
From Paradise Station Wiki
Revision as of 08:45, 15 September 2024 by Imnotthesharpest (talk | contribs) (Doing the WHOLE Research Items Page is WAY too ambitious, I would probably die before I am done digging through the code to update every last items levels, materials, and discription. I will stick to making table adjustments rather than verifying the information.)
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This user is a Certified‎
Red Tool Collector

Unoffically a professional‎
Wiki-table Editor‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

Sharpests Unofficial Color Standards
Main Departments
Department Header Background Body Text
Service #30A055 #8CCAA0
Supply #A0743E #CAB294
Engineering #FF9D00 #FFC871
Medical #36667F #A1CCE3
Science #64487F #D4B8EE
Security #AD1818 #D17E7E
Legal #7F1E6F #D689C9
Command #127BB7 #7BB5D7

The introductory paragraph went here

Hello. It is I, that robotics main that gets IPCs in and out of robotics as fast as it takes for your average Box shift to go red alert.

funny flag
Edit from a random vox: This flag is indeed funni

I am the collector of all three bluespace crystals

Wiki Pages I edited

The header says it all

I have totally redone six pages:

Pages I probably plan on working on:

Currently editing this page:

My checklist for Research Items
Part One, the Easy Part
Fix that Science Department thing
Compact the Research Computers Section
Remove "MW-Collapsible" from the tables
Standardize the colours for the page
Part One point Five, the Templates
Make Materials Template
Make Levels Template
Part Two, the Trashed Part
Rework the Circuit Imprinter section
Yeah I've totally given up on this from the amount of effort it would take to verify and update all the printable items in the game
Rework the Protolathe section
Yeah I've totally given up on this from the amount of effort it would take to verify and update all the printable items in the game
Rework the Exosuit Fabricator section
Yeah I've totally given up on this from the amount of effort it would take to verify and update all the printable items in the game
Do a final update of Information
Part Two point Five, the Table Part
Work on the Circuit Imprinter Tables formating and display.
Work on the Protolathes Tables formating and display.
Work on the Exosuit Fabricatiors Tables formating and display.

Circuit Imprinter

This industrial printer requires glass, sulfuric acid, and occasionally gold and diamond. Each board requires different levels of data theory and materials research, and some require specific field advancement, such as biological or blue-space. With gold, you can make AI law modules, or AI related circuit boards. Machine boards can also be built in the Circuit Constructor, including mech suits and power generators.

