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m a bad cop from the 1060? changed it to 1960
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Some times, Shitcurity is real.
Some times, Shitcurity is real.

The people most suited to handling Shitcurity are, well, Security. If one of you is acting like a "bad cop" from them 1060s, you're in a prime position to either discipline them as a group, or simply get them fired outright.
The people most suited to handling Shitcurity are, well, Security. If one of you is acting like a "bad cop" from them 1960s, you're in a prime position to either discipline them as a group, or simply get them fired outright.

Let the crew know that the actions of one do not reflect the actions of the group. If there are rotten apples, pick them out and throw them away. If this rotten apple happens to be the Head of Security, the same logic applies. No one is above Space Law and common decency, and if your boss decides to institute Martial Law because someone, somewhere, sneezed funny, it isn't your right to get their ass disciplined.
Let the crew know that the actions of one do not reflect the actions of the group. If there are rotten apples, pick them out and throw them away. If this rotten apple happens to be the Head of Security, the same logic applies. No one is above Space Law and common decency, and if your boss decides to institute Martial Law because someone, somewhere, sneezed funny, it isn't your right to get their ass disciplined.

Revision as of 09:40, 17 February 2016

Welcome, prospective Securitan, to the guide to end all guides: how not to be Shitcurity.

The Hierarchy

The Head of Security, obviously, holds complete authority over all Security personnel (this does not include the Internal Affairs Agents, who answer to the Magistrate), and, as such, can give orders to anyone in the Department. In addition, they have the authority to supervise the Armory's inventory, and can overrule the Warden's own management if required.

The Captain, if necessary, can overrule the Head of Security, but most of the time this shouldn't happen. Most of the time. Keep in mind, however, that if your orders are blatantly illegal or a breach of SOP, you are fully justified in dissobeying them. Space Law takes precedence over Chain of Command.

The Magistrate cannot issue any orders to anyone in Security, but they are the ultimate authority on all matters concerning Space Law, and their sentencing is final, overruling even the Captain. Exception is made, of course, when their decisions are blatantly wrong and/or the Magistrate is abusing their power.

The Warden holds authority over the Brig whenever there is no Head of Security, or the Head of Security is not present. If there is one, however, their job is to make sure Security Records are updated, prisoners are processed properly and the Armory isn't looted, and their authority ends there.

Everyone else (Officers, the Pod Pilot, Physician and Detective) take orders from their superiors, and do their jobs to the best of their ability.

The Procedure

See Standard Operating Procedure (Security).

These are the guidelines you should follow when performing your duties. Keep in mind, however, that even these guidelines are malleable if the situation so requires it, and you should not follow it to the letter, to the detriment of the overall context. Remember, context is king.

The Equipment

See Security Items.

Most of the equipment you'll use is available in the various Sec Lockers in the Locker Room (remember to close and lock the lockers when you're done with them), which also has a SecVend machine, which dispenses handcuffs, evidence bags, seclites, flashes, flashbangs and, for the hungry cop in all of us, doughnuts.

The more advanced equipment is stored in the Armory, and is only handed out with Warden and/or Head of Security approval, seeing as they're the only people in Security with access to it. Remember, Armory equipment is valuable and should not be wasted on minor crimes. Remember to put it back if the threat is over.

The Law

Space Law is a summary of all legally prosecutable crimes and their sentences. No one aboard the station is immune to, or above, Space Law, not even the Captain or Magistrate, and any attempts to prove otherwise are to be handled with proper disciplinary action, and probably a fax to Central Command.

When handling sentences, make sure you have all the available evidence (if there is any beyond eyewitness testimony) handy. Read Space Law plenty of times to get the hang of some minor differences between laws, especially when it comes to the "Notes" section of all of them. Breaking into the Brig and taking a Taser from a table is Theft. Disarming an Officer and taking the taser from their hands is Robbery.

If you want to play Security, you are expected to know Space Law like the back of your hand. Oversentencing and undersentencing should not be done because you "feel like it". There is an entire section of Special Modifiers that can be applied to reduce or increase a given person's sentence, and they cover most, if not all, potential situations. Remember, Space Law affects everyone.

