Departmental Head
Chief Engineer
Departmental Head
Abductor • | Ash Walker • | Blob • | Changeling • | Contractor • | Construct • | Cultist • | Guardian • | Lavaland Elite • | Malfunctioning AI • | Mindflayer • | Morph • | Nuclear Agent • | Pulse Demon • | Revenant • | Revolutionary • | Shadow Demon • | Slaughter Demon • | Syndicate Researcher • | Terror Spider • | Traitor • | Vampire • | Wizard • | Xenomorph • | Zombie |
Combat • | Death • | Hacking • | Traitor Items • | Agent Items • | Crafting • | High-Risk Items • | E-maggable objects • | C-maggable objects • | Martial Arts |
Hacking. Because sometimes you need to get places you shouldn't be, get items you don't have access to, or even be a hero and disarm a bomb. Hacking is a vital skill for the Engineering department and is often useful to many others too.
Not to be confused with e-magging. Please check out Cryptographic Sequencer for all E-maggable objects in the game.
Tools of the Trade
Insulated Gloves - Stops you getting shocked.
Screwdriver - A necessary tool, used to expose the hackable interface on many devices.
Wirecutters - A necessary tool, used for 'Permanent' hacking. Is also much easier to get than the Multitool.
Multitool - A better tool, used for shorter, safer hacking. Often harder to get, however.
Crowbar - A brute-force tool, for opening depowered airlocks and other such tasks.
Keep an eye out for:
Budget Insulated Gloves- Budget versions of the insulated gloves. More common in Maint, can be bought from hacked tool vendors, but no guarantee of quality.
- 1 in 7 chance of Full Insulation, Shock Immunity.
- 4 in 7 chance of 50% Damage Decrease
- 1 in 7 chance of 25% Damage Decrease
- 1 in 7 chance of 50% Damage Increase
Fake Insulated Gloves - Sometimes found in maint, sometimes made by jokers using washing machines and crayons, these gloves probably offer zero insulation. On close inspection (Examine), "They don't feel like rubber".
Major Hackables
The main things you'll be hacking into. These often have multiple wires, the ability to shock you, or other fun side-effects. Caution, and insulated gloves, are advised.
If you're new to SS13, or hacking in general, be sure to check out the Beginner's Guide to Hacking below.
A Beginner's Guide to Hacking
Important, before you begin:
- Whilst hacking, in general, is accepted by server rules, deliberately shocking half the station as a non-antag will get you in trouble.
- This also goes for hacking into secure areas and taking High-Risk Items - if you're not an antag, don't do it.
- Hacking into places you shouldn't be is at least Breaking and Entering. Even public areas might be considered Damage to Station Assets. If the security are having a slow shift, expect them to come after you.
- If Engineering over-charge the station grid, the shocks delivered can become lethal. Proceed with preparation, or at your own risk.
What do I need?
Insulated Gloves - Shocks hurt. If possible, you want real insulated gloves. If not, you can roll the dice with Budget Gloves, or find a pair of Latex gloves for minor insulation. If none of this is to your taste, you probably want to have a Burn patch from medbay ready or suit sensors on in case you get shocked to death.
Screwdriver - Absolutely vital, to open airlock hatches. You can usually find one in Primary Tool Storage, Auxiliary Tool Storage, Maintenance, or ask Cargo to print you one.
Wirecutters /
Multitool - Multi is better if you can get one but if not wirecutters will do. Try asking Cargo for a multitool, but don't be surprised if they say no. Wirecutters, however, can be found in the same places as screwdrivers. Just be aware they incur a minor risk of shock when used to hack.
Crowbar - To open the door when you're done. Again, found in the same places as Screwdrivers.
Practice, learning the wires
First, pick an airlock nobody will mind you breaking. Little rooms in maintenance, public toilets are good choices. If you try to practice on the Captain's door, expect a smack from security.
Use your screwdriver on your door to open its wiring hatch, then click on the door with Wirecutters or Multitool in hand. This should open an interface with a list of wires. These are randomized every round, but the same for all airlocks in each game. If you have a Multitool in hand, you want to press 'Pulse' for each wire and watch for any changes. If Wirecutters, you want to be Cutting.
Each wire you Pulse / Cut might do something (see the wiring table below for detailed information), but the two you want to be finding, for now, are Main Power (aka Test) and Bolts. If all the indicator lights on the hacking interface go out (you will see "The Test light is Off!" at the bottom of the hacking window) chances are you've hit Main Power. Write this down, or memorize it, as you'll be needing it when you go against real doors.
