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(I am currently using the Singularity engine guide as a template as to keep with the same styling. Once complete this guide should give a good amount of information on how to set up a basic Supermatter engine)
m (Fixes a sentence in the Supermatter Crystal section that switches between present tense and past tense.)
(114 intermediate revisions by 14 users not shown)
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{{JobEngineering}}'''If you are intending to build your own Supermatter Engine from the ground up, see [[Supermatter Engine/Construction]].'''
|assign = Ktoma36}}

[[File:Supermatter.png|right|350px|The Engine Area]]
Setting up an engine is a daunting process, so work with your engineering team to make sure the powering up process goes smoothly. If you don't feel comfortable setting up this engine and there is nobody to help you, consider setting up [[Solars]] first so that the station has power and you can take the learning process at your own pace.

= Please Note=
Atmospherics seems like magic to most people, but just taking a peruse through the [[Guide to Atmospherics]] will help a lot.

This is a work in progress. I am currently using the guide to Singularity engines as a template for this page (Hence a lot of information of the Singularity engine on this page). Information on this page should not be fully relied upon until it is complete.
==The Supermatter Crystal==
It isn't quite clear where the Supermatter Crystal comes from, or how [[Nanotrasen]] managed to acquire a stable one. First and foremost, a supermatter crystal is '''dangerous''' and can be extraordinarily radioactive once activated. It is one of the most dangerous things aboard the station, if handled improperly. Although it is very pretty, anyone who decides to touch it (willingly or not) turns into ash instantly.  

= How To Set Up A Supermatter Shard =
When properly contained and left on its own in a stable environment, it will not do much except occasionally let out small bursts of radiation. However, when its EER level begins to rise it will begin shooting out much more radiation and start producing a highly flammable Oxygen/Plasma mix. Both of these effects become more violent as the integrity of the crystal begins to falter.

===Safety Equipment===
In order to avoid getting irradiated by the glowing rock we call an SM crystal, you will need to don a radiation suit and hood, as well as a pair of Meson Goggles.

== Required Items ==
If you fail to do this, you will get '''irradiated'''. The radiation will inflict toxin damage and will make your beautiful hair (washed with NT brand 32 in 1 hair conditioner and shampoo) fall out. If you neglect to wear mesons, vivid hallucinations will occur and once they start, there is no stopping them. You can only ride it out. These get more powerful as you get closer to the SM and the SM grows in power.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:99%">
'''You will need the following items:'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
* [[File:Handheld-Plasmatank.png]] 6x Gas/Plasma Tank. These are located in the [[File:Tank_Storage_Unit.png]] Tank Storage Unit by "Dispensing" Plasma.
* [[File:RIG.png]] engineering hardsuit
* [[File:Mashoe.png]] magboots
* [[File:EmergencyOxygenTank.png]] oxygen tank
* [[File:BreathMask.png]] breath mask
* [[File:Wrench.png]] wrench
* [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] screwdriver
* [[File:CableCoils.png]] cable coil

Now that you have your supplies, it's time to get to work!
'''Note''': The SM crystal only produces radiation when activated, so radiation suits are not required around docile engines. Mesons, on the other hand are always required.

''Note: Each of the following "Setting Up" sections can be performed individually or with additional team members. Order of operation does not matter as long as "Finishing Up" is done last.
===Gas Loop===
<div style="display: grid; float: right;">[[File:SuperMatterGasLoopGuide.png|right|thumb|512px|Default Setup]][[File:SuperMatterOptimizedSetup.png|right|thumb|512px|Optimized Setup]]</div>
====Default Setup====
# Set each pump outlined in green, as well as the filters also in green, to 4500kPa output. Alternatively, replace the pumps (Not the filters) in green with pipes, for optimization.
# After that, you will want to turn the gas pumps circled in red off (forgetting this is how you speedrun blowing up the engine)
# The Green outlined gas filters in the bottom should be set to filter back in whatever gas you are using as a coolant inside the engine.

== [[File:SMES.png]] Setting Up the SMES ==
'''WARNING: While this is the easiest setup, the pumps can easily end up clogging if anything goes wrong. It is very sensitive and requires high maintenance and supervision to prevent it from fully delaminating. The optimized setup is preferred, as it is more stable and easier to maintain.'''
There are 4 of these are located in the Engineering bay.
# Make sure they are set to "Charging: Auto" (for Input) and "Online" (for Output);
# So long as the Engine is set up correctly, maxing out both Input and Output will work perfectly, and you will never be at risk of losing power, so feel free to hit the "Max" buttons.

== [[File:Collector_array_on.png]] Setting up the Radiation Collector Arrays ==
====Optimized Setup====
There are 6 Radiation Collector Arrays on either side of the Particle Accelerator.
# Replace all the pipe sections (where the pumps used to be in the default setup) outlined in red with regular pipes.
# Insert 6 x [[File:Handheld-Plasmatank.png]] gas tanks into each Collector.
# In the area outlined in blue, add regular pipes that circumvent the gas filter.  
# Click on each [[File:Collector array filled.png]] collector with an empty hand to make them [[File:Collector_array_on.png]], which turns them "On".
# Activate/Deactivate remaining pumps and air alarms as dictated by the default setup.
#* (Optional) See [[Singularity_Engine#Radiation_Collector_Array_Optimization| Radiation Collector Array Optimization]] for additional information.

== Setting Up the Containment (Pipes, Vents, Heatproofing)==
While the default setup works, the optimized setup will prevent most gas setups (CO2 and N2 especially) from going into a difficult-to-reverse delamination when John Greytider touches the Supermatter Crystal. This is the preferred and most commonly used setup and your [[Chief Engineer]] will likely direct [[Engineering]] to use it. It is often self-correcting and light monitoring will be more than enough to keep it stable.
<span style="color:#ff0000">'''Caution: Location is key when setting up a Supermatter Shard, pick a spot where the shard can easily be spaced should things go wrong.'''</span>

# Equip a [[File:Wrench.png]] wrench and click on each of the 6 sections of the engine, including the [[File:Control box.png]] control box. You will see "You secure the external bolts" 7 times. Make sure the arrow on the control box is pointing down. This is often a pitfall of new engineers. Rotate it until it is.
===Radiation Collector===
# Equip [[File:CableCoils.png]] wires and click on each of the 6 sections of the engine, including the control box. You will see "You add some wires" 7 times.
Take plasma tanks and place them in the radiation collectors directly outside the SM chamber and then turn them on so you can produce power. It is generally advised to fill these tanks up full by using the plasma canister in Secure Storage. 1012kpa is the max pressure for a small tank. The tanks can suffice for a full 2 hour shift if not filled up, but they should be payed attention to for extended rounds.
# Equip a [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] screwdriver  and click on each of the 6 sections of the engine, including the control box. You will see "You close the access panel" 7 times.
# Click on the control box to open it's menu, then click on "Run Scan".
#* If you continue to see "Unable to detect parts", you missed something in steps 1-3.
#* If you see "All parts in place", you may continue this instruction.
#* (Optional) See [[Singularity_Engine#Particle_Accelerator_Optimization|Particle Accelerator Optimization]] for additional information.

<span style="color:#ff0000">'''Caution: Do not click "Toggle Power" yet!'''</span>
===Starting the Engine===
# Now go over to the air alarm inside the SM Airlock .
# Click vent controls and set each of the vents to 2000 (The scrubbers max out at approximately 1,100 kPa, but this is an easy way to max them), as well as ensure they are set to BLOWING. (This is true at shift start, but checking never hurts.) Alternatively, set the vents to 0 and INTERNAL. While setting the vents to 2000 kPa is functional, the latter setting is preferred and will move A LOT more gas in a short period of time. A busted air alarm is usually a one way ticket to a delam, so it's best to triple check.
# Go over to scrubber controls and set each scrubber to extended and to scrub all gases. (Leaving some gases out on the scrubber setting will cause build up of gas in the chamber, which can rapidly heat up and lead to a delam.) It is not advised to set the scrubbers to siphon. '''Siphoning will work just as fast as scrubbing, but will stop working if the pressure in the pipe reaches 5066.25kPa or above.''' This can easily happen in the event of a delamination, and can impede your efforts to stop it.
# Start the engine with quite a lot of the primary coolant, make sure that the monitoring computer says it is over '''70%'''. If there's a low amount of primary coolant, a gas unbalance in the chamber could be created (Oxygen+Plasma mix will take over) and a crystal delamination will start.
# Set the SMES input to max and the output to just below that. '''NOTE:''' The emitters are powered by the SMESs, so if they do not provide enough power to the station and emitters, the emitters will, of course, not fire. If the engine output isn't enough for max input for all 4 SMES, try messing with the input settings to find a proper balance, but always keep the output less than the input.
# At this point you can connect more emitters to the emitter area if you wish. This can be done at any point, even long into the shift.
# Turn on the emitters in the room below and watch the magic happen. It is advised to activate one emitter at a time and monitor the effects before turning more on.
# If using CO2, ignore the emitters and slowly pump CO2 from atmos into the engine. Make sure the CO2 in the engine does not pass 16000 moles on the WEST side of the engine. '''NOTE:''' Measurements for the eastern and western pipe loops will yield different values.

== Setting up the Singularity ==
# Make sure your [[File:EmergencyOxygenTank.png]] Oxygen tank and [[File:BreathMask.png]] Breath mask are equipped and your Oxygen tank is "Open" or highlighted "On" in your HUD.
SOP states that if the emitters are firing the engine must be monitored constantly. It is also advisable that you periodically verify the filters, pumps, and air alarm are all correctly configured. Consult with other engineering staff if there is a nonstandard configuration.
# Use one of the two southern [[File:Airlock_external.png]] External Airlock exits to go outside the station.
#* (Optional) Enable your [[File:Mashoe.png]] magboots' mag-pulse traction system so you don't accidentally slip into space or into something dangerous.
# Wrench and remove the [[File:Tesla_gen.png]] tesla generator. You don't want two engines fighting it out in there, do you? If you want to run a tesla instead, look at the [[Tesla Engine|Guide to the Tesla Engine]]
# Click on each of the 4 [[File:Emitter.png]] Emitters to turn them on.
#* <span style="color:#ff0000">'''Caution: Do not walk in front of running emitters!'''</span>
# Walk around the ''outside'' of the inner circle and click on each of the 8 [[File:Field_generator.png]] Field Generators, being careful to time your movement while passing in front of online [[File:Emitter.png]] Emitters.
#* Slowly, you will see a [[File:Containment_field.gif]] containment field surrounding the inner circle connected by the Field Generators.
#* <span style="color:#ff0000">'''Caution: Do not walk into, or even stand near to the containment field!'''</span>
# When the containment field has surrounded the entire inner circle, return inside the station.

== Finishing Up ==
'''Note''': Do NOT attempt to change a stable engine if it looks iffy. If the numbers on this page do not match with the readings from the engine, contact your Chief Engineer, or call another engineer immediately. These numbers are rough generalizations meant for newer players.
# Open the [[File:Control box.png]] control box menu.
===Monitor Checklist===
# Make sure your [[File:MGlasses.png|link=Clothes_and_Internals#Eyewear]] Meson Scanners are equipped to prevent blindness and your [[File:RIG.png]] RIG suit is equipped to prevent radiation poisoning.
# Verify the pressure is under 250 kPa.
#* (Optional) Enable your [[File:Mashoe.png]] magboots' mag-pulse traction system so the singularity does not prevent you from walking away from the window.
# Verify the temperature is under 310 kelvin.
# Click "Toggle Power" to turn the power on.
# Verify the relative EER is under 5000 MeV/cm3.
# Set Particle Strength = 2.
# Verify the primary coolant (usually either N2 or CO2) is over 70%.
# Walk down and look out the window. You will see a stream of purple particles shoot out from the Particle Accelerator, and after a few seconds, a small [[File:Singulo 1.gif|32px]] Singularity will appear.
# The singularity will begin to grow. On the 2nd growth it gets larger again, remaining blue.
# Go back to the [[File:Control box.png]] control box and click the minus to turn the power to 0. The result should be a large, pink, 5x5 singularity (see below).
#* ''Note: The singularity will fluctuate between 3x3 and 5x5 with power set to 0. It is safe to leave the accelerator on at power 0.''
<span style="color:#ff0000">'''Caution: Leaving the singularity at Particle Strength 1 or 2 will cause the singularity to release. As soon as you increase the power it is your responsibility to turn it down again.'''</span>