The Locations

Arrivals Checkpoint: This checkpoint is near the Arrival Shuttle. It has an ID Computer which the Head of Personnel can man, as well as other security computers. There is also a locker with security gear. Late-joining security officers might find it to be a good idea to take the equipment from here;

The Brig: The main imprisonment area. Six cells can be filled at any one time, and it is the Warden's job to make sure prisoners are properly processed and released.

Security Office: Security's main base of operations. The security lockers with equipment are found here, as well as the Head of Security’s Office and the Briefing Room. Within the Locker Room is a SecVend machine. Contained within are several pieces of equipment useful to security officers (flashes, flash bangs, handcuffs, evidence bag boxes, and doughnuts).

Armory: Security's main weapons repository, under the jurisdiction of the Warden and Head of Security. Contains extra Tasers, Energy Guns, Laser Guns, Riot Shotguns (with a variety of ammunition), an Ablative Vest, an Ion Rifle, two Security Hardsuits and Riot Suits. Below the Armory you can also find Portable Flashers and Barriers, in addition to a selection of implants, extra handcuffs and flashbangs, a toolbox and EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) gear.

Firing Range: Contains rechargers, earmuffs, and dummies to practice your aim on.

BrigBay: The Brig Physician's area of operations. Contains a sleeper, a locker with a bunch of first aid kits, beds, roller beds and other such medical material. Usually used to treat prisoners;

Detective's Office: The Detective hangs out here. Contains a camera monitor in the shape of a TV, as well as smaller Forensics Lab with a Medical Records and Security Records computer, as well as Evidence Lockers;

Head of Security's Office: Beware of Araneus;

Prison Wing: Contains the Permabrig (where prisoners go to spend the rest of their rounds when they've done a bad), the Solitary Confinement Room (where really bad prisoners go to time-out when they've really done a bad) and the Execution Room (where prisoners go to die when they've really done a bad). Below the Permabrig is a small cubby hole where a tank with knockout gas (Nitrous Oxide) can be hooked up, allowing you to knock out anyone inside the Permabrig. Down below, you'll find the Evidence Storage Room (with a bunch of lockers for storing evidence), the Interrogation Room (for one-on-one interrogation), the Interrogation Observation Room (which contains monitors that let you see the Interrogation Room, as well as a locker with an Electropack) and the Processing Room, where you'll put most of your apprehended suspects while you check their belongings and deliver a sentence;

Labor Camp: Where prisoners go to mine and serve their sentence. Contains a small observation area locked behind Security access, as well as a Sustenance Vendor, a small medical room, mining equipment, and a Security Ofitser (Beepsky's long-lost cousin);

Warden's Office: Where the Warden can watch Processing, as well as monitor Security Records and the Camera Network. Also contains a Prisoner Management console, which lets you set the number of Mining Points a Labor Camp prisoner needs to collect (via the Prisoner ID), as well as check up on anyone with a Tracking and Chemical Implant;

Holding Cell: A temporary area for prisoners when you're busy handling more critical ones. Don't leave them there too long, as it is incredibly illegal to do so;

Gamma Armory: Activates via special, Admin command, more often than not during extreme emergencies. Contains a fully armed Durand, as well as a selection of ballistic and laser weaponry

The Bots

Security has, at the beggining of the round, three very special Security Bots. These are tiny little walking batons that can be summoned by the AI, or via PDA, and will proceed to stun and cuff anyone with their Security Status set to Arrest (see below). These are:

  • Officer Beepsky: Voted Best Security Officer of All Time. You will find him patrolling the hallways, and you can summon him via your PDA, or by asking the AI;
  • Officer Pingsky: Beepsky's little brother, who guards the AI Minisat in an eternal vigil;
  • Labor Camp Ofitser: A lone Security Bot, patrolling the mostly empty Labor Camp

In addition to these bots, Robotics can also produce more, as well as the dreaded ED-209, a highly mobile Security Bot with a ranged taser.