If you hear a click and the airlock's red bolt lights turn on, this is bolts. Memorize it, another useful one. If you've been using Wirecutters, be aware that you cannot reverse this. Be careful not to trap yourself.
Finally, if the door starts continually sparking and delivers a massive shock to you, you've hit shock. Go and find a new door to continue testing, as this one will be broken for 30 seconds (multitool) or until Engineering come fix it (wirecutters). You can test if a door is still shocked by throwing a metallic object (such as a screwdriver) against it.
Real targets
So now you know Test and Bolts. When you come up across a door you need to bypass, Screwdriver the Panel open then Pulse / Cut the known power wire. The door is now offline for ten seconds. Use your Crowbar to force it open (then Cut / Pulse Bolts to lock it there if you'll need to make a getaway), and proceed in. Congratulations, you're now a basic door hacker.
How to:
- Use a
Screwdriver to open the maintenance panel.
- (If Plasteel Secured) Use
Wirecutters to cut the electrified grille.
Insulated Gloves required!
- (If Plasteel Secured) Use a
Welding Tool to cut the outer armor.
- (If Plasteel Secured) Use a
Crowbar to remove the outer armor.
- (If Plasteel or Metal Secured) Use a
Welding Tool to cut the inner armor.
- (If Plasteel Secured) Use a
Crowbar to remove the inner armor.
- Hack using a
Multitool or
- Use a
Screwdriver to close the maintenance panel when done.
How to:
- Use a
Screwdriver to expose the wiring.
- Hack using a
Multitool or
- Use a
Screwdriver to hide the wires again when done.
Air Alarms
How to:
- Use a
Screwdriver to expose the wiring.
- Hack using a
Multitool or
- Use a
Screwdriver to hide the wires again when done.
How to:
- Use a
Screwdriver to expose the wiring.
- Hack using a
Multitool or
- Use a
Screwdriver to hide the wires again when done.
How to:
- Unlock the controls using a
QM or Cargo Tech ID.
- Use a
Screwdriver to expose the wiring.
- Hack using a
Multitool or
- Use a
Screwdriver to hide the wires again.
- Use the Mule's interface to re-enable Power.
lock the controls again.
Security Cameras
How to:
- Use a
Screwdriver to expose the wiring.
- Hack using a
Multitool or
- (Optional) Use a
Screwdriver to close the maintenance panel.
Suit Storage Units
How to:
- Use a
Screwdriver to expose the wiring.
- Hack using a
Multitool or
- Use a
Screwdriver to hide the wires again when done.
Particle Accelerator
How to:
- First, setup the PA as normal.
- Use a
Screwdriver to expose the wiring.
- Hack using a
Multitool or
- Use a
Screwdriver to hide the wires again when done.
- Use the console to scan for parts again.
Vending Machines
How to:
- Use a
Screwdriver to expose the wiring.
- Hack using a
Multitool or
- Use a
Screwdriver to hide the wires again when done.
Syndicate Bomb
How to:
- Check the Timer - If it's high, you can ask for a bomb suit. If its very low, reach minimum safe distance (or try not to be gibbed).
- Use a
Screwdriver to expose the wiring.
- Hack using a
Multitool or
- Good luck
Cutting the bomb wires carries a 2 in 5 chance of detonation. Pulsing only 1 in 5 - although you will need to cut the Activate wire when you've found it. Either way, be careful and listen for messages after each wire you tamper with.
Nuclear Bomb
The Redsuits have done it. The Nuclear bomb is armed and ticking. But is this the end?
Decoupling the Nuke.
- Firstly, check how long the timer is left on the nuke. You may need to get out of there.
- With welder in hand, weld the nuke.
- Now, use your crowbar to pry it out.
- Use your welder to weld it some more!
- Wrench it to loosen some bolts.
- Lastly crowbar, the nuke should move after this! Pull it into space, push it out of the station sector, and maybe save the day.
Disarming the nuke.
- Insert the NAD.
- Screw the control panel open.
- The nuke has 5 wires, which can be identified by pulsing them with a multitool. Pulsing or cutting the detonator wire will make an active nuke explode immediately.
- Find and cut the control panel wire.
- Pulse the disarm wire once the control panel is disabled to disarm the bomb!
Accessing the plutonium core.
- Either insert the NAD into the nuclear bomb, and use a screwdriver, or use a specialized thin tip screwdriver to access the panel.
