of Life can pry open powered airlocks
Can be used to remove damaged electronics
Jaws of Life performs actions faster
Jaws of Life
Snipping wires/grilles
Can snip fingertips off gloves
Jaws of Life performs actions faster
Welding Tool
Experimental Welding Tool
Welding/slicing metal
Can seal airlocks/vents while on harm intent
Can repair structures while on help intent
Can repair robotic limbs (brute)
Experimental welder regenerates fuel
Cable Coil
Cable Layer
Wiring systems together
Can repair robotic limbs (burn)
Cable Layer rapidly spools and lays cable
Power Drill
Securing/opening panels
Can open airlock panels for Hacking
Can open vents to slide paper into them
Power Drill performs actions faster
Power Drill
Ratcheting/unsecuring objects
Used to deconstruct most things
Can secure/unsecure most machinery
Power Drill performs actions faster
Modifying/specifying special parameters
Used to connect systems together
Can toggle certain machinery on/off
Rapid Construction Device
Combat RCD
Rapid construction/deconstruction
Combat RCD issued to ERT engineers. Has improved magazine (500 material)
Can select from a variety of different structures
Can deconstruct most basic structures (walls, windows, floors)
Pipe Dispenser
Rapid Piping Device
Dispensing disposal/air pipes.
Dispenses unfastened pipes
Dispenser must be anchored to dispense pipes.
No magazine/material limit on RPD or dispenser.
Bluespace RPD upgrade can dispense pipes at range.
Alt-click the RPD to change modes via radial menu. (You can also change modes via its popup window)
An engineer doing some wiring. Note the insulated gloves and his position to the tile he's wiring.
A demonstration of wire placement based on character position.
An example of proper or 'smooth' wiring.
An example of a node. The round circle is a place to connect machinery like emitters.
An example of improper wiring. These wires aren't actually appropriately connected and may not transfer power as a result.
An example of 'spaghetti' wiring. This image demonstrates how directional wiring can be manipulated.
An example of standard station wiring.
Now that we've gone over the list of tools, it's important to understand how wiring in SS13 functions.
Outside of its use in repairing robotic limbs, mechs, and other things, cable coil is primarily used to route power to APCs and SMES arrays around the station.
APCs are the power terminals located in each room that provide electricity to the Lighting, Equipment, and Environment systems for a designated area.
APCs utilize a charging system and contain a single cell (a battery) that charges from the power grid that it's connected to.
APCs which are not connected to the grid by wiring, or APCs which receive insufficient levels of power, will lose battery life.
Wiring is used to connect APCs to the SMES arrays which gain charge from power sources (such as the engine) and distribute electricity.
As we can see, making sure we're properly wiring things is integral to the function of equipment and the station in general. If things are wired inappropriately, the APC may not receive power and the area you're either creating or repairing will be left in the dark.
There are a few important caveats before you start any wiring project.
Wires connected to an active electrical grid will shock you and cause burn damage.
Budget insulated gloves will either reduce or multiply damage from shocks.
Insulated gloves will protect from electrical shocks entirely.
Basic Wiring
(Note: Regular tiles on the station will have floor tiles on top of them. You will need to use a crowbar to remove these tiles in order to place any wires down).
Wiring is fairly straightforward, though there's a few things to keep in mind when you're doing it.
Wires can only ever be placed on plating or catwalk tiles.
Wire placement is directional and will always orient toward your character.
If you're placing a wire on a tile you're standing on it orient according to the direction you're facing.
In order to place wires you will need to be facing a catwalk or exposed plating with some cable coil in your hand.
Once you're ready with cable coil in hand, simply click on an adjacent tile with the wire in your hand to place down the wiring.
Here's a quick table explaining the different results you'll get based on your character's position.
Tile Direction refers to which direction the tile is from the player's current position (the wire always points toward the player).
Tile Directions such as Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest indicate the tile is diagonal to the player.
