New Players Portal/Roles

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Generic assistant.png
The most basic of all occupations, the assistant has no authority and, generally speaking, no responsibilities. It's an excellent opportunity to learn the game mechanics, but your access is limited. Ask others if you can help - they'll usually be happy to show you around their department and help you learn the ropes. It also lets you practice roleplaying if you're still unsure about it.
Generic cargo.png
Cargo Technician
A basic yet practical job that is easy to pick up and will help you learn most of the game's controls. Working under the Quartermaster, you're tasked with ordering supplies and delivering them to the relevant department to ensure the station is well-equipped.
Generic janitor.png
A simple but menial job that involves replacing lightbulbs and cleaning up messes. It'll help you learn your way around the station and its various departments.
Basic job in charge of library. As a librarian, you are tasked with stocking library and helping those in need of knowledge! When you are done with that, you can pick up journalism, write your own book, or maybe even host a Dungeons and Dragons session! Perfect to practice roleplay in.
The Bartender's job is primarily mixing and serving drinks to a thirsty crew. You can experiment with various kinds of coctails - both alcoholic and not. Bartending is a very social job, perfect to try roleplaying with crew around you, as well as getting to know them better!