Syndicate Items: Difference between revisions

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Line 481: Line 481:
| name = Syndicate Soap
| name = Syndicate Soap
| image = SyndicateSoap.png
| image = SyndicateSoap.png
| foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 1 telecrystal.
| foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 1 telecrystal. It can also be found fairly often in maintenance.
| usedfor = Hiding murder and slipping vigilantes.
| usedfor = Hiding murder and slipping vigilantes.
| strategy = Can be used for a quick clean up if you lack space cleaner so you're not covered in blood, or it can be used like a banana peel.
| strategy = Can be used for a quick clean up if you lack space cleaner so you're not covered in blood, or it can be used like a banana peel.

Revision as of 15:59, 13 November 2017

Syndicate people get access to these cool items during Traitor and Nuke Ops!

You should also read Identifying Antagonists


Syndicate Uplink

Syndicate Uplink
Found in: Syndicate operatives spawn with one
Used for: Ordering syndicate items by a traitor or syndicate operative.
Strategy: Keep it locked. Leaving a PDA open on the ordering screen is a huge faux pas.

This is where the traitor gets all his fancy items. It's disguised as a PDA or a headset (or a radio if the mode is nuclear emergency). If it's a PDA, you will need to enter the code given into the ringtone selection in the messenger menu. A headset will need to be changed to the correct frequency. From there, you can click on it and pick whatever item you want/need. However, you only have 20 telecrystals to use so choose wisely.

Job Specific Tools


Briefcase full of bees
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 10 telecrystals.
Used for: Summoning an overabundance of bees in a work place.
Strategy: Walk up to someone and open up. Boom: Bee attack.

A briefcase with two uses, each time used the briefcase will summon 4 syndi-bees filled with a very strong poison that attack everyone, including you if preparations aren't made in advance, with a very noticeable audio clip playing from the DR. BEES video. Bees can be pacified by injecting your blood into the briefcase, so they don't attack you.

Ambrosia cruciatus seeds
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 2 telecrystals.
Used for: Growing poisonous weed.
Strategy: Can be modified to yield high amounts of whichever chemical you want most of.

When initially planted and harvested, you get a yield of 6 ambrosia vulgaris leaves, a single one containing 1u of each: Toxin, Tetrahydrocannabinol, Styptic Powder, Silver Sulfadiazine, Plant-matter.


Safety Scissors
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 5 telecrystals.
Used for: Cutting throats.
Strategy: Somehow convince your target to get a haircut, then use these to gain in early edge against them in a fight.

A pair of scissors discretely sharpened to dangerous levels. Using these on a person will give the illusion you are cutting their hair for a few moments before you slice the victim's throat, causing lots of bleeding, 30 oxygen damage, and 18 brute damage. Each additional slash does 18 brute damage, similar to an energy dagger, but unlike an energy dagger, this weapon is sharp enough to behead, if you're into that kind of stuff.


Boozey Shotgun Shells
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 6 telecrystals.
Used for: Murder.
Strategy: Rubber bullets? Haven't heard of 'er.

A box containing 6 shotgun shells that simulate the effects of extreme drunkeness on the target, more effective for each type of alcohol in the target's system.

Bartender & Medical

Poison Bottle
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 2 telecrystals.
Used for: Discrete murder.
Strategy: Mix into a target's drink or food. Alternatively, if you're a doctor or have access to a syringe, just inject them with it.

A bottle that contains one of many different illegal chemicals. The contents of the bottle could be anything from a paralysis drug like ketamine to something incredibly lethal like cyanide.


Voodoo Doll
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 13 telecrystals.
Used for: Spying and Annoyance.
Strategy: Form a magical link between the doll and a target and ruin the target's life.

The voodoo doll can be used to mess with a target in various ways once it has been linked to them. Hold something on fire to the doll to raise the victim's temperature or poke it with something sharp to weaken them. See what your target sees by selecting the doll's eyes or make them say what you want by targeting the doll's mouth. Be warned that the victim may be alerted to the location of the voodoo doll when you are performing any of these actions.

Artistic toolbox
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 20 telecrystals. Only available if your objective is to hijack the station.
Used for: Devouring the entire station crew.
Strategy: Knock over/stun a crew member and feed it to Her Grace (using grab intent and just shoving them inside)
  • Provides immunity to weaken, stun, and disarm.
  • Constantly heals the owner for 3 tox/oxy, and 12 brute/burn per tick.
  • If the owner moves too far away from the toolbox, they will start to die.
  • Starts at 14 damage, and gains 5 damage with every feeding.
  • The more it is fed, the quicker it gets hungry again.
  • Must be fed routinely, or it will eat its owner.
Missionary Starter Kit
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 15 TC
Used for: Being a priest like in AoE!
Strategy: Equip robe, hold staff, click staff, click people.

Once you strap on your robe and activate your staff, you will be able to WOLOLO people into your slaves for 10 minutes(Mindshielded individuals are immune.) The convertees are basically standard mindslaves so you can order them around as you wish and report them to admins if they dont obey. After initiating, you must remain still and with sight of target for eight seconds. The target will receive an alert that the conversion is taking place as well. Once you convert someone you will scream WOLOLO with a audio cue, which makes it not too stealthy, but if you make it seem normal, nobody will bat a eye... probably.