Tile Direction
Wiring Result
Tile Direction
Wiring Result
Now that we understand how directional placement of wires functions, we can start wiring things together.
Before we do however there's two important features of wiring that need to be discussed!
In any wiring project there are "nodes" and "wires" which both serve special functions.
Wires are what actually transfer power while nodes allow special machinery (like SMES arrays, emitters, and shield generators) to hook up to the power grid.
Wiring Type
Smooth Wiring
Smooth wiring allows power to flow from point A to point B.
This is the basic, efficient, and accepted wiring configuration.
In order to produce smooth wiring, move to the opposite side of the tile and click on the little circle (or wiring node) on the ground.
IE: If the tile was to the West of you initially, move two tiles West so that it's now facing East from you (the wire should be pointing away from your character).
If you don't smoothly wire your cables (and leave those little ball-shaped nodes everywhere), you're unlikely to create connections between pieces of wiring.
Make sure there's no unwanted nodes and all your cables are smooth, otherwise your wiring system likely won't transfer any electricity.
Wiring Type
Node Wiring
Node wiring is used for special equipment and electrifying grilles.
Exposed nodes can cause electric shocks when touched.
In order to produce a wire node, click on a tile already occupied by a smooth cable.
You should always do your standard smooth wiring before creating any nodes to make sure your cables are properly connected.
If you're trying to make a node in the middle of a section of wire, it must be smoothly wired first.
Station Piping
For station piping, see: Guide to Atmospherics
Base Materials
- A list of base materials used in construction.
Metal Sheet
Ore Redemption Machine (Iron)
Glass Sheet
Ore Redemption Machine (Sand)
Wood Plank
Apply hatchet to tower-cap logs
Metal Rods (2)
Use metal in-hand
Select "metal rods"
Apply active welding tool
1 metal returned per 2 rods
Reinforced Glass
Hold rod(s) in hand
Apply rods to glass sheet(s)
Plasma Glass
Ore Redemption Machine (Plasma + Sand)
Reinforced Plasma Glass
Hold rod(s) in hand
Apply rods to plasma glass sheet(s)
Ore Redemption Machine (Plasma + Iron)
Ore Redemption Machine (Plasma + Titanium)
Plastitanium Glass
Ore Redemption Machine (Sand + Plasma + Titanium)
Ore Redemption Machine (Titanium)
Titanium Glass
Ore Redemption Machine (Sand + Titanium)
These lists contains all buildable constructions of all the base materials.
Metal Constructions
- A list of constructions that only involve the use of metal sheets.
Hold floor tile in-hand
Apply floor tile to lattice
Apply screwdriver
Apply welder (1 floor tile returned)
Floor Tiles (4)
Use metal in-hand
Select "floor tiles"
Apply floor tiles to plating
Apply crowbar to lift floor tiles
Use metal in-hand
Select "wall girders"
Apply metal to girder
Apply welder on harm intent (1 metal returned)
Apply wrench (1 metal returned)
False Wall
Use metal in-hand
Select "wall girders"
Apply crowbar to girder
Apply metal to girder
Apply welder (1 metal returned)
Apply wrench
Apply wrench (1 metal returned)
Alternative Method:
Apply welder
Apply welder
Use metal in-hand
Select "stool" or "chair"
Apply wrench (1 metal returned)
Use metal in-hand
Select "stool"
Apply wrench (1 metal returned)
Use metal in-hand
Select "Bar Stool"
Apply wrench (1 metal returned)
Use metal in-hand
Select "sofa (direction)"
Apply wrench (1 metal returned)
Use metal in-hand
Select "Wheelchair"
Apply wrench (1 metal returned)
Use metal in-hand
Select "bed"
Apply wrench (2 metal returned)
Psychiatrist's Bed
Use metal in-hand
Select "chair"
Apply wrench (5 metal returned)
Office Chair