- Dislodge and remove the front panel with a crowbar.
- Next, cut the inner metal plate with a welding tool.
- After, pry off the inner plate with a crowbar to expose the plutonium core.
- Finally, use your hand to pull out the core from the nuke.
Be warned, removing the inner plate will allow the plutonium core to irradiate the area around it. The core can not be removed while the nuke is armed.
Inserting the plutonium core.
- Hold the core in your hand, and interact with the nuke with all the panels removed.
- Apply 5 sheets of titanium to replace the inner core panels.
- Weld the sheets back together with a welding tool.
- After, apply 5 metal to the nuke in order to put on the outer panel.
- Weld the new panel on.
- Screwdriver the nuke to lock it back up.
Good luck.
Nuke Core Container
The plutonium core has been sealed in a box, and you want to get the nuke functional again? No problem!
While the container is thermite and assistant proof, it is only explosive resistant.
A powerful explosion, of a syndicate minibomb, or a toxins bomb, or a BSA strike on the container will blast it open, allowing access to the core inside. Toxins testing is suggested for this.
Be careful however, after the container is opened, it no longer shields the radiation, and the core will be irradiating everything in the area.
Minor Hackables
There are many minor items that also can be hacked, although you rarely have to need to do so. For completeness sake, we have included the Safe in this section.
Fire alarm
Fire alarms on getting cut will not detect or activate the fire doors in the case of a fire or a breach.
Security Gasmask
Using a screwdriver on a Security Gasmask will change the lines it uses. A wirecutter will break the gasmasks hailer, causing it to switch to a set of lines permanently. An emag will cause the hailer to spout a long string of curse words.
Signaler &
Screwdriver in hand, click on the offending radio so it can be modified or attached
- The usual radio use panel will pop up, but now with access to the wiring. If you've closed it by accident, just click on the radio as if you were going to change the settings on it.
- There are three wires. Two have apparent uses; the third is pretty much useless.
- Output wire will disengage the speakers (or signal-receiving on a signaler)
- Input wire will permanently disengage the microphone (or signal-sending on a signaler)
Much like Vending Machines:
- Pulsing the orange light will electrify the fridge for half a minute.
- Setting the red light to blink will make the fridge shoot items at people.
- Changing the purple light to yellow will remove the permission lock on the fridge.
Although not technically Hacking, we're still breaking into something. You are here because you need something locked up in that stupid indestructible metal box. Either for something very dangerous, or just because you have a good reason. If you don't feel like doing it the subtle way, there's always the option to make some noise.
- Examine the safe to determine its number of tumblers.
- Hold a stethoscope in one hand, then interact with the safe using an empty hand.
- Spin the dial to the left until you hear a "Krink", "Tink", or "Plink" (not to be confused with "Clink").
- Spin the dial to the right until you hear a "Tonk", "Krunk", or "Plunk". If you spin past this to the left, you have misaligned the tumblers and you'll need to start over from step 3.
- Repeat this process, alternating between left and right. Do so until you have unlocked all of the tumblers on the safe.
- When you reach the final tumbler, the safe will also make a "Spring", "Sprang", "Sproing", "Clunk", or "Krunk" sound. It will show up as a big bolded word, which is hard to miss.
- Open the safe.
Cargo Computer
Want access to a few illegal items, but don't have an emag?
- Deconstruct the Cargo Computer console
- Use a Multitool on the control board
- Rebuild the computer
Simple as that! You should now have the option to buy a couple of naughty crates. Be aware, however, that much of this is class C or even class S contraband, so security is within rights to put you all in jail for the rest of the round!
Tips and Strategies
Finally, a brief list of a few fun things you can do.
Airlock Deadlock
- Cut the bolts wire on an airlock. Now cut the Power wires. The door will be impossible to open until repaired. Now, cut all the wires (to make it less obvious which is which), use a sheet of Plasteel or Metal to reinforce the wires compartment (hiding the wires) then weld the whole airlock shut for good measure.
Remote Signal Devices
- You can attach remote signalers to wires which, when receiving their frequency, will act like a multitool. Place a signaller on the Bolts wire, and remotely lock someone in or out. Signaller on the shock wire, set the door sparking from a safe distance.
The Crusher
- Cut the Safety wire on a door. Manually close the door on someone. Repeatedly open and close the airlock, crushing them to death while they're stunned there. If you can knock someone down and get them into a crusher, you can kill them without ever owning a lethal weapon.