Chef Excellence's Special Sauce
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 2 telecrystals.
Used for: Making food dangerously delicious.
Strategy: Put it in the food of your target, or force feed someone.

A custom made sauce made from the toxin glands of 1000 space carp, if somebody ingests enough they'll be dead in 3 minutes or less guaranteed.

Meat Cleaver
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 10 telecrystals.
Used for: Being a scary maniac with a penchant for cannibalism.
Strategy: Useful for disposing of a body, just clean the blood and pick up the meat after use.

A mean looking meat cleaver that does damage comparable to an Energy Sword but with the added benefit of chopping your victim into hunks of meat after they've died and the chance to stun when thrown. Use your complementary whetstone if you really want someone dead sooner rather than later.

Syndicate Donk Pockets
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 2 telecrystals.
Used for: Snacks.
Strategy: Eat for a quick heal from most basic types of damage and faster stun recovery.

A box of highly specialized Donk pockets with a number of regenerative and stimulating chemicals inside of them; the box comes equipped with a self-heating mechanism. They can heal just about any type of damage excluding broken bones.


Pickpocket's Gloves
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 6 telecrystals.
Used for: Stealing goodies from unsuspecting crew and putting donuts or active bombs in people's pockets.
Strategy: Pickpocket someone, then get out of there before they realize.

A pair of sleek gloves to aid in pickpocketing, while wearing these you can see inside the pockets of any unsuspecting mark, loot the ID or pockets without them knowing, and pickpocketing puts the item directly into your hand.


Banana Grenade
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 5 telecrystals. It can also be found occasionally in maintenance.
Used for: Getting revenge on security that took your regular peel away.
Strategy: It slips like lube, so watch as they slide across a tunnel of acidic banana peels. Throw them back over the peels or bash their head in once they stop.

A grenade that explodes into HONK! brand banana peels that are genetically modified to be extra slippery and extrude caustic acid when stepped on.


Power Gloves
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 10 telecrystals.
Used for: Tapping into the station's power grid to shock or kill people.
Strategy: Stand on power lines and shock people. Only available to engineers.

They look like a pair of insulated gloves, so they are very inconspicuous. Clicking on someone whilst standing on a power line will launch a bolt of force-lightning from the hands of the user,stunning or killing the target. Short out the SMES units from the power grid and adding more collectors to Singularity will create a more powerful shock, making it possible for the weapon to kill or even gib targets. As a disclaimer, they do not actually protect from electric shock, they just look like insulated gloves.


Proximity Mine
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 4 telecrystals.
Used for: An explosive reminder that they should be walking when the floor is wet.
Strategy: Place, then get a job change.

An Anti-Personnel proximity mine cleverly disguised as a wet floor caution sign that is triggered by running past it, activate it to start the 15 second timer and activate again to disarm.


Radiation Laser
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 5 telecrystals.
Used for: Murder. Incapitation. Violating your Hippocratic Oath.
Strategy: Looks harmless. Good for forcing someone into your medical care.

A radiation laser concealed inside of a Health Analyser, After a moderate delay, causes temporary collapse and radiation. Has adjustable controls, but will not function as a regular health analyzer, only appears like one. May not function correctly on radiation resistant humanoids!


Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 3 telecrystals.
Used for: The ultimate last resort for blowing up that guy who forgot to order pizza at a D&D game.
Strategy: Blow shit up OR just leave them laying around somewhere and hope somebody decides to roll the die.

Undistinguishable from regular dice, besides blowing up 3 seconds after being rolled. The explosion radius depends upon your roll, but generally it is quite powerful, a 15 being comparable to a syndicate bomb, 20 exploding larger than the bomb cap and rolling a 1 will instantly gib you. Unlike grenades, you don't automatically go into throw mode after rolling these.

Medical & Science

Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 7 telecrystals.
Used for: Quick self-healing.
Strategy: The user can inject this into themselves when in desperate need of quick healing and stun reduction. Once the stimulants are out of the user's system, they will be in slightly weakened state for a short period of time.

A highly illegal compound contained within a compact auto-injector; when injected it makes the user extremely resistant to being incapacitated and greatly enhances the body's ability to repair itself.

Research Director

Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 12 telecrystals.
Used for: Teleporting threats or targets.
Strategy: Once the telegun has been locked onto a location, simply aim and shoot to send anyone hit to the desired area.

An extremely high-tech energy gun that utilizes bluespace technology to teleport away living targets. Select the target beacon on the telegun itself; projectiles will send targets to the beacon locked onto.

Highly Visible and Dangerous Weapons

Energy Sword

Energy Sword
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 8 telecrystals. Be aware that the Deathsquad may also have this sword too.
Used for: An up-close and personal method of leaving holes in things, or simply being a Jedi Master.
Strategy: This sword will usually kill someone in just three to four hits. It leaves a bloody mess though. When on it has a decent chance to block melee attacks and projectiles. Needs to be turned on before use, can fit in a pocket if shut off.