Use metal in-hand
Select "office chairs"
Select desired sub-type
Apply wrench (5 metal returned)
Comfy Chair
Use metal in-hand
Select "comfy chairs"
Select desired sub-type
Apply wrench (2 metal returned)
Barber's Chair
Use metal in-hand
Select "barber chair"
Apply wrench (3 metal returned)
Use metal in-hand
Select "rack parts"
Use "rack parts" object in-hand
Apply wrench (returns rack parts)
Apply wrench again (1 metal returned)
Use metal in-hand
Select "closet"
Toggle locker to open state
Apply active welding tool (2 metal returned)
Use metal in-hand
Select "canister"
Break canister with a welding tool
Apply active welding tool (3 metal returned)
Light Switch
Use metal in-hand
Select "light switch frame"
Apply light switch to adjacent wall
Apply wrench
Apply wrench (1 metal returned)
Window Tint Control Button
Use metal in-hand
Select "window tint control button frame"
Apply window tint control button to adjacent wall
Apply wrench
Apply wrench (1 metal returned)
Mass Driver Button
Use metal in-hand
Select "mass driver button frame"
Apply mass driver button to adjacent wall
Use multitool to link button to driver
Apply wrench
Apply wrench (1 metal returned)
Metal Rod Constructions
- A list of constructions that only involve the use of metal rods.
Hold rods in-hand
Apply to space tile
Apply wirecutters (1 rod returned)
Hold rods in-hand
Apply metal rods to lattice
Apply wirecutters (1 rod returned)
Note: applying wirecutters simultaneously deconstructs catwalk & underlying lattice
Reinforced Floor
Hold rods in-hand
Apply to plating tile
Apply wrench (2 rods returned)
Use rods in-hand
Select "grille"
Apply wirecutters (2 rods returned)
Use rods in-hand
Select "railing"
Apply wrench
Apply wirecutters (3 rods returned)
Railing Corner
Use rods in-hand
Select "railing corner"
Apply wrench
Apply wirecutters (3 rods returned)
Chainlink Fences
Use rods in-hand
Select "chainlink Fence" subgroup
Select "chainlink fence", "chainlink post", or "chainlink corner"
Apply wirecutters 3 times (no rods returned)
Chainlink Fence Door
Use rods in-hand
Select "chainlink fence" subgroup
Select "chainlink fence door"
Apply wirecutters (no rods returned)
Chainlink Fence End
Use rods in-hand
Select "chainlink fence" subgroup
Select "chainlink fence end"
Apply wirecutters (no rods returned)
Mixed Constructions
- A list of constructions that involve the use of metal sheets as a starting component.
Reinforced Wall
Use metal in-hand
Select "wall girders"
Apply plasteel to girder
Apply plasteel again
Apply wirecutters, screwdriver (1 rod returned)
Apply active welder, crowbar
Apply wrench, active welder (1 plasteel returned)
Apply crowbar, screwdriver
Apply wirecutters, wrench (1 rod, 2 metal returned)
Reinforced False Wall
Use metal in-hand
Select "wall girders"
Apply crowbar
Apply plasteel to girder
Apply screwdriver
Apply wirecutters, screwdriver (1 rod returned)
Apply active welder, crowbar
Apply wrench, active welder (1 plasteel returned)
Apply crowbar, screwdriver
Apply wirecutters, wrench (1 rod, 2 metal returned)
1 Metal
1 Glass
5 Cable Coil
Apply cable coil to glass sheet
Apply metal to wired glass
Apply light-tile to plating (use 'magnetic gripper' if you're synthetic)
Apply multitool to change colour
Apply crowbar to lift light-tiles
Use rods in-hand
Select "table frame"
Apply metal to frame
Apply wrench (1 metal, 2 rods returned)
Reinforced Table
Use rods in-hand
Select "table frame"
Apply plasteel to frame
Apply welder
Apply wrench (1 plasteel, 2 rods returned)
Fancy Table
Use rods in-hand
Select "table frame"
Apply carpet to frame
Apply wrench (1 material, 2 rods returned)
Glass Table
Use rods in-hand
Select "table frame"
Apply glass to frame
Apply wrench (1 material, 2 rods returned)
Computer Console
5 Metal
2 Glass