{|style="background:transparent; color:black" border="0" height="230" align="center" valign="bottom" cellpadding=10px cellspacing=0px
===What to do if energy (EER) is too high===
|+style="background:transparent; color:black"|
# Turn all emitters off.
# If the primary coolant is CO2, flush some gas away. Since CO2 excites the crystal, removing some is like taking wood out of a fire. Do this by making the filters on the bottom filter nothing back in while having no external input, or use the filter on the north end of the engine to send some to the yellow cans. Do not do this for too long, or there will not be enough coolant for the SM to, well, cool. This is generally not the best course of action for N2, but if the pressure is high, it's worth a shot.
# When in doubt, flush with N2. This is most easily done by turning on the pumps on the northeast side of the engine that are connected to the red cans. You will usually not need to remove the other coolant from the SM, but doing so is not an incorrect course of action. A little N2 goes a long way. Do keep in mind that too much of any gas, including N2, is dangerous for the crystal so keep the volume down as well.
|[[File:Singulo 1.gif|32px]]
|[[File:Singulo 3.gif|96px]]
|[[File:Singulo 5.gif|160px]]
|[[File:Singulo 7.gif|224px]]
|[[File:Singulo 9.gif|224px]]
|-align="center" valign="top"
|width="120"|'''Singularity 1x1 (Stage 1)'''
''Too small - Turn the PA to 2 until 5x5 obtained
|width="100"|'''Singularity 3x3 (Stage 2)'''
''Poor size - Safer, but 5x5 provides more power
|width="100"|'''Singularity 5x5 (Stage 3)'''
''Perfect size - Stop here''
|width="100"|'''Singularity 7x7 (Stage 4)'''
''Too large - Turn off the PA temporarily''
|width="100";;|'''Singularity 9x9 (Stage 5)'''
''Too late - Call the emergency shuttle''
|width="100";;|'''Singularity 11x11 (Stage 6, Supermatter Charged Gravitational Singularity)'''
''Captain, we have an uh-oh''

== [[File:SMES.png]] Return to the SMESs ==
===What to do if the pressure is too high===
# Check that the SMESs' "Stored Capacity" % is increasing and that "Input: Charging".
# Turn off the emitters.
# If the "Output Load" equals the "Output Level", it means that power is getting bottle-necked by that SMES. Click the far-right "+" to increase the Output Level until the Output Load stops increasing, then click the "+" a few more times to give the Output Load some breathing room.
# Verify all pumps and filters are on max flow rate.  
# Immediately set the Input Level higher than the Output Level you end up with in the above step.
# Verify all supermatter engine scrubbers are either set to siphoning on extended, or scrubbing all gas.  
#* The higher the Input Level, the faster the SMES's Stored Capacity will charge and be later useful for engine malfunctions.
# Verify all supermatter engine vents are at max output (approximately 1101 kPa), or set to INTERNAL 0.
# Ensure that the engine [[File:APC.png]] APC is charging (the one located in the same room, currently Northeast of the engine beside the lone SMES).
# Use an analyzer to check the coolant loop pressure and gas composition.
# If there is too much coolant in the line, system adjust all the filters to bleed some off or use the canisters.
# If there is anything other than the choice coolant in the cyan pipes, check the filter settings.

== Continued Upkeep ==
===What to do if the temperature is too high===
* Every 15-ish minutes:
# Turn off the emitters.
** Make sure the singularity's size hasn't increased or decreased:
# Verify all pumps and filters are on max flow rate.  
*** If the singularity's size is decreased, set the [[File:Control box.png]] control box's Particle Strength = 2 and watch it until it grows to a normal size. Keep it on Particle Strength = 2 for a few more seconds (but not too long) to ensure its size is sustained. Remember to turn off the Particle Accelerator using the "Toggle Power" button when you're finished.
# Verify all supermatter engine scrubbers are siphoning on extended, or scrubbing all gasses.  
*** If the singularity's size is increased, immediately click "Toggle Power" on the control box to turn the engine OFF.
# Verify all supermatter engine vents are at max output (approximately 1101 kPa), or set to INTERNAL 0.
* Every 60-ish minutes:
# Verify the space cooling loop is not compromised in any way.
** Refill the [[File:Handheld-Plasmatank.png]] Gas Tanks:
# Using the freezer loop, inject N2 or N2O (preferably cold, but room temperature can do in a pinch) into the coolant loop to bring the temperature down. '''NOTE:''' By default, this will be scrubbed out after cycling through the chamber unless the filters are set to filter it back into the engine. It is highly advised that this action is taken.
**# Remove them from the [[File:Collector_array_on.png]] Radiation Collector Arrays with a [[File:Crowbar.png]] crowbar.
**# Click on a [[File:Plasma_canister.png]] plasma canister to place the gas tank inside the canister.
**# Click on the canister to open the menu, and then click on the far-right "+" to increase the Release Pressure to its maximum.
**# Set the Release Valve to "Open" until the "Tank Pressure" shows the same number set in the step above.
**#* <span style="color:#ff0000">'''Caution: Make sure you remember to set the Release Valve to "Close" when you're done, otherwise the canister will leak toxins.'''</span>
**# Click "Remove Tank" and pick it back up, placing it back inside the Radiation Collector Array.
**# Repeat the above steps for each Gas Tank.

''Note: Sometimes the singularity will cause EMP pulses if something is close to it and exposed to its radiation. These pulses can cause weapons to misfire and even disable the emitters. Keep an eye on it.''
Now you have set up the Supermatter Engine, it's fine to leave it by itself, right? Wrong. Throughout the shift, an event can occur to the engine; this can be either a minor hiccup or cause a delamination that destroys engineering! There are five categories of events that can occur, Class D to S.  

= Optimization =
====D Class====
Events that only affect certain types of '''non-standard''' setups, minimial operator intervention required. These events occur instantly and engineering will be alerted on telecomms.