This is a melee weapon that can do a lot of brute damage. It has two states, on and off. When it's off, you can fit it into your pocket, but it only does about 3 brute damage. When on it does 30 brute damage. Click on it to switch between the two states. It has a very distinctive noise when switching states, as well as when using it to commit murder. Don't expect to be hidden for very long after using it.


Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 13 telecrystals.
Used for: Incredibly violent murder.
Strategy: Slice and dice until your target is mince meat.

The chainsaw is an extremely lethal and visible weapon. It cannot be stored in a backpack and makes a very noticeable noise when on. The chainsaw deals 40 brute damage and stuns the target when wielded with both hands. When used on a corpse, it will carve them into chunks of meat, leaving nothing to be cloned.

Energy Crossbow

Mini energy crossbow
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 12 telecrystals.
Used for: Silently killing people.
Strategy: No one sees any messages of who fired at who, but the target knows when they are shot. Use this weapon very carefully and covertly. Additionally, pair with an energy sword for an incredibly effective combo.

When this weapon is used on a person, the victim falls down and takes about 10 toxin damage. While it is a useful weapon, it is another one of those extremely recognizable weapons. There is no "X shot Y" message, but the dart can be seen depending on how BYOND feels today, and there might be a slight sound. This weapon automatically recharges over time, which means unlike a revolver it won't run out of ammo.

Syndicate .357 Revolver

.357 Revolver
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 13 telecrystals.
Used for: Old skool way to murder someone.
Strategy: Keep the thing hidden, as it's a very recognizable weapon. Also, it makes a lot of noise, so be careful.

It's a gun. Click on someone and you shoot at them. Does 60 brute damage per shot on an unarmoured target, around 30 on a normally armoured one. If you're out of bullets, you'll just hit them with your gun, which does a smashing 5 brute damage. Careful, the revolver's pretty loud and nearby people will hear it. Also, keep in mind there's only 7 shots. Takes .357 ammo, can be printed out of a hacked autolathe.

FK-69 Stechkin 10mm Pistol

Stechkin Pistol
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 4 telecrystals. Can occasionally be found in maintenance with a single bullet inside.
Used for: Murder like James Bond would.
Strategy: Keep the thing hidden, as it's a very recognizable weapon. Also, it makes a lot of noise so be careful. Pair with a snazzy suit and a silencer to cosplay as a hitman.

It's a gun. Click on someone and you shoot at them. Does 30 brute damage per shot on an unarmoured target. Can be outfitted with a silencer. Takes 10mm ammo, can be printed from a hacked autolathe. Magazine size of 8 bullets.

EMP Grenades and Implanter Kit

Boxed EMP kit
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 2 telecrystals.
Used for: The disabling of technology, such as cameras, radios, etc.
Strategy: Extremely useful versus synthetic beings, such as borgs or IPCs.

A box that contains two EMP grenades and EMP implant. Useful to disrupt communication and silicon lifeforms.

Click on the Grenade to activate it and then throw it like normal grenades. Other uses include draining the batteries of APCs and completely draining the batteries of security equipment like tasers. Stun batons only have roughly ten percent of their charge lost. If you EMP a group of security officers before a fight, they'll be disarmed of their primary means of stunning you from a distance. They also stun cyborgs for a good deal of time. Beware, this will cause cybernetics/prosthetics to explode!

The implant allows you to create an EMP blast centered on yourself, usable via icon at the top of your screen. Buying this implant as an IPC is ill-advised.

Syndicate Minibomb

Syndicate minibomb
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 6 telecrystals.
Used for: Creating a breach, breaking into places, gibbing someone, accidently blowing yourself up.
Strategy: The Minibomb is a grenade with a five-second fuse.

Creates an explosion of (1, 2, 4) at detonation. Use for quick area denial, destruction of a target, or asking the HoP for access to a glorious death before self-detonating.


Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 12 telecrystals.
Used for: Summoning a holoparasite Guardian.
Strategy: Exact strategies depend on the type of guardian created, however all types are reasonably strong in combat.

When injected, causes a parasitic nanomachine entity known as a guardian to become attached to the user. These entities can have many different dangerous abilities, such as igniting targets or creating explosive traps. While personally immortal, damaged sustained by the holoparasite is redirected as brute damage onto the host, bypassing armor and making it clear to viewers who is the host.

Mind Batterer

Mind Batterer
File:Batter.png Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 5 telecrystals.
Used for: Stunning crew.
Strategy: Can be used both to assault crew or escape from multiple opponents.

The mind batterer has 5 charges. It can be used by clicking on it while it's in your active hand. When used everyone within your screen has a 50% chance of being stunned. Everyone affected will receive a notification about something messing with their brain as well as a distinct sound effect, so there's no being sneaky with this item.


Ammo - 10mm

Pistol Magazine 10mm
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 1 telecrystals.
Used for: Ammo for the syndicate pistol.
Strategy: Order in conjunction with the pistol.

