User:Miraviel/RnD Breakdown List

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This is a list for getting most levels in R&D.

Basic Research

At shift start, you can follow this list to reach level 5 in most research areas.

Icon Name Source Materials Engineering Plasma Power Bluespace Biological Combat Magnets Data
Welding Tool R&D Room 1 1
Toolbox R&D Room 1 1
Basic Capacitor R&D Room 1
Micro-manipulator R&D Room 1 1
Micro-laser R&D Room 1
Tracking Beacon Protolathe 1
High-capacity power cell Protolathe 2
Reagent Scanner Protolathe 2 1 2
Security HUD Protolathe 2 3
Health HUD Protolathe 2 3
Global Positioning System Protolathe 2 2 1
Machine Design (Gibber Board) Circuit Imprinter 2 2
Advanced Capacitor Protolathe 3
Advanced Matter Bin Protolathe 3
Advanced Reagent Scanner Protolathe 3 3 4
Holographic Sign Projector Protolathe 1 3
Large Grenade Protolathe 3 3
Cybernetic Heart Protolathe 5
SUPERPACMAN-type Generator Circuit Imprinter 4 4 3
Teleporter Console Circuit Imprinter 3 3 3
"Gygax" Weapons & Targeting Control Module Circuit Imprinter 4 4
Quantum Pad Board Circuit Imprinter 3 3 4 3
MRSPACMAN-type Generator Circuit Imprinter 4 4 4 3
Teleportation Hub Circuit Imprinter 4 4 4 3

Upgrading the Station: Round 1

As a Scientist, it is your duty to upgrade the station when there are better parts available in the Protolathe (under the Stock Parts menu).

For your first upgrade run, print the following items:

Icon Name Amount
Rapid Part Exchange Device (RPED) 1
Super Matter Bin 10
Pico Manipulator 10
High-Power Micro-Laser 1

To upgrade a machine, use a screwdriver on it, click it with the RPED, then close the machine with the screwdriver again.

It is recommended to upgrade these machines as soon as you can:

Icon Name Location
Protolathe R&D
Circuit Imprinter R&D
Autolathe Robotics window
Slime Processor Xenobiology
Monkey Recycler Xenobiology
Ore Redemption Machine Cargo Office

Before You Go

Remember to sync with the server to allow Roboticists to print new stuff.

It is also recommended to print 10 Technology Disks, save your tech levels on them, and deliver these to Cargo. They get tons of points for this!

Advanced Research

The second half of research requires co-ordination from multiple departments. While you can get the new materials from the Ore Redemption Machine, some items are only obtainable by other jobs.

Communication is key. If you need something from other jobs, ask them.

Icon Name Source Materials Engineering Plasma Power Bluespace Biological Combat Magnets Data
Reviver implant Protolathe 5 4 4
Diamond-tipped mining drill Protolathe 6 4 4
Hardsuit jetpack upgrade Shaft Miner 4 5 4
Machine prototype Quartermaster
Cargo Technician
Phazon torso Roboticist 4 5 4 4
Glowshroom cluster Botanist 6 4
Charged slime core Xenobiology 5 4
Glowcap cluster Botanist 4 6 4
Bluespace crystal Shaft Miner 3 6
Cybernetic Heart Botanist 5
Ambrosia gaia branch Botanist 5 6
Sentience potion Xenobiology 6
Consciousness transference potion Xenobiology 6
Deathnettle Botanist 5
Chain of Command Captain 5
P-X Tesla Cannon Roboticist 4 4 6 6
Lazarus injector Shaft Miner 4 6
Purge AI module Circuit
4 5
Minebot AI upgrade Shaft Miner 6


  • Botanists need a Chem Dispenser to grow these plants. Consider giving them one from Science Chemistry.
  • Machine prototypes have to be ordered from Cargo, using the Supply Ordering Console.
  • Roboticists need combat technology 6 to produce P-X Tesla Cannons.
  • Remember to sometimes sync with the server after reaching new levels!

Upgrading the Station: Round 2

Once you have some (or most) of these new research levels, it is time to upgrade the station again!

Print the following items. If you lack any of these, try printing its older version (for example, instead of Bluespace matter bins, print Super matter bins):

Icon Name Amount
Bluespace RPED 1
Bluespace Matter Bin 40-55
File:Femto manipulator.gif Femto Manipulator 40-50
File:Quadultra micro laser.gif Quad-Ultra Micro-Laser 15-25
Triphasic Scanning Module 5-10
File:Quadratic capacitor.gif Quadratic Capacitor 20-30
Bluespace power cell 10-15

To upgrade machines, simply use the Bluespace RPED on them at a range.

This time, upgrade everything you see - cyborg rechargers, the cloner, botany machines, whatever you find! Almost every machine benefits from having better parts.

Note: Computers/consoles cannot be upgraded as they have no stock parts.

Remember The Disks?

Since you have increased the station's technology levels, do not forget to bring new Technology Disks to Cargo!

Special Research

There are three more research categories: toxins, illegal, and alien technologies.

Toxins can be increased via researching bombs.

For the sake of exploration, illegal- and alien-increasing items will not be listed here, however, here are some pointers on how and where to get them: