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==The Hierarchy==
==The Hierarchy==
The Head of Security holds authority over the entire department.
The Head of Security holds authority over the entire department.

Revision as of 15:46, 15 February 2016


The Hierarchy

The Head of Security holds authority over the entire department.

The Warden holds authority over the brig and the armoury. They can authorize equipment and order officers within the Brig, unless otherwise overridden by the Head of Security. The Warden is also responsible for the upkeep and treatment of prisoners, an is responsible for their well-being, injury, or death, even if caused by other officers.

The Magistrate is not technically part of the team, but has Absolute Jurisdiction in Space Law matters.

The Equipment

See Security Items.


Space Law is a summary of most crimes with some suggested sentence times. The Captain is sometimes able to set his own guidelines in exceptional circumstances, such as code red emergencies and stationwide threats.

Standard Procedure

See: Legal SoP

Security controlled locations

Security and armory

Arrivals Checkpoint: This checkpoint is near the arrival shuttle. It has an ID computer which the HoP can man as well as other security computers. There is also a locker with security gear. Late-joining security officers might find it to be a good idea to take the equipment from here.

The Brig: The Warden runs this within this area. He has authority over Security Officers within this area. The Brig itself has cells and cell timers.

Security Office and Armory: Security’s home base. The armory contains additional weapons and armor which the HoS and Warden have access to. They should hand out this additional equipment as the situation escalates aboard the station. The security lockers with equipment are found here as well as the Head of Security’s Office and the Briefing Room/Lounge. Within the Breifing Room/Lounge is a SECTech machine. Contained within are several pieces of equipment useful to security officers (flashes, flash bangs, handcuffs, evidence bag boxes, and doughnuts).


  • Application of lethal force is often not the only solution to an issue. Lethal force should only be pursued if all other routes fail.
  • Do not needlesly escalate situations, you should be working to defuse any potential hostile situation, rather then resort to your weapons.
  • You are a Corporate Security Officer not a Police Officer or Entity of a Military. Your job is to ensure the safety of your corporation’s investment (I.E. Smooth operation of your assigned station).
  • Apply escalating force as deemed necessary by suspect’s actions. Minimal force as required by a situation should be applied.
  • Minimal force should be used at all appropriate times, but not at the risk of your own life.
  • Talk first (unless the suspect lets their weapons do the talking).
  • Remember, Beepsky can be a useful tool in the apprehension of criminals.
  • Heads of Department have the final say over their department (barring Central Command/Captain ruling).
  • Ensure access is properly cleared with Heads of Departments barring exceptional circumstances (i.e. major crime in progress).
  • Examining someone and setting his criminal status to "Released" is a good way to flag him as a person of interest. Use this when somebody is acting suspicious, but no arrest can be made.

The Escape Shuttle

In the event that a shuttle is en route (either transfer or escape), your job will be to ensure that everyone proceeds on the shuttle in an orderly fashion. No foul play. Any dangerous behavior should be treated as such. Prisoners in the brig should only be held in the security area of the shuttle.