This is ammo for the pistol. It can be used by clicking on an empty pistol while you hold the ammo in your active hand. More rounds in boxed form can be produced from an autolathe, so this is mostly useless unless you lost the initial magazine from the pistol or you can't access an autolathe.

Speedloader - .357

Speedloader .357
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 4 telecrystals.
Used for: Ammo for the revolver.
Strategy: Order in conjunction with the revolver.

This is ammo for the revolver. It gives the revolver seven more shots. It can be used by clicking on an empty revolver while you hold the ammo in your active hand. This can be made and recycled in a hacked autolathe, making this mostly useless unless you can't access an autolathe.

Stealthy and Inconspicuous Weapons

Martial Arts Scroll

Mysterious Scroll
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 17 telecrystals.
Used for: Turning your average brawler into Bruce Lee.
Strategy: Become a one man army.

The single-use scroll teaches a person the sleeping carp martial art. After you use this scroll, you will be unable to use any ranged weapons, however, a wielder of this knowledge will automatically deflect all projectiles as well (not toggle-able). Your standard melee damage with your fists increases to a smashing 10 brute damage per hit, and it changes the attack verbs used, as well as making you shout silly stuff, making it apparent you've become a master of Carp Fu. You also get a new set of moves that can be displayed by recalling your teachings in the new sleeping carp tab:

Wrist Wrench: Disarm

Energy Dagger

Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 2 telecrystals.
Used for: Murder and signing forms.
Strategy: Handy in situations where you require a weapon that will be easy to hide afterwords.

Essentially a more lightweight energy sword. This device can be disguised as a pen to be stored within a PDA when off and deals 18 brute damage when on. It also functions as a pen when turned off.

Dart Pistol

Dart Pistol
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 4 telecrystals. Can also be found in maintenance.
Used for: Sneaky syringe shooting.
Strategy: Load the dart pistol up with syringes as would you a normal syringe gun and then aim and fire.

A miniaturized version of a normal syringe gun. It is very quiet when fired and can fit into any space a small item can. It also doesn't make a chat log when firing.

Dehydrated Space Carp

Space Carp Plushie
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 3 telecrystals.
Used for: Make people sleep with the fishes.
Strategy: Just add water to create a space carp. The fish will be hostile to everyone except the person who activated it.

Just add water to make your very own hostile to everything space carp. It looks just like a plushie. Double click to bind the carp to you prior to hydrating it.

Detomatix Cartridge

Detomatix Cartridge
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 6 telecrystals.
Used for: Making other's PDA's explode
Strategy: Either use this to hurt your target from far away or wait until you can see them, detonate their PDA and quickly kill them, while they're stunned. Be careful, as it can backfire!

A cartridge for your PDA. When inserted, it will allow you to use the missile program to attempt to remotely detonate other people's PDAs in a moderately lethal explosion. Your target PDA will need the messenger function turned on in order to attempt this, and you need to scan for other PDAs, then import the list. In addition, there is a chance the cartridge will not work or will feedback and blow up your own PDA. Despite this, it is a decent way of sowing panic aboard the station, or softening up a target for an assassination attempt. Comes with 4 charges. It also has a bomb program that when run causes the PDA to self destruct. Useful against gullible targets, or turning PDAs into hand grenades. For syndicates, this cartridge has the blast door toggled function for the syndicate shuttle as well, allowing you to open the door without the military PDA.

Pizza Bomb

Pizza Box
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 5 telecrystals.
Used for: Not getting your pizza delivery tip.
Strategy: Set a timer for the bomb and then give it to a hungry target. The resulting explosion is the same size as a Syndicate minibomb, so start running once your target opens the box.

A pizza box with a bomb taped inside of it. Open it once to prime the bomb and adjust the timer, which is defaulted to three seconds, and the next time the box is opened it will trigger the detonation.

Sleepy Pen

Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 8 telecrystals.
Used for: Making people fall asleep and drawing glasses on them afterwards.
Strategy: This item will make people fall asleep after a short amount of time. They may still get away though.

This is devious little pen is a hypo in diguise. When you use it on someone, they'll be injected with ketamine, and fall asleep in around 11 seconds. They'll be under for several minutes before finally waking up. It injects a single target with 100 units of Ketamine. This is a silent injection so the receiver will receive no notification, although most people will be incredibly suspicious when they start yawning after you bump into them.

Syndicate Soap

Syndicate Soap
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 1 telecrystal. It can also be found fairly often in maintenance.
Used for: Hiding murder and slipping vigilantes.
Strategy: Can be used for a quick clean up if you lack space cleaner so you're not covered in blood, or it can be used like a banana peel.

It's a bar of evil looking soap that cleans things at an accelerated rate to normal soap.

Universal Suppressor

Universal Suppressor
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 1 telecrystal.
Used for: Covert ranged combat.
Strategy: Attach this device to a handgun to lessen the noise created when firing without reducing firing power.

Fitted for use on any small caliber weapon with a threaded barrel, this suppressor will suppress the shots of the weapon for increased stealth and superior ambushing capability.

Toy gun ( Stun darts )

Foam Force Riot Pistol
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 3 telecrystals.
Used for: Stunning crew and then pretending it's all a joke.
Strategy: Fires as fast as you can click, but it takes multiple hits to get your target down.

