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Sirryan's To-Do List



Resources available

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Tools(advanced and regular)

Basic Tool Advanced Tool Usage Notes

Jaws of Life

Prying things in/out of place
  • Can pry open unpowered airlocks/lift floor tiles
  • Jaws of Life can pry open powered airlocks
  • Can be used to remove damaged electronics
  • Jaws of Life performs actions faster

Jaws of Life

Snipping wires/grilles
  • Can snip fingertips off gloves
  • Jaws of Life performs actions faster
Welding Tool

Experimental Welding Tool


Welding/slicing metal
  • Can seal airlocks/vents while on harm intent
  • Can repair structures while on help intent
  • Can repair robotic limbs (brute)
  • Experimental welder regenerates fuel
Cable Coil

Cable Layer

Wiring systems together
  • Can repair robotic limbs (burn)
  • Cable Layer rapidly spools and lays cable

Power Drill

Securing/opening panels
  • Can open airlock panels for Hacking
  • Can open vents to slide paper into them
  • Power Drill performs actions faster

Power Drill

Ratcheting/unsecuring objects
  • Used to deconstruct most things
  • Can secure/unsecure most machinery
  • Power Drill performs actions faster

N/A Modifying/specifying special parameters
  • Used to connect systems together
  • Can toggle certain machinery on/off
T-Ray Scanner

N/A Locating Wires and Pipes under floor tiles.
  • Toggle on and off to see piping/wires under station flooring

N/A doing stuff, the fuck do I know?
  • Can help contain Anomalies
Rapid Construction Device

Combat RCD

Rapid construction/deconstruction
  • Combat RCD issued to ERT engineers. Has improved magazine (500 material)
  • Can select from a variety of different structures
  • Can deconstruct most basic structures (walls, windows, floors)
Pipe Dispenser

Rapid Piping Device

Dispensing disposal/air pipes.
  • Dispenses unfastened pipes
  • Dispenser must be anchored to dispense pipes.
  • No magazine/material limit on RPD or dispenser.
  • Bluespace RPD upgrade can dispense pipes at range.
  • Alt-click the RPD to change modes via radial menu. (You can also change modes via its popup window)
Welding Mask/Goggles

Upgraded Welding Goggles

Protecting your eyes against bright lights
  • Prevents eye damage from welder usage
Black Gloves

Insulated Gloves

Protecting your hands from danger
  • Prevents damage from picking up hot light bulbs and broken glass
  • The Insulated Gloves protect you from shock when working with wires and hacking

EVA Equipment

Eva Suit Location Notes
Engineering Hardsuit

Secure Storage, Engineering
  • Built-in Welding-Helmet
  • Retractable Helmet
  • Has A helmet light
Regular Eva Suit

  • Basic EVA Suit
  • Has a Separate helmet
Atmospheric Hardsuit

  • Built in Welding Helmet
  • Impervious to High/Low Pressure
  • Impervious to Super Heated/Cooled Gases
  • Radiation Proof
Chief Engineer's Hardsuit

CE Office
  • Built in Welding Helmet
  • Resistant to Super Heated/Cooled Gases
  • Built in Jet pack
  • Radiation Proof
Mag Boots

Engineering, EVA
  • Allows you to negate the effects of zero-gravity when adjacent to a structure(walls,lattice,floors, etc)
  • Small speed slowdown when activated
Advanced Mag Boots

Engineering, EVA
  • Allows you to negate the effects of zero-gravity when adjacent to a structure(walls,lattice,floors, etc)
  • No speed slowdown when activated
Jet Packs

CE Office, EVA
  • Allows you to change direction or stabilize yourself in space without nearby structures
  • Needs Oxygen or C02 tank to work.
  • May need to wear it in backpack slot depending on the EVA suit.
  • Some jetpacks are directly attached to an EVA suit.