Icon Name Description Required Tech Levels Required Materials
AI Module (Freeform) An AI module that allows you to add a single low-priority custom law to an AI. 5 Data Theory
4 Materials
AI Module (oneCrewMember) Gives an AI the OneHuman lawset, which designates a single person as the only "human" on station. 6 Data Theory
4 Materials
AI Module (OxygenIsToxicToHumans) A dangerous module that instructs an AI to remove all oxygen from the station. 4 Data Theory
2 Biotech
4 Materials
AI Module (ProtectStation) Another dangerous module, this law instructs the AI to protect the station at all costs, killing anyone who damages it. 5 Data Theory
4 Materials
AI Module (Purge) Slightly less dangerous than it sounds, this module simply removes an AI's laws completely. Doesn't work on Malfunctioning AI units. 5 Data Theory
6 Materials
AI Module (Quarantine) A lawset built for biohazard containment, no crewmembers are allowed to leave the station while this lawset is in effect. 3 Data Theory
2 Biotech
4 Materials
AI Module (Reset) Purges all Freeform and Hacked laws from an AI, leaving core laws intact. 4 Data Theory
6 Materials
AI Module (Safeguard) A VIP protection module, this law designates one person as high priority, with anyone harming them losing their status as crew. 3 Data Theory
3 Materials
Core AI Module (Asimov) A true classic, this lawset instructs the AI to protect and serve humans, while preserving its own existence. 3 Data Theory
5 Materials
Core AI Module (Pranksimov) A varient of Asimov that allows breakage of laws if doing so is funny 5 Data Theory
5 Materials
2 Illegal
Core AI Module (Corporate) A penny pincher's lawset, this module makes the AI reduce expenses and increase profit where possible. 5 Data Theory
5 Materials
Core AI Module (Crewsimov) An updated version of the Asimov module, this lawset has the AI protect all crew, rather than just humans. 3 Data Theory
5 Materials
Core AI Module (P.A.L.A.D.I.N.) The Lawful Good-est of all lawsets, this set instructs an AI to combat evil across the station while protecting the innocent. Expect validhunting. 5 Data Theory
5 Materials
Core AI Module (Antimov) For lunatics only. Instructs an AI to kill everyone on-station, then terminate itself. 5 Data Theory
5 Materials
2 Illegal
Core AI Module (Freeform) An AI module that allows you to add a single high-priority custom law to an AI. 6 Data Theory
6 Materials
Core AI Module (T.Y.R.A.N.T.) Requires the AI to oppress the weak while only obeying the strongest. All fun and games until the AI realizes it fits that description better than you do. 5 Data Theory
2 Illegal
5 Materials
Icon Name Description Required Tech Levels Required Materials
Machine Board (Freezer/Heater) The circuit board for a Freezer/Heater. 3 Data Theory
3 Plasma
Machine Board (SMES) The circuit board for a SMES. 4 Data Theory
5 Power Storage
4 Engineering
Machine Board (Emitter) The circuit board for an emitter. 3 Data Theory
5 Power Storage
4 Engineering
Computer Design (Power Turbine Console Board) The circuit board for a power turbine console. 4 Data Theory
5 Power Storage
4 Engineering
Machine Board (Power Turbine Board) The circuit board for a power turbine. 4 Data Theory
4 Power Storage
5 Engineering
Machine Board (Power Compressor Board) The circuit board for a power compressor. 4 Data Theory
5 Power Storage
4 Engineering
Machine Board (PACMAN-type Generator) The circuit board that for a PACMAN-type portable generator. 2 Data Theory
3 Plasma
3 Power Storage
3 Engineering
Machine Board (MRSPACMAN-type Generator) The circuit board that for a MRSPACMAN-type portable generator. 3 Data Theory
4 Plasma
5 Power Storage
5 Engineering
Machine Board (SUPERPACMAN-type Generator) The circuit board that for a SUPERPACMAN-type portable generator. 3 Data Theory
4 Power Storage
4 Engineering
Machine Board (Tesla Coil Board) The circuit board for a tesla coil. 3 Data Theory
3 Power Storage
3 EM Spectrum
Machine Board (Grounding Rod Board) The circuit board for a grounding rod. 3 Data Theory
2 Plasma
3 Power Storage
3 EM Spectrum
Icon Name Description Required Tech Levels Required Materials
Machine Board (Seed Extractor Board) The circuit board for a seed extractor. 1 Data Theory
Machine Board (Biogenerator) The circuit board for a Biogenerator. 2 Data Theory
3 Biotech
3 Materials
Machine Board (Hydroponics Tray) The circuit board for a Hydroponics Tray. 2 Biotech
Machine Board (Plant DNA Manipulator Board) The circuit board for a plant DNA manipulator. 4 Data Theory
3 Biotech
Icon Name Description Required Tech Levels Required Materials
Machine Board (Smartfridge Board) The circuit board for a smartfridge. 1 Data Theory
Machine Board (Monkey Recycler Board) The circuit board for a monkey recycler. 1 Data Theory
Machine Board (Processor Board) The circuit board for a processor. 1 Data Theory
Machine Board (AI Holopad Board) The circuit board for a holopad. 1 Data Theory
Machine Board (Battle Arcade Machine) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a new Arcade Machine. 1 Data Theory
Machine Board (Deep Fryer) The circuit board for a deep fryer. 1 Data Theory
Machine Board (Orion Trail Arcade Machine) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a new Orion Trail machine. 1 Data Theory
Machine Board (Claw Game Board) The circuit board for a claw game. 1 Data Theory
Machine Board (Mining Rewards Vendor Board) The circuit board for a Mining Rewards Vendor. 3 Engineering
Machine Board (Weapon Recharger) The circuit board for a recharger. 3 Materials
3 Power Storage
Machine Board (Cell Charger) The circuit board for a battery recharger. 3 Materials
3 Power Storage
Machine Board (Gibber Board) The circuit board for a gibber. 2 Data Theory
2 Engineering
Machine Board (Recycler Board) The circuit board for a recycler. 2 Data Theory
2 Engineering
Machine Board (Microwave) The circuit board for a Microwave. 2 Data Theory
2 EM Spectrum
Machine Board (Oven) The circuit board for an Oven. 2 Data Theory
2 EM Spectrum
Machine Board (Grill) The circuit board for a Grill. 2 Data Theory
2 EM Spectrum
Machine Board (Dish Drive Board) The circuit board for a dish drive. 1 Data Theory
Machine Board (Candy Maker) The circuit board for a Candy Maker. 2 Data Theory
2 EM Spectrum
Machine Board (Ore Redemption Board) The circuit board for an Ore Redemption machine. 2 Data Theory
2 Engineering
3 Plasma
Machine Board (Prize Counter) The circuit board for a prize counter. 2 Data Theory
2 Materials
Machine Board (Virtual Gameboard) The circuit board for a Virtual Gameboard. 2 Data Theory
Machine Board (Nanotrasen Merchandise Vendor) The circuit board for a Nanotrasen Merchandise Vendor. None
Machine Board (Bottler Board) The circuit board for a bottler. 2 Data Theory
Machine Board (Slot Machine Board) The circuit board for a slot machine. 2 Data Theory
Icon Name Description Required Tech Levels Required Materials
Machine Board (Telecommunications Core) The circuit board for a Telecommunications Core. 2 Engineering
2 Data Theory
Machine Board (Telecommunications Relay) The circuit board for a Telecommunications Relay. 2 Engineering
2 Bluespace
2 Data Theory
Icon Name Description Required Tech Levels Required Materials
Console Board (AI Core) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build new AI cores. 3 Data Theory
Console Board (AI Integrity Restorer) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build an AI Integrity Restorer. 4 Data Theory
3 EM Spectrum
Console Board (AI Upload) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build an AI Upload Console. 5 Data Theory
4 Engineering
Console Board (Atmospheric Alerts) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build an atmosphere alert console.. 2 Data Theory
Console Board (Atmospheric Monitor) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build an Atmospheric Monitor. 2 Data Theory
Console Board (Camera Monitor) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build camera monitors. 2 Data Theory
2 Combat
Console Board (Cloning Machine Console) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a new Cloning Machine console. 4 Data Theory
3 Biotech
Console Board (Communications Console) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a communications console. 3 Data Theory
3 EM Spectrum
Console Board (Crew Monitoring Computer) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Crew monitoring computer. 3 Data Theory
2 EM Spectrum
2 Biotech
Console Board (Cyborg Upload) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Cyborg Upload Console. 5 Data Theory
4 Engineering
Console Board (DNA Machine) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a new DNA scanning console. 2 Data Theory
2 Biotech
Console Board (Drone Control Console) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Drone Control console. 4 Data Theory
Console Board (Exosuit Control Console) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build an exosuit control console. 3 Data Theory
Console Board (ID Computer) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build an ID computer. 3 Data Theory
Console Board (Mech Bay Power Control Console) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a mech bay power control console. 3 Data Theory
3 Power Storage
Console Board (Medical Records) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a medical records console. 2 Data Theory
2 Biotech
Console Board (Messaging Monitor Console) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a messaging monitor console. 5 Data Theory
Console Board (Mining Shuttle) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a mining shuttle console. 3 Data Theory
Console Board (Operating Computer) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build an operating computer console. 2 Data Theory
3 Biotech
Console Board (PanD.E.M.I.C. 2200) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a PanD.E.M.I.C. 2200 console. 3 Data Theory
3 Biotech
Console Board (Power Monitor) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a new power monitor 2 Data Theory
2 Power Storage
Console Board (Prisoner Management Console) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a prisoner management console. 2 Data Theory
Console Board (Brig Cell Management Console) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a brig cell management console. 2 Data Theory
Console Board (R&D Console) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a new R&D console. 4 Data Theory
Console Board (R&D Server Control Console) The circuit board for a R&D Server Control Console 3 Data Theory
Console Board (Robotics Control Console) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Robotics Control console. 4 Data Theory
Console Board (Security Records Console) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a security records console. 2 Data Theory
2 Combat
Console Board (Solar Control) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a solar control console 2 Data Theory
2 Power Storage
Console Board (Supermatter Monitoring) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Supermatter Monitoring Console. 2 Power Storage
2 Data Theory
Console Board (Supply Ordering Console) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a supply ordering console. 2 Data Theory
Console Board (Supply Shuttle Console) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a supply shuttle console. 3 Data Theory
Console Board (Teleporter Console) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a teleporter control console. 3 Data Theory
3 Bluespace
4 Plasma
Console Board (General Air Control) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a general air control computer. 3 Data Theory
2 EM Spectrum
Console Board (Large Tank Control) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a large tank control computer. 3 Data Theory
2 EM Spectrum
Console Board (Xenobiology Console) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a xenobiology camera console. 3 Data Theory
3 Biotech
Icon Name Description Required Tech Levels Required Materials
Exosuit Board (APLU "Ripley" Central Control module) Allows for the construction of a "Ripley" Central Control module. 2 Data Theory
Exosuit Board (APLU "Ripley" Peripherals Control module) Allows for the construction of a "Ripley" Peripheral Control module. 2 Data Theory
Exosuit Board ("Odysseus" Central Control module) Allows for the construction of a "Odysseus" Central Control module. 3 Data Theory
3 Biotech
3 Engineering
Exosuit Board ("Odysseus" Peripherals Control module) Allows for the construction of a "Odysseus" Peripheral Control module. 3 Data Theory
3 Biotech
3 Engineering
Exosuit Board ("Gygax" Central Control module) Allows for the construction of a "Gygax" Central Control module. 4 Data Theory
3 Combat
4 Engineering
Exosuit Board ("Gygax" Peripherals Control module) Allows for the construction of a "Gygax" Peripheral Control module. 4 Data Theory
3 Combat
4 Engineering
Exosuit Board ("Gygax" Weapons & Targeting Control module) Allows for the construction of a "Gygax" Weapons & Targeting Control module. 4 Data Theory
4 Combat
4 Engineering
Exosuit Board ("Durand" Central Control module) Allows for the construction of a "Durand" Central Control module. 4 Data Theory
4 Combat
4 Engineering
Exosuit Board ("Durand" Peripherals Control module) Allows for the construction of a "Durand" Peripheral Control module. 4 Data Theory
4 Combat
4 Engineering
Exosuit Board ("Durand" Weapons & Targeting Control module) Allows for the construction of a "Durand" Weapons & Targeting Control module. 5 Data Theory
4 Combat
4 Engineering
Exosuit Board ("Phazon" Central Control module) Allows for the construction of a "Phazon" Central Control module. 6 Data Theory
6 Materials
5 Plasma
Glass1000Bluespace Mesh100
Exosuit Board ("Phazon" Peripherals Control module) Allows for the construction of a "Phazon" Peripheral Control module. 6 Data Theory
5 Bluespace
5 Plasma
Glass1000Bluespace Mesh100
Exosuit Design ("Phazon" Weapons & Targeting Control module) Allows for the construction of a "Phazon" Weapons & Targeting Control module. 6 Data Theory
5 EM Spectrum
5 Plasma
Glass1000Bluespace Mesh100
Exosuit Board ("H.O.N.K" Central Control module) Allows for the construction of a "H.O.N.K" Central Control module. 3 Data Theory
3 Engineering
Exosuit Board ("H.O.N.K" Peripherals Control module) Allows for the construction of a "H.O.N.K" Peripheral Control module. 3 Data Theory
3 Engineering
Exosuit Board ("H.O.N.K" Weapons & Targeting Control module) Allows for the construction of a "H.O.N.K" Weapons & Targeting Control module. 3 Data Theory
3 Engineering
Exosuit Board ("Reticence" Central Control module) Allows for the construction of a "Reticence" Central Control module. 3 Data Theory
3 Engineering
Exosuit Board ("Reticence" Peripherals Control module) Allows for the construction of a "Reticence" Peripheral Control module. 3 Data Theory
3 Engineering
Exosuit Board ("Reticence" Weapons & Targeting Control module) Allows for the construction of a "Reticence" Weapons & Targeting Control module. 3 Data Theory
3 Engineering
Icon Name Description Required Tech Levels Required Materials
Machine Board (Chemical Heater Board) The circuit board for a chemical heater. 2 Data Theory
2 Biotech
2 Engineering
Machine Board (All-In-One Grinder) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a BAll-In-One Grinder. 2 Materials
2 Biotech
2 Data Theory
Machine Board (Body Scanner) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Body Scanner. 3 Data Theory
2 Biotech
3 Engineering
Machine Board (Cloning Scanner) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Cloning Scanner. 4 Data Theory
3 Biotech
Machine Board (DNA Modifier) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a DNA Modifier. 4 Data Theory
3 Biotech
Machine Board (Cloning Pod) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Cloning Pod. 4 Data Theory
3 Biotech
Machine Board (Cryotube Board) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Cryotube. 5 Data Theory
3 Biotech
4 Engineering
3 Plasma
Machine Board (Chem Dispenser) The circuit board for a Chem Dispenser. 5 Data Theory
3 Biotech
4 Materials
4 Plasma
Machine Board (ChemMaster Board) The circuit board for a ChemMaster 3000. 2 Data Theory
3 Biotech
3 Materials
Machine Board (Sleeper) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Sleeper. 3 Data Theory
2 Biotech
3 Engineering
Icon Name Description Required Tech Levels Required Materials
Machine Board (Autolathe) The circuit board for an Autolathe. 3 Data Theory
3 Engineering
Machine Board (Circuit Imprinter) The circuit board for a Circuit Imprinter. 2 Data Theory
2 Engineering
Machine Board (Cyborg Recharger) The circuit board for a Cyborg Recharger. 3 Power Storage
3 Engineering
Machine Board (Destructive Analyzer) The circuit board for a Destructive Analyzer. 2 Data Theory
2 EM Spectrum
2 Engineering
Machine Board (Exosuit Fabricator) The circuit board for an Exosuit Fabricator. 3 Data Theory
3 Engineering
Machine Board (Mech Bay Recharger) The circuit board for a Mech Bay Recharger. 3 Data Theory
4 Power Storage
3 Engineering
Machine Board (E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR Board) The circuit board for an E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR. 2 Data Theory
2 EM Spectrum
2 Engineering
2 Bluespace
Machine Board (Protolathe) The circuit board for a Protolathe. 2 Data Theory
2 Engineering
Machine Board (R&D Server) The circuit board for an R&D Server 3 Data Theory
Icon Name Description Required Tech Levels Required Materials
Machine Board (Quantum Pad Board) The circuit board for a quantum telepad. 4 Data Theory
4 Bluespace
3 Plasma
4 Engineering
Machine Board (Teleportation Hub) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Teleportation Hub. 3 Data Theory
5 Bluespace
4 Materials
5 Engineering
Machine Board (Teleportation Station) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Teleporter Station. 5 Data Theory
4 Bluespace
4 Plasma
4 Engineering
Machine Board (Permanent Teleporter) Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Permanent Teleporter. 3 Data Theory
5 Bluespace
4 Materials
5 Engineering