Fires riot foam darts which deal temporary stamina damage. A single clip contains 7 darts and it takes about 5 successful hits to knock the target out, but it won't last for long. The foam darts can be recollected easily by ejecting the magazine out of the pistol and then clicking on a dart with it. You will automatically collect all the darts on the ground, with which you can keep pounding the poor sucker into submission all over again! Even if you fail to knock your target out, enough hits and he'll be too slow to run away from you if you act fast enough.

Fiber Wire Garrote

Fiber Wire
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 12 telecrystals.
Used for: Strangling and re-locating victims.
Strategy: Using the garrote might allow you to cremate, space or otherwise quickly dispose of someone.

The fiber wire garrote will instantly immitate a choke hold with kill intent ( your target will be helpless against you and will be slowly dying ), as well as making the person unable to scream over the radio so long as you don't holster the garrote. You must be behind the person to use the garrote.

Stealth and Camouflage Items

Agent ID Card

Agent Card
File:Id card.png Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 2 telecrystals.
Used for: Upon use, you can set it's job title to anything and the card's name to anything. It's used to hide your identity.
Strategy: This card can be used by syndicate operatives to hide their identity or by traitors which have been exposed to do the same. It only has maintenance and external airlocks access.

This is a special ID card that makes you untrackable by the AI. You can repeatedly forge any name and assignment on it and make it look more like a real ID, but the card will only have Maintenance Tunnel and External Airlock access initially, so try to use it in an Identification Computer. Remember to wear it on your ID slot or it will not work. Scan your Agent ID over a stolen ID card to gain that card's access. Previous access is not replaced when scanning a new card, allowing you to make a ghetto all access card with some effort.

Camera Bug

Camera Bug
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 1 telecrystals.
Used for: Recon
Strategy: Enables you to view cameras remotely. Adding particular items to it alters its functions.

Activate in hand for a portable camera console. Can be upgraded.

Chameleon Jumpsuit

Chameleon Jumpsuit
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 2 telecrystals.
Used for: Making your jumpsuit look a different color.
Strategy: Since most jobs have a 'job-rank suit', this item has little use. You can use it to look like security at a glance or to make people run right by you in a chase.

You can change to any other jumpsuit by right-clicking the jumpsuit itself. If your job is to sabotage the station, then combining this with a voice changer means that you can assume any identity you please. An EMP blast will make this temporarily turn into a psychedelic suit, which is good for parties, but completely awful for stealth.


Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 7 telecrystals.
Used for: Hiding as an item on the station.
Strategy: Scan an item no one cares about and hide as that item when in a chase. Just make sure people don't bump into you. Move only when no one's looking.

Looks like a cloaker, but allows you to scan any item that can be picked up and then disguise yourself as that item. While disguised you move at walk speed and cannot interact with anything you're not already holding, and if someone tries to pick you up the disguise fails and you change back to normal. Incredibly useful, and a lot of fun, if you use it correctly. You cannot be detected by the AI, or even people with x-ray vision.

Chameleon Stamp

Rubber Stamp
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 1 telecrystals.
Used for: Falsifying paperwork.
Strategy: Can be used to gain access to cargo crates, job changes, and whatever else you think a stamp will give you access to.

Activate it to change the stamp type. You can make it into most types of stamps, even the Captain's or the NT Representative's. Most players in big positions are willing to go the extra mile for you if you provide paperwork and seem like a trustworthy person.

DNA Scrambler

DNA Scrambler
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 4 telecrystals.
Used for: Hiding.
Strategy: A syringe with one injection that randomizes appearance and name upon use. A cheaper but less versatile alternative to an agent card and voice changer.

Gives you a fresh start.

No-Slip Syndicate Shoes

Brown Shoes
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 2 telecrystals.
Used for: Non slip shoes, aka galoshes.
Strategy: Use these shoes with a spray bottle of water, achieve victory.

A pair of brown shoes. When examined it says they are 'A pair of brown shoes. They seem to have extra grip.'. These shoes are nonslip but without the speed penalties the janitor's galoshes have.

Smuggler's Satchel

Smuggler's Satchel
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 2 telecrystals.
Used for: Stashing stuff.
Strategy: This satchel is thin enough to be hidden in the gap between plating and tiling, great for stashing your stolen goods. Comes with a crowbar and a floor tile inside.

The satchel has 5 slots and can be worn on your back.

Voice Changer

Gas Mask
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 3 telecrystals.
Used for: Changing your voice to match the one of the ID you're wearing
Strategy: Any regular gas mask obstructs your face, so no one will know you're not the person which your ID says you are, but speak and it's all over. This mask protects your identity by changing your voice to the owner of the ID you're wearing. It's very useful.

This is a fun item. It's a gasmask that makes you sound like other people. And it still works as a gasmask! All you have to do with it is wear it. It will make you sound like whoever's ID you're wearing. If you're wearing John's ID, you sound like him! You sound like that person when you talk normally and they also work over radio/intercoms!

EMP Flashlight

Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 2 telecrystals.
Used for: Discretely EMPing things.
Strategy: The flashlight will only affect what you want to, rather than a whole area, leaving a small or no trace at all of an EMP going off.

The flashlight functions like a normal one, but if you click at a tile or object next to you, it will EMP everything on that tile. Starts with 4 charges and slowly regenerates back up to 4 over time.

Devices and Tools

Cryptographic Sequencer

Cryptographic Sequencer
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 6 telecrystals.
Used for: Gaining entrance to restricted areas or lockers and hacking things.
Strategy: Use this to enter areas you don't have access to. Just make sure no one sees you, as the door will spark.

Also called an E-Mag (electromagnetic card) or Cryptographic Sequencer, it allows you to quite literally open anything. It will open any door, locker, crate, and can short out weapon locks. The issue is that once used on something, that something breaks permanently, doors stay stuck open, locker don't lock, weapons can be used by anyone. While this can have the desired effect, it also leaves a trail for people to follow (mostly doors), it also has a fairly noticeable visual when you use it (generally sparks shooting out of whatever it was used on). But besides gaining access through mundane locks, there are a number of other uses that E-mags have. You can use it on Cyborgs, to make them generally malicious to the station, they can be used on certain computers to gain unusual effects, the most useful of which being allowing you drop the emergency shuttle countdown to 10 seconds if you use it on the shuttle computer. It also works on the QM computer to order spec ops crates, and is just overall brilliant for Quartermasters, allowing them to unlock supply crates. Experiment! who knows what else it could work on. You have an unlimited number of uses as long as you don't get caught.


Things that can be Emagged
  1. Computers:
    • Communications console.
      • Allows a one-way message to the syndicate. You still need captain-level access.
    • Emergency shuttle console.
    • Supply shuttle console.
    • R&D Console.
    • Robotics computer.
    • Library's Check in/out Computer.
    • Teleporter console.
  2. Miscellaneous:
    • Airlocks.
    • All cyborgs.
    • All lockable lockers.
    • All lockable crates.
    • All vending machines
    • Faxes.
    • APC.
    • R&D Server.
    • ED209 Bot.
    • Beepsky.
    • Security barriers.
    • Mule bots.
    • Medical bots.
    • Pipe filters.
    • Tape recorder.
    • Drones.
    • Nano-Mob Hunter Go game

Radio Jammer

Radio Jammer
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 5 telecrystals.
Used for: Disrupting nearby radio signals.
Strategy: Use this device to obfuscate nearby radio signals.

A radio jammer is used in order to confuse and obfuscate nearby radio signals in a short range (12 tiles). Radio messages appear scrambled and muddled which can prevent others from being able to easily interpret the communications of those nearby. This device will not nullify radio completely, but will scramble it greatly.

Artificial Intelligence Detector

Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 1 telecrystals.
Used for: Avoiding suspicion.
Strategy: Useful to work around the AI.

A functional multitool that turns red when it detects an artificial intelligence watching it or its holder. Knowing when an artificial intelligence is watching you is useful for knowing when to maintain cover.

Binary Translator Key

Binary Translator Key
File:BinaryKey.png Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 5 telecrystals.
Used for: Monitoring AI chatter.
Strategy: Making sure the AI isn't sending cyborgs after you.

The key must be attached to a headset. Each headset can contain up to two encryption keys, and department headsets start with one. This tool will allow you to access to the AI and cyborg's personal channel to hear their dirty synthetic secrets. Very handy for hearing if the AI is rogue, or is out to arrest you.

Syndicate Encryption Key

Syndicate Encryption Key
File:SyndicateKey.png Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 2 telecrystals.
Used for: Communicating with other Syndicate agents. Intercepting other channels.
Strategy: Use it to keep an ear on the department radios.

The key must be attached to a headset. Each headset can contain up to two encryption keys, and department headsets start with one. It will intercept almost every radio message. The syndicate channel is accessed with ':t'.

Composition C-4

Plastic Explosives
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 1 telecrystals.
Used for: Blowing stuff up.
Strategy: Lay it on things that need to blow up.

This pack of explosives can detonate and destroy anything it is set on, after any chosen amount of seconds. It takes 10 seconds to set this, and requires you to be un-interrupted. You can click it to set the timer.

Hacked AI Upload Module

Hacked AI Module
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 14 telecrystals.
Used for: Subverting the AI.
Strategy: Turn the AI on your side. Make sure you word the law properly though!

It's like an AI freefom module, except your laws take priority over all others. You'll need to get at an upload console for it to work though. Be careful though, and don't give the AI wiggle room to backstab you.

Military Belt

Military Belt
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 3 telecrystals.
Used for: Weapon storage.
Strategy: Store the various tools you think you'll need for your objectives on this handy toolbelt.

A robust seven-slot red belt made for carrying a broad variety of weapons, ammunition and explosives.

Syndicate Surgery Dufflebag

Surgery Dufflebag
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 4 telecrystals.
Used for: Traitorous medical operations.
Strategy: This set can be handy for fixing up your fellow Syndicate members after a firefight or removing the brain of your target.