* Locking Access
'''D-1''': About 200 moles of nitrous oxide are released by the crystal.<br>
*# You can lock access to the [[File:Collector_array_on.png]] Radiation Collector Arrays and [[File:Emitter.png]] Emitters. This will stop an AI or anyone without management access from messing with them.
'''D-2''': About 200 moles of nitrogen are released by the crystal.<br>
*# Click on your [[File:Id regular.png]] ID Card to put it in your hand, then click on ''each'' Radiation Collector Array or Emitter to lock them.
'''D-3''': About 250 moles of carbon dioxide are released by the crystal.<br>
*# Use a [[File:Screwdriver_tool.png]] Screwdriver on the [[File:Control box.png]] control box to prevent immediate access to the control box's menu (unless the person has a screwdriver to fix it).
*# Close access to the Radiation Collector Arrays and the Particle Accelerator engine by clicking on the [[File:Door control.png]] Shutter Control buttons located on the wall on either side of the engine.

== [[File:Collector_array_on.png]] Radiation Collector Array Optimization ==
====C Class====
Events with mild effects to '''standard setups'''. Operator intervention may be required, such as checking coolant or disabling emitters. Engineering will be alerted on telecomms.

''Note: Read the [[Singularity_Engine#Continued_Upkeep|Continued Upkeep]] section above to learn how to fill [[File:Handheld-Plasmatank.png]] Gas Tanks, which will increase power output exponentially. This enables you to set the Input Level of each SMES to their maximum - 200,000.''
'''C-1''': About 250 moles of oxygen are released by the crystal.<br>
'''C-2''': About 250 moles of plasma are released by the crystal.<br>
'''C-3''': The temperature threshold at which the engine starts to lose integrity is lowered for a few minutes.<br>

== Particle Accelerator Optimization ==
====B Class====
Events with significant effects to '''standard setups'''. Action may need to be taken to prevent a delamination event. Engineering will be alerted on telecomms.

=== Upgrade the APC Power Cell ===
'''B-1''': The amount of plasma and O2 released by the engine is doubled for a few minutes.<br>
# Locate the [[File:APC.png]] APC on the wall beside the lone SMES unit, in the same room as the Particle Accelerator.
'''B-2''': The amount of heat released by the engine is increased for a few minutes.<br>
# Unlock it with your [[File:Id regular.png]] ID Card.
'''B-3''': The engine's EER is raised slightly above critically for several minutes, regardless of outside factors.<br>
#* Click on your ID Card to put it in your hand, then click on the APC.
# Set "Equipment" to "On", not "Auto".
#* This is to ensure that vital engineering equipment will be the last to fail should the APC's power cell run low. You can also turn off the lights to save power, although this is not really recommended as it makes it harder to see trespassers in engineering.
# Use a [[File:Crowbar.png]] crowbar on the APC to open it.
# Click on the [[File:Power cell.png]] Power Cell to remove it.
# Find another Power Cell laying around and replace the Power Cell you just removed.
# Close the panel with the crowbar.
# Check the APC menu to make sure it is on and working.
# Lock the APC with your ID card.

= Additional modifications =
====A Class====
Events with SEVERE effects to '''standard setups'''. Action will need to be taken to prevent a delamination event. Engineering will be alerted on telecomms.

It is possible to wire the APCs directly to the main power ring. A good spot to do this is to the port end of engineering, near the bolted airlock. Lift the floor tiles and run a wire from there out into the maintenance tunnel and link it to the wire running through there. This allows you to charge APCs directly if somebody disables the SMES in engineering.  
'''A-1''': The engine's APC is shorted due to a power spike, requiring its wires to be mended.<br>
'''A-2''': The engine's air alarm resets its self as an effect of radiological interference.<br>
'''A-3''': The amount of plasma and O2 released by the engine is quadrupled for a few minutes.<br>

Another interesting point is that the APC in engineering will not charge from its own SMES unless this modification is made. Meaning that when the collectors are turned off, containment fails pretty quickly. With this quick modification, this gives you time to notice and fix the problem.
====S Class====
Events that require immediate intervention and a specialized response to prevent a delamination event, such as a specialized coolant or grounding rods. Coordination with other departments is HIGHLY recommended. A warning will be broadcasted on engineering and general communications before these events.

If you added the maximum amount of plasma to the collectors, this modification can generate ~6,000kW of power for the station. Enough to charge the 3 Engineering SMES and the 4 Solar SMES at 200kW input. Therefore, run a tiny bit of wire from the maintenance tunnels to each solar SMES, and set each of them to an input/output of 90,000/3,000. This will ensure massive amounts of power reserves (enough to last hours with the engine off).
'''Arc Type''': The engine's EER is raised massively several minutes, resulting it a supercritical state. Grounding rods from Science is highly recommended for this type.<br>
'''Heat Type''': The amount of heat released by the engine is massively increased for several minutes. Specialized coolants from Atmos is highly recommended for this type.

For those overzealous engineers worshipping Lord Singuloth who want to maintain a Stage 4 singularity, rejoice for it is possible and totally safe if done correctly! What's the secret to keep a Stage 4 singulo within the field? <b>Turn off the Particle Accelerator after the singularity reaches the blue 4th stage, size 7x7. Turn it off. COMPLETELY. Not power 1, not power 0, but PA set to off.</b> That's it, the rest of the setup is identical to the normal Stage 3 singulo.
Check back every few minutes to see if it dropped in energy and add more if it drops to stage 3. Congratulations, you are better than most just by knowing this. Enough loose singularities because of the CE wanting to try something new.
<q>Oh shit oh fuck it's on fire</q>

<span style="color:#ff0000">'''Caution: It is your responsibility to make sure your experiments are safe, Don't experiment with the singularity if you're new to using it.'''</span>
While it may be panic-inducing, the SM Delamination usually gives a long enough time for it to be fixed, or at the very least limit the damage. It is recommended to take all steps listed under Upkeep first in the event of a delam before attempting the extreme emergency steps in this section.

= Turning off the Engine =
If there is too much power, temperature, or pressure the crystal starts losing integrity. If this hits zero, it will go through a total delamination.
Occasionally, bad stuff happens. Well, most of the time, bad stuff happens. Sometimes it is necessary to deactivate the engine as safely as possible because nobody can maintain it. Other times meteor showers and bombs endanger your containment machinery. Whatever the crisis, if you have followed the steps above it should be safe to simply turn the accelerator off. The engine will continue to generate power as the singularity starves and shrinks, so containment SHOULDN'T fail until the singularity is sufficiently small enough that it cannot move and pull stuff into it. However, the fickle baby singularity will take a long time to die completely, leaving it exposed to potential suicidals jumping into it, giving the singularity energy to expand again. (Cool fact: Engineers provide a singularity with a lot more energy than you'd expect).

