There are many types of life in space, not all of it good.
Current Crew
NanoTrasen practices some interesting equal diversity laws. As such, you may find some of your other crew members to be slightly different than the norm.
Your regular humans. Quite underwhelming.
Cat-like aliens, hired by NanoTrasen. Try not to actually call them cat people.
Hired by Nanotrasen, these cold-blooded employees have various reptilian qualities. However, the other companies have been heard of recruiting them as well.
A race of gelatinous beings, who dedicate themselves to exploring the mind. Very technologically advanced.
Slime People
An evolved race of xenobiological slimes.
Birdlike beings. Vox who decided that peaceful station life is for them.
Your stereotypical gray alien. Little is known about them
Giant, lumbering tree-like beings. There are born through other species' blood.
Machine People
Advanced cyborgs who assist the crew.
Insect beings with a tough, chitinous skin.
Shadow people
File:ShadowM.pngResults of human experimentation with slimes.
A species made of plasma who require special suits when working in non-plasma filled environments.
A more newly encountered species with characteristics similar to canines or foxes.
Possible Candidates
Certain groups and recently encountered species are still undergoing evaluation by NanoTrasen to determine whether they would be able to integrate and effectively work alongside the current crew.
The following are not accessible by players, but may be created by admins during events
File:WrynM.pngAn insect-like race who can speak to one another through some sort of hivemind
File:NucleationM.pngFormer crew who have become disfigured from prolonged exposure to super matter.
Other Lifeforms
Xenomorphs - Aliens of unknown origin.
Mice - Lives in maintenance tunnels, kitchen, and toilets. Spawns near vents. Officially playable by ghosts.
This is the guide to Critters.
What you need to know about critters
Critters are controlled by the game's artificial intelligence, not to be confused with the AI. This AI is remarkably limited in many respects, which most often manifests in subpar pathfinding and limited reaction to the physics systems that human controlled mobs have to deal with. This makes them unpredictable and frustrating as both allies and opponents.
Critters are divided into five categories:
File:Ian.pngEach department head has their own pets! Please don't throw them in the laundry machine.
The Roboticist's janitor bots, medibots and floorbots are helpful critters. They help human players! Janitor bots will always be helpful; even if hacked they still clean floors, albeit in a more sloppy way. Unless a medibot is hacked or loaded with improper chemicals, it will always help wounded players, but needs to actually be loaded to do anything useful. Floorbots behave similarly. Normally they repair flooring on any opened space tile, but when hacked, they expose floor tiles to open space instead.
Security Robot
Security robots and lizards are examples of neutral critters. Unless ordered otherwise, hacked, attacked, or otherwise provoked, the security bots will ignore a human player. Lizards are harmless and will not attack unless provoked, preferring instead to choose random directions to travel in every few moments.
Space carp and alien facehuggers are hostile and will chase human players. It's best to shoot these threats at range as they only attack in melee. Carp have a chance to stun their victims and attack every tick. Facehuggers knock out their victims outright and have a chance to infect them with a deadly xeno embryo. On the other hand, they can usually only attack once before they die and their infectious embryos can be resisted. Both do about ten brute damage every attack.
Spess Carp

Spess Carps (aka Space Carps) are violet-colored space fish that often attack the station. They can usually be seen outside the station through the windows. They enter the station via meteor breaches or any open airlocks leading to space. If a Spess Carp manages to catch you, it will knock you out and start crunching on you - slowly and painfully, until you die. Spess Carps can be, however, killed easily using a RIPLEY's drill or any lethal weapon.