The Syndicate surgery dufflebag is a toolkit containing all surgery tools, a straitjacket, and a muzzle.

Advanced Pinpointer

Advanced Pinpointer
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 4 telecrystals.
Used for: Finding items and crew.
Strategy: Useful if you can't find your objectives.

A pinpointer that tracks high-value items and crew on the station. Specifically, the PDA has 3 modes: 1) You can set X;Y co-ordinates and have it point you out in that direction. 2) You can locate the nuclear disk or other common objectives for traitors ( like hypospray, medals of captaincy, etc. ) 3) You can input a crew member's DNA strand to find them. You'll probably need to either get a medical crew's PDA or access to a medical logs computer for this.

Power Sink

Power Sink
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 10 telecrystals.
Used for: Sucks up all the station power, causing a black-out.
Strategy: This will suck up all the station's power very quickly. Use it on the main station's power grid to suck it. Don't place it on solars, as it will only suck out the solar's power.

This bad boy is a station engineers and AI's worst enemy. When bought, this thing is useless, but when the power sink comes in contact with exposed wires out in space or on the station it starts to drain the power at a RAPID rate. You must screw it into place on a wire with a screwdriver, then turn it on. But as easy as it was set down, any one can pick it right back up!

Power Beacon

Ominous Beacon
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 14 telecrystals.
Used for: Attracting a loose singularity towards the beacon at a brisk pace.
Strategy: Set it up in a secluded location, release the singularity. Excellent for forcing a shuttle call.

Placed like a powersink, screwdriver to secure and open hand to turn on, the power beacon will attract the singularity towards it, if it is loose. Note that for it to be useful at all the singularity needs to be released, as the beacon will not release it. A singularity beacon starts in your hand, but you cannot pick it up after deploying it. It also blocks movement over it, so be sure to spawn it where you want to set the beacon up. Unlike a powersink it does not need to be connected to an active powerline, allowing you to secure one in deep space above the station on a single floor tile.

Not available to nuke agents.

Fully Loaded Toolbox

Suspicious Toolbox
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 1 telecrystal. There's also one found on the abandoned ship.
Used for: Obtaining tools.
Strategy: Useful in a pinch if the AI has bolted you in somewhere and you have no other way to escape.

Filled with ordinary tools, except the welder, which is of industrial quality. It comes with a multitool and combat gloves instead of an analyser and it's also slightly more damaging than a regular toolbox, doing around 15 brute damage.

Thermal Imaging Glasses

Optical Meson Scanner
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 6 telecrystals
Used for: Seeing people through walls.
Strategy: Check on people who might ruin your carefully constructed plan.

A special set of sunglasses. It can see warm bodies through walls, including cyborgs, xenos, humans, monkeys, and the AI due to their similar warm organic body parts.

Several down sides of using these include:

  • Blinding yourself while welding.
  • Being blinded by EMP pulses.
  • Being vulnerable to flashes.

Syndicate Bomb

Syndicate Bomb
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 11 telecrystals.
Used for: Causing havoc.
Strategy: Set it up in a secluded or public location, activate the timer. Excellent for forcing a shuttle call.

The Syndicate Bomb has an adjustable timer with a minimum setting of 120 seconds. Ordering the bomb sends you a small beacon, which will teleport the explosive to your location when you activate it. You can wrench the bomb down to prevent removal. The crew may attempt to defuse the bomb.

Space Suits and Hardsuits

Blood-Red Hardsuit

Blood-Red Hardsuit
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 8 telecrystals.
Used for: Protection and space travel.
Strategy: This suit provides decent armor, a sealed environment for space travel, and weighs less than most other readily available hardsuits. It is very noticable though when worn, so only purchase this if your plans require almost zero stealth.

The feared suit of a syndicate nuclear agent. Features slightly better armor. When the helmet is deployed your identity will be protected. Toggling the suit into combat mode will allow you all the mobility of a loose fitting uniform without sacrificing armor. Additionally the suit is collapsible, small enough to fit within a backpack. Nanotrasen crewmembers are trained to report red space suit sightings, these suits in particular are known to drive employees into a panic.

Space Suit

Black and Red Space Suit
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 4 telecrystals.
Used for: Space travel.
Strategy: Useful if you can't get a regular suit.

A complete, red space suit and helmet. This suit's movement penalties are fewer than an EVA space suit! Useful if you need to hide in a vacuum. They can also hold a wide selection of items in suit storage. Nanotrasen crewmembers are trained to report red space suit sightings, although since these can be found quite often in maintenance, expect less panic than a blood red hardsuit.


Adrenal Implant

Adrenal Implant
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 8 telecrystals.
Used for: Recovering
Strategy: Use this if you are in a fight, or need to run for it.

An implant injected into the body, and later activated using an icon at the top of your screen to inject a chemical cocktail, which has a mild healing effect along with removing all stuns and increasing his speed.

Storage Implant

Storage Implant
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 8 telecrystals.
Used for: Hiding items inside your body.
Strategy: Useful for hiding an important item until you need it.