Sometimes it's a good idea to charge the SMES quickly (using the optional techniques above) and then turn off the engine safely until you need power again. This means that poor solo-engie can actually go do other stuff and leave engineering for a bit without inadvertently destroying the station.
===The Steps towards a Delamination===
# As the temperature reaches a critical value or too much gas is in the chamber, the delamination will start.
# If there is above 5000MeV/cm3, the SM will begin arcing, as well as spitting out anomalies (See below). This is a very visible sign of a possible delamination. '''Note''': Just because the EER of the engine is above 5000MeV/cm3, this does NOT mean it is in a state of delamination.
# With more energy, the crystal will also create more gas, which may, in turn, ignite and increase the heat in the chamber, damaging the crystal. This is why all the three values run off when it starts. They are all correlated and affect each other. It's a chain reaction of sorts.
# As it grows nearer the actual delamination event, the SM will give out periodic warnings, informing the crew of its integrity and if it is still in a state of delamination. This means it will often be possible to be warned in time, and will often to be able to stop it if you can figure out the issue.
# When the time is up, and the crystal finally delaminates, one of three things will happen. If there was over 1800 moles of gas absorbed by the supermatter when it delaminated, it will become an SM Singulo. If there were over 5000MeV/cm3 in power, it would become a Tesla, and if none of those were true, it will "simply" explode.

= Using it as a weapon =  
The singularity is - along with massive plasma infernos and large scale bombings - one of the most brutal forces on the station. Dangerous enough when set free, it becomes a lag-inducing, shuttle-calling, indiscriminately murdering monstrosity when given a directed path by a Singularity Beacon, leaving nothing but debris, body parts and cold hard vacuum in its path. Perhaps the most dramatic way to end a round as a traitor, it can even eat the emergency shuttle itself, restricting escape to those few smart or lucky enough to grab EVA gear. Its a very effective weapon to use against assassination targets that commonly spend a lot of time in one area, such as [[Scientist|scientists]].
If, as said above, the MeV/cm3 value is above 5000, the SM will spawn certain anomalies. '''NOTE:''' These anomalies will appear above 5000 MeV/cm3, even if the engine is not in a state of delamination.
* Gravitational: Sucks nearby loose entities and objects in and throws them around. These anomalies can propel projectiles fast enough to penetrate hardsuits and lodge debris in places like your pelvis. (Ouch.)
* Flux: Electrocutes everything that it touches. A shock from this WILL stun you for approximately 10 seconds and cause heat damage to all body parts.
* Cryogenic: Fills the room with freezing N2O and CO2 while freezing the ground below and releasing nanofrost bursts. Be warned, these bursts of nanofrost have the potential to freeze over your vents and scrubbers, blocking your gas from cycling in the supermatter.

Setting the singularity free is not the easiest task to complete as a regular crew traitor, and you will get [[Glossary#Robust.2FRobusting|robusted]] in short order if you are caught. Generally speaking, all you need to do is disable the singularity containment field. This can be accomplished by deactivating the emitters, which is very hazardous due to the gravitational pull of the singularity, its radiation, and the hazards of the containment system itself. Alternatively, you can disable the engineering APC. If you are not an engineer and get identified doing this, you can expect to not make it onto the emergency shuttle alive. Another option is deactivating the collectors, as the Engineering APC cannot charge from the SMES, this form of sabotage probably won't be noticed and will likely be blamed on engineer incompetence. The easiest way to release the singularity is accessing the engine control console and turning power up to level 2. Keep in mind that the containment field is designed to tolerate short term power outages, so if anyone notices the power failure before the containment field fails, then your attempt will be thwarted. Tip: Try turning the PA up to 2 for a while until the Singularity gets huge, then turn off the collectors after a few minutes. If the Engineering staff hasn't wired the Singularity straight into the system, it should fail extremely fast and you'll have a 5x5 singularity running rampant around the station. Be careful to not get caught in the pull, though.
===If all else fails===

Directing the singularity to a target area - be it the emergency shuttle bay or the bridge - requires a singularity beacon and a screwdriver. Don't hang around after you plant it. Putting the beacon somewhere outside the station is usually your best bet to ensuring the singularity reaches its destination.
If the normal upkeep steps have failed and the supermatter is past the point of no return, there are some final steps towards limiting the impact of the delamination. First of all, an explosion is a single event. While big, this does not continue on as the Tesla or Singulo does. The first thing you should do is as such to make sure these cannot happen. Second, you will want to limit the explosion of the SM, assuming you managed to hinder a Singulo or Tesla. The Tesla is spawned if EER is above 5000 MeV/cm3, which will go down fast if the SM has no gas to cause the energy. On the other hand, the Singulo needs a certain gas density, which will not be there if there is no gas. The explosion is based on the type, as well as amount of gas around the crystal. All these make for one goal: suck the gas out. The best course of action is to RCD the floor in the chamber underneath the crystal. If an RCD is not available, take the steps to disassemble a floor tile.
# Put on something with fire resistance and magboots. This will not necessarily let you survive the blast, but may help you survive long enough to be the hero only the ghosts remember.
# Make sure the magboots are on. If you don't you will be sucked into the crystal and vaporized.
# MAKE SURE THE MAGBOOTS ARE ON. No seriously, you will be vaporized.
# Use an RCD to deconstruct the floor under the SM or do your best to deconstruct it if an RCD is not available or you're simply out of time.
# '''RUN''' (If you can.)
==Alternative Setups==
The notes on gases below do not tell you what to do but what you can expect of different setups. Which setup is ideal and which setup turns engineering into a crater is up to you to find out.
===Pure Gas Setups===
Pure setups are the easiest, as they require no mixing. They are also usually the most efficient. Additionally, the [[#Default Setup|Default Setup]] likely cannot handle anything other than pure N2 or pure CO2.
====Pure N2====
The beginner's engine coolant. N2 is a very stable gas and the engine tech's best friend for calming down an angry engine. An N2 engine will never delaminate by itself unless very specific actions are taken. Delaming an N2 on accident is something for the record books. N2 works best as emergency coolant in alternative gas setups, as it severely hinders the crystal's ability to make power. To get sufficient power by N2, multiple emitters are needed. If it delaminates, it will most often result in an explosion or, in very rare and specific cases, a singularity.
====Pure O2====
In some ways similar to N2, O2 will not cause high EER or high temp by itself, and does require emitters to create sufficient power. O2 as a gas will increase the power output. The danger with a pure O2 engine is the way that O2 reacts with a crystal. If the crystal becomes unstable, a snowball effect will trigger, producing more O2 and plasma. With no other gasses in the mix, a pure O2 engine has a high likelihood of catching fire. If it starts to delaminate and is on fire, expect pressure and temperature to rise very quickly.
====Pure CO2====
A considerably stable setup that produces marginally more heat than N2. This is often seen as one of the safest and most effective setups, right alongside N2. CO2 itself activates the crystal and the amount of CO2 will determine the EER. Very useful for powering the engine without the use of emitters. '''NOTE''': Plasma fires will create CO2 as a byproduct and can potentially lead to a snowball effect if unchecked.
====Pure Plasma====
While plasma has excellent temperature retaining properties, it fails to be effective as a pure coolant. Surprisingly enough, plasma will not produce much power and will result a very ANGRY SM. Plasma heats the SM up A LOT and can be extremely dangerous in inexperienced hands. It is recommended do test out setups involving plasma on a test server before trying a plasma setup. Plasma is best used in a gas mix rather than by itself.
====Pure N2O====
Nitrous Oxide is like the brother of N2. It makes for an excellent engine retardant by reducing the activity of the crystal. If you want a very inactive engine, use this.
'''If you're not a hijacker antag then you should definitely ahelp before messing with the engine.'''
Whatever this guide tells you to do in the case of preventing delamination, doing the exact opposite is usually a good place to start. The most efficient saboteurs will likely be those most familiar with the engine.
A textbook method of delaminating the SM on purpose is to pump plasma and oxygen into it. A delamination of lots of oxygen and plasma will be fast and violent. It would be helpful to either turn off the scrubbers, preventing them from taking gas out of the chamber.
Slamming two supermatter crystals together will yield [[Death|fun]] results.

Latest revision as of 08:22, 30 June 2024

Engineering Department

If you are intending to build your own Supermatter Engine from the ground up, see Supermatter Engine/Construction.

Setting up an engine is a daunting process, so work with your engineering team to make sure the powering up process goes smoothly. If you don't feel comfortable setting up this engine and there is nobody to help you, consider setting up Solars first so that the station has power and you can take the learning process at your own pace.

Atmospherics seems like magic to most people, but just taking a peruse through the Guide to Atmospherics will help a lot.

The Supermatter Crystal

It isn't quite clear where the Supermatter Crystal comes from, or how Nanotrasen managed to acquire a stable one. First and foremost, a supermatter crystal is dangerous and can be extraordinarily radioactive once activated. It is one of the most dangerous things aboard the station, if handled improperly. Although it is very pretty, anyone who decides to touch it (willingly or not) turns into ash instantly.

When properly contained and left on its own in a stable environment, it will not do much except occasionally let out small bursts of radiation. However, when its EER level begins to rise it will begin shooting out much more radiation and start producing a highly flammable Oxygen/Plasma mix. Both of these effects become more violent as the integrity of the crystal begins to falter.


Safety Equipment

In order to avoid getting irradiated by the glowing rock we call an SM crystal, you will need to don a radiation suit and hood, as well as a pair of Meson Goggles.

If you fail to do this, you will get irradiated. The radiation will inflict toxin damage and will make your beautiful hair (washed with NT brand 32 in 1 hair conditioner and shampoo) fall out. If you neglect to wear mesons, vivid hallucinations will occur and once they start, there is no stopping them. You can only ride it out. These get more powerful as you get closer to the SM and the SM grows in power.

Note: The SM crystal only produces radiation when activated, so radiation suits are not required around docile engines. Mesons, on the other hand are always required.

Gas Loop

Default Setup
Optimized Setup

Default Setup

  1. Set each pump outlined in green, as well as the filters also in green, to 4500kPa output. Alternatively, replace the pumps (Not the filters) in green with pipes, for optimization.
  2. After that, you will want to turn the gas pumps circled in red off (forgetting this is how you speedrun blowing up the engine)
  3. The Green outlined gas filters in the bottom should be set to filter back in whatever gas you are using as a coolant inside the engine.

WARNING: While this is the easiest setup, the pumps can easily end up clogging if anything goes wrong. It is very sensitive and requires high maintenance and supervision to prevent it from fully delaminating. The optimized setup is preferred, as it is more stable and easier to maintain.

Optimized Setup

  1. Replace all the pipe sections (where the pumps used to be in the default setup) outlined in red with regular pipes.
  2. In the area outlined in blue, add regular pipes that circumvent the gas filter.
  3. Activate/Deactivate remaining pumps and air alarms as dictated by the default setup.

While the default setup works, the optimized setup will prevent most gas setups (CO2 and N2 especially) from going into a difficult-to-reverse delamination when John Greytider touches the Supermatter Crystal. This is the preferred and most commonly used setup and your Chief Engineer will likely direct Engineering to use it. It is often self-correcting and light monitoring will be more than enough to keep it stable.

Radiation Collector

Take plasma tanks and place them in the radiation collectors directly outside the SM chamber and then turn them on so you can produce power. It is generally advised to fill these tanks up full by using the plasma canister in Secure Storage. 1012kpa is the max pressure for a small tank. The tanks can suffice for a full 2 hour shift if not filled up, but they should be payed attention to for extended rounds.

Starting the Engine

  1. Now go over to the air alarm inside the SM Airlock .
  2. Click vent controls and set each of the vents to 2000 (The scrubbers max out at approximately 1,100 kPa, but this is an easy way to max them), as well as ensure they are set to BLOWING. (This is true at shift start, but checking never hurts.) Alternatively, set the vents to 0 and INTERNAL. While setting the vents to 2000 kPa is functional, the latter setting is preferred and will move A LOT more gas in a short period of time. A busted air alarm is usually a one way ticket to a delam, so it's best to triple check.
  3. Go over to scrubber controls and set each scrubber to extended and to scrub all gases. (Leaving some gases out on the scrubber setting will cause build up of gas in the chamber, which can rapidly heat up and lead to a delam.) It is not advised to set the scrubbers to siphon. Siphoning will work just as fast as scrubbing, but will stop working if the pressure in the pipe reaches 5066.25kPa or above. This can easily happen in the event of a delamination, and can impede your efforts to stop it.
  4. Start the engine with quite a lot of the primary coolant, make sure that the monitoring computer says it is over 70%. If there's a low amount of primary coolant, a gas unbalance in the chamber could be created (Oxygen+Plasma mix will take over) and a crystal delamination will start.
  5. Set the SMES input to max and the output to just below that. NOTE: The emitters are powered by the SMESs, so if they do not provide enough power to the station and emitters, the emitters will, of course, not fire. If the engine output isn't enough for max input for all 4 SMES, try messing with the input settings to find a proper balance, but always keep the output less than the input.
  6. At this point you can connect more emitters to the emitter area if you wish. This can be done at any point, even long into the shift.
  7. Turn on the emitters in the room below and watch the magic happen. It is advised to activate one emitter at a time and monitor the effects before turning more on.
  8. If using CO2, ignore the emitters and slowly pump CO2 from atmos into the engine. Make sure the CO2 in the engine does not pass 16000 moles on the WEST side of the engine. NOTE: Measurements for the eastern and western pipe loops will yield different values.


SOP states that if the emitters are firing the engine must be monitored constantly. It is also advisable that you periodically verify the filters, pumps, and air alarm are all correctly configured. Consult with other engineering staff if there is a nonstandard configuration.

Note: Do NOT attempt to change a stable engine if it looks iffy. If the numbers on this page do not match with the readings from the engine, contact your Chief Engineer, or call another engineer immediately. These numbers are rough generalizations meant for newer players.

Monitor Checklist

  1. Verify the pressure is under 250 kPa.
  2. Verify the temperature is under 310 kelvin.
  3. Verify the relative EER is under 5000 MeV/cm3.
  4. Verify the primary coolant (usually either N2 or CO2) is over 70%.

What to do if energy (EER) is too high

  1. Turn all emitters off.
  2. If the primary coolant is CO2, flush some gas away. Since CO2 excites the crystal, removing some is like taking wood out of a fire. Do this by making the filters on the bottom filter nothing back in while having no external input, or use the filter on the north end of the engine to send some to the yellow cans. Do not do this for too long, or there will not be enough coolant for the SM to, well, cool. This is generally not the best course of action for N2, but if the pressure is high, it's worth a shot.
  3. When in doubt, flush with N2. This is most easily done by turning on the pumps on the northeast side of the engine that are connected to the red cans. You will usually not need to remove the other coolant from the SM, but doing so is not an incorrect course of action. A little N2 goes a long way. Do keep in mind that too much of any gas, including N2, is dangerous for the crystal so keep the volume down as well.

What to do if the pressure is too high

  1. Turn off the emitters.
  2. Verify all pumps and filters are on max flow rate.
  3. Verify all supermatter engine scrubbers are either set to siphoning on extended, or scrubbing all gas.
  4. Verify all supermatter engine vents are at max output (approximately 1101 kPa), or set to INTERNAL 0.
  5. Use an analyzer to check the coolant loop pressure and gas composition.
  6. If there is too much coolant in the line, system adjust all the filters to bleed some off or use the canisters.
  7. If there is anything other than the choice coolant in the cyan pipes, check the filter settings.

What to do if the temperature is too high

  1. Turn off the emitters.
  2. Verify all pumps and filters are on max flow rate.
  3. Verify all supermatter engine scrubbers are siphoning on extended, or scrubbing all gasses.
  4. Verify all supermatter engine vents are at max output (approximately 1101 kPa), or set to INTERNAL 0.
  5. Verify the space cooling loop is not compromised in any way.
  6. Using the freezer loop, inject N2 or N2O (preferably cold, but room temperature can do in a pinch) into the coolant loop to bring the temperature down. NOTE: By default, this will be scrubbed out after cycling through the chamber unless the filters are set to filter it back into the engine. It is highly advised that this action is taken.


Now you have set up the Supermatter Engine, it's fine to leave it by itself, right? Wrong. Throughout the shift, an event can occur to the engine; this can be either a minor hiccup or cause a delamination that destroys engineering! There are five categories of events that can occur, Class D to S.

D Class

Events that only affect certain types of non-standard setups, minimial operator intervention required. These events occur instantly and engineering will be alerted on telecomms.

D-1: About 200 moles of nitrous oxide are released by the crystal.
D-2: About 200 moles of nitrogen are released by the crystal.
D-3: About 250 moles of carbon dioxide are released by the crystal.

C Class

Events with mild effects to standard setups. Operator intervention may be required, such as checking coolant or disabling emitters. Engineering will be alerted on telecomms.

C-1: About 250 moles of oxygen are released by the crystal.
C-2: About 250 moles of plasma are released by the crystal.
C-3: The temperature threshold at which the engine starts to lose integrity is lowered for a few minutes.

B Class

Events with significant effects to standard setups. Action may need to be taken to prevent a delamination event. Engineering will be alerted on telecomms.

B-1: The amount of plasma and O2 released by the engine is doubled for a few minutes.
B-2: The amount of heat released by the engine is increased for a few minutes.
B-3: The engine's EER is raised slightly above critically for several minutes, regardless of outside factors.

A Class

Events with SEVERE effects to standard setups. Action will need to be taken to prevent a delamination event. Engineering will be alerted on telecomms.

A-1: The engine's APC is shorted due to a power spike, requiring its wires to be mended.
A-2: The engine's air alarm resets its self as an effect of radiological interference.
A-3: The amount of plasma and O2 released by the engine is quadrupled for a few minutes.

S Class

Events that require immediate intervention and a specialized response to prevent a delamination event, such as a specialized coolant or grounding rods. Coordination with other departments is HIGHLY recommended. A warning will be broadcasted on engineering and general communications before these events.

Arc Type: The engine's EER is raised massively several minutes, resulting it a supercritical state. Grounding rods from Science is highly recommended for this type.
Heat Type: The amount of heat released by the engine is massively increased for several minutes. Specialized coolants from Atmos is highly recommended for this type.


Oh shit oh fuck it's on fire

While it may be panic-inducing, the SM Delamination usually gives a long enough time for it to be fixed, or at the very least limit the damage. It is recommended to take all steps listed under Upkeep first in the event of a delam before attempting the extreme emergency steps in this section.

If there is too much power, temperature, or pressure the crystal starts losing integrity. If this hits zero, it will go through a total delamination.

The Steps towards a Delamination

  1. As the temperature reaches a critical value or too much gas is in the chamber, the delamination will start.
  2. If there is above 5000MeV/cm3, the SM will begin arcing, as well as spitting out anomalies (See below). This is a very visible sign of a possible delamination. Note: Just because the EER of the engine is above 5000MeV/cm3, this does NOT mean it is in a state of delamination.
  3. With more energy, the crystal will also create more gas, which may, in turn, ignite and increase the heat in the chamber, damaging the crystal. This is why all the three values run off when it starts. They are all correlated and affect each other. It's a chain reaction of sorts.
  4. As it grows nearer the actual delamination event, the SM will give out periodic warnings, informing the crew of its integrity and if it is still in a state of delamination. This means it will often be possible to be warned in time, and will often to be able to stop it if you can figure out the issue.
  5. When the time is up, and the crystal finally delaminates, one of three things will happen. If there was over 1800 moles of gas absorbed by the supermatter when it delaminated, it will become an SM Singulo. If there were over 5000MeV/cm3 in power, it would become a Tesla, and if none of those were true, it will "simply" explode.


If, as said above, the MeV/cm3 value is above 5000, the SM will spawn certain anomalies. NOTE: These anomalies will appear above 5000 MeV/cm3, even if the engine is not in a state of delamination.

  • Gravitational: Sucks nearby loose entities and objects in and throws them around. These anomalies can propel projectiles fast enough to penetrate hardsuits and lodge debris in places like your pelvis. (Ouch.)
  • Flux: Electrocutes everything that it touches. A shock from this WILL stun you for approximately 10 seconds and cause heat damage to all body parts.
  • Cryogenic: Fills the room with freezing N2O and CO2 while freezing the ground below and releasing nanofrost bursts. Be warned, these bursts of nanofrost have the potential to freeze over your vents and scrubbers, blocking your gas from cycling in the supermatter.

If all else fails

If the normal upkeep steps have failed and the supermatter is past the point of no return, there are some final steps towards limiting the impact of the delamination. First of all, an explosion is a single event. While big, this does not continue on as the Tesla or Singulo does. The first thing you should do is as such to make sure these cannot happen. Second, you will want to limit the explosion of the SM, assuming you managed to hinder a Singulo or Tesla. The Tesla is spawned if EER is above 5000 MeV/cm3, which will go down fast if the SM has no gas to cause the energy. On the other hand, the Singulo needs a certain gas density, which will not be there if there is no gas. The explosion is based on the type, as well as amount of gas around the crystal. All these make for one goal: suck the gas out. The best course of action is to RCD the floor in the chamber underneath the crystal. If an RCD is not available, take the steps to disassemble a floor tile.

  1. Put on something with fire resistance and magboots. This will not necessarily let you survive the blast, but may help you survive long enough to be the hero only the ghosts remember.
  2. Make sure the magboots are on. If you don't you will be sucked into the crystal and vaporized.
  3. MAKE SURE THE MAGBOOTS ARE ON. No seriously, you will be vaporized.
  4. Use an RCD to deconstruct the floor under the SM or do your best to deconstruct it if an RCD is not available or you're simply out of time.
  5. RUN (If you can.)

Alternative Setups

The notes on gases below do not tell you what to do but what you can expect of different setups. Which setup is ideal and which setup turns engineering into a crater is up to you to find out.

Pure Gas Setups

Pure setups are the easiest, as they require no mixing. They are also usually the most efficient. Additionally, the Default Setup likely cannot handle anything other than pure N2 or pure CO2.

Pure N2

The beginner's engine coolant. N2 is a very stable gas and the engine tech's best friend for calming down an angry engine. An N2 engine will never delaminate by itself unless very specific actions are taken. Delaming an N2 on accident is something for the record books. N2 works best as emergency coolant in alternative gas setups, as it severely hinders the crystal's ability to make power. To get sufficient power by N2, multiple emitters are needed. If it delaminates, it will most often result in an explosion or, in very rare and specific cases, a singularity.

Pure O2

In some ways similar to N2, O2 will not cause high EER or high temp by itself, and does require emitters to create sufficient power. O2 as a gas will increase the power output. The danger with a pure O2 engine is the way that O2 reacts with a crystal. If the crystal becomes unstable, a snowball effect will trigger, producing more O2 and plasma. With no other gasses in the mix, a pure O2 engine has a high likelihood of catching fire. If it starts to delaminate and is on fire, expect pressure and temperature to rise very quickly.

Pure CO2

A considerably stable setup that produces marginally more heat than N2. This is often seen as one of the safest and most effective setups, right alongside N2. CO2 itself activates the crystal and the amount of CO2 will determine the EER. Very useful for powering the engine without the use of emitters. NOTE: Plasma fires will create CO2 as a byproduct and can potentially lead to a snowball effect if unchecked.

Pure Plasma

While plasma has excellent temperature retaining properties, it fails to be effective as a pure coolant. Surprisingly enough, plasma will not produce much power and will result a very ANGRY SM. Plasma heats the SM up A LOT and can be extremely dangerous in inexperienced hands. It is recommended do test out setups involving plasma on a test server before trying a plasma setup. Plasma is best used in a gas mix rather than by itself.

Pure N2O

Nitrous Oxide is like the brother of N2. It makes for an excellent engine retardant by reducing the activity of the crystal. If you want a very inactive engine, use this.


If you're not a hijacker antag then you should definitely ahelp before messing with the engine.

Whatever this guide tells you to do in the case of preventing delamination, doing the exact opposite is usually a good place to start. The most efficient saboteurs will likely be those most familiar with the engine.

A textbook method of delaminating the SM on purpose is to pump plasma and oxygen into it. A delamination of lots of oxygen and plasma will be fast and violent. It would be helpful to either turn off the scrubbers, preventing them from taking gas out of the chamber.

Slamming two supermatter crystals together will yield fun results.