Departmental Head
Abductor • | Ash Walker • | Blob • | Changeling • | Contractor • | Construct • | Cultist • | Guardian • | Lavaland Elite • | Malfunctioning AI • | Mindflayer • | Morph • | Nuclear Agent • | Pulse Demon • | Revenant • | Revolutionary • | Shadow Demon • | Slaughter Demon • | Syndicate Researcher • | Terror Spider • | Traitor • | Vampire • | Wizard • | Xenomorph • | Zombie |
Combat • | Death • | Hacking • | Traitor Items • | Agent Items • | Crafting • | High-Risk Items • | E-maggable objects • | C-maggable objects • | Martial Arts |
Abductors are a technologically advanced society, set on experimenting on, and cataloging every species in the system. Unfortunately for their subjects, their methods are quite invasive.
Your Mission
Congratulations! You and another abductor have been chosen to embark upon a scientific crusade to study the anomalous and mysterious peoples of the universe. Utilizing your advanced technology and tool sets, you will be abducting and experimenting on the members of a nearby Nanotrasen space station.
Your objectives are as follows:
- Kidnap and experiment on 6 specimens
- Avoid detection as much as possible
You and the Crew
There is nothing more a crew member hates than an organ thief! If you get spotted, the crew will remind you of this through rather expressive means. You must disguise yourself, move quickly, and utilize the element of surprise to get the jump on your future experiments, else, your cover will be blown, and you'll likely meet your untimely end by an assistant with soap and a toolbox.
For your safety, and the credibility of our studies, it is imperative that our specimens have no idea what is going on, and that the station remains oblivious to our scientific study.
The Dynamic Duo
You cannot speak in the conventional sense. Instead, you share a telepathic link with the other member of the expedition ship (AKA your UFO). Make sure to use it! A successful abductor is one that communicates well with their team. Each active Abductor ship will spawn with one Agent and one Scientist. Without each other, they are mostly useless, and your mission will require effort from both of you to succeed. Be sure to understand your role!
Abductor Agent
As an Agent, you will be the person acquiring specimen, using your Alien Baton to stun, cuff, and knock them out. This may require breaking into places with your advanced set of tools, jamming local comms, and/or and firing your fancy radiation gun to ward off any curious crewmembers. While it may help, you don't necessarily need to be robust. You just need to be smart, communicative, and have good situational awareness.
Before going down to the station, you'll need to get a disguise from the scientist. Activate it by clicking the icon in the top left. After that, stand on the ship's telepad and wait for them to teleport you down. Your scientist may give you info on where your target is, but you should use your best judgement if you find someone else who's easily kidnappable. Once someone is found, make sure you aren't on help intent, and pull out your baton. Use yellow/stun mode to stun your target, blue/sleep mode to put them under, and finally, red/cuff mode to restrain them, in that order.
At this point, if you're in a safe location, the scientist will beam themselves down and do what they need to do. Your job is to protect the scientist and prevent any crewmembers from thwarting your scientific study. Keeping people at range is ideal. Once the scientist has teleported themselves and the target up to your ship, try and keep still for a moment so the scientist can mark you and teleport you back. It is imperative that you stay where a camera can see you, or else the scientist will not be able to complete the marking process.
While they're on the ship, ensure that the specimen stays restrained and buckled to either the surgery table, or the bed, until they are completely processed and teleported back on station. Rinse and repeat.
Abductor Scientist
You're essentially abductor mission control. You'll be in charge of handling teleportation of you, your agent, and any test subjects, to and from your ship. You have full access to station cameras, and as a result, will have a great overview of everything within camera range. You will need to guide your agent through finding subjects, and alert them to any incoming dangers. Afterwards, you'll need to dissect and experiment on the captured specimen.
The first thing you should do is find your Science tool, and set it to scan. Go over to the observation console and get used to moving it around. While you're doing that, while holding your science tool, click on various crew members to scan their appearances. In the ship console, you can assign one of those appearances to your agent as a disguise, to make abducting easier.
Beam me Down, Scotty
Take a look around the station on your console. Try to identify a specimen who is alone, and would be easily kidnapped without drawing attention. Have your agent stand on the ship telepad, and teleport them down to a location near the target, but out of sight. Keep in mind that teleporting people from the ship takes roughly 5 seconds, and is not instant. Once you have done this, take a look around and double check that there are no nearby dangers, and give directions to your agent.
Once your agent has subdued and secured a specimen, use the "teleport self" button, and teleport yourself directly next to the specimen. Set your science tool to mark, and use it on the specimen(this will take a moment). Once the specimen is fully marked, use your implant to teleport yourself back up to the ship. Use the observation console to teleport the marked specimen to the ship. Finally, use your science tool to mark your agent(instant) from the console, and teleport them back up too. Congratulations on your first successful abduction!
All that remains is to perform your surgery on the specimen, place them in the experimental machinery, and choose an experiment. You'll get one point in your ship console every time you do this, which you can spend on replacement equipment.