These bots have several customizable options. They can either Arrest or Detain someone (stun+cuff or simply repeated stunning, respectively), they can check for Weapons Permits on people carrying weapons and they can be set to arrest anyone not wearing an ID (note: this is a really bad option to use unless you have hostile changelings or other antagonists walking around without ID cards).

The Records

Security Records are fully accessible via a Security Records computer, or a laptop bought with a Security ID. In addition, examining someone while wearing SecHUDs will let you access an abridged version of the person's records, in addition to their notes and Security Status.

While most of the Records are there for recordkeeping (such as keeping track of who did what and where and when), the Security Status of a person allows anyone with a SecHUD to see a small icon under their Job Icon on their HUD. These are:

  • Arrest: A red square with a white W. Any Security Bots (ED-209s included) will immediately attempt to apprehend anyone with this Status when near them;
  • Imprisoned: A yellowish square with a white P. Use these for anyone in the Brig. Prisoners with Prisoner IDs have this status by default, and it cannot be changed;
  • Paroled: A green square with a white P. Use these for people who have been released, but are still under surveillance;
  • Released: A blue square with a white R. Remember to always change Imprisoned/Arrest Status to this when people are released without parole

These Statuses can be viewed and changed by anyone wearing a SecHUD by examining someone, which means you, as a regular Officer, can update Security Records on the go!

The Arrest

See Standard Operating Procedure (Security) again.

Normally, you want to arrest someone with the minimal amount of fuss. If someone's committed a crime, but aren't acting hostile, try talking to them and getting them to come willingly. If they refuse to, a burst of pepperspray/stunbaton whack/taser round, followed by cuffing, will do the job. When doing this in public areas, remember to aim properly, as accidental stunning can very quickly snowball into a storm of anti-Security disarming and tablestunning.

Keeping on the crew's good side during an arrest is also a good idea. If you have people near you during an arrest, and the criminal is sitting there, state their crimes clearly so everyone knows what's up, and, as mentioned, try to get them to come quietly.

However, there are some occasions where this is simply not possible. If the criminal is actively fleeing Security, talking is no longer an option. Get the taser/disabler rounds or the stunbaton ready, because that jackrabbit ain't stopping until you grab it by the ears. Remember, non-lethal approaches should always be taken first. Try to exhaust non-lethal takedowns before progressing to force.

The Lethal Option

When to apply this force, you ask? Well, as detailed in Standard Operating Procedure (Security), Lethal Force is authorized under very specific circumstances. However, there are also exception circumstances where force may be applied to subdue a target, all of them involving situations where non-lethal methods physically do not work:

  • Rampaging Hulks: Personnel with the Hulk gene cannot be stunned or disabled, and usually come packaged with other Genes as well. If they're out of control, and there's no one around with Mutadone, beating them to <25% of their Health removes the Hulk status and allows you to detain them, secure genetic and medical treatment, and properly process them;
  • Adrenaline Implants: If a Traitor activates an Adrenaline Implant, all non-lethal options are thrown out the window for a brief window of time. They can be stunned, but can simply shrug off all stuns within a moment's notice. If they are acting overly hostile and attacking anyone, lethal force may well be the only way to subdue them properly;
  • Narcotics: Some Narcotics can reduce stun times immensely and, unlike Adrenaline Implants, can be mass produced. See the above point

In addition to all this, Lethal Force is the only effective way of stopping a powered-up Antagonist on a killing spree. If someone's chopping heads off with a chainsaw while under the influence of Adrenaline shots, or if a vampire has just looted the Armory and is opening fire willy-nilly, break out the Harm intent. The station and crew's well-being and safety are at risk.

The Processing

This is the last part of your job before the actual brigging of the criminal. Bring the person to the Processing Room, search their belongings (remember to check their PDA for any illegal cartridges, incriminating PDA messages, stolen IDs or even open Uplinks), present the evidence to the Warden (if there is one) and pass down a sentence. If there is no Warden, you'll just have to do it yourself. Do not request the Head of Security or someone else handle the processing if you're capable of doing so; even regular old Security Officers are expected to know Space Law fully.