5 Cable Coil
1 Circuitboard
Use metal in-hand
Select "computer frame"
Apply wrench, circuitboard
Apply screwdriver, cablecoil
Apply glass, screwdriver
Apply screwdriver, crowbar (2 glass returned)
Apply wirecutters, screwdriver (5 cable returned)
Apply crowbar, wrench
Apply active welder (5 metal returned)
5 Metal
10 Cable Coil
Select Components
Use metal in-hand
Select "machine frame"
Apply cable coil, circuitboard
Apply required components
Apply screwdriver
Apply screwdriver, crowbar (components/board returned)
Apply wirecutters (cable returned)
Apply wrench (5 metal returned)
Display Case
5 Wood
10 Glass
Airlock Electronics
Use Wood in-hand
Select "display case chassis"
Use airlock electronics in-hand to set access
Apply airlock electronics
Apply glass
Apply screwdriver
Unlock with ID
Apply crowbar, crowbar, crowbar (5 glass returned)
Apply wrench (5 metal returned)
Automated Turret
5 Metal
Proximity Sensor
Energy Gun
Use metal in-hand
Select "turret frame"
Apply wrench, metal, wrench
Apply energy gun, proximity sensor
Apply screwdriver, metal
Apply active welder
Hit with object on harm intent while turret is active
Apply crowbar (energy gun returned)
Apply active welder (5 metal returned)
3 Metal
5 Cable Coil
Firelock Electronics
Use metal in-hand
Select "firelock frame"
Apply firelock electronics
Apply cable coil, crowbar
Apply plasteel (optional)
Apply wrench
Apply crowbar, weld shut with active welder
Apply screwdriver, wrench, crowbar
Apply wirecutters, crowbar (cable, firelock electronics returned)
Apply active welder (3 metal returned)
4 Metal
1 Glass (optional)
1 Mineral Sheet (optional)
5 Cable Coil
Airlock Electronics
Use metal in-hand
Select "airlock assemblies"
Select desired sub-type
Apply wrench, cable coil
Apply glass and/or minerals (optional)
Use airlock electronics in-hand to set access
Apply airlock electronics
Apply pen to optionally rename
Apply screwdriver
Make sure Wire Panel is screwed closed
Weld airlock closed with active welding tool on harm intent
Apply screwdriver
Bolts up
Apply wirecutters, cut the test wire
Apply crowbar (airlock electronics returned)
Apply wirecutters (cable returned)
Apply wrench, active welder (4 metal returned)
5 Reinforced Glass
2 Plasteel (optional)
1 Cable Coil
Airlock Electronics
Use reinforced glass in-hand
Select "windoor"
Apply wrench, plasteel (optional)
Use airlock electronics in-hand to set access
Apply cable, airlock electronics
Apply crowbar
Apply crowbar to open windoor
Apply screwdriver, crowbar (airlock electronics returned)
Apply wirecutters, wrench (cable returned)
Apply active welder (5 reinforced glass returned)
Use metal in-hand
Select "meatspike frame"
Apply rods
Apply crowbar (rods returned)
Apply wrench to move (non-destructible frame)
Light Fixture
Use metal in-hand
Select "(small) light fixture frame"
Apply frame to adjacent wall
Apply cable coil
Apply screwdriver
Remove lightbulb
Apply screwdriver, wirecutters (cable returned)
Apply wrench, wrench (1-2 metal returned)
2 Metal
10 Cable Coil
Power Control Board
Power Cell
Use metal in-hand
Select "apc frame"
Apply apc frame to wall
Apply power control board, cable coil
Apply screwdriver, power cell
Apply crowbar
Unlock with ID, disengage lock cover
Apply crowbar, empty hand (power cell returned)
Apply screwdriver
Apply crowbar to floor tile adjacent to APC
Apply wirecutters, crowbar (cable, power control module returned)
Apply active welder, wrench (2 metal returned)
Air Alarm
2 Metal
5 Cable Coil
Air Alarm Electronics
Use metal in-hand
Select "air alarm frame"
Apply air alarm frame to wall
Apply air alarm electronics
Apply cable coil, screwdriver
Apply screwdriver
Apply wirecutters, cut all wires
Apply wirecutters (cable returned)
Apply crowbar (air alarm electronics returned)