Misc Items Items

Equipment Location Uses
Space Heater

Engineering, Central Primary Hallway, Emergency Storage
  • Will raise the temperature in the surrounding area
  • Can Melt Snow
Portable Air Pump

Atmospherics, Central Primary Hallway, Locker Room
  • Insert a tank into the pump and it will dispense the gas into the surround area
  • Good for restoring atmos in badly vented areas(see Maintenence)
Portable Air Scrubber

Atmospherics, Central Primary Hallway, Locker Room
  • Use this to scrub bad/toxic gases out of the air
  • A must have for N2O and Plasma Gas Spills
Emergency Shield Projector

Secure Storage
  • Use this to deploy Impassable energy shields in space
  • Will absorb meteor strikes
Emergency Floodlight

Secure Storage
  • Use this to light up a massive area
  • Good for defending against Shadowlings
  • Work without the need for power
  • Wrench them down to prevent theft
P.A.C.M.A.N Generators

Engineering, Protolathe
  • Produces lots of power while consuming uranium/plasma
  • Can Explode if left on high too long or EMP'd
  • Useful for setting up the engine to keep left SMES powered so containment won't fail
Radiation Suit

Engineering, Gravity Generator
  • Give you large amount of protection from radiation
  • Need to wear while around a Singularity/SM Shard without an Engineering Hardsuit

Fixing Stuff

Introductory shit goes here What to prioritize first

General Destruction

Hull Breaches

Widespread Destruction

The Power Grid

Power monitoring and Distribution

Power grids are a thing, created in a network of cables. If you create a small network connected to the turbine only for example, that will be its own grid. At start the engine will have its own grid, with the engine being its power source. (If Tesla the Coils, if Singulo the Rad collectors). The power source will if connected make its output available on the engine grid. The Power monitoring computer will show production and use on the net its connected to, and the APCs that are on its grid. If a SMES is connected both under and at its terminal to a grid, its a battery on that grid, the SMES left of the engine is one example of this, they can be useful if the power output is unstable, or as a backup. SMES can also be used as "dams" or floodvalves toother grids, and as such regulate power on said other grids. The SMES to the right of the engine are an example of this. They then need to have the node under them be from its input grid and the terminal node the output grid.

An APC or Area Power Controller is located in every room. It is usually locked, but you can unlock it by swiping your ID on it. It contains a power cell. You can shut off a room's power or disable or enable lighting, equipment or atmospheric systems with it. Every room can have only one APC. The guide to their construction and deconstruction can be found in the Construction. APC's can also be hacked. It's also a good idea to know how to do that. APCs can be turned off, have certain things turned off, or have the power cell changed in the case of poweroutages or lack of power.

Generating Power

The primary purpose of engineering is to maintain the station's power. This can be done in multiple ways, the easiest of which is either an engine (DONT TRY TO SET IT UP IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING) or Solars. The station can run on Solar panels only, but it is advised to secure even more power. An Engine can be either the Tesla Engine or the Singularity Engine, out of which the Tesla is the much safer option. An engine, of either type, is extremely dangerous, as a potential release, either by intention or accident, will result in widespread station destruction, as such they should be kept safe.

Alternatively, the station can run on solars only, but it is then advised you hotwire the solars, so the station is always getting as much power as it can. By choosing a non-Engine approach, expect to be yelled at. No matter what you choose, the Solars should be wired to secure Emergency power. here

Additional power sources are the Atmos Turbine, which does belong to Atmospherics, but if power is needed it is needed. Gas Turbine

One can also construct additional power sources, like a Thermoelectric Generator, thought this will take time to setup.

And lastly, PACMANS. One can be found by the engine, these are basicly small mobile generators that run on plasma sheets. To use one, wire a node under it, and wrench it. Then use its menu to turn it on, on the output you desire. The station can run on solely PACMANs, if you upgrade and/or build more of them.