When it comes to putting someone in a Cell, make sure to place their bag, as well as any tools (such as screwdrivers or crowbars), in the Cell's locker. Leave the prisoner bucklecuffed for a few moments while you step outside and set the sentence (see The Law above). Every Cell has an associated monitor outside which, when set to a particular time and turned on, will close the Cell's door and lock the Cell's closet. The timer will then count down and, upon reaching 0, will unlock these two things. After you set the timer, however, step inside, unbuckle the prisoner, remove their cuffs and make sure their Security Status is correct.

When it comes to Permanent Imprisonment, either in the Permabrig or the Labor Camp, you should head to the small room between the Processing Room and the Interrogation Room. Here, you will find several lockers with prisoner jumpsuits and orange shoes. If a prisoner is to receive Permanent Imprisonment, strip them of everything but their headset, put on the prisoner jumpsuit and shoes, then give them a Prisoner ID. After that, place them either in the Permabrig or the Labor Camp.

For unruly prisoners, you can requisition the Straightjacket from the Execution Room, or just leave them in solitary until they learn to behave.

The Execution

Some times, people need to be executed.

As detailed in Space Law (and when the situation does not fall under the permissible situations of Lethal Force), Executions can only be authorized by the Captain or Magistrate, and any unauthorized Executions are, legally, Murder (which is in itself an Executable offense).

Executions can legally be done in one of three (technically four) ways:

  • Firing Squad: Usually done in the firing range, but can be done anywhere inside the Brig, so long as you actually have a firing squad;
  • Electric Chair: The most often used method of execution. Kills in 1-2 pulses and leaves behind a husked corpse;
  • Lethal Injection: Located in the Execution Room's locker are a group of syringes with a deadly concoction. Only not really, since they will most likely only send prisoners into Critical Condition, and not kill them, so if you absolutely must, ask Science or Chemistry to cook something up for you;
  • Borgification: Normally reserved for post-Execution, but can also be used as an Execution method in and of itself (though it is needlesslly cruel and inhumane). Stick the poor bastard on the surgical table and let the Roboticist go to town on that brain. May want to keep watch

After any and all Executions, the body must be handled. Changelings must be either Cremated or Borged, as they can just regenerate from death. As for everyone else, make sure their body is either cremated, shot out of the Mass Driver or put in the Morgue (with a huge big DO NOT CLONE tag on the tray). The same goes for the brainless body after a Borgification.

The Crew

You are Security. You are here to protect the crew and the station.

As such, keeping on their good side is generally a good idea. People will be more willing to be cooperative if you let them know you're just trying to be helpful, and will be infinitely nicer to you if you act approachable as well. Simple stuff like keeping your helmet off or not walking around with guns/batons out does wonders for how the general crew sees you. Interacting with them during down times will make you seem more approachable and, above all, human.

Remember, you're here to protect the crew, not rule over them like a militaristic clique. Let them know you're always there for them, that you're ready to protect them and, above all, always respond when people call for help. It may be something minor, but it also might be something major. A crew that knows Security is always there for them is a crew that will be a lot more warm towards Security.

If you have to imprison someone, and people protest the decision, listing the person's crimes is all you can really do. If they insist on protesting because "Shitcurity is Shitcurity", grit your teeth, do your job, and keep that baton in your pocket. Don't let them bait you into becoming what they say you are. That'll just feed the cycle.

The Shitcuritans

Some times, Shitcurity is real.

The people most suited to handling Shitcurity are, well, Security. If one of you is acting like a "bad cop" from them 1960s, you're in a prime position to either discipline them as a group, or simply get them fired outright.

Let the crew know that the actions of one do not reflect the actions of the group. If there are rotten apples, pick them out and throw them away. If this rotten apple happens to be the Head of Security, the same logic applies. No one is above Space Law and common decency, and if your boss decides to institute Martial Law because someone, somewhere, sneezed funny, it isn't your right to get their ass disciplined.

It's your duty.

Welcome to Security.