First, use the implanter on yourself. It will give you two inventory slots, each capable of holding a normal sized item. To open this hidden inventory, click on the icon on the top of your screen. It can be detected by scanners and surgically removed, and does not transfer on death.

Freedom Implant

Freedom Implant
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 5 telecrystals.
Used for: Escaping from cuffs quickly.
Strategy: Use it when they least expect it.

If you inject yourself with this, you can get out of handcuffs a limited number of times (Usually 1-2, maybe 3) by selecting and then using its icon at the top of your screen.

Mindslave Implant

Mindslave Implant
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 10 telecrystals.
Used for: Gaining an ally
Strategy: Best used on people with high rank.

A box containing an implanter filled with a mindslave implant that when injected into another person makes them loyal to you and your cause, unless of course they're already implanted by someone else. Loyalty ends if the implant is no longer in their system.

Uplink Implant

Uplink Implant
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 14 telecrystals.
Used for: Being very stealthy.
Strategy: Useful if you plan to not need very many crystals, or you may lose your pda or headset.

When you inject this into someone (preferably you), you can click an icon at the top of your screen. Using that icon will give you access to your uplink in the implant. Comes with 10 telecrystals.

(Pointless) Badassery

Briefcase Full of Cash

Syndicate Briefcase Full of Cash
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 1 telecrystals.
Used for: Being rich.
Strategy: Caution needs to be taken when trying to bribe people, as some crew members might find a briefcase full of money slightly suspicious.

A secure briefcase containing 5000 space credits. Useful for bribing personnel, or purchasing goods and services at lucrative prices. The briefcase also feels a little heavier to hold; it has been manufactured to pack a little bit more of a punch if your client needs some convincing, dealing 15 brute damage on hit.

Syndicate Balloon

Syndicate Balloon
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 20 telecrystals
Used for: Looking awesome and getting lynched for having a balloon.
Strategy: Buy this if you feel you can do your objectives without the use of syndicate items.

In the actual PDA this will show up as "For showing that you are the Boss". It's a red balloon with a white S on it. It does balloon type stuff such as floating and being filled with helium. Be prepared for the valids who see the balloon and instantly are out for blood.

Syndicate Bundle

Syndicate Bundle
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 20 telecrystals.
Used for: The economic traitor.
Strategy: Random. Depends on items received.

This spawns a syndicate box with one of six random item sets.

  1. Spy
    • Garrote
    • Pinpointer
    • Voice Changer
    • Chameleon Jumpsuit
    • Syndicate Crate
    • Agent ID
    • EMP Kit
    • Camera Bug
  2. Thief
    • Energy Crossbow
    • Chameleon-Projector
    • Pickpocket Gloves
    • Agent ID
  3. Bond
    • Stetchkin
    • Supressor
    • 10mm Ammo
    • Syndicate Encryption Key
    • Syndi Cig's
    • Krav Maga Implanter
    • Allies Cocktail (drink)
  4. Sabotage
    • Powesink
    • Syndicate Minibomb
    • Emag
    • Cluster Grenade N20
    • Syndicate Space suit
    • Rubber gloves (yellow)
    • RCD with matter.
  5. Payday
    • Syndicate Revolver
    • Revolver Ammo
    • X4 Explosives
    • Agent ID Card
    • Nitrile Gloves
    • Clown mask
  6. Implant
    • Uplink Implant
    • Adrenal Implant
    • Storage Implant
    • Freedom Implant
  7. Hacker
    • Hacked AI Module
    • Syndicate Encryption key
    • AI model toy
  8. Darklord
    • Energy Sword x2
    • DNA Injector
    • Chaplin Hoodie
    • Agent ID Card
  9. Gadgets
    • Power Gloves
    • Sleepy Pen
    • Thermal Glasses
    • EMP Flashlight
    • No-Slip Shoes
    • Chameleon Stamp
    • AI Detector (Multitool)

Surplus Crate

Syndicate Surplus Crate
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 20 telecrystals.
Used for: The ULTIMATE economic traitor.
Strategy: This crate could have just about anything in it. If you're feeling very indecisive or just want to gamble even more than you would with the syndicate bundle, than this is the way to go.

A crate containing 50 telecrystals worth of random syndicate items.

Syndicate Playing Cards

Syndicate Playing Cards
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 1 telecrystals
Used for: Games. Ranged weapon.
Strategy: The red package and the large S is a dead giveaway of it being syndicate contraband, make sure it does not fall into wrong hands.

A special deck of space-grade playing cards with a mono-molecular edge and metal reinforcement, making them lethal weapons both when wielded as a blade and when thrown. Does about 10 damage when thrown on an unarmored target. You can also play card games with them.

Syndicate Smokes

Syndicate Smokes
Found in: Ordered via syndicate uplink. It costs 2 telecrystals
Used for: Relaxation. Healing.
Strategy: Buy this if you feel you can do your objectives without the use of syndicate items. Will also heal a significant amount of damage.

Strong flavor, dense smoke, infused with Omnizine.

Nuclear Strike Team

Being the elite fighting force of the Syndicate, Nuclear Operatives have access to a wide range of additional items not available to normal field operatives. A full list of these items can be found here.