If a part of the station loses power it is likely wires have been cut somewhere. To search for cut wires under floors you will need a T-Ray Scanner. To cut wires, use the wirecutters and to place new ones click on the floor where you'd like them to be placed. The wire will be placed on the targeted tile from the tile you're standing on. You can also place wires on the tile you're currently on by clicking the tile. the wire will be placed in the direction you're currently facing. To place smooth wires, click on the red dot (end point) of an existing wire with more wire in your hand.

Wiring intersections demand special mention. Making an intersection requires all the wire pieces to be end-points. If you make a smooth wire going south to north and place a half-wire going east, they will not be connected. To connect them you have to remove the smooth wire and replace it with two half-wires. Once all of them are placed, if you right click the tile you should see three wire pieces, all of which meet in the center. In case of a knot, just cut the wire, and then hit the knot.

The Anatomy of a Room


Creating Rooms

Other Scenarios

Creepy Crawlies From the Unknown

Occasionally the station will be infested by various creatures that use the station distribution and waste pipes as a method of transportation. Of the many creatures that can vent crawl, Terror Spiders, Swarmers, and Xenomorphs are the most prolific, common, and dangerous. As an [[Engineer] it's your job to weld vents closed.

You can help the station by welding vents and scrubbers to close off access/exit to pipes across the station. Places like the Mechanic Workshop, Turbine, and the Vault are most commonly forgotten about so make sure to hit those locations. In order to ensure that the vents stay closed it's important that the pressure in the distribution network stays below 1000 kPa. Otherwise, the vents will burst open and will continue to do so until the pressure is reduced.

Keep in mind that some creatures can break open welded vents so make sure to go back and check areas!

DO NOT unwrench pipes to prevent antags from using the pipe networks. This will not only free creatures sealed into the pipes via welded vents but cutoff oxygen/waste access to and from Atmospherics all while attracting the ire of the Gods.


Occasionally you will hear over the intercoms that harrowing words that will send even the most experienced engineer into a fit of rage: "Meteors have been detected on collision course with the station." Do not fear! There is many solutions to this here.

If your station objective is meteor satellites, then simply putting more out all around the station will go a long way towards eliminating the possibility of the NSS Cyberiad turning into Swiss cheese. In the case that you don't have meteor satellites(or enough) then you will need to take more extreme precautions.

In the case of a shorter wave of meteors, it's best to weather the storm and keep an eye on the engine so containment doesn't fail. However, if you're stuck with more meteors than you can realistically wait out you will have to construct defenses.

Utilize Emergency Shield Projectors to provide heavy duty protection to important areas such as Containment, Arrivals, and Escape. You will also need to construct soft barriers(grilles/walls) a little away from the station in order to absorb explosions from large meteor impacts.

Utilize Oxygen grenades and inflatable walls/doors to seal breached areas as well as Atmospherics Tanks.

If you ever encounter the infamous Tungsuka, you have to declare an area as condemned and seal it off from the station for the cleanup crew to deal with later.

Malfunction AI

What happens when your AI becomes bugged and turns into a murderous killer who has full control over the stations electronics? Well, besides not dying, there's a lot you can do as an engineer.

You can go around the station cutting cameras to disable the AI's view of the station. Additionally, all APCs, Air Alarms, and Airlocks have an AI control wire. You should go and cut every one of those so the AI can't shock/bolt doors or disable power.

Borgs are essentially the hands of the AI so you should disable them. Besides the good ol' smash and dash tactic, you can indirectly disable them by destroying all on-station borg recharging ports.

Getting Crew out of Danger

It's your job to save lives when they cry out for help.


Engineers get access to maintenance hallways, which contain several firesuits and extinguishers. If a fire breaks out somewhere, put it out. Firesuits allow you to walk in almost any fire. Extinguishers have a limited capacity. Refill them with water tanks, which can be found all around the station.

Physical rescue

If someone cries that he can't get out of somewhere and no one can get him out, then it's your job to do so. Hacking airlocks, deconstructing walls, basically whatever it takes to get to them. I don't need to point out that you should never put others or yourself at risk in doing so!