Item | Purpose |
Teleporter Implant ![]() |
Using this implant will allow you to return to the ship after a ten second cooldown. Mainly used for getting back to the UFO after you've warped yourself to the station for abductee marking. Has a 1 minute cooldown after use. |
Science Tool: MARK mode ![]() |
In this mode, the tool will mark humans or agents for retrieval. You must be immediately next to a humanoid if you're marking them for abduction, and the process takes a good few seconds, during which, you will be vulnerable. With your agent, however, the marking process is instant, and can be done through the observation console, meaning that you can warp your agent out of danger without putting yourself at any risk. You can also only store one mark at a time; meaning that once you teleport your subject back to the ship, you'll need to mark your agent through the console to be able to retrieve them as well. |
Science Tool: SCAN mode ![]() |
This mode will add the targeted person's look to disguises database. Can be done through cameras. If you scan the same person again after they've changed clothing, their appearance will update in the database. Keep in mind that if you cuff someone for abduction and then scan them, the handcuffs will appear in the disguise, which looks very suspicious. |
Mental Interface: Message Mode ![]() |
This mode will allow you to send messages straight to the brain of anyone you target, even through your camera consoles! Call the ERT a bunch of nerds, gloat to the captain, or ominous messages to someone you've abducted. Can only be purchased via Ship Console. |
Mental Interface: Control Mode![]() |
Control Mode will only work on people who've been successfully abducted, and only a finite amount of times per abductee, with the limit differing depending on the organ they have. With this mode, you may send a command or objective to your abductee that they will then have to follow. While these orders remain for a long length of time, varying depending on the organ, the victim will snap out of it eventually, so don't rely on them being a permanent mindslave. |
Your Ship

Although your ship is only 5x5, it is stocked full of important machinery and equipment. You'll always start with a duffel-bag full of alien surgery tools. You also have an observation console for surveying the station. You have a bed for storing extra patients, a locker for storing any stolen goodies, and a ship console with a telepad.
Purchasable Equipment
You can use data from your successful experiments on the Ship Console to purchase any replacement gear, as well as any new unique equipment.
Either the agent or scientist can do this.
Part of our experiment is seeing what our various gland will do to our specimen. We will remove their organs for further study and replace them with our surrogate glands that have various effects. By doing this and releasing the specimen back on station we can observe the effects of our experiments from the safety of the Observation Console.
Experimental Dissection
- Aim for the specimens upper body
- Use the
Scalpel to select the experimental dissection surgery
- Use the
Scalpel: make an incision.
- Use the
Hemostat to stop any potential bleeding
- Use the
Retractor to retract the skin.
- Use the
Circular Saw to saw through the rib cage.
- Use the
Retractor to pry the ribs apart.
- Use your
Hands to remove the unnecessary organs (heart).
- Insert the chosen gland
from gland storage into the specimens chest.
- Use the
Cautery to cauterise the wound.
ALTERNATIVELY use the Hemostat to remove unnecessary organs (heart).
Ocassionally, the specimen you abduct is not organic and is instead synthetic. No worries! They too can be the subjects to our experiments, it will instead require the toolset that the agent has around their belt and the surgery is much much simpler.
Experimental Robotic Dissection (IPC)
- Aim for the specimens upper body
- Use the
Screwdriver to select the experimental dissection surgery
- Use the
Crowbar: to open the specimen's hatch.
- Use your
Hands to remove the unnecessary battery.
- Insert the chosen gland
from gland storage into the specimens chest.
- Use the
Crowbar: to close the specimen's hatch.
Possible Glands
Gland | Effect |
Healing![]() |
Heals the abductee every so often |
Spider ![]() |
Makes the abductee exhale spider pheromones and spawn spiderlings. |
Slime Gland ![]() |
Produces slimes friendly to the abductee. |
EMP ![]() |
Makes abductee emit EMP every so often. |
Species ![]() |
Makes abductee change species rapidly. |
Egg Gland ![]() |
Makes the abductee lay acid-filled eggs. |
Stretch ![]() |
Allow the abductee to crawl through vents without trouble. |
Mindshock ![]() |
Makes the abductee emit a confusing psychic wave every so often. |
Viral ![]() |
Makes the abductee carrier of a serious disease - abductee is NOT affected. |
Bloody ![]() |
Sprays blood on everything in sight. |
Plasma ![]() |
Causes the abductee to cough up plasma. |
Chemical ![]() |
Produces random chemicals inside the body, but slightly increases toxin resistance. |
Electricity Gland ![]() |
Periodically creates arcs of electricity, shocking everyone but the abductee. |
You're finally awake
So you were kidnapped and experimented on by aliens? Or were you?
You don't remember much since you were asleep the entire time. Anyway, you have things to go do! After waking up you may feel the need to complete an objective. You may want to have a conversation with the supermatter engine or paint the station in blood(doesn't have to be yours) so go ahead and do it!
Also those grey people that you saw with weird clothing were probably just a hallucination or a dream so don't worry about it.
General Tips
- Consider warping into medbay stealthily to steal a medkit or two in the event that the agent gets harmed.
- It's better to retreat as a agent than get your equipment stolen or get killed
- Protect the scientist at all costs, if they die you cannot get back to the ship
- Remember to close incisions on experiments so that they do not die and your efforts are not discovered
- If you wish to do something that falls outside of your objectives that would otherwise compromise the integrity of the station or its equipment, ahelp to ask permission first.