Martial Arts

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Close Quarters Combat(CQC)

CQC is a fighting style that focuses on hand-to-hand close-quarters combat. Unlike Krav Maga, CQC is primarily an aggressive fighting style that focuses on the user being offensive. The art is designed to quickly subdue opponents and overpower them with pressure technique and crushing blows. This art requires a thorough knowledge of Intent.

Slam Slams the opponent into the ground (10 brute and 12-second stun). Only works on people standing.

CQC Kick Harm Harm. If the opponent was paralyzed they'll be knocked out (30-second sleep and 15 brain damage. Otherwise, they'll receive 10 brutes.

Restrain Locks opponent into a restraining position (10-sec stun, 20 stamina damage). Disarm while restraining and pulling to knock them out with a chokehold (40-sec sleep).
, swap hands, and Followed by to knock out.

Pressure Deals 60 stamina damage.

Consecutive CQC Disarm Disarm Harm. Mainly damaging move (25 brute and 50 stamina damage).
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Leg Sweep While not a true combo, harm intent attacks while laying down trip the target. This can combo with CQC kick for an incredibly quick knockout.
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Chef CQC

The Chef automatically knows CQC. However, they only know how to use it when they are in the Bar, Kitchen, and Freezer. Know one knows why they can only use it in those places, but it is rumored that a NNO got upset after they found the chef dead and his kitchen empty when he had a particularly ravenous case of the munchies. As a result, they implanted a geo-activated martial-arts implant that teaches the chef basic self-defense when he's cooking.

Krav Maga

Krav Maga is a self-defense style that was developed by ancient militaries on terra two centuries ago. It can be learned through years of training or be given to a user by advanced nano-machines in gloves. On the Cyberiad there is one pair of Krav Maga Gloves owned by the Warden.

Leg Sweep sweep the legs out from under a target to incapacitate them for a few seconds
Neck Chop Use a hard swing with the side of your hand to disable the targets ability to speak for a few seconds
File:ThroatPunchIcon.png Throat Punch Use a quick jab to temporarily prevent the target from breathing.
Disarm while using Krav Maga one can disarm a target easier and even steal what they're holding out of their hand
Attack While using Krav Maga one is more adept at hand-to-hand combat and you will deal more damage while attack someone.

Way of the Sleeping Carp

An ancient art learned through intense study and meditation. It is modeled after the graceful movement, combat, and flow of Space Carp. Ancient masters of this art are rumored to have studied among great schools of space carp and survived, some have even befriended the aggressive creatures. This art is often utilized by zealots and extremists especially among The Syndicate.

Due to the graceful nature of this martial art, users are able to completely deflect all incoming projectiles. This includes tasers, lasers, and ballistics. However, part of becoming a Master of Sleeping Carp is to take an oath to abstain from using projectile weapons. It isn't quite clear why, however, it is thought that it allows the user to intensify their focus on perfect flow and deflection, others believe that it is part of the drive of the master to further emulate the way of the Carp. To completely focus on the attack of the Carp: its Bite.

The aggressive bite of a carp crushes bones and breaks the spirit of its target. Much like the carps bite. the user of this martial art will crush the bones of others through heavy blows from their hands resulting in extreme brute damage. To reach full damage potential the user will commit fully with all of their strength and in the heat of the moment will yell out expletives such as "CARP CHOP" and "HIYAHH". May God have mercy and anyone who finds themselves on the other side of the fury a Master of the way of the Sleeping Carp

Wrist Wrench Grab your opponents wrist causing them to drop their currently held item and be stunned for a brief period of time.

Back Kick Send a sharp kick to your opponents back, sending them to the ground.

Stomach Knee Drive your knee sharply into your opponents stomach causing them to briefly lose their breath and stumble over.
, swap hands, and

Head Kick In an extraordinary feat of acrobatics, send a violent kick to the side of your opponents head. The sheer force of the blow causes them to drop their currently held item.
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Elbow Drop Drive your elbow up in the air and send it crashing down onto an opponent currently lying on the ground. This causes a massive amount of damage and will instantly kill anyone in critical condition.
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