Apply wrench (2 metal returned)
Fire Alarm
2 Metal
5 Cable Coil
Fire Alarm Electronics
Use metal in-hand
Select "fire alarm frame"
Apply fire alarm frame to wall
Apply fire alarm electronics
Apply cable coil, screwdriver
Apply screwdriver
Apply wirecutters (cable returned)
Apply crowbar (fire alarm electronics returned)
Apply wrench (2 metal returned)
2 Metal
5 Cable Coil
Intercom Electronics
Use metal in-hand
Select "intercom frame"
Apply intercom frame to wall
Apply intercom electronics
Apply cable coil, screwdriver
Apply screwdriver
Apply wirecutters (cable returned)
Apply crowbar (intercom electronics returned)
Apply welder (2 metal returned)
Security Camera
1 Camera assembly
2 Cable Coil
Put the camera assembly on the floor
Apply wrench on the camera assembly
Apply welder, cable coil
Optional, add proximity sensor for motion detection
Optional, add plasma sheet for EMP protection
Apply screwdriver to finish
Apply screwdriver
Cut all wires
Apply welder
Optional, apply crowbar to remove upgrades
Apply wrench (camera assembly returned, upgrades still inside)
Extinguisher Cabinet
Use metal in-hand
Select "extinguisher cabinet frame"
Apply extinguisher cabinet frame to wall
Remove fire extinguisher
Apply active welder (1 metal returned)
1 Metal
1 Cable Coil
1-2 Beakers
Use metal in-hand
Select "grenade casing"
Apply cable coil, beaker
Apply screwdriver
Apply wirecutters
Apply wrench (grenade casing returned, beaker returned)
Glass Constructions
- A list of constructions that only involve the use of glass or reinforced glass sheets.
Use glass in-hand
Select "fishbowl"
Apply wrench (1 glass returned)
Fish Tank
Use glass in-hand
Select "fish tank"
Apply wrench (3 glass returned)
Wall Aquarium
Use glass in-hand
Select "wall aquarium"
Apply wrench (4 glass returned)
Directional Window
Use glass in-hand
Select "directional window"
Fasten with screwdriver
Hold glass in-hand
Click on constructed grille
Fasten with screwdriver
Unsecure with screwdriver
Apply wrench (1 material returned)
Fulltile Window
Use glass in-hand
Select "fulltile window"
Fasten with screwdriver
Unsecure with screwdriver
Apply wrench (2 material returned)
Directional Window (Reinforced)
1 Reinforced Plasma Glass
Use reinforced glass in-hand
Select "directional window"
Apply screwdriver, crowbar, then screwdriver
Hold reinforced glass in-hand
Click on constructed grille
Apply screwdriver, crowbar, then screwdriver
Unsecure with screwdriver, crowbar, then screwdriver
Apply wrench (1 material returned)
Fulltile Window (Reinforced)
2 Reinforced Plasma Glass
Use reinforced glass in-hand
Select "fulltile window"
Apply screwdriver, crowbar, then screwdriver
Unsecure with screwdriver, crowbar, then screwdriver
Apply wrench (2 material returned)
Directional Electrochromic Window (Reinforced)
Use reinforced glass in-hand
Select "directional window"
Apply screwdriver, crowbar, then screwdriver
Hold reinforced glass in-hand
Click on constructed grille
Apply screwdriver, crowbar, then screwdriver
Unsecure with screwdriver, crowbar, then screwdriver
Apply wrench (2 material returned)
Fulltile Electrochromic Window (Reinforced)
Use reinforced glass in-hand
Select "fulltile electrochromic window"
Apply screwdriver, crowbar, then screwdriver
Unsecure with screwdriver, crowbar, then screwdriver
Apply wrench (4 material returned)
Glass Floor
Hold glass in hand
Use glass on plating (two metal returned)
Hold two metal in hand
Use crowbar on the floor (two glass returned)
Glass Floor (Reinforced)
2 Reinforced Plasma Glass
Hold glass in hand
Use glass on plating (two metal returned)
Hold two metal in hand
Use crowbar on the floor (two glass returned)
Plasteel Constructions
- A list of constructions that only involve the use of special materials such as plasteel.
Surgery Table
Hold plasteel in-hand
Select "surgery table"
Apply wrench (5 plasteel returned)
Metal Crate
Hold plasteel in-hand
Select "metal crate"
Titanium Window
Use titanium glass in-hand
Select "shuttle window"
Apply screwdriver, crowbar, then screwdriver
Unsecure with screwdriver, crowbar, then screwdriver
Apply wrench (2 titanium glass returned)
Plastitanium Window
Use plastitanium glass in-hand
Select "plastitanium window"
Apply screwdriver, crowbar, then screwdriver
Unsecure with screwdriver, crowbar, then screwdriver
Apply wrench (2 plastitanium glass returned)
Plastitanium Wall
Use metal in-hand
Select "wall girders"
Apply plastitanium to girder
Apply welder (1 plastitanium returned)
Apply wrench (1 metal returned)
Plastitanium Tiles (4)
Use metal in-hand
Select "plastitanium tiles"
Apply floor tiles to plating
Apply crowbar to lift floor tiles
Mixed Plasteel Constructions
- A list of constructions that involve the use of special materials as a starting component.
AI Core
4 Plasteel
2 Reinforced Glass
5 Cable Coil
AI Circuitboard
Use plasteel in hand
Select "AI core"
Apply wrench, circuitboard to core
Apply screwdriver, cable coil to core
Apply brain, reinforced glass to core
Apply screwdriver to core
Apply screwdriver
Apply crowbar (2 reinforced glass returned)
If the core contains a brain/mmi, apply crowbar
Apply wirecutters (5 cable returned)
Apply screwdriver
Apply crowbar (returns circuit board)
Apply active welder (5 plasteel returned)
Bomb Assembly
Use plasteel in hand
Select "bomb assembly"
Apply bomb to assembly (optional)
Mass Driver
3 Plasteel
2 Rods
5 Cable Coil
Use plasteel in hand
Select "mass driver frame"
Apply wrench to frame
Apply active welder to frame
Apply Cable Coil
Apply rods to frame
Apply Screw driver
Apply screwdriver, crowbar, wirecutters (2 rods, 5 cable returned)
Apply active welder
Apply wrench
Apply active welder (3 plasteel returned)
Reinforced Airlock
Wood Constructions
- A list of constructions that involve the use of wood planks as a starting component.
Wood Floor Tiles (4)
Use wooden plank in-hand
Select "wood floor tiles"
Apply floor tiles to plating
Apply screwdriver to lift floor tiles
Wood/Poker Table
Use wooden plank in-hand
Select "wood table frame"
Apply wood plank to frame
Apply carpet tile to frame
Apply wrench (3 wood returned)
Apply wrench (2 wood, 1 carpet returned)
Wooden Chair
Use wooden plank in-hand
Select "wooden chair"
Apply wrench (3 wood returned)
Use Wood in-hand
Select "Pew (direction)"
Apply wrench (1 wood returned)
Wooden Barricade
Use wooden plank in-hand
Select "wooden barricade"
Apply crowbar (5 wood returned)
Use wooden plank in-hand
Select "bookcase"
Apply wrench (5 wood returned)
Use wooden plank in-hand
Select "dresser"
Apply wrench
Apply crowbar (30 wood returned)
Drying Rack
Use wooden plank in-hand
Select "drying rack"
Apply wrench
Apply crowbar (10 wood returned)
Dog Bed
Use wooden plank in-hand
Select "dog bed"
Apply wrench (10 wood returned)
Wooden Door
Use wooden plank in-hand
Select "wooden door"
Hit with object on harm intent (5 wood returned)
Use wooden plank in-hand
Select "coffin"
Use wooden plank in-hand
Select "apiary"
Apply crowbar (40 wood returned)
Honey Frame
Use wooden plank in-hand
Select "honey frame"
Fermenting Barrel
Use wooden plank in-hand
Select "fermenting barrel"
Apply crowbar (30 wood returned)
Plastic/Misc. Constructions
- A list of constructions that involve the use of plastic and other materials as a starting component.
Plastic Flaps
Use plastic in-hand
Select "plastic flaps"
(Optional) Apply Screwdriver to detach.
Apply Welding Tool (5 Plastic returned)
Wet Floor Sign
Use plastic in-hand
Select "wet floor sign"
Plastic Crate
Use plastic in-hand
Select "plastic crate"
Plastic Ashtray
Use plastic in-hand
Select "plastic ashtray"
Plastic Utensils
Use plastic in-hand
Select utensil of choice
Water Bottle
Use plastic in-hand
Select "water bottle" or "large water bottle"
Cardboard Cutout
Use cardboard in-hand
Select "cardboard cutout"
Apply crayon to cutout
Select preferred design
Apply active welding tool (no cardboard returned)
Warning Cone
Use plastic in hand
Select "warning cone"
Cardboard Box
Use cardboard in-hand
Select "cardboard box"
Brass Constructions
- A list of constructions that involve the use of brass
Wall Gear
Use brass in-hand
Select "Wall Gear"
??? (probably the same way you deconstruct a standard metal wall)
Brass Windoor
2 Brass
1 Cable Coil
Airlock Electronics
Use brass in-hand
Select "windoor"
Apply wrench
Use airlock electronics in-hand to set access
Apply cable, airlock electronics
Apply crowbar
Apply crowbar to open windoor
Apply screwdriver, crowbar (airlock electronics returned)
Apply wirecutters, wrench (cable returned)
Apply active welder (2 reinforced glass returned)
Directional Brass Window
Use brass in-hand
Select "directional window"
Apply screwdriver, crowbar, then screwdriver
Unsecure with screwdriver
Apply wrench (1 material returned)
Fulltile Brass Window
Use brass in-hand
Select "fulltile window"
Fasten with screwdriver
Unsecure with screwdriver
Apply wrench (2 material returned)
Brass Chair
Use brass in-hand
Select "chair"
Apply wrench (2 material returned)
Brass Table Frame
Use brass in-hand
Select "table frame"
Apply wrench (1 material returned)
Special Constructions
- A list of constructions that use special components.
Solar Tracker
1 Solar Panel Assembly
1 Tracker Electronics
2 Glass
Wrench the Solar Assembly to anchor
Insert the Tracker Electronics
Insert the Glass
Solar Panel
1 Solar Panel Assembly
2 Glass
Wrench the Solar Assembly to anchor
Insert the Glass
Conveyor Belt
(Use a Conveyor Belt Switch Assembly on the Conveyor Belt Assembly to link it)
Place the Conveyor Belt Assembly on the floor
(Use a Conveyor Belt Switch on the Conveyor Belt to link it)
(Use a wrench on the Conveyor Belt to rotate)
Conveyor switch
1 Conveyor switch assembly
(Use the Conveyor Belt Switch Assembly on a Conveyor Belt to link it)
Place the Conveyor Belt Switch assembly on the floor
(Use a multitool to make the Conveyor